Research Article
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Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment

Year 2020, , 191 - 195, 29.09.2020


Objective: The aim of
this study was to evaluate the relationship between chronological ages and pulp
areas of mandibular canine teeth of patients who underwent orthodontic
treatment and patients who never received orthodontic treatment.

Methods: 102 patients that completed fixed
orthodontic treatment and between the ages of 13-24 and 102 age and sex-matched
control group was included in the study. A total of 204 dental panoramic
radiographs taken with the same procedures and with the same device (Soredex;
Cranex Novus, Tuusula, Finland) were evaluated. The pulp areas of the
mandibular canine teeth were measured using the Image J software (US National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). Data were analyzed with Independent t-test
and Pearson’s rank correlation test.

Results: In both the orthodontic group (r =
-0,511) and in the control group (r = -0,592), there was a negative correlation
between chronological age and pulp area. There was no significant difference
between the groups with respect to the pulp area and gender (p> 0.05).

Conclusions: Orthodontic
treatment did not result in a significant difference in the correlation between
the pulp area and the chronological age.


  • 1. Maret D, Peters OA, Dedouit F, Telmon N, Sixou M. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: a useful tool for dental age estimation? Med Hypotheses 2011;76(5):700-702.
  • 2. Machado MA, Daruge Junior E, Fernandes MM, Lima IFP, Cericato GO, Franco A, et al. Effectiveness of three age estimation methods based on dental and skeletal development in a sample of young Brazilians. Arch Oral Biol 2018;85:166-171.
  • 3. Kumagai A, Willems G, Franco A, Thevissen P. Age estimation combining radiographic information of two dental and four skeletal predictors in children and subadults. Int J Legal Med 2018.
  • 4. Azevedo AC, Michel-Crosato E, Biazevic MG, Galic I, Merelli V, De Luca S, et al. Accuracy and reliability of pulp/tooth area ratio in upper canines by peri-apical X-rays. Leg Med (Tokyo) 2014;16(6):337-343.
  • 5. Nemsi H, Haj Salem N, Bouanene I, Ben Jomaa S, Belhadj M, Mosrati MA, et al. Age assessment in canine and premolar by cervical axial sections of cone-beam computed tomography. Leg Med (Tokyo) 2017;28:31-36.
  • 6. Zaher JF, Fawzy IA, Habib SR, Ali MM. Age estimation from pulp/tooth area ratio in maxillary incisors among Egyptians using dental radiographic images. J Forensic Leg Med 2011;18(2):62-65.
  • 7. De Angelis D, Gaudio D, Guercini N, Cipriani F, Gibelli D, Caputi S, et al. Age estimation from canine volumes. Radiol Med 2015;120(8):731-736.
  • 8. Babshet M, Acharya AB, Naikmasur VG. Age estimation in Indians from pulp/tooth area ratio of mandibular canines. Forensic Sci Int 2010;197(1-3):125 e121-124.
  • 9. Babshet M, Acharya AB, Naikmasur VG. Age estimation from pulp/tooth area ratio (PTR) in an Indian sample: A preliminary comparison of three mandibular teeth used alone and in combination. J Forensic Leg Med 2011;18(8):350-354.
  • 10. Cameriere R, Cunha E, Wasterlain SN, De Luca S, Sassaroli E, Pagliara F, et al. Age estimation by pulp/tooth ratio in lateral and central incisors by peri-apical X-ray. J Forensic Leg Med 2013;20(5):530-536.
  • 11. Timme M, Timme WH, Olze A, Ottow C, Ribbecke S, Pfeiffer H, et al. Dental age estimation in the living after completion of third molar mineralization: new data for Gustafson's criteria. Int J Legal Med 2017;131(2):569-577.
  • 12. Soomer H, Ranta H, Lincoln MJ, Penttila A, Leibur E. Reliability and validity of eight dental age estimation methods for adults. J Forensic Sci 2003;48(1):149-152.
  • 13. Wang J, Bai X, Wang M, Zhou Z, Bian X, Qiu C, et al. Applicability and accuracy of Demirjian and Willems methods in a population of Eastern Chinese subadults. Forensic Sci Int 2018;292:90-96.
  • 14. Cameriere R, Cunha E, Sassaroli E, Nuzzolese E, Ferrante L. Age estimation by pulp/tooth area ratio in canines: study of a Portuguese sample to test Cameriere's method. Forensic Sci Int 2009;193(1-3):128 e121-126.
  • 15. Kvaal SI, Kolltveit KM, Thomsen IO, Solheim T. Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs. Forensic Sci Int 1995;74(3):175-185.
  • 16. Marroquin Penaloza TY, Karkhanis S, Kvaal SI, Vasudavan S, Castelblanco E, Kruger E, et al. Orthodontic Treatment: Real Risk for Dental Age Estimation in Adults? J Forensic Sci 2017;62(4):907-910.
  • 17. Marroquin Penaloza TY, Karkhanis S, Kvaal SI, Vasudavan S, Castelblanco E, Kruger E, et al. Reliability and repeatability of pulp volume reconstruction through three different volume calculations. J Forensic Odontostomatol 2016;2(34):35-46.
  • 18. Gulsahi A, Kulah CK, Bakirarar B, Gulen O, Kamburoglu K. Age estimation based on pulp/tooth volume ratio measured on cone-beam CT images. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2018;47(1):20170239.
  • 19. Asif MK, Nambiar P, Mani SA, Ibrahim NB, Khan IM, Sukumaran P. Dental age estimation employing CBCT scans enhanced with Mimics software: Comparison of two different approaches using pulp/tooth volumetric analysis. J Forensic Leg Med 2018;54:53-61.
  • 20. Biuki N, Razi T, Faramarzi M. Relationship between pulp-tooth volume ratios and chronological age in different anterior teeth on CBCT. J Clin Exp Dent 2017;9(5):e688-e693.
  • 21. Rai A, Acharya AB, Naikmasur VG. Age estimation by pulp-to-tooth area ratio using cone-beam computed tomography: A preliminary analysis. J Forensic Dent Sci 2016;8(3):150-154.
  • 22. Ge ZP, Yang P, Li G, Zhang JZ, Ma XC. Age estimation based on pulp cavity/chamber volume of 13 types of tooth from cone beam computed tomography images. Int J Legal Med 2016;130(4):1159-1167.
  • 23. Venkatesh S, Ajmera S, Ganeshkar SV. Volumetric pulp changes after orthodontic treatment determined by cone-beam computed tomography. J Endod 2014;40(11):1758-1763.
  • 24. Ugur Aydin Z, Bayrak S. Relationship Between Pulp Tooth Area Ratio and Chronological Age Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography Images. J Forensic Sci 2018.
  • 25. Cameriere R, Ferrante L, Belcastro MG, Bonfiglioli B, Rastelli E, Cingolani M. Age estimation by pulp/tooth ratio in canines by peri-apical X-rays. J Forensic Sci 2007;52(1):166-170.
  • 26. Paewinsky E, Pfeiffer H, Brinkmann B. Quantification of secondary dentine formation from orthopantomograms--a contribution to forensic age estimation methods in adults. Int J Legal Med 2005;119(1):27-30.
  • 27. Meinl A, Tangl S, Pernicka E, Fenes C, Watzek G. On the applicability of secondary dentin formation to radiological age estimation in young adults. J Forensic Sci 2007;52(2):438-441.
  • 28. Krishnan V, Davidovitch Z. Cellular, molecular, and tissue-level reactions to orthodontic force. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129(4):469 e461-432.
  • 29. Popp TW, Artun J, Linge L. Pulpal response to orthodontic tooth movement in adolescents: a radiographic study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1992;101(3):228-233.
  • 30. Jeevan MB, Kale AD, Angadi PV, Hallikerimath S. Age estimation by pulp/tooth area ratio in canines: Cameriere's method assessed in an Indian sample using radiovisiography. Forensic Sci Int 2011;204(1-3):209 e201-205.
  • 31. Singaraju S, Sharada P. Age estimation using pulp/tooth area ratio: A digital image analysis. Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences 2009;1(1):37.
  • 32. Dehghani M, Shadkam E, Ahrari F, Dehghani M. Age estimation by canines' pulp/tooth ratio in an Iranian population using digital panoramic radiography. Forensic Sci Int 2018;285:44-49.

Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment

Year 2020, , 191 - 195, 29.09.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortodontik
tedavi gören bireyler ile ortodontik tedavi görmeyen bireylerin kronolojik
yaşları ile mandibular kanin dişlerin pulpa alanı arasındaki ilişkinin

ve Metod:
13-24 yaşları arasında 102 ortodontik tedavi gören hasta ile 102 ortodontik
tedavi görmeyen yaş ve cinsiyet eşleşmeli kontrol grubu dahil edildi. Aynı
prosedürlerle ve aynı cihaz ile (Soredex; Cranex Novus, Tuusula, Finlandiya)
çekilmiş toplam 204 adet dental panoromik radyograf değerlendirildi. Görüntüler
üzerinde mandibular kanin dişlerinin pulpa alanı Image J yazılımı (US National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, MD) kullanılarak ölçüldü. Veriler bağımsız t-testi ve
Pearson'ın sıralı korelasyon testi ile analiz edildi.

Bulgular: Hem ortodontik tedavi gören grupta
(r= -0,511) hem de kontrol grubunda (r= -0,592) kronolojik yaş ile pulpa alanı
arasında negatif korelasyon olduğu görüldü. Pulpa alanı her iki grupta da
cinsiyetten bağımsız bulundu (p>0.05).

Sonuç: Ortodontik tedavi pulpa hacmi ile
kronolojik yaş arasındaki korelasyon üzerinde önemli bir fark oluşturmamıştır.


  • 1. Maret D, Peters OA, Dedouit F, Telmon N, Sixou M. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: a useful tool for dental age estimation? Med Hypotheses 2011;76(5):700-702.
  • 2. Machado MA, Daruge Junior E, Fernandes MM, Lima IFP, Cericato GO, Franco A, et al. Effectiveness of three age estimation methods based on dental and skeletal development in a sample of young Brazilians. Arch Oral Biol 2018;85:166-171.
  • 3. Kumagai A, Willems G, Franco A, Thevissen P. Age estimation combining radiographic information of two dental and four skeletal predictors in children and subadults. Int J Legal Med 2018.
  • 4. Azevedo AC, Michel-Crosato E, Biazevic MG, Galic I, Merelli V, De Luca S, et al. Accuracy and reliability of pulp/tooth area ratio in upper canines by peri-apical X-rays. Leg Med (Tokyo) 2014;16(6):337-343.
  • 5. Nemsi H, Haj Salem N, Bouanene I, Ben Jomaa S, Belhadj M, Mosrati MA, et al. Age assessment in canine and premolar by cervical axial sections of cone-beam computed tomography. Leg Med (Tokyo) 2017;28:31-36.
  • 6. Zaher JF, Fawzy IA, Habib SR, Ali MM. Age estimation from pulp/tooth area ratio in maxillary incisors among Egyptians using dental radiographic images. J Forensic Leg Med 2011;18(2):62-65.
  • 7. De Angelis D, Gaudio D, Guercini N, Cipriani F, Gibelli D, Caputi S, et al. Age estimation from canine volumes. Radiol Med 2015;120(8):731-736.
  • 8. Babshet M, Acharya AB, Naikmasur VG. Age estimation in Indians from pulp/tooth area ratio of mandibular canines. Forensic Sci Int 2010;197(1-3):125 e121-124.
  • 9. Babshet M, Acharya AB, Naikmasur VG. Age estimation from pulp/tooth area ratio (PTR) in an Indian sample: A preliminary comparison of three mandibular teeth used alone and in combination. J Forensic Leg Med 2011;18(8):350-354.
  • 10. Cameriere R, Cunha E, Wasterlain SN, De Luca S, Sassaroli E, Pagliara F, et al. Age estimation by pulp/tooth ratio in lateral and central incisors by peri-apical X-ray. J Forensic Leg Med 2013;20(5):530-536.
  • 11. Timme M, Timme WH, Olze A, Ottow C, Ribbecke S, Pfeiffer H, et al. Dental age estimation in the living after completion of third molar mineralization: new data for Gustafson's criteria. Int J Legal Med 2017;131(2):569-577.
  • 12. Soomer H, Ranta H, Lincoln MJ, Penttila A, Leibur E. Reliability and validity of eight dental age estimation methods for adults. J Forensic Sci 2003;48(1):149-152.
  • 13. Wang J, Bai X, Wang M, Zhou Z, Bian X, Qiu C, et al. Applicability and accuracy of Demirjian and Willems methods in a population of Eastern Chinese subadults. Forensic Sci Int 2018;292:90-96.
  • 14. Cameriere R, Cunha E, Sassaroli E, Nuzzolese E, Ferrante L. Age estimation by pulp/tooth area ratio in canines: study of a Portuguese sample to test Cameriere's method. Forensic Sci Int 2009;193(1-3):128 e121-126.
  • 15. Kvaal SI, Kolltveit KM, Thomsen IO, Solheim T. Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs. Forensic Sci Int 1995;74(3):175-185.
  • 16. Marroquin Penaloza TY, Karkhanis S, Kvaal SI, Vasudavan S, Castelblanco E, Kruger E, et al. Orthodontic Treatment: Real Risk for Dental Age Estimation in Adults? J Forensic Sci 2017;62(4):907-910.
  • 17. Marroquin Penaloza TY, Karkhanis S, Kvaal SI, Vasudavan S, Castelblanco E, Kruger E, et al. Reliability and repeatability of pulp volume reconstruction through three different volume calculations. J Forensic Odontostomatol 2016;2(34):35-46.
  • 18. Gulsahi A, Kulah CK, Bakirarar B, Gulen O, Kamburoglu K. Age estimation based on pulp/tooth volume ratio measured on cone-beam CT images. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2018;47(1):20170239.
  • 19. Asif MK, Nambiar P, Mani SA, Ibrahim NB, Khan IM, Sukumaran P. Dental age estimation employing CBCT scans enhanced with Mimics software: Comparison of two different approaches using pulp/tooth volumetric analysis. J Forensic Leg Med 2018;54:53-61.
  • 20. Biuki N, Razi T, Faramarzi M. Relationship between pulp-tooth volume ratios and chronological age in different anterior teeth on CBCT. J Clin Exp Dent 2017;9(5):e688-e693.
  • 21. Rai A, Acharya AB, Naikmasur VG. Age estimation by pulp-to-tooth area ratio using cone-beam computed tomography: A preliminary analysis. J Forensic Dent Sci 2016;8(3):150-154.
  • 22. Ge ZP, Yang P, Li G, Zhang JZ, Ma XC. Age estimation based on pulp cavity/chamber volume of 13 types of tooth from cone beam computed tomography images. Int J Legal Med 2016;130(4):1159-1167.
  • 23. Venkatesh S, Ajmera S, Ganeshkar SV. Volumetric pulp changes after orthodontic treatment determined by cone-beam computed tomography. J Endod 2014;40(11):1758-1763.
  • 24. Ugur Aydin Z, Bayrak S. Relationship Between Pulp Tooth Area Ratio and Chronological Age Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography Images. J Forensic Sci 2018.
  • 25. Cameriere R, Ferrante L, Belcastro MG, Bonfiglioli B, Rastelli E, Cingolani M. Age estimation by pulp/tooth ratio in canines by peri-apical X-rays. J Forensic Sci 2007;52(1):166-170.
  • 26. Paewinsky E, Pfeiffer H, Brinkmann B. Quantification of secondary dentine formation from orthopantomograms--a contribution to forensic age estimation methods in adults. Int J Legal Med 2005;119(1):27-30.
  • 27. Meinl A, Tangl S, Pernicka E, Fenes C, Watzek G. On the applicability of secondary dentin formation to radiological age estimation in young adults. J Forensic Sci 2007;52(2):438-441.
  • 28. Krishnan V, Davidovitch Z. Cellular, molecular, and tissue-level reactions to orthodontic force. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129(4):469 e461-432.
  • 29. Popp TW, Artun J, Linge L. Pulpal response to orthodontic tooth movement in adolescents: a radiographic study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1992;101(3):228-233.
  • 30. Jeevan MB, Kale AD, Angadi PV, Hallikerimath S. Age estimation by pulp/tooth area ratio in canines: Cameriere's method assessed in an Indian sample using radiovisiography. Forensic Sci Int 2011;204(1-3):209 e201-205.
  • 31. Singaraju S, Sharada P. Age estimation using pulp/tooth area ratio: A digital image analysis. Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences 2009;1(1):37.
  • 32. Dehghani M, Shadkam E, Ahrari F, Dehghani M. Age estimation by canines' pulp/tooth ratio in an Iranian population using digital panoramic radiography. Forensic Sci Int 2018;285:44-49.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Zeliha Uğur Aydın 0000-0002-1773-9114

Tülin Doğan 0000-0003-0607-6703

Duygu Göller Bulut 0000-0003-4260-2520

Yasemin Nur Korkmaz This is me 0000-0003-2261-6925

Publication Date September 29, 2020
Submission Date February 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Uğur Aydın, Z., Doğan, T., Göller Bulut, D., Korkmaz, Y. N. (2020). Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 10(3), 191-195.
AMA Uğur Aydın Z, Doğan T, Göller Bulut D, Korkmaz YN. Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. September 2020;10(3):191-195. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.525883
Chicago Uğur Aydın, Zeliha, Tülin Doğan, Duygu Göller Bulut, and Yasemin Nur Korkmaz. “Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients That Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10, no. 3 (September 2020): 191-95.
EndNote Uğur Aydın Z, Doğan T, Göller Bulut D, Korkmaz YN (September 1, 2020) Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10 3 191–195.
IEEE Z. Uğur Aydın, T. Doğan, D. Göller Bulut, and Y. N. Korkmaz, “Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 191–195, 2020, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.525883.
ISNAD Uğur Aydın, Zeliha et al. “Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients That Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 10/3 (September 2020), 191-195.
JAMA Uğur Aydın Z, Doğan T, Göller Bulut D, Korkmaz YN. Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2020;10:191–195.
MLA Uğur Aydın, Zeliha et al. “Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients That Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 10, no. 3, 2020, pp. 191-5, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.525883.
Vancouver Uğur Aydın Z, Doğan T, Göller Bulut D, Korkmaz YN. Investigation of the Relationship Between the Pulp Area and Chronological Age in Patients that Received and Not Received Orthodontic Treatment. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2020;10(3):191-5.

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