Research Article
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Year 2019, , 288 - 293, 31.12.2019


Amaç: Hasta
bakım vericileri hakkında yapılan çalışmalar çoğunlukla psikolojik etkilenimler
üzerinedir. Bakım verenlerin ortopedik etkilenimleri dikkate alınmamaktadır. Çalışmamızın
amacı hastalara bakmakla yükümlü aile bireylerinin ortopedik etkilenimlerinin
ve bu etkilenim miktarının hasta yakını bakım yüküne etkisinin incelenmesidir.

Palyatif bakım servisinde yatmakta olan hastaların, primer bakımlarını en az
iki ay süredir üstlenen yakınları çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışma sonuç
ölçümleri: Oswestry boyun ağrısı sorgulaması, kol omuz el dizabilite anketi
(DASH),Western Ontario ve McMaster osteoartrit indeksi (WOMAC), Short Form 36
(SF36) yaşam kalitesi anketi, uluslararası fiziksel aktivite anketi (IPAQ),
Zarit Bakım yük ölçeği (ZBY), beck depresyon anketi (BDA).

Çalışmamız ortalama 50 yaşında, çoğunluğu kadın (%81), evli (%76) ve ev hanımı
(%59) olan kırk iki bakım vericinin yer aldığı kesitsel bir çalışmadır.
Ortalama DASH skoru 18.82 iken, Oswestry skoru 22.18 idi. IPAQ total skora göre
olgular fiziksel olarak aktif kategorisindeydi (10145 MET). Bütün SF-36 alt
grupları normatif değerlerle karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
derecede düşüktü (p> 0,05). Total bakım yükü skoru 38.64 idi. ZBY, DASH (r =
0,479), WOMAC (r = 0,453), Oswestry (r = 0,645), pekçok SF-36 alt grubu ve BDA
ile koreleydi (p<0,001).

Sonuç: Bakım
veren aile yakınlarının psikolojik problemlerinin yanı sıra bazı ortopedik
problemleri de bulunmaktadır. Bakım vericilerin yaşam kalitesini etkileyen
ortopedik problemlerin önlenmesi ve tedavisi için eğitim ve destek stratejileri


  • Eun Y, Hong IW, Bruera E, Kang JH. Qualitative study on the perceptions of terminally ill cancer patients and their family members regarding end-of-life experiences focusing on palliative sedation. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017.
  • Rowland C, Hanratty B, Pilling M, van den Berg B, Grande G. The contributions of family care-givers at end of life: A national post-bereavement census survey of cancer carers' hours of care and expenditures. Palliat Med. 2017;31: 346-355.
  • Rome RB, Luminais HH, Bourgeois DA, Blais CM. The Role of Palliative Care at the End of Life. Ochsner J. 2011;11: 348-352.
  • Mitnick S, Leffler C, Hood VL, American College of Physicians Ethics P, Human Rights C. Family caregivers, patients and physicians: ethical guidance to optimize relationships. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25: 255-260.
  • Aoun S, Slatyer S, Deas K, Nekolaichuk C. Family Caregiver Participation in Palliative Care Research: Challenging the Myth. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017.
  • Nielsen MK, Neergaard MA, Jensen AB, Vedsted P, Bro F, Guldin MB. Pre-loss grief in family caregivers during end-of-life cancer care: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Psychooncology. 2017.
  • Rohrmoser A, Preisler M, Bar K, Letsch A, Goerling U. Early integration of palliative/supportive cancer care-healthcare professionals' perspectives on the support needs of cancer patients and their caregivers across the cancer treatment trajectory. Support Care Cancer. 2017.
  • Dionne-Odom JN, Demark-Wahnefried W, Taylor RA, et al. The self-care practices of family caregivers of persons with poor prognosis cancer: differences by varying levels of caregiver well-being and preparedness. Support Care Cancer. 2017.
  • Cagle JG, Bunting M, Kelemen A, Lee J, Terry D, Harris R. Psychosocial needs and interventions for heart failure patients and families receiving palliative care support: a systematic review. Heart Fail Rev. 2017.
  • Tong HC, Kandala G, Haig AJ, Nelson VS, Yamakawa KS, Shin KY. Physical functioning in female caregivers of children with physical disabilities compared with female caregivers of children with a chronic medical condition. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002;156: 1138-1142.
  • Hudak PL, Amadio PC, Bombardier C. Development of an upper extremity outcome measure: the DASH (disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand) [corrected]. The Upper Extremity Collaborative Group (UECG). Am J Ind Med. 1996;29: 602-608.
  • N. B. WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index User Guide. Version V. Brisbane, Australia. 2002.
  • Vernon H, Mior S. The Neck Disability Index: a study of reliability and validity. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1991;14: 409-415.
  • Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjostrom M, et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35: 1381-1395.
  • Ware JE, Jr., Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med Care. 1992;30: 473-483.Demiral Y, Ergor G, Unal B, et al. Normative data and discriminative properties of short form 36 (SF-36) in Turkish urban population. BMC Public Health. 2006;6: 247.
  • Beck JG, Stanley MA, Zebb BJ. Characteristics of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults: a descriptive study. Behav Res Ther. 1996;34: 225-234.
  • Pinto RA, Holanda MA, Medeiros MM, Mota RM, Pereira ED. Assessment of the burden of caregiving for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respir Med. 2007;101: 2402-2408.
  • Bruns A, Hilario MO, Jennings F, Silva CA, Natour J. Quality of life and impact of the disease on primary caregivers of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients. Joint Bone Spine. 2008;75: 149-154.
  • Brehaut JC, Kohen DE, Raina P, et al. The health of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: how does it compare with that of other Canadian caregivers? Pediatrics. 2004;114: e182-191.
  • Raina P, O'Donnell M, Rosenbaum P, et al. The health and well-being of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Pediatrics. 2005;115: e626-636.
  • Tong HC, Haig AJ, Nelson VS, Yamakawa KS, Kandala G, Shin KY. Low back pain in adult female caregivers of children with physical disabilities. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003;157: 1128-1133.
  • Alshubaili AF, Ohaeri JU, Awadalla AW, Mabrouk AA. Family caregiver quality of life in multiple sclerosis among Kuwaitis: a controlled study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008;8: 206.
  • Alvarez-Ude F, Valdes C, Estebanez C, Rebollo P. Health-related quality of life of family caregivers of dialysis patients. J Nephrol. 2004;17: 841-850.

Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients

Year 2019, , 288 - 293, 31.12.2019


Objective: The studies on caregivers focus more on their psychological impact. The caregivers’ orthopedic problems are not taken into consideration. We aimed to determine the orthopedic problems of the patient family caregivers and to examine the relationship with burden of care.
Methods: Caregivers of palliative care who look after the patient recieving palliative care at least two months were included in the study. The outcome measurements: Oswestry neck pain questionnaire,arm shoulder hand disability questionnaire (DASH), Western Ontario and McMaster osteoarthritis index (WOMAC), Short Form 36 (SF-36), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and BECK depression inventory (BDI).
Results: A cross-sectional study was carried our with fourty-two caregivers who averaged 50 years, were mostly female (81%), married (76%) and housewife (59%). Mean DASH score was 18.82, while Oswestry score was 22.18. According to the IPAQ total score, the cases were in the physically active category (10145 MET). In all SF36 subgroup, there was a statistically insignificant decrease compared to normative values (p> 0,05). Total burden score was 38,64. The ZBI correlated with DASH (r = 0,479), WOMAC (r = 0,453), Oswestry (r = 0,645) many SF36 subgroups (p<0,05) and BDI (p<0,001).
Conclusion: There are some orthopedic problems besides psychological problems related to the burden of family caregivers. Strategies should be developed to provide education and support for the development of methods for the prevention and treatment of orthopedic problems affecting the quality of life of family caregivers.


  • Eun Y, Hong IW, Bruera E, Kang JH. Qualitative study on the perceptions of terminally ill cancer patients and their family members regarding end-of-life experiences focusing on palliative sedation. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017.
  • Rowland C, Hanratty B, Pilling M, van den Berg B, Grande G. The contributions of family care-givers at end of life: A national post-bereavement census survey of cancer carers' hours of care and expenditures. Palliat Med. 2017;31: 346-355.
  • Rome RB, Luminais HH, Bourgeois DA, Blais CM. The Role of Palliative Care at the End of Life. Ochsner J. 2011;11: 348-352.
  • Mitnick S, Leffler C, Hood VL, American College of Physicians Ethics P, Human Rights C. Family caregivers, patients and physicians: ethical guidance to optimize relationships. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25: 255-260.
  • Aoun S, Slatyer S, Deas K, Nekolaichuk C. Family Caregiver Participation in Palliative Care Research: Challenging the Myth. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017.
  • Nielsen MK, Neergaard MA, Jensen AB, Vedsted P, Bro F, Guldin MB. Pre-loss grief in family caregivers during end-of-life cancer care: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Psychooncology. 2017.
  • Rohrmoser A, Preisler M, Bar K, Letsch A, Goerling U. Early integration of palliative/supportive cancer care-healthcare professionals' perspectives on the support needs of cancer patients and their caregivers across the cancer treatment trajectory. Support Care Cancer. 2017.
  • Dionne-Odom JN, Demark-Wahnefried W, Taylor RA, et al. The self-care practices of family caregivers of persons with poor prognosis cancer: differences by varying levels of caregiver well-being and preparedness. Support Care Cancer. 2017.
  • Cagle JG, Bunting M, Kelemen A, Lee J, Terry D, Harris R. Psychosocial needs and interventions for heart failure patients and families receiving palliative care support: a systematic review. Heart Fail Rev. 2017.
  • Tong HC, Kandala G, Haig AJ, Nelson VS, Yamakawa KS, Shin KY. Physical functioning in female caregivers of children with physical disabilities compared with female caregivers of children with a chronic medical condition. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002;156: 1138-1142.
  • Hudak PL, Amadio PC, Bombardier C. Development of an upper extremity outcome measure: the DASH (disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand) [corrected]. The Upper Extremity Collaborative Group (UECG). Am J Ind Med. 1996;29: 602-608.
  • N. B. WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index User Guide. Version V. Brisbane, Australia. 2002.
  • Vernon H, Mior S. The Neck Disability Index: a study of reliability and validity. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1991;14: 409-415.
  • Craig CL, Marshall AL, Sjostrom M, et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35: 1381-1395.
  • Ware JE, Jr., Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med Care. 1992;30: 473-483.Demiral Y, Ergor G, Unal B, et al. Normative data and discriminative properties of short form 36 (SF-36) in Turkish urban population. BMC Public Health. 2006;6: 247.
  • Beck JG, Stanley MA, Zebb BJ. Characteristics of generalized anxiety disorder in older adults: a descriptive study. Behav Res Ther. 1996;34: 225-234.
  • Pinto RA, Holanda MA, Medeiros MM, Mota RM, Pereira ED. Assessment of the burden of caregiving for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respir Med. 2007;101: 2402-2408.
  • Bruns A, Hilario MO, Jennings F, Silva CA, Natour J. Quality of life and impact of the disease on primary caregivers of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients. Joint Bone Spine. 2008;75: 149-154.
  • Brehaut JC, Kohen DE, Raina P, et al. The health of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: how does it compare with that of other Canadian caregivers? Pediatrics. 2004;114: e182-191.
  • Raina P, O'Donnell M, Rosenbaum P, et al. The health and well-being of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Pediatrics. 2005;115: e626-636.
  • Tong HC, Haig AJ, Nelson VS, Yamakawa KS, Kandala G, Shin KY. Low back pain in adult female caregivers of children with physical disabilities. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2003;157: 1128-1133.
  • Alshubaili AF, Ohaeri JU, Awadalla AW, Mabrouk AA. Family caregiver quality of life in multiple sclerosis among Kuwaitis: a controlled study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008;8: 206.
  • Alvarez-Ude F, Valdes C, Estebanez C, Rebollo P. Health-related quality of life of family caregivers of dialysis patients. J Nephrol. 2004;17: 841-850.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Esra Pehlivan 0000-0002-1791-5392

Arif Balcı This is me 0000-0002-4052-3506

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date February 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Pehlivan, E., & Balcı, A. (2019). Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(4), 288-293.
AMA Pehlivan E, Balcı A. Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. December 2019;9(4):288-293. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.532229
Chicago Pehlivan, Esra, and Arif Balcı. “Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9, no. 4 (December 2019): 288-93.
EndNote Pehlivan E, Balcı A (December 1, 2019) Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9 4 288–293.
IEEE E. Pehlivan and A. Balcı, “Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 288–293, 2019, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.532229.
ISNAD Pehlivan, Esra - Balcı, Arif. “Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9/4 (December 2019), 288-293.
JAMA Pehlivan E, Balcı A. Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9:288–293.
MLA Pehlivan, Esra and Arif Balcı. “Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 4, 2019, pp. 288-93, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.532229.
Vancouver Pehlivan E, Balcı A. Orthopedic Problems in Family Caregivers of Palliative Care Patients. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9(4):288-93.

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