Research Article
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Year 2019, , 14 - 20, 29.03.2019



  • [1] Van Bogaert P, Clarke S, Willems R, Mondelaers M. Staff engagement as a target for managing work environments in psychiatric hospitals: implications for workforce stability and quality of care. J. Clin. Nurs. 2012;22(Suppl.11-12): 1717-1728.
  • [2] Schröder A, Ahlström G, Larsson BW. Patients’ perceptions of the concept of the quality of care in the psychiatric setting: a phenomenographic study. J. Clin. Nurs. 2006;15(1): 93-102.
  • [3] Thibeault CA, Trudeau K, d’Entremont M, Brown T. Understanding the milieu experiences of patients on an acute inpatient psychiatric unit. Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 2010;24(4): 216-226.
  • [4] Varcarolis EM, Halter MJ. Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, A Clinical Approach, 6th ed., Canada, Saunders Elseiver, 2010, pp 14-38.
  • [5] Oflaz F. The concept of therapeutic environment in the psychiatric clinic and responsibilities of the nurse Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2006; 7:55-61. (Turkish)
  • [6] Golcman AA. The experiment of the therapeutic communities in Argentina: the case of the hospital Estévez. Psychoanalysis and History 2012;14(2): 269-284.
  • [7] Akkin C, Egrilmez S, Afrashi F. Renklerin insan davranış ve fizyolojisine etkileri. Effects of colors on human behavior and physiology Türk Oft. Gaz 2004; 33: 274-282. (Turkish)
  • [8] Gross R, Sasson Y, Zarhy M, Zohar J. Healing environment in psychiatric hospital design. Gen Hosp Psychiat, 1998; 20: 108- 114.
  • [9] Quirk A, Lelliott Seale C. Service users’ strategies for managing risk in the volatile environment of an acute psychiatric ward. Soc Sci Med 2004; 59: 2573-2583.
  • [10] Karlin BE, Zeiss RA. Best Practices: Environmental and therapeutic issues in psychiatric hospital design: toward best practices. Psychiatr Serv, 2006; 57(10): 1376-1378.
  • [11] Dijkstra K, Pieterse M, Pruyn A. Physical environmental stimuli that turn healthcare facilities into healing environments through psychologically mediated effects: systematic review. J Adv Nur, 2006; 56(2):166-181.
  • [12] Ergun G. Nurses working in psychiatric services viewed by Individuals with schizophrenia. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Antalya, 2005. (Turkish)
  • [13] Cam O, Dulgerler S. The main therapeutic tools in mental health and nursing: environment and communication In O. Cam, E. Engin (editor), Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, Bakım Sanatı,1. Baskı, İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi,2014, p.157-178. (Turkish)
  • [14] Bolwig TG. Historical aspects of Danish psychiatry. Nord. J. Psychiat. 2012; 66(1): 5-13.
  • [15] Fussinger C. ‘Therapeutic community’, psychiatry’s reformers and antipsychiatrists: reconsidering changes in the field of psychiatry after World War II. Hist. Psychiatr. 2011; 22(2): 146- 163.
  • [16] McCrae N. Resilience of institutional culture: mental nursing in a decade of radical change. Hist. Psychiatr.2014; 25(1):70-86.
  • [17] Saydam B. Social psychiatry team work and therapeutic democracy. Kriz Dergisi 1995; 2(1): 197-202. (Turkish)
  • [18] Fortune T, Fitzgerald MH. The challenge of interdisciplinary collaboration in acute psychiatry: Impacts on the occupational milieu. Aust. Occup. Ther J. 2009; 56(2): 81-88.
  • [19] Salzmann‐Krikson M. Lützén K, Ivarsson A B. Eriksson H. The core characteristics and nursing care activities in psychiatric intensive care units in Sweden. Int. J. Ment. Health 2008; 17(2): 98-107.
  • [20] Mahoney JS, Palyo N, Napier G, Giordano J. The Therapeutic Milieu Reconceptualized for the 21 st Century. Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 2009; 23(6): 423-429.
  • [21] Balikci A, Bolu A, Akarsu S, Kocak N, Erdem M, Aydemir E, Uzun O. Electroconvulsive therapy in a university hospital in Turkey between 2006 and 2011 Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg, 2013; 14: 340-346. (Turkish)
  • [22] Thomas SP, Shatell MS, Martin T. What’s therapeutic about the therapeutic milieu?. Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 2002; 16(3): 99-107.
  • [23] McKinstry M, Handley T, Hall I. Hospital placements: out of borough and out of step? When Maggie McKinstry, Tricia Handley and Ian Hall carried out a review of service provision in specialist hospital placements, they were disappointed to find many practices that keep clients on the margins of society. Learning Disability Practice 2010; 13(5): 25-29.
  • [24] Ozdemir T. Criteria affecting color choice in design. C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2005; 14(2): 391-402. (Turkish)
  • [25] Man‐van Ginkel D, Janneke M, Gooskens F, Schuurmans M J, Lindeman E, Hafsteinsdottir TB. A systematic review of therapeutic interventions for poststroke depression and the role of nurses. J. Clin. Nurs. 2010;19(23‐24):3274-3290.

The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey

Year 2019, , 14 - 20, 29.03.2019


Material and Methods: The present study was performed cross-sectionally and descriptively in 195 institutes comprising the psychiatry clinic in Turkey. A survey of 42 questions was used that included the characteristics of clinics obtained by reviewing the literature and listing specialist opinions. Data were collected via telephone between June 25, 2014 and July 15, 2015. Analysis of data was performed using the SPSS 18.0 software. Numbers and percentages were used as descriptive statistics with respect to hospitals.
Results: It was found that 63.1% of clinics had 6–10 nurses, 77.9% of them had 1–10 doctors, and 37.4% of them did not have a visit room, whereas 47.2% of them had an occupation room. It was discovered that 99% of clinic activities for patients were performed, 45.6% of them with occupational therapy were not performed, 16.9% of them with occupational therapy were performed, and 57.5% of them with regular sport activities were not performed. It was detected that psychoeducation was not performed in 66.2% of the clinics, whereas it was performed in 33.8% of them.
Conclusions: It was observed that when the results of the study were evaluated, there were deficiencies in physical configuration in our country and limited therapeutic activities.


  • [1] Van Bogaert P, Clarke S, Willems R, Mondelaers M. Staff engagement as a target for managing work environments in psychiatric hospitals: implications for workforce stability and quality of care. J. Clin. Nurs. 2012;22(Suppl.11-12): 1717-1728.
  • [2] Schröder A, Ahlström G, Larsson BW. Patients’ perceptions of the concept of the quality of care in the psychiatric setting: a phenomenographic study. J. Clin. Nurs. 2006;15(1): 93-102.
  • [3] Thibeault CA, Trudeau K, d’Entremont M, Brown T. Understanding the milieu experiences of patients on an acute inpatient psychiatric unit. Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 2010;24(4): 216-226.
  • [4] Varcarolis EM, Halter MJ. Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, A Clinical Approach, 6th ed., Canada, Saunders Elseiver, 2010, pp 14-38.
  • [5] Oflaz F. The concept of therapeutic environment in the psychiatric clinic and responsibilities of the nurse Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2006; 7:55-61. (Turkish)
  • [6] Golcman AA. The experiment of the therapeutic communities in Argentina: the case of the hospital Estévez. Psychoanalysis and History 2012;14(2): 269-284.
  • [7] Akkin C, Egrilmez S, Afrashi F. Renklerin insan davranış ve fizyolojisine etkileri. Effects of colors on human behavior and physiology Türk Oft. Gaz 2004; 33: 274-282. (Turkish)
  • [8] Gross R, Sasson Y, Zarhy M, Zohar J. Healing environment in psychiatric hospital design. Gen Hosp Psychiat, 1998; 20: 108- 114.
  • [9] Quirk A, Lelliott Seale C. Service users’ strategies for managing risk in the volatile environment of an acute psychiatric ward. Soc Sci Med 2004; 59: 2573-2583.
  • [10] Karlin BE, Zeiss RA. Best Practices: Environmental and therapeutic issues in psychiatric hospital design: toward best practices. Psychiatr Serv, 2006; 57(10): 1376-1378.
  • [11] Dijkstra K, Pieterse M, Pruyn A. Physical environmental stimuli that turn healthcare facilities into healing environments through psychologically mediated effects: systematic review. J Adv Nur, 2006; 56(2):166-181.
  • [12] Ergun G. Nurses working in psychiatric services viewed by Individuals with schizophrenia. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Antalya, 2005. (Turkish)
  • [13] Cam O, Dulgerler S. The main therapeutic tools in mental health and nursing: environment and communication In O. Cam, E. Engin (editor), Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği, Bakım Sanatı,1. Baskı, İstanbul, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi,2014, p.157-178. (Turkish)
  • [14] Bolwig TG. Historical aspects of Danish psychiatry. Nord. J. Psychiat. 2012; 66(1): 5-13.
  • [15] Fussinger C. ‘Therapeutic community’, psychiatry’s reformers and antipsychiatrists: reconsidering changes in the field of psychiatry after World War II. Hist. Psychiatr. 2011; 22(2): 146- 163.
  • [16] McCrae N. Resilience of institutional culture: mental nursing in a decade of radical change. Hist. Psychiatr.2014; 25(1):70-86.
  • [17] Saydam B. Social psychiatry team work and therapeutic democracy. Kriz Dergisi 1995; 2(1): 197-202. (Turkish)
  • [18] Fortune T, Fitzgerald MH. The challenge of interdisciplinary collaboration in acute psychiatry: Impacts on the occupational milieu. Aust. Occup. Ther J. 2009; 56(2): 81-88.
  • [19] Salzmann‐Krikson M. Lützén K, Ivarsson A B. Eriksson H. The core characteristics and nursing care activities in psychiatric intensive care units in Sweden. Int. J. Ment. Health 2008; 17(2): 98-107.
  • [20] Mahoney JS, Palyo N, Napier G, Giordano J. The Therapeutic Milieu Reconceptualized for the 21 st Century. Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 2009; 23(6): 423-429.
  • [21] Balikci A, Bolu A, Akarsu S, Kocak N, Erdem M, Aydemir E, Uzun O. Electroconvulsive therapy in a university hospital in Turkey between 2006 and 2011 Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg, 2013; 14: 340-346. (Turkish)
  • [22] Thomas SP, Shatell MS, Martin T. What’s therapeutic about the therapeutic milieu?. Arch. Psychiat. Nurs. 2002; 16(3): 99-107.
  • [23] McKinstry M, Handley T, Hall I. Hospital placements: out of borough and out of step? When Maggie McKinstry, Tricia Handley and Ian Hall carried out a review of service provision in specialist hospital placements, they were disappointed to find many practices that keep clients on the margins of society. Learning Disability Practice 2010; 13(5): 25-29.
  • [24] Ozdemir T. Criteria affecting color choice in design. C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2005; 14(2): 391-402. (Turkish)
  • [25] Man‐van Ginkel D, Janneke M, Gooskens F, Schuurmans M J, Lindeman E, Hafsteinsdottir TB. A systematic review of therapeutic interventions for poststroke depression and the role of nurses. J. Clin. Nurs. 2010;19(23‐24):3274-3290.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Gül Ergün 0000-0002-1292-2040

İşıl Işık This is me 0000-0001-9315-1139

Gül Dikeç This is me 0000-0002-7593-4014

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Submission Date November 29, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Ergün, G., Işık, İ., & Dikeç, G. (2019). The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(1), 14-20.
AMA Ergün G, Işık İ, Dikeç G. The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. March 2019;9(1):14-20. doi:10.5152/clinexphealthsci.2018.790
Chicago Ergün, Gül, İşıl Işık, and Gül Dikeç. “The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9, no. 1 (March 2019): 14-20.
EndNote Ergün G, Işık İ, Dikeç G (March 1, 2019) The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9 1 14–20.
IEEE G. Ergün, İ. Işık, and G. Dikeç, “The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 14–20, 2019, doi: 10.5152/clinexphealthsci.2018.790.
ISNAD Ergün, Gül et al. “The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9/1 (March 2019), 14-20.
JAMA Ergün G, Işık İ, Dikeç G. The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9:14–20.
MLA Ergün, Gül et al. “The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 14-20, doi:10.5152/clinexphealthsci.2018.790.
Vancouver Ergün G, Işık İ, Dikeç G. The Examination of the Some Aspects of the Therapeutic Environment of Psychiatric Inpatient Clinics in Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9(1):14-20.

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