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Dietary habits and oral health of children in deciduous, early and late mixed dentition

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 113 - 118, 30.01.2014


Objective: Dental caries and periodontal diseases have negative effects on both oral and general health. The aim of this study was to evaluate dietary habits, caries ratio and periodontal status of children in deciduous, early and late mixed dentition.

Methods: Dental and periodontal status of 129 children (73 girls, 56 boys, mean age 7.9±2.4) were examined and evaluated. Caries ratio including decayed, missing, filled teeth of the primary (df-t) and permanent dentition (DMF-T), plaque index (PI) and gingival index (GI) were determined. Demographic data, nutrition and brushing habits were collected via a questionnaire. In addition, body mass index (BMI) was calculated. 

Results: The ratio of children having twice-four times a day snacks in-between-meals was found to be 61%. While 60% of children consumed sugar sweetened beverages once a day and 60% of children had a cariogenic nutrition pattern, only 6% of children brushed their teeth 3 times per day. In age groups of 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12, mean numbers of df-t were 8.10±2.62, 7.90±2.41, 3.80±1.60, and DMF-T were 0.65±1.22, 1.30±1.21, 2.15±0.90, respectively. The number of teeth with caries were significantly different among the age groups (p<0.001). No significant difference in PI and GI were found between the groups. BMI values were within normal limits. Significant positive correlation was found between the PI and df-t, DMF-T levels (p<0.01).

Conclusion: Ineffective and inadequate brushing, and consumption of cariogenic snacks may jeopardise dental and periodontal health in children at every stage of age. Health education should include the importance of proper nutrition and regular oral hygiene habits.

Key words: Dentition, DMF-T index, gingival index, nutrition, plaque index


  • Jürgensen N, Petersen PE. Oral health and impact of socio-behavioural factors in a cross sectional survey of 12 year old school children in Laos. BMC Oral Health 2009;9: 29-39.
  • Johansson I, Holgerson PL, Kressin NR, Nunn ME, Tanner AC. Snacking habits and caries in young children. Caries Res 2010;44: 421-430.
  • Kolawole KA, Oziegbe EO, Bamise CT. Oral hygienemeasures and the periodontal status of children. Int J Dent Hyg 2011;9: 143-148.
  • Dye BA, Vargas CM, Lee JJ, Magder L, Tinanoff N. Assessing the relationship between children’s oral health status and that of their mothers. J Am Dent Assoc 2011;142: 173-183.
  • Frederick G, Lisa MS, Emilie MG, Rima GS. Cooaboration between dietetics and dentistry: Dietetic internship in Pediatric Dentistry. Top Clin Nutr 2005; 20: 259-268.
  • World Health Organization: Oral health survey basic methods. Geneva: WHO, 1987.
  • Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy II. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964; 22: 121-135.
  • Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand 1963; 21: 533-551.
  • Marshall TA, Eichenberger-Gilmore JM, BroffittBA, WarrenJJ, LevySM. Dental caries and childhood obesity: roles of diet and socioeconomic status. Community Dent and Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 449-458.
  • Arora A, Bedros D, Bhole S, Do LG, Scott J, Blinkhorn A, Schwarz E. Child and family health nurses’ experiences of oral health of preschool children: a qualitative approach. J Public Health Dent 2012;72:149-155.
  • Chankanka O, Cavanaugh JE, Levy SM, Marshall TA, Warren JJ, Broffitt B, Kolker JL. Longitudinal associations between children’s dental caries and risk factors. J Public Health Dent 2011;71:289-300.
  • Begzati A, Meqa K, Siegenthaler D, Berisha M, Mautsch W. Dental health evaluation of children in Kosova. Eur J Dent 2011; 5: 32-39.
  • Vadiakas G, Oulis CJ, Tsinidou K, Mamai-Homata E, Polychronopoulou A. Oral hygiene and periodontal status of 12 and 15-year-old Greek adolescents. A national pathfinder survey. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2012; 13:11-20.
  • Huew R, Waterhouse PJ, Moynihan PJ, Maguire A. Prevalence and severity ofdental cariesin Libyan schoolchildren. Int Dent J 2011;61:217-223.
  • Van den Branden S, Van den Brouche S, Leroy R, Declerck D, Hoppenbrbrouwers K. Effects of time and socio-economic status on the determinants of oral health-related behaviors of parents of preschool children. Eur J Oral Sci 2012;12:153-160.
  • Villalobos-Rodelo JJ, Medina-Solís C, Maupomé G, Vallejos-Sánchez AA, Lau-Rojo L, Ponce de León-Viedas MV. Socioeconomic and sociodemographic variables associated with oral hygiene status in Mexican schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years. J Periodontol 2007;78: 816-822.
  • Mojarad F, Maybodi MH. Association between dental caries and body mass index among Hamedan Elementary School Children in 2009. J Dent (Tehran) 2011; 8:170-177.
  • Kantovitz KR, Pascon FM, Rontani RM, Gavião MB. Obesity and dental caries - a systemic review. Oral Health Prev Dent 2006; 4: 137-144.
  • Frisbee SJ, Chambers CB, Frisbee JC, Goodwill AG, Crout RJ. Self reported dental hygiene, obesity and systemic inflammation in a pediatric rural community cohort. BMC Oral Health 2010; 10: 1-8.
  • Hobdell M, Petersen PE, Clarkson J, Johnson N, Houston MH. Global goals for oral health 2020. Int Dent J 2003;53:285-288.

Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 113 - 118, 30.01.2014


Amaç: Genel sağlığın ayrılmaz bir parçası olan ağız ve diş sağlığını etkileyen en önemli iki hastalık diş çürüğü ve periodontal hastalıklardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme, çürük oranı ve periodontal durumu değerlendirmektir. 

Yöntemler: Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Pedodonti Anabilim Dalı’na başvuran 4-12 yaşları arasındaki 129 çocuğun (73 kız, 56 erkek, yaş ortalaması 7.9±2.4) dental ve periodontal durumları incelendi. Klinikte ağız içi muayeneleri tek gözlemci tarafından, reflektör ışığı altında gerçekleştirilen çocuklarda df-t, DMF-T, plak indeks ve gingival indeks ölçüldü ve beden kitle indeksi hesaplandı. Çocukların demografik bilgileri ile beslenme ve fırçalama alışkanlıklarına yönelik 23 sorudan oluşan bir anket uygulandı.

Bulgular: Çocukların %61’inin gün içinde 2-4 ara öğün aldığı, %60’ının günde 1 kez şekerli içecek tükettiği, %60’ının ara öğünlerde karyojenik gıdalarla beslendiği ve sadece %6’sının günde 3 kez dişlerini fırçaladığı saptandı. df-t, DMF-Tdeğerleri 4-6 yaş grubunda sırasıyla 8.10±2.62 ve 0.65±1.22; 7-9 yaş grubunda 7.90±2.41 ve 1.30±1.21; 10-12 yaş grubunda ise 3.80±1.60 ve 2.15±0.90 bulundu ve gruplar arasındaki fark anlamlıydı (p<0.001). Plak ve gingival indeks değerleri farklılık göstermedi. Tüm gruplarda beden kitle indeksinin normal sınırlar içerisinde olduğu saptandı. PI ile df-t, DMF-T seviyeleri arasında anlamlı bir pozitif ilişki bulundu (p<0.01).

Sonuç: Çocukların fırçalama sıklığının ve etkinliğinin yetersiz olduğu, ara öğünlerde tüketilen gıdaların hem diş hem de dişeti sağlığı için risk oluşturduğu gözlendi. Bu nedenle düzenli beslenme ve etkili ağız hijyeni uygulaması için eğitim verilmesinin gerektiği görüşüne varıldı.

Anahtar Kelimeler : Beslenme, dişlenme dönemleri, DMF-T indeks, gingival indeks, plak indeksi


  • Jürgensen N, Petersen PE. Oral health and impact of socio-behavioural factors in a cross sectional survey of 12 year old school children in Laos. BMC Oral Health 2009;9: 29-39.
  • Johansson I, Holgerson PL, Kressin NR, Nunn ME, Tanner AC. Snacking habits and caries in young children. Caries Res 2010;44: 421-430.
  • Kolawole KA, Oziegbe EO, Bamise CT. Oral hygienemeasures and the periodontal status of children. Int J Dent Hyg 2011;9: 143-148.
  • Dye BA, Vargas CM, Lee JJ, Magder L, Tinanoff N. Assessing the relationship between children’s oral health status and that of their mothers. J Am Dent Assoc 2011;142: 173-183.
  • Frederick G, Lisa MS, Emilie MG, Rima GS. Cooaboration between dietetics and dentistry: Dietetic internship in Pediatric Dentistry. Top Clin Nutr 2005; 20: 259-268.
  • World Health Organization: Oral health survey basic methods. Geneva: WHO, 1987.
  • Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy II. Correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol Scand 1964; 22: 121-135.
  • Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy I. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odontol Scand 1963; 21: 533-551.
  • Marshall TA, Eichenberger-Gilmore JM, BroffittBA, WarrenJJ, LevySM. Dental caries and childhood obesity: roles of diet and socioeconomic status. Community Dent and Oral Epidemiol 2007; 35: 449-458.
  • Arora A, Bedros D, Bhole S, Do LG, Scott J, Blinkhorn A, Schwarz E. Child and family health nurses’ experiences of oral health of preschool children: a qualitative approach. J Public Health Dent 2012;72:149-155.
  • Chankanka O, Cavanaugh JE, Levy SM, Marshall TA, Warren JJ, Broffitt B, Kolker JL. Longitudinal associations between children’s dental caries and risk factors. J Public Health Dent 2011;71:289-300.
  • Begzati A, Meqa K, Siegenthaler D, Berisha M, Mautsch W. Dental health evaluation of children in Kosova. Eur J Dent 2011; 5: 32-39.
  • Vadiakas G, Oulis CJ, Tsinidou K, Mamai-Homata E, Polychronopoulou A. Oral hygiene and periodontal status of 12 and 15-year-old Greek adolescents. A national pathfinder survey. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2012; 13:11-20.
  • Huew R, Waterhouse PJ, Moynihan PJ, Maguire A. Prevalence and severity ofdental cariesin Libyan schoolchildren. Int Dent J 2011;61:217-223.
  • Van den Branden S, Van den Brouche S, Leroy R, Declerck D, Hoppenbrbrouwers K. Effects of time and socio-economic status on the determinants of oral health-related behaviors of parents of preschool children. Eur J Oral Sci 2012;12:153-160.
  • Villalobos-Rodelo JJ, Medina-Solís C, Maupomé G, Vallejos-Sánchez AA, Lau-Rojo L, Ponce de León-Viedas MV. Socioeconomic and sociodemographic variables associated with oral hygiene status in Mexican schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years. J Periodontol 2007;78: 816-822.
  • Mojarad F, Maybodi MH. Association between dental caries and body mass index among Hamedan Elementary School Children in 2009. J Dent (Tehran) 2011; 8:170-177.
  • Kantovitz KR, Pascon FM, Rontani RM, Gavião MB. Obesity and dental caries - a systemic review. Oral Health Prev Dent 2006; 4: 137-144.
  • Frisbee SJ, Chambers CB, Frisbee JC, Goodwill AG, Crout RJ. Self reported dental hygiene, obesity and systemic inflammation in a pediatric rural community cohort. BMC Oral Health 2010; 10: 1-8.
  • Hobdell M, Petersen PE, Clarkson J, Johnson N, Houston MH. Global goals for oral health 2020. Int Dent J 2003;53:285-288.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Serap Akyüz This is me

Burcu Nur Doğan This is me

Leyla Kuru

Publication Date January 30, 2014
Submission Date January 30, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Akyüz, S., Doğan, B. N., & Kuru, L. (2014). Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 2(3), 113-118.
AMA Akyüz S, Doğan BN, Kuru L. Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. February 2014;2(3):113-118.
Chicago Akyüz, Serap, Burcu Nur Doğan, and Leyla Kuru. “Süt, Erken Ve Geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda Beslenme alışkanlığı Ve ağız sağlığı”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 2, no. 3 (February 2014): 113-18.
EndNote Akyüz S, Doğan BN, Kuru L (February 1, 2014) Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 2 3 113–118.
IEEE S. Akyüz, B. N. Doğan, and L. Kuru, “Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 113–118, 2014.
ISNAD Akyüz, Serap et al. “Süt, Erken Ve Geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda Beslenme alışkanlığı Ve ağız sağlığı”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 2/3 (February 2014), 113-118.
JAMA Akyüz S, Doğan BN, Kuru L. Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2014;2:113–118.
MLA Akyüz, Serap et al. “Süt, Erken Ve Geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda Beslenme alışkanlığı Ve ağız sağlığı”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 2, no. 3, 2014, pp. 113-8.
Vancouver Akyüz S, Doğan BN, Kuru L. Süt, erken ve geç karışık dişlenme dönemindeki çocuklarda beslenme alışkanlığı ve ağız sağlığı. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2014;2(3):113-8.

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