Research Article
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Year 2019, , 151 - 156, 30.06.2019



  • 1. Özmen D, Ergin D, Şen N, Çetinkaya AÇ. To identify safety measures of mothers of children aged between 0 and 6 years against home accidents. Aile Toplum 2007;3:13-20.
  • 2. Altundağ S, Öztürk MC. Ev kazaları nedeniyle hastaneye gelen 3-6 yaş grubu çocuklardaki kaza türleri ve bunu etkileyen etmenler. Çocuk Forum Derg 2004;5:60-64.
  • 3. Hamzaoglu O, Özkan Ö, Janson S. Incidence and causes of home accidents at Ankara Çigiltepe apartments in Turkey. Accid Anal Prev 2002;34(1):123-128.
  • 4. Kendrick D, Ablewhite J, Achana F, Benford P, Clacy R, Coffey F, Cooper N, Coupland C, Deave T, Goodenough T, Hawkins A, Hayes M, Hindmarch P, Hubbard S, Kay B, Kumar A, Majsak-Newman G, McColl E, McDaid L, Miller P, Mulvaney C, Peel I, Pitchforth E, Reading R, Saramago P, Stewart J, Sutton A, Timblin C, Towner E, Watson MC, Wynn P, Young B, Zou K. Keeping Children Safe: a multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives. Chapter 1, Introduction to the Keeping Children Safe programme of research (Programme Grants for Applied Research, No. 5.14). Southampton: NIHR Journals Library; 2017.p.1 Available from:
  • 5. Çınar ND, Görak G. Mother's role in preventing childhood home accidents. Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde. 2007;20(4):238-242.
  • 6. Thanh NX, Hang HM, Chuc NT, Lindholm L. The economic burden of unintentional injuries: a community-based cost analysis in Bavi, Vietnam. Scand J Public Health Suppl. 2003;62:45-51.
  • 7. Alptekin F, Uskun E, Kisioglu AN, Ozturk M. Unintentional non-fatal home related injuries in Central Anatolia, Turkey: frequencies, characteristics, and outcomes. Injury. 2008;39:535-546.
  • 8. Malta DC, Mascarenhas MD, Silva MM, Carvalho MG, Barufaldi LA, Avanci JQ, Bernal RT. The occurrence of external causes in childhood in emergency care: epidemiological aspects, Brazil, 2014. Cien Saude Colet. 2016;21(12):3729-3744.
  • 9. Çınar ND, Görak G. 0-6 yaş çocuklarda annenin ev kazalarına yönelik güvenlik önlemlerini tanılama ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi, geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Çocuk Forumu 2003;6:22-27.
  • 10. Wong DL, Eaton MH, Winkelstein ML, Wilson D, Ahmann E, Thomas P. Nursing care of infants and children, health promotion of the preschooler and family (6th ed.). Mosby, New York, 1999.p.613-615.
  • 11. Turkish Statistical Institute. Women in Statistics, 2016, Available from:
  • 12. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, T.R. Ministry of Development, T.R. Ministry of Health, and ICF. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2013. Ankara, Turkey: Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Development. 2014.p70;p107-109. Available at
  • 13. Turkish Statistical Institute. Marriage and Divorce Statistics, 2012, Available from:
  • 14. Turan T, Dündar SA, Yorgancı M, Yıldırım Z. The prevention of home accidents among children aged 0-6 years. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2010;16(6):552-557. 15. Çınar N. 0-6 yaş çocuklarda annenin ev kazalarına yönelik güvenlik önlemlerini tanılama ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi ve çocuktaki kazaları önlemede annelere verilen eğitimin etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. 1999.
  • 16. King WJ, LeBlanc JC, Barrowman NJ, Klassen TP, Bernard-Bonnin AC, Robitaille Y, Tenenbein M, Pless I. Long term effects of a home visit to prevent childhood injury: three year follow up of a randomized trial. Inj Prev 2005;11:106-109.
  • 17. Dowswell T, Towner EM, Simpson G, Jarvis SN. Preventing childhood unintentional injuries–what works? A literature review. Inj Prev 1996;2(2):140–149.
  • 18. Kendrick D, Smith S, Sutton A, Watson M, Coupland C, Mulvaney C, Mason-Jones A. Effect of education and safety equipment on poisoning prevention practices and poisoning: systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression. Arch Dis Child 2008;93(7):599–608.
  • 19. Kendrick D, Barlow J, Hampshire A, Stewart-Brown S, Polnay L. Parenting interventions and the prevention of unintentional injuries in childhood: systematic review and meta-analysis. Child Care Health Dev 2008;34(5):682-695.
  • 20. Ehiri JE, Ejere HO, Magnussen L, Emusu D, King W, Osberg SJ. Interventions for promoting booster seat use in four to eight year olds travelling in motor vehicles. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(1):CD004334.
  • 21. Alper B, Can E, Demirhan F, Güleç G, Yılmaz M, Kalın YG. İlk yardımla ilgili temel bilgiler. Sağlık Bilgisi ve Trafik Kültürü, Ders Kitabı 9. Yılmaz F, Turan S, editors. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı devlet kitapları; 2017.p.65-83.
  • 22. Büyük E, Çavuşoğlu F, Teker E, Defining the security measures taken by mothers with zero to six years old children against home accidents. J DU Health Sci Inst 2015;5(3):17-22.
  • 23. Ciampo LA, Ciampo IRL, Unintentional Injuries among Children: An Observational Study in a Basic Health Unit in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. American Journal of Pediatrics 2016;2(5):19-22.
  • 24. Gärling A, Gärling T. The Ability of Mothers of Young Children to Anticipate Potential Home Accidents. Children's Environments Quarterly 1991;1:24-30. 25. Khanom A, Hill RA, Brophy S, Morgan K, Rapport F , Lyons R. Mothers' perspectives on the delivery of childhood injury messages: A qualitative study from the growing up in Wales, environments for healthy living study (EHL). BMC Public Health 2013;13:806.
  • 26. Çapık C, Gürol AP. Effect of Education on Mothers’ Capability of Identification of Safety Precautions of Home Accidents. Kafkas J Med Sci 2014;4(3):87–94. 27. Megahed MA, Khalil NA, Ibrahem RA, El Disoki RS. Knowledge, attitude and practice of rural mothers towards home injuries among children under 5 years of age in Menouf District- Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Menoufia Med J 2016;29:1033-1039.
  • 28. Suguna TC. Women’s awareness about domestic accidents among toddlers. IJDR 2015; 5(3):3729-3733.

The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey

Year 2019, , 151 - 156, 30.06.2019


Objective: One of the most common causes of death among children in Turkey is accidents, and of this, 18-25% caused by home accidents. This study aims to identify the factors associated with safety measures against home accidents, that are taken by mothers who have children between 0-6 years of age.

Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among the mothers who admitted to three Family Health Centers in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2017. The data was collected with a questionnaire including “The Scale for Mother’s identification of Safety Measures Against Home Accidents for Children of 0-6 Years Age Group”. The data was analyzed with SPSS program using Chi square, Mann Whitney-U and Spearman correlation tests (p<0,05 considered significant). 224 mothers participated in this study.

Results: The most frequent home accidents were falling (48.9%), finger jam (36.6%) and crashing (30.6%). There was a weak positive correlation between the scale score and family’s income (p=0.039; r=0.157); and a weak negative correlation between the scale score and child’s age (p=0.001; r=-0.331). There was no association between education level of parents and safety measures. However, the scale scores were significantly higher among those who have specifically been educated about home accidents compared to those who haven’t (p=0.013).

Conclusion: The current education program may not be sufficient to prevent home accidents. We believe that specific courses about home accidents and safety measures are needed; even if these courses can be integrated to secondary school or university curricula it can be more beneficial.


  • 1. Özmen D, Ergin D, Şen N, Çetinkaya AÇ. To identify safety measures of mothers of children aged between 0 and 6 years against home accidents. Aile Toplum 2007;3:13-20.
  • 2. Altundağ S, Öztürk MC. Ev kazaları nedeniyle hastaneye gelen 3-6 yaş grubu çocuklardaki kaza türleri ve bunu etkileyen etmenler. Çocuk Forum Derg 2004;5:60-64.
  • 3. Hamzaoglu O, Özkan Ö, Janson S. Incidence and causes of home accidents at Ankara Çigiltepe apartments in Turkey. Accid Anal Prev 2002;34(1):123-128.
  • 4. Kendrick D, Ablewhite J, Achana F, Benford P, Clacy R, Coffey F, Cooper N, Coupland C, Deave T, Goodenough T, Hawkins A, Hayes M, Hindmarch P, Hubbard S, Kay B, Kumar A, Majsak-Newman G, McColl E, McDaid L, Miller P, Mulvaney C, Peel I, Pitchforth E, Reading R, Saramago P, Stewart J, Sutton A, Timblin C, Towner E, Watson MC, Wynn P, Young B, Zou K. Keeping Children Safe: a multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives. Chapter 1, Introduction to the Keeping Children Safe programme of research (Programme Grants for Applied Research, No. 5.14). Southampton: NIHR Journals Library; 2017.p.1 Available from:
  • 5. Çınar ND, Görak G. Mother's role in preventing childhood home accidents. Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde. 2007;20(4):238-242.
  • 6. Thanh NX, Hang HM, Chuc NT, Lindholm L. The economic burden of unintentional injuries: a community-based cost analysis in Bavi, Vietnam. Scand J Public Health Suppl. 2003;62:45-51.
  • 7. Alptekin F, Uskun E, Kisioglu AN, Ozturk M. Unintentional non-fatal home related injuries in Central Anatolia, Turkey: frequencies, characteristics, and outcomes. Injury. 2008;39:535-546.
  • 8. Malta DC, Mascarenhas MD, Silva MM, Carvalho MG, Barufaldi LA, Avanci JQ, Bernal RT. The occurrence of external causes in childhood in emergency care: epidemiological aspects, Brazil, 2014. Cien Saude Colet. 2016;21(12):3729-3744.
  • 9. Çınar ND, Görak G. 0-6 yaş çocuklarda annenin ev kazalarına yönelik güvenlik önlemlerini tanılama ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi, geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Çocuk Forumu 2003;6:22-27.
  • 10. Wong DL, Eaton MH, Winkelstein ML, Wilson D, Ahmann E, Thomas P. Nursing care of infants and children, health promotion of the preschooler and family (6th ed.). Mosby, New York, 1999.p.613-615.
  • 11. Turkish Statistical Institute. Women in Statistics, 2016, Available from:
  • 12. Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, T.R. Ministry of Development, T.R. Ministry of Health, and ICF. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2013. Ankara, Turkey: Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Development. 2014.p70;p107-109. Available at
  • 13. Turkish Statistical Institute. Marriage and Divorce Statistics, 2012, Available from:
  • 14. Turan T, Dündar SA, Yorgancı M, Yıldırım Z. The prevention of home accidents among children aged 0-6 years. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2010;16(6):552-557. 15. Çınar N. 0-6 yaş çocuklarda annenin ev kazalarına yönelik güvenlik önlemlerini tanılama ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi ve çocuktaki kazaları önlemede annelere verilen eğitimin etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. 1999.
  • 16. King WJ, LeBlanc JC, Barrowman NJ, Klassen TP, Bernard-Bonnin AC, Robitaille Y, Tenenbein M, Pless I. Long term effects of a home visit to prevent childhood injury: three year follow up of a randomized trial. Inj Prev 2005;11:106-109.
  • 17. Dowswell T, Towner EM, Simpson G, Jarvis SN. Preventing childhood unintentional injuries–what works? A literature review. Inj Prev 1996;2(2):140–149.
  • 18. Kendrick D, Smith S, Sutton A, Watson M, Coupland C, Mulvaney C, Mason-Jones A. Effect of education and safety equipment on poisoning prevention practices and poisoning: systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression. Arch Dis Child 2008;93(7):599–608.
  • 19. Kendrick D, Barlow J, Hampshire A, Stewart-Brown S, Polnay L. Parenting interventions and the prevention of unintentional injuries in childhood: systematic review and meta-analysis. Child Care Health Dev 2008;34(5):682-695.
  • 20. Ehiri JE, Ejere HO, Magnussen L, Emusu D, King W, Osberg SJ. Interventions for promoting booster seat use in four to eight year olds travelling in motor vehicles. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(1):CD004334.
  • 21. Alper B, Can E, Demirhan F, Güleç G, Yılmaz M, Kalın YG. İlk yardımla ilgili temel bilgiler. Sağlık Bilgisi ve Trafik Kültürü, Ders Kitabı 9. Yılmaz F, Turan S, editors. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı devlet kitapları; 2017.p.65-83.
  • 22. Büyük E, Çavuşoğlu F, Teker E, Defining the security measures taken by mothers with zero to six years old children against home accidents. J DU Health Sci Inst 2015;5(3):17-22.
  • 23. Ciampo LA, Ciampo IRL, Unintentional Injuries among Children: An Observational Study in a Basic Health Unit in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. American Journal of Pediatrics 2016;2(5):19-22.
  • 24. Gärling A, Gärling T. The Ability of Mothers of Young Children to Anticipate Potential Home Accidents. Children's Environments Quarterly 1991;1:24-30. 25. Khanom A, Hill RA, Brophy S, Morgan K, Rapport F , Lyons R. Mothers' perspectives on the delivery of childhood injury messages: A qualitative study from the growing up in Wales, environments for healthy living study (EHL). BMC Public Health 2013;13:806.
  • 26. Çapık C, Gürol AP. Effect of Education on Mothers’ Capability of Identification of Safety Precautions of Home Accidents. Kafkas J Med Sci 2014;4(3):87–94. 27. Megahed MA, Khalil NA, Ibrahem RA, El Disoki RS. Knowledge, attitude and practice of rural mothers towards home injuries among children under 5 years of age in Menouf District- Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Menoufia Med J 2016;29:1033-1039.
  • 28. Suguna TC. Women’s awareness about domestic accidents among toddlers. IJDR 2015; 5(3):3729-3733.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Tevfik Bayram This is me 0000-0002-6170-1252

Can Ilgin This is me 0000-0003-1751-8546

Hayriye Kulbay This is me 0000-0001-7841-1086

Batuhan Tozakoglu This is me 0000-0002-8082-8267

İlker Karaduman This is me 0000-0003-1266-0797

Burkay Cagan Colak This is me 0000-0002-4884-4400

Dilsad Save This is me 0000-0002-5252-5189

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date March 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Bayram, T., Ilgin, C., Kulbay, H., Tozakoglu, B., et al. (2019). The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(2), 151-156.
AMA Bayram T, Ilgin C, Kulbay H, Tozakoglu B, Karaduman İ, Colak BC, Save D. The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. June 2019;9(2):151-156. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.564220
Chicago Bayram, Tevfik, Can Ilgin, Hayriye Kulbay, Batuhan Tozakoglu, İlker Karaduman, Burkay Cagan Colak, and Dilsad Save. “The Factors Associated With Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9, no. 2 (June 2019): 151-56.
EndNote Bayram T, Ilgin C, Kulbay H, Tozakoglu B, Karaduman İ, Colak BC, Save D (June 1, 2019) The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9 2 151–156.
IEEE T. Bayram, C. Ilgin, H. Kulbay, B. Tozakoglu, İ. Karaduman, B. C. Colak, and D. Save, “The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 151–156, 2019, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.564220.
ISNAD Bayram, Tevfik et al. “The Factors Associated With Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9/2 (June 2019), 151-156.
JAMA Bayram T, Ilgin C, Kulbay H, Tozakoglu B, Karaduman İ, Colak BC, Save D. The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9:151–156.
MLA Bayram, Tevfik et al. “The Factors Associated With Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, 2019, pp. 151-6, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.564220.
Vancouver Bayram T, Ilgin C, Kulbay H, Tozakoglu B, Karaduman İ, Colak BC, Save D. The Factors Associated with Mothers’ Preventive Measures Against Home Accidents: A Descriptive Study from Istanbul, Turkey. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9(2):151-6.

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