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Research Article
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Year 2020, , 125 - 130, 29.06.2020



  • REFERENCES1. Shieh C, Kravitz M, Wang HH. What do we know about maternal–fetal attachment? Journal of Medical Sciences. 2001;17: 448-45. PMID: 11842647.
  • 2. Güleç D, Kavlak O. The study of reliability and validity of paternal-infant attachment scale in Turkish society. Journal of Human Sciences.2013; 10(2):170-181.(Turkish)
  • 3. Morsünbül Ü, Çok F. Attachment and Related Variables (Bağlanma ve İlişkili Değişkenler). Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 2011;3(3):553-570. (Turkish)
  • 4. Newland LA, Coyl DD, Chen HH. Fathering and attachment in the USA and Taiwan: Contextual Predictors and Child Outcomes. Early Child Development and Care. 2010; 180(1):173-191. doi: 10.1080/03004430903415049.
  • 5. Marchand JF. Husbands’ an wives’ maritalquality: The role of adult attachment orientations, depressive symptoms,and conflict resolution behaviors. Attachmentand Human Development. 2005; 6(1): 99-112. doi: 10.1080/14616730310001659575.
  • 6. Tutarel-Kışlak Ş, Çavuşoğlu Ş. The relationships among marital adjustment, attachment styles, attributions and self-esteem. (Evlilik uyumu, bağlanma biçimleri, yüklemeler ve benlik saygısı arasındaki ilişkiler). Aile ve Toplum Dergisi. 2006; 3(9):61-68. (Turkish)
  • 7. Monin JK, Feeney BC, Schulz R. Attachment orientation and reactions to anxiety expression in close relationships. Personal Relationships. 2012;19(3):535–550. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2011.01372.x
  • 8. Yılmaz SD, Beji NK. The relationship between anxiety and depression level and coping styles with stress of pregnant women. Genel Tıp Dergisi. 2010;20(3):99-108. (Turkish)
  • 9. Kelly RJ, Marks BT, El-Sheikh M. Longitudinal relations between parent–child conflict and children's adjustment: The role of children's sleep. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,2014; 42(7):1175-1185. doi: 10.1007/s10802-014-9863-z.
  • 10. Üstünoz A, Güvenç G, Akyüz A, Oflaz F. Comparison of maternal–and paternal–fetal attachment in Turkish couples. Midwifery. 2010;26(2):1-9. doi:/10.1016/j.midw.2009.12.006.
  • 11. Marchand JF. Husbands’ an wives’ maritalquality: The role of adult attachment orientations, depressive symptoms, and conflict resolution behaviors. Attachmentand Human Development. 2005; 6(1): 99-112. doi: 10.1080/14616730310001659575.
  • 12. Tüzün O, Sayar K. Attachment Theory and Psychopathology (Bağlanma kuramı ve psikopatoloji). Düşünen Adam: Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi, 2006;19:24-39. (Turkish)
  • 13. Erbek E, Beştepe E, Akar H, Eradamlar N, Alpkan RL. Marital Adjustment Düşünen Adam. (2005); 18 (1):39-47. (Turkish)
  • 14. Mercer RT. Becoming a mother versus maternal role attainment. Journal Nursing Scholarsh. 2004; 36(3):226-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2004.04042.x
  • 15. Lindgren K. Relationships among maternal–fetal attachment, prenatal depression, and health practices in pregnancy. Research in Nursing and Health. 2001;24:203-217. doi: 10.1002/nur.1023.
  • 16. Soysal AŞ, Bodur Ş, İşeri E, Şenol S. Attachment Process in Infancy: A Review (Bebeklik dönemindeki bağlanma surecine genel bir bakış). Klinik Psikiyatri. 2005;8:88-99. (Turkish)
  • 17.Tutarel-Kışlak Ş. Relationship Happiness Questionnaire (RHQ): Reliability and Validity in Turkish Sample (Evlilikte uyum ölçeğinin (EUÖ) güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması). Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi. 1999; 7 :50-57. (Turkish).
  • 18. Şener T, Terzioğlu G. Investigation between Some Socio-Economic, Demographic Variables and Effect of Communication on Marital Adjustment ( Bazı Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Demografik Değişkenler ile İletişimin Eşler Arası Uyuma Etkisinin Araştırılması). Aile ve Toplum. 2008; 4(13): 7-20. (Turkish)
  • 19. Greeff AP, Malherbe HL. Intimacy and marital satisfaction in spouses. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2001; 27:247-257. doi:10.5539/ijps.v5n1p74
  • 20. Okanlı A, Tortumluoğlu G, Kırpınar İ. Determining Postpartum Social Support Needs of Mothers and the Support They Received (Gebe kadınların ailelerinden algıladıkları sosyal destek ile problem çözme becerileri arasındaki ilişki). Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2003; 4(2):98–105. (Turkish)

Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers

Year 2020, , 125 - 130, 29.06.2020


Objective: This study aims to assess the relationship between marital adjustment and paternal-infant attachment.
Methods: This descriptive-cross sectional study was conducted between March and April 2017. No sampling was performed, the study was
conducted with 110 fathers who could be accessed between the aforementioned dates and who had babies aged between 0 to 12 months
old. Questionnaires were asked fathers by researchers.The outcome measurements: Socio-demographic Information Form, Marital Adjustment
Test, and PIAQ. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 program.
Results: Fathers’ MAT mean score was found 44.182±5.17, and PIAQ mean score was found 77.935±8.08. There was a positive, weak, but
significant relationship between MAT and PIAQ (r=0.25; p=0.009). Marital adjustment scores were found to increase with the increase in
“patience”, “tolerance”, and “pleasure in interaction” subscale scores. MATsubscales were found to affect each other positively, and this effect
was found to have a significant relationship with paternal-infant attachment level (p<0.05). Good relationship with the spouse was found have
statistically significant relationship with paternal-infant attachment (MWU=165.500; p=0.000).
Conclusion: This study revealed that marital adjustment has effects on paternal-infant attachment.


  • REFERENCES1. Shieh C, Kravitz M, Wang HH. What do we know about maternal–fetal attachment? Journal of Medical Sciences. 2001;17: 448-45. PMID: 11842647.
  • 2. Güleç D, Kavlak O. The study of reliability and validity of paternal-infant attachment scale in Turkish society. Journal of Human Sciences.2013; 10(2):170-181.(Turkish)
  • 3. Morsünbül Ü, Çok F. Attachment and Related Variables (Bağlanma ve İlişkili Değişkenler). Current Approaches in Psychiatry. 2011;3(3):553-570. (Turkish)
  • 4. Newland LA, Coyl DD, Chen HH. Fathering and attachment in the USA and Taiwan: Contextual Predictors and Child Outcomes. Early Child Development and Care. 2010; 180(1):173-191. doi: 10.1080/03004430903415049.
  • 5. Marchand JF. Husbands’ an wives’ maritalquality: The role of adult attachment orientations, depressive symptoms,and conflict resolution behaviors. Attachmentand Human Development. 2005; 6(1): 99-112. doi: 10.1080/14616730310001659575.
  • 6. Tutarel-Kışlak Ş, Çavuşoğlu Ş. The relationships among marital adjustment, attachment styles, attributions and self-esteem. (Evlilik uyumu, bağlanma biçimleri, yüklemeler ve benlik saygısı arasındaki ilişkiler). Aile ve Toplum Dergisi. 2006; 3(9):61-68. (Turkish)
  • 7. Monin JK, Feeney BC, Schulz R. Attachment orientation and reactions to anxiety expression in close relationships. Personal Relationships. 2012;19(3):535–550. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2011.01372.x
  • 8. Yılmaz SD, Beji NK. The relationship between anxiety and depression level and coping styles with stress of pregnant women. Genel Tıp Dergisi. 2010;20(3):99-108. (Turkish)
  • 9. Kelly RJ, Marks BT, El-Sheikh M. Longitudinal relations between parent–child conflict and children's adjustment: The role of children's sleep. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,2014; 42(7):1175-1185. doi: 10.1007/s10802-014-9863-z.
  • 10. Üstünoz A, Güvenç G, Akyüz A, Oflaz F. Comparison of maternal–and paternal–fetal attachment in Turkish couples. Midwifery. 2010;26(2):1-9. doi:/10.1016/j.midw.2009.12.006.
  • 11. Marchand JF. Husbands’ an wives’ maritalquality: The role of adult attachment orientations, depressive symptoms, and conflict resolution behaviors. Attachmentand Human Development. 2005; 6(1): 99-112. doi: 10.1080/14616730310001659575.
  • 12. Tüzün O, Sayar K. Attachment Theory and Psychopathology (Bağlanma kuramı ve psikopatoloji). Düşünen Adam: Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi, 2006;19:24-39. (Turkish)
  • 13. Erbek E, Beştepe E, Akar H, Eradamlar N, Alpkan RL. Marital Adjustment Düşünen Adam. (2005); 18 (1):39-47. (Turkish)
  • 14. Mercer RT. Becoming a mother versus maternal role attainment. Journal Nursing Scholarsh. 2004; 36(3):226-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2004.04042.x
  • 15. Lindgren K. Relationships among maternal–fetal attachment, prenatal depression, and health practices in pregnancy. Research in Nursing and Health. 2001;24:203-217. doi: 10.1002/nur.1023.
  • 16. Soysal AŞ, Bodur Ş, İşeri E, Şenol S. Attachment Process in Infancy: A Review (Bebeklik dönemindeki bağlanma surecine genel bir bakış). Klinik Psikiyatri. 2005;8:88-99. (Turkish)
  • 17.Tutarel-Kışlak Ş. Relationship Happiness Questionnaire (RHQ): Reliability and Validity in Turkish Sample (Evlilikte uyum ölçeğinin (EUÖ) güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması). Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi. 1999; 7 :50-57. (Turkish).
  • 18. Şener T, Terzioğlu G. Investigation between Some Socio-Economic, Demographic Variables and Effect of Communication on Marital Adjustment ( Bazı Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Demografik Değişkenler ile İletişimin Eşler Arası Uyuma Etkisinin Araştırılması). Aile ve Toplum. 2008; 4(13): 7-20. (Turkish)
  • 19. Greeff AP, Malherbe HL. Intimacy and marital satisfaction in spouses. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2001; 27:247-257. doi:10.5539/ijps.v5n1p74
  • 20. Okanlı A, Tortumluoğlu G, Kırpınar İ. Determining Postpartum Social Support Needs of Mothers and the Support They Received (Gebe kadınların ailelerinden algıladıkları sosyal destek ile problem çözme becerileri arasındaki ilişki). Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2003; 4(2):98–105. (Turkish)
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Birsel Demirbağ 0000-0002-7533-7201

Meltem Kurtuncu 0000-0003-3061-5236

Sümeyye Yasar Kıvık This is me

Publication Date June 29, 2020
Submission Date January 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Demirbağ, B., Kurtuncu, M., & Yasar Kıvık, S. (2020). Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 10(2), 125-130. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.516309
AMA Demirbağ B, Kurtuncu M, Yasar Kıvık S. Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. June 2020;10(2):125-130. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.516309
Chicago Demirbağ, Birsel, Meltem Kurtuncu, and Sümeyye Yasar Kıvık. “Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10, no. 2 (June 2020): 125-30. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.516309.
EndNote Demirbağ B, Kurtuncu M, Yasar Kıvık S (June 1, 2020) Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10 2 125–130.
IEEE B. Demirbağ, M. Kurtuncu, and S. Yasar Kıvık, “Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 125–130, 2020, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.516309.
ISNAD Demirbağ, Birsel et al. “Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10/2 (June 2020), 125-130. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.516309.
JAMA Demirbağ B, Kurtuncu M, Yasar Kıvık S. Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2020;10:125–130.
MLA Demirbağ, Birsel et al. “Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, 2020, pp. 125-30, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.516309.
Vancouver Demirbağ B, Kurtuncu M, Yasar Kıvık S. Relationship Between Marital Adjustment and Infant Attachment in Turkish Fathers. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2020;10(2):125-30.

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