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Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study

Year 2024, , 876 - 881, 29.12.2024


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and systemic diseases with oral health in individuals aged 18-65 with the decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) index.
Methods: This cross-sectional study included 367 volunteers aged 18-65 years. The sixty seven people who reported that they ate completely sugar-free and received orthodontic treatment were excluded from the study and 300 people (170 female/130 male; average age:38.64±14.19) were evaluated. The patients’ sociodemographic information (age, gender, education, brushing), systemic diseases, medication use and DMFT scores were recorded by the specialist researcher. Data were analyzed by using Kolmogorov Smirnov, Man Whitney-U, Kruskall Wallis test and Post-hoc Tamhane’s T2 test in SPPS software (22.0).
Results: The difference in DMFT score with sociodemographic information (age, education, brushing) other than gender was statistically significant (p< .05). DMFT score was found in asthma (12.39±5.17), cardiovascular disease (14.56±7.23) and diabetes (14.00±3.42); was significantly higher compared to healthy (9.39±3.67) people (p< .05). The difference between gastrointestinal disease, thyroid disease, kidney disease and healthy people wasn’t statistically significant (p> .05). However the mean DMFT score in kidney patients (9.00±2.85) was significantly lower compared to asthma, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (p< .05). DMFT score was significantly higher in people using medication (13.77±5.58) than in people not using medication (9.42±3.70)(p< .05).
Conclusion: Oral health may be negatively affected by some systemic diseases and drug use. In addition, sociodemographic characteristics have an important effect on oral health. The individual’s sociodemographic characteristics, systemic diseases and medication use should be evaluated in detail in treatment planning and oral health motivation.

Ethical Statement

This study was approved by Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Ordu University (2022-270).


  • Mutlu LB, Namdar Pekiner F, Keser G. The assessment of the association between systemic diseases and dental findings. Clin Exp Health Sci. 2023; 13: 267-273. DOI: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1077549
  • Chi AC, Neville BW, Krayer JW, Gonsalves WC. Oral manifestations of systemic disease. Am Fam Physician. 2010;82(11):1381-1388.
  • Aydıntuğ YS, Şençimen M, Bayar GR, Mutlu İ, Gülses A. The frequency of various systemic diseases in adult patients admitting to the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery outpatient clinic. Gulhane Med J. 2010;52(1):7-10.
  • Evans CA, Kleinman DV. The surgeon general’s report on America’s oral health: Opportunities for the dental profession. J Am Dent Assoc. 2000;131(12):1721-1728. DOI:10.14219/jada.archive.2000.0118
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Oral health in America: A report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Md.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health; 2000.
  • Sheiham A, Watt RG. The common risk factor approach: A rational basis for promoting oral health. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2000;28(6):399-406. DOI:10.1034/j.1600-0528.2000.028006399.x
  • Sabbah W, Folayan MO, El Tantawi M. The link between oral and general health. Int J Dent. 2019;2019:7862923. DOI:10.1155/2019/7862923
  • Fernández-Feijoo J, Garea-Gorís R, Fernández-Varela M, Tomás-Carmona I, Diniz-Freitas M, Limeres-Posse J. Prevalence of systemic diseases among patients requesting dental consultation in the public and private systems. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012;17(1):e89-e93. DOI:10.4317/medoral.17313
  • Petersen PE, Bourgeois D, Bratthall D, Ogawa H. Oral health information systems--towards measuring progress in oral health promotion and disease prevention. Bull World Health Organ 2005;83(9):686-693.
  • Sabharwal A, Stellrecht E, Scannapieco FA. Associations between dental caries and systemic diseases: A scoping review. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):472. DOI: 10.1186/s12903-021-01803-w.
  • Enjary C, Tubert-Jeannin S, Manevy R, Roger-Leroi V, Riordan PJ. Dental status and measures of deprivation in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2006;34(5):363-371. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0528.2006.00284.x
  • Vrbic V. Reasons for the caries decline in Slovenia. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000;28:126-132.
  • Petersen, Poul Erik, Baez, Ramon J. Oral health surveys: Basic methods, 5th ed. World Health Organization; 2013.
  • Chapple IL, Bouchard P, Cagetti MG, Campus G, Carra MC, Cocco F, Nibali L, Hujoel P, Laine ML, Lingstrom P, Manton DJ, Montero E, Pitts N, Rangé H, Schlueter N, Teughels W, Twetman S, Van Loveren C, Van der Weijden F, Vieira AR, Schulte AG. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases: Consensus report of group 2 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases. J Clin Periodontol. 2017;44:S39-S51. DOI:10.1111/jcpe.12685
  • Sampaio-Maia B, Caldas IM, Pereira ML, Pérez-Mongiovi D, Araujo R. The oral microbiome in health and its implication in oral and systemic diseases. Adv Appl Microbiol. 2016;97:171-210. DOI:10.1016/bs.aambs.2016.08.002
  • Glick M. The oral-systemic health connection: A guide to patient care. Incorporated: Quintessence Publishing Company; 2014.
  • Henderson B, Curtis M, Seymour R, Donos N. Periodontal medicine and systems biology. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons; 2009.
  • Paksoy T, Ustaoğlu G, Peker K. Association of socio-demographic, behavioral, and comorbidity-related factors with severity of periodontitis in Turkish patients. Aging Male. 2020;23(3):232-241. DOI:10.1080/13685538.2020.1748002
  • Sezer B, Kaya R, Kodaman Dokumacıgil N, Sıddıkoğlu D, Güven S, Yıldız N, Alpay H, Kargül B. Assessment of the oral health status of children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2023;38(1):269-277. DOI:10.1007/s00467-022-05590-6
  • Song JS, Hyun HK, Shin TJ, Kim YJ. Effects of dental treatment and systemic disease on oral health-related quality of life in Korean pediatric patients. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):92.DOI:10.1186/s12903-018-0552-0
  • Gökalp SG, Doğan BG, Tekçiçek MT, Berberoğlu A, Unlüer S. National survey of oral health status of children and adults in Turkey. Community Dent Health 2010;27(1):12-17.
  • Reich E. Trends in caries and periodontal health epidemiology in Europe. Int Dent J. 2001;51:392-398. DOI:10.1111/j.1875-595x.2001.tb00585.x
  • Wang HY, Petersen PE, Bian JY, Zhang BX. The second national survey of oral health status of children and adults in China. Int Dent J. 2002;52(4):283-290. DOI:10.1111/j.1875-595x.2002.tb00632.x
  • Vu H, Vo PT, Kim HD. Gender modified association of oral health indicators with oral health-related quality of life among Korean elders BMC Oral Health 2022;22(1):168. DOI:10.1186/s12903-022-02104-6
  • Lee CJ, Ho MH, Joo JY, Montayre J, Lin YK, Chang CC, Liu MF. Gender differences in the association between oral health literacy and oral health-related quality of life in older adults. BMC Oral Health 2022;22(1):205. DOI:10.1186/s12903-022-02237-8.
  • Galobardes B, Lynch J, Smith GD. Measuring socioeconomic position in health research. Br Med Bull. 2007;81-82:21-37. DOI:10.1093/bmb/ldm001
  • Moltubakk SN, Jönsson B, Lukic M, Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L. The educational gradient in dental caries experience in Northern- Norway: A cross-sectional study from the seventh survey of the Tromsø study. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23(1):779. DOI:10.1186/s12903-023-03487-w
  • Costa SM, Martins CC, Bonfim Mde L, Zina LG, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA, Abreu MH. A systematic review of socioeconomic indicators and dental caries in adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012;9(10):3540-3574. DOI:10.3390/ijerph9103540
  • Schwendicke F, Dörfer CE, Schlattmann P, Foster Page L, Thomson WM, Paris S. Socioeconomic inequality and caries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent Res. 2015;94(1):10-18. DOI:10.1177/0022034514557546
  • Tsakos G, Sheiham A, Iliffe S, Kharicha K, Harari D, Swift CG, Gillman G, Stuck AE. The impact of educational level on oral health-related quality of life in older people in London. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009;117(3):286-292. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2009.00619.x
  • Farooqi FA, Khabeer A, Moheet IA, Khan SQ, Farooq I, ArRejaie AS. Prevalence of dental caries in primary and permanent teeth and its relation with tooth brushing habits among schoolchildren in Eastern Saudi Arabia‬. Saudi Med J. 2015;36(6):737-742. DOI:10.15537/smj.2015.6.10888
  • Mallineni SK, Alassaf A, Almulhim B, Alghamdi S. Influence of tooth brushing and previous dental visits on dental caries status among Saudi Arabian children. Children (Basel) 2023;10(3):471. DOI:10.3390/children10030471
  • Schwarz E, Lo EC. Use of dental services by the middle-aged and the elderly in Hong Kong. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1994;22(5):374-380. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0528.1994.tb01596.x
  • Elyassi Gorji N, Nasiri P, Malekzadeh Shafaroudi A, Moosazadeh M. Comparison of dental caries (DMFT and DMFS indices) between asthmatic patients and control group in Iran: A meta-analysis. Asthma Res Pract. 2021;7(1):2. DOI:10.1186/s40733-021-00068-y
  • Ergöz N, Seymen F, Gencay K, Tamay Z, Deeley K, Vinski S, Vieira AR. Genetic variation in Ameloblastin is associated with caries in asthmatic children. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2014;15(3):211-216. DOI:10.1007/s40368-013-0096-6
  • Heidari A, Seraj B, Shahrabi M, Maghsoodi H, Kharazifard MJ, Zarabian T. Relationship between different types and forms of anti-asthmatic medications and dental caries in three to 12 year olds. J Dent (Tehran). 2016;13(4):238-243.
  • Hassanpour K, Tehrani H, Goudarzian M, Beihaghi S, Ebrahimi M, Amiri P. Comparison of the frequency of dental caries in asthmatic children under treatment with inhaled corticosteroids and healthy children in Sabzevar in 2017-2018. Electron J Gen Med. 2019;16(2), em119. DOI:10.29333/ejgm/93478
  • Cherkasov SV, Popova LY, Vivtanenko TV, Demina RR, Khlopko YA, Balkin AS, Plotnikov AO. Oral microbiomes in children with asthma and dental caries. Oral Dis. 2019;25(3):898-910. DOI:10.1111/odi.13020
  • Hegde MN, Tahiliani D, Shetty S, Devadiga D. Salivary alkaline phosphatase and calcium in caries-active type II diabetes mellitus patients: An in vivo study. Contemp Clin Dent. 2014;5(4):440-444. DOI:10.4103/0976-237X.142805
  • Al-Badr AH, AlJameel AH, Halawany HS, Al-Jazairy YH, Alhadlaq MK, Al-Maflehi NS, Al-Sharif JA, Jacob V, Abraham N. Dental caries prevalence among Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) 6- to 12-year-old children in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia compared to non-diabetic children. Saudi Dent J. 2021;33(5):276-282. DOI:10.1016/j.sdentj.2020.03.005
  • Nishimoto T, Kodama Y, Matsuura T, Ozaki K, Taniguchi Y. Hyperglycemia simultaneously induces initial caries development and enhances spontaneous occlusal surface wear in molar teeth related to parotid gland disorder in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. J Toxicol Pathol. 2017;30(1):47-55. DOI:10.1293/tox.2016-0054
  • Sano T, Matsuura T, Ozaki K, Narama I. Dental caries and caries-related periodontitis in type 2 diabetic mice. Vet Pathol. 2011;48(2):506-512. DOI:10.1177/0300985810380394
  • Soto-Barreras U, Olvera-Rubio JO, Loyola-Rodriguez JP, Reyes-Macias JF, Martinez-Martinez RE, Patiño-Marin N, Martinez-Castañon GA, Aradillas-Garcia C, Little JW. Peripheral arterial disease associated with caries and periodontal disease. J Periodontol. 2013;84(4):486-494. DOI:10.1902/jop.2012.120051
  • Ostalska-Nowicka D, Paszyńska E, Dmitrzak-Węglarz M, Neyman-Bartkowiak A, Rabiega A, Zachwieja J, Nowicki M. Dental caries-related primary hypertension in children and adolescents: Cross-sectional study. Oral Dis. 2021;27(7):1822-1833. DOI:10.1111/odi.13700
  • Andaloro C, Sessa C, Bua N, Mantia I. Chronic kidney disease in children: Assessment of oral health status. Dent Med Probl. 2018;55(1):23-28. DOI:10.17219/dmp/81747
  • Ertuğrul F, Elbek-Cubukçu C, Sabah E, Mir S. The oral health status of children undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Turk J Pediatr. 2003;45(2):108-113.
  • Silva TMC, Alves LAC, Garrido D, Watanabe A, Mendes FM, Ciamponi AL. Health and oral health-related quality of life of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease: A cross-sectional study. Qual Life Res. 2019;28(9):2481-2489. DOI:10.1007/s11136-019-02196-8
  • Velan E, Sheller B. Oral health in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2021;36(10):3067-3075. DOI:10.1007/s00467-020-04913-9
  • Cheah HL, Gray M, Aboelmagd S, Barmak AB, Arany S. Anticholinergic medication and caries status predict xerostomia under 65. Dent J (Basel). 2023;11(4):87. DOI:10.3390/dj11040087
  • Bahrololoomi Z, Bemanian MH, Ghaffourifard R, Ahmadi B. Effect of inhaled medication on dental caries index in asthmatic children. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2018;46(2):196-200. DOI:10.1016/j.aller.2017.09.019
Year 2024, , 876 - 881, 29.12.2024



  • Mutlu LB, Namdar Pekiner F, Keser G. The assessment of the association between systemic diseases and dental findings. Clin Exp Health Sci. 2023; 13: 267-273. DOI: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1077549
  • Chi AC, Neville BW, Krayer JW, Gonsalves WC. Oral manifestations of systemic disease. Am Fam Physician. 2010;82(11):1381-1388.
  • Aydıntuğ YS, Şençimen M, Bayar GR, Mutlu İ, Gülses A. The frequency of various systemic diseases in adult patients admitting to the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery outpatient clinic. Gulhane Med J. 2010;52(1):7-10.
  • Evans CA, Kleinman DV. The surgeon general’s report on America’s oral health: Opportunities for the dental profession. J Am Dent Assoc. 2000;131(12):1721-1728. DOI:10.14219/jada.archive.2000.0118
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Oral health in America: A report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Md.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health; 2000.
  • Sheiham A, Watt RG. The common risk factor approach: A rational basis for promoting oral health. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2000;28(6):399-406. DOI:10.1034/j.1600-0528.2000.028006399.x
  • Sabbah W, Folayan MO, El Tantawi M. The link between oral and general health. Int J Dent. 2019;2019:7862923. DOI:10.1155/2019/7862923
  • Fernández-Feijoo J, Garea-Gorís R, Fernández-Varela M, Tomás-Carmona I, Diniz-Freitas M, Limeres-Posse J. Prevalence of systemic diseases among patients requesting dental consultation in the public and private systems. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012;17(1):e89-e93. DOI:10.4317/medoral.17313
  • Petersen PE, Bourgeois D, Bratthall D, Ogawa H. Oral health information systems--towards measuring progress in oral health promotion and disease prevention. Bull World Health Organ 2005;83(9):686-693.
  • Sabharwal A, Stellrecht E, Scannapieco FA. Associations between dental caries and systemic diseases: A scoping review. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):472. DOI: 10.1186/s12903-021-01803-w.
  • Enjary C, Tubert-Jeannin S, Manevy R, Roger-Leroi V, Riordan PJ. Dental status and measures of deprivation in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2006;34(5):363-371. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0528.2006.00284.x
  • Vrbic V. Reasons for the caries decline in Slovenia. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000;28:126-132.
  • Petersen, Poul Erik, Baez, Ramon J. Oral health surveys: Basic methods, 5th ed. World Health Organization; 2013.
  • Chapple IL, Bouchard P, Cagetti MG, Campus G, Carra MC, Cocco F, Nibali L, Hujoel P, Laine ML, Lingstrom P, Manton DJ, Montero E, Pitts N, Rangé H, Schlueter N, Teughels W, Twetman S, Van Loveren C, Van der Weijden F, Vieira AR, Schulte AG. Interaction of lifestyle, behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases: Consensus report of group 2 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases. J Clin Periodontol. 2017;44:S39-S51. DOI:10.1111/jcpe.12685
  • Sampaio-Maia B, Caldas IM, Pereira ML, Pérez-Mongiovi D, Araujo R. The oral microbiome in health and its implication in oral and systemic diseases. Adv Appl Microbiol. 2016;97:171-210. DOI:10.1016/bs.aambs.2016.08.002
  • Glick M. The oral-systemic health connection: A guide to patient care. Incorporated: Quintessence Publishing Company; 2014.
  • Henderson B, Curtis M, Seymour R, Donos N. Periodontal medicine and systems biology. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons; 2009.
  • Paksoy T, Ustaoğlu G, Peker K. Association of socio-demographic, behavioral, and comorbidity-related factors with severity of periodontitis in Turkish patients. Aging Male. 2020;23(3):232-241. DOI:10.1080/13685538.2020.1748002
  • Sezer B, Kaya R, Kodaman Dokumacıgil N, Sıddıkoğlu D, Güven S, Yıldız N, Alpay H, Kargül B. Assessment of the oral health status of children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2023;38(1):269-277. DOI:10.1007/s00467-022-05590-6
  • Song JS, Hyun HK, Shin TJ, Kim YJ. Effects of dental treatment and systemic disease on oral health-related quality of life in Korean pediatric patients. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18(1):92.DOI:10.1186/s12903-018-0552-0
  • Gökalp SG, Doğan BG, Tekçiçek MT, Berberoğlu A, Unlüer S. National survey of oral health status of children and adults in Turkey. Community Dent Health 2010;27(1):12-17.
  • Reich E. Trends in caries and periodontal health epidemiology in Europe. Int Dent J. 2001;51:392-398. DOI:10.1111/j.1875-595x.2001.tb00585.x
  • Wang HY, Petersen PE, Bian JY, Zhang BX. The second national survey of oral health status of children and adults in China. Int Dent J. 2002;52(4):283-290. DOI:10.1111/j.1875-595x.2002.tb00632.x
  • Vu H, Vo PT, Kim HD. Gender modified association of oral health indicators with oral health-related quality of life among Korean elders BMC Oral Health 2022;22(1):168. DOI:10.1186/s12903-022-02104-6
  • Lee CJ, Ho MH, Joo JY, Montayre J, Lin YK, Chang CC, Liu MF. Gender differences in the association between oral health literacy and oral health-related quality of life in older adults. BMC Oral Health 2022;22(1):205. DOI:10.1186/s12903-022-02237-8.
  • Galobardes B, Lynch J, Smith GD. Measuring socioeconomic position in health research. Br Med Bull. 2007;81-82:21-37. DOI:10.1093/bmb/ldm001
  • Moltubakk SN, Jönsson B, Lukic M, Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L. The educational gradient in dental caries experience in Northern- Norway: A cross-sectional study from the seventh survey of the Tromsø study. BMC Oral Health. 2023;23(1):779. DOI:10.1186/s12903-023-03487-w
  • Costa SM, Martins CC, Bonfim Mde L, Zina LG, Paiva SM, Pordeus IA, Abreu MH. A systematic review of socioeconomic indicators and dental caries in adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012;9(10):3540-3574. DOI:10.3390/ijerph9103540
  • Schwendicke F, Dörfer CE, Schlattmann P, Foster Page L, Thomson WM, Paris S. Socioeconomic inequality and caries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent Res. 2015;94(1):10-18. DOI:10.1177/0022034514557546
  • Tsakos G, Sheiham A, Iliffe S, Kharicha K, Harari D, Swift CG, Gillman G, Stuck AE. The impact of educational level on oral health-related quality of life in older people in London. Eur J Oral Sci. 2009;117(3):286-292. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2009.00619.x
  • Farooqi FA, Khabeer A, Moheet IA, Khan SQ, Farooq I, ArRejaie AS. Prevalence of dental caries in primary and permanent teeth and its relation with tooth brushing habits among schoolchildren in Eastern Saudi Arabia‬. Saudi Med J. 2015;36(6):737-742. DOI:10.15537/smj.2015.6.10888
  • Mallineni SK, Alassaf A, Almulhim B, Alghamdi S. Influence of tooth brushing and previous dental visits on dental caries status among Saudi Arabian children. Children (Basel) 2023;10(3):471. DOI:10.3390/children10030471
  • Schwarz E, Lo EC. Use of dental services by the middle-aged and the elderly in Hong Kong. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1994;22(5):374-380. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0528.1994.tb01596.x
  • Elyassi Gorji N, Nasiri P, Malekzadeh Shafaroudi A, Moosazadeh M. Comparison of dental caries (DMFT and DMFS indices) between asthmatic patients and control group in Iran: A meta-analysis. Asthma Res Pract. 2021;7(1):2. DOI:10.1186/s40733-021-00068-y
  • Ergöz N, Seymen F, Gencay K, Tamay Z, Deeley K, Vinski S, Vieira AR. Genetic variation in Ameloblastin is associated with caries in asthmatic children. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2014;15(3):211-216. DOI:10.1007/s40368-013-0096-6
  • Heidari A, Seraj B, Shahrabi M, Maghsoodi H, Kharazifard MJ, Zarabian T. Relationship between different types and forms of anti-asthmatic medications and dental caries in three to 12 year olds. J Dent (Tehran). 2016;13(4):238-243.
  • Hassanpour K, Tehrani H, Goudarzian M, Beihaghi S, Ebrahimi M, Amiri P. Comparison of the frequency of dental caries in asthmatic children under treatment with inhaled corticosteroids and healthy children in Sabzevar in 2017-2018. Electron J Gen Med. 2019;16(2), em119. DOI:10.29333/ejgm/93478
  • Cherkasov SV, Popova LY, Vivtanenko TV, Demina RR, Khlopko YA, Balkin AS, Plotnikov AO. Oral microbiomes in children with asthma and dental caries. Oral Dis. 2019;25(3):898-910. DOI:10.1111/odi.13020
  • Hegde MN, Tahiliani D, Shetty S, Devadiga D. Salivary alkaline phosphatase and calcium in caries-active type II diabetes mellitus patients: An in vivo study. Contemp Clin Dent. 2014;5(4):440-444. DOI:10.4103/0976-237X.142805
  • Al-Badr AH, AlJameel AH, Halawany HS, Al-Jazairy YH, Alhadlaq MK, Al-Maflehi NS, Al-Sharif JA, Jacob V, Abraham N. Dental caries prevalence among Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) 6- to 12-year-old children in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia compared to non-diabetic children. Saudi Dent J. 2021;33(5):276-282. DOI:10.1016/j.sdentj.2020.03.005
  • Nishimoto T, Kodama Y, Matsuura T, Ozaki K, Taniguchi Y. Hyperglycemia simultaneously induces initial caries development and enhances spontaneous occlusal surface wear in molar teeth related to parotid gland disorder in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. J Toxicol Pathol. 2017;30(1):47-55. DOI:10.1293/tox.2016-0054
  • Sano T, Matsuura T, Ozaki K, Narama I. Dental caries and caries-related periodontitis in type 2 diabetic mice. Vet Pathol. 2011;48(2):506-512. DOI:10.1177/0300985810380394
  • Soto-Barreras U, Olvera-Rubio JO, Loyola-Rodriguez JP, Reyes-Macias JF, Martinez-Martinez RE, Patiño-Marin N, Martinez-Castañon GA, Aradillas-Garcia C, Little JW. Peripheral arterial disease associated with caries and periodontal disease. J Periodontol. 2013;84(4):486-494. DOI:10.1902/jop.2012.120051
  • Ostalska-Nowicka D, Paszyńska E, Dmitrzak-Węglarz M, Neyman-Bartkowiak A, Rabiega A, Zachwieja J, Nowicki M. Dental caries-related primary hypertension in children and adolescents: Cross-sectional study. Oral Dis. 2021;27(7):1822-1833. DOI:10.1111/odi.13700
  • Andaloro C, Sessa C, Bua N, Mantia I. Chronic kidney disease in children: Assessment of oral health status. Dent Med Probl. 2018;55(1):23-28. DOI:10.17219/dmp/81747
  • Ertuğrul F, Elbek-Cubukçu C, Sabah E, Mir S. The oral health status of children undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Turk J Pediatr. 2003;45(2):108-113.
  • Silva TMC, Alves LAC, Garrido D, Watanabe A, Mendes FM, Ciamponi AL. Health and oral health-related quality of life of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease: A cross-sectional study. Qual Life Res. 2019;28(9):2481-2489. DOI:10.1007/s11136-019-02196-8
  • Velan E, Sheller B. Oral health in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2021;36(10):3067-3075. DOI:10.1007/s00467-020-04913-9
  • Cheah HL, Gray M, Aboelmagd S, Barmak AB, Arany S. Anticholinergic medication and caries status predict xerostomia under 65. Dent J (Basel). 2023;11(4):87. DOI:10.3390/dj11040087
  • Bahrololoomi Z, Bemanian MH, Ghaffourifard R, Ahmadi B. Effect of inhaled medication on dental caries index in asthmatic children. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2018;46(2):196-200. DOI:10.1016/j.aller.2017.09.019
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Restorative Dentistry
Journal Section Articles

Sultan Aktuğ Karademir 0000-0001-8604-5768

Eda Karaaslan 0000-0003-4070-3336

Samet Atasoy 0000-0002-7439-1046

Early Pub Date October 27, 2024
Publication Date December 29, 2024
Submission Date May 8, 2024
Acceptance Date September 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Aktuğ Karademir, S., Karaaslan, E., & Atasoy, S. (2024). Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 14(4), 876-881.
AMA Aktuğ Karademir S, Karaaslan E, Atasoy S. Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. December 2024;14(4):876-881. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1480453
Chicago Aktuğ Karademir, Sultan, Eda Karaaslan, and Samet Atasoy. “Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 14, no. 4 (December 2024): 876-81.
EndNote Aktuğ Karademir S, Karaaslan E, Atasoy S (December 1, 2024) Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 14 4 876–881.
IEEE S. Aktuğ Karademir, E. Karaaslan, and S. Atasoy, “Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 876–881, 2024, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1480453.
ISNAD Aktuğ Karademir, Sultan et al. “Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 14/4 (December 2024), 876-881.
JAMA Aktuğ Karademir S, Karaaslan E, Atasoy S. Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2024;14:876–881.
MLA Aktuğ Karademir, Sultan et al. “Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 14, no. 4, 2024, pp. 876-81, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1480453.
Vancouver Aktuğ Karademir S, Karaaslan E, Atasoy S. Evaluation of the Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Systemic Diseases and Oral Health in the Turkish Suppopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2024;14(4):876-81.

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