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Year 2019, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 29 - 33, 29.03.2019



  • [1] World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report-2016. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2016. Available from: http://apps. who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/250441/1/978.924.1565394- eng.pdf?ua=1.
  • [2] Mason PH, Degeling C, Denholm J. Sociocultural dimensions of tuberculosis: an overview of key concepts. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015; 19:1135-43.
  • [3] Zhang T, Liu X, Bromley H, Tang S. Perceptions of tuberculosis and health seeking behaviour in rural Inner Mongolia, China. Health Policy 2007; 81:155-65.
  • [4] Açikel GY, Pakyüz SÇ. Evaluating the Stigma on Patients with Tuberculosis. FNJN 2015; 23:136-45.
  • [5] Şimşek H, Özmen D, Çetinkaya AÇ. Evaluation internalized stigma of tuberculosis patients. Uluslararasi Hakemli Hemşirelik Araştirmalari Dergisi 2016; 7:156-73.
  • [6] Vidinel İ. A historical overview of tuberculosis in Turkey. In: Özkara Ş, Kılıçaslan Z, editors. Tuberculosis. İstanbul: Türk Toraks Derneği Yayınları; 2010; 17-24.
  • [7] Major B, O’Brien LT. The social psychology of stigma. Annu Rev Psychol. 2005; 56: 393-421.
  • [8] Corrigan PW, Penn DL. Lessons from social psychology on discrediting psychiatric stigma. Am Psychol 1999; 54: 765-76.
  • [9] Aslan D. A socially stigmatizing disease from a public health perspective: Tuberculosis. Klinik Gelişim Dergisi 2006; 20: 86- 90.
  • [10] Özkurt S, Kalkan Oğuzhanoğlu N, Özdel O, Altın R, Balkanlı H, Konya T. Evaluation of Compliances of Tuberculous Cases to Treatment and Social Life. Tuberk Toraks 2000; 48: 213-18.
  • [11] Taşkın F, Olgun N. Quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Turk Toraks Derg 2010; 11: 19-25.
  • [12] Aslan D, Altıntaş H, Emri S, Cesuroǧlu T, Kotan O, Koyuncu S, et al. Self-evaluations of tuberculosis patients about their illnesses at Ankara Atatürk Sanatorium Training and Research Hospital, Turkey. Respiratory Medicine 2004; 98:626-31.
  • [13] Chang SH, Cataldo JK. A systematic review of global cultural variations in knowledge, attitudes and health responses to tuberculosis stigma. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014; 18:168-73.
  • [14] Macq J, Solis A, Martinez G, Martiny P, Dujardin B. An exploration of the social stigma of tuberculosis in five “municipios” of Nicaragua to reflect on local interventions. Health policy 2005; 74:205-17.
  • [15] Kumar BA. Rehabilitation of treated TB patients: Social, psychological and economic aspects. Int J Mycobacteriol 2016; 5:129-30.
  • [16] Karagöz T, Arda H, Erboran T, Kiliçaslan Z, Çağlar E, Erem AR. Evaluation of Istanbul dispensary studies in terms of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2000; 48:128-35.
  • [17] Wright A, Zignol M, Van Deun A, Falzon D, Gerdes SR, Feldman K, Hoffner S, Drobniewski F, Barrera L, van Soolingen D, Boulabhal F, Paramasivan CN, Kam KM, Mitarai S, Nunn P, Raviglione M. Epidemiology of antituberculosis drug resistance 2002–07: an updated analysis of the Global Project on Anti- Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance. The Lancet 2009; 373:1861-73.
  • [18] Aksu M. Tuberculosis in Turkey in terms of the history of medicine. Ankara: Türkiye Ulusal Verem Savaşı Dernekleri Federasyonu, 2007;161-70.
  • [19] World Health Organization. What is DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course). Available from: http://www.searo. who.int/tb/topics/what_dots/en/.
  • [20] Özkara Ş, Arpaz S, Özkan S, Aktaş Z, Örsel O, Ecevit H. Directly Observed Treatment in the Treatment of Tuberculosis (DOT). Ankara: Türkiye Ulusal Verem Savaşı Dernekleri Federasyonu; 2002. Available from: http://www.verem.org.tr/pdf/dgt1.pdf.
  • [21] Turkish Statistical Institute. Istanbul-2013 with selected indicators. Istanbul, Turkey: TUIK. Available from: http://www. tuik.gov.tr/ilGostergeleri/iller/ISTANBUL.pdf
  • [22] Sert H. Evaluation of Stigma In Tuberculosis Patients. M.U. Institute of Health Sciences, Doctoral Thesis. 2010.
  • [23] Şimşek H, Özmen D, Çakmakçı-Çetinkaya A. Evaluation internalized stigma of tuberculosis patients. International Refereed Journal of Nursing Researches. 2016; 7:156-73.
  • [24] Ozturk FO, Hisar F. Stigmatisation of tuberculosis patients. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2014; 1:37-43.
  • [25] Ahmed Suleiman MM, Sahal N, Sodemann M, El Sony A, Aro AR. Tuberculosis stigma in Gezira State, Sudan: a case-control study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013; 17:388-93.
  • [26] Somma D, Thomas BE, Karim F, Kemp J, Arias N, Auer C, Gosoniu GD, Abouihia A, Weiss MG. Gender and socio-cultural determinants of TB-related stigma in Bangladesh, India, Malawi and Colombia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2008; 12:856-66.
  • [27] Courtwright A, Turner AN. Tuberculosis and stigmatization: pathways and interventions. Public Health Rep 2010; 125:34- 42.
  • [28] Coreil J, Mayard G, Simpson KM, Lauzardo M, Zhu Y, Weiss M. Structural forces and the production of TB-related stigma among Haitians in two contexts. Soc Sci Med 2010; 71:1409-17.
  • [29] Chowdhury MR, Rahman MS, Mondal MN, Sayem A, Billah B. Social Impact of Stigma Regarding Tuberculosis Hindering Adherence to Treatment: A Cross Sectional Study Involving Tuberculosis Patients in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Jpn J Infect Dis 2015; 68: 461-6.
  • [30] Soomro MH, Qadeer E, Morkve O. Barriers in the management of tuberculosis in rawalpindi, pakistan: a qualitative study. Tanaffos 2013; 12:28-34.
  • [31] Park CK, Shin HJ, Kim YI, Lim SC, Yoon JS, Kim YS, Kim JC, Kwon YS. Predictors of Default from Treatment for Tuberculosis: a Single Center Case-Control Study in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 2016; 31:254-60.
  • [32] Robbins JM, Kirmayer LJ. Attributions of common somatic symptoms. Psychol Med 1991; 21:1029-45.
  • [33] Wieland ML, Weis JA, Olney MW, Alemán M, Sullivan S, Millington K, O’Hara C, Nigon JA, Sia IG. Screening for tuberculosis at an adult education center: results of a community-based participatory process. Am J Public Health 2011; 101:1264-67.

Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul

Year 2019, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 29 - 33, 29.03.2019


Objective: In Turkey, tuberculosis (TB) is considered to be one of the formerly known social diseases. Similar researches exists for AIDS in many
countries. There are very few publications about the tuberculosis stigma in our country at international level. This study aimed to assess tuberculosisrelated
stigma levels and associated factors in patients with tuberculosis applying to tuberculosis dispensaries.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in two different tuberculosis dispensaries at Istanbul. We used the stigmatization scale for patients
with tuberculosis to assess and compare stigma levels of our study population. Nonparametric statistical tests were used for comparison of stigma
Results: In our study population, stigmatization because of tuberculosis was found to be related to low income, pulmonary involvement, occupation,
and nonexistence of a relative with tuberculosis in the close environment.
Conclusion: Combating the causes of stigmatization can assist patients in accessing their healthcare provider. Patients would be more likely to abide
by the treatment schedule, thus reducing tuberculosis resistance in the community and decreasing its spread.


  • [1] World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report-2016. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2016. Available from: http://apps. who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/250441/1/978.924.1565394- eng.pdf?ua=1.
  • [2] Mason PH, Degeling C, Denholm J. Sociocultural dimensions of tuberculosis: an overview of key concepts. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015; 19:1135-43.
  • [3] Zhang T, Liu X, Bromley H, Tang S. Perceptions of tuberculosis and health seeking behaviour in rural Inner Mongolia, China. Health Policy 2007; 81:155-65.
  • [4] Açikel GY, Pakyüz SÇ. Evaluating the Stigma on Patients with Tuberculosis. FNJN 2015; 23:136-45.
  • [5] Şimşek H, Özmen D, Çetinkaya AÇ. Evaluation internalized stigma of tuberculosis patients. Uluslararasi Hakemli Hemşirelik Araştirmalari Dergisi 2016; 7:156-73.
  • [6] Vidinel İ. A historical overview of tuberculosis in Turkey. In: Özkara Ş, Kılıçaslan Z, editors. Tuberculosis. İstanbul: Türk Toraks Derneği Yayınları; 2010; 17-24.
  • [7] Major B, O’Brien LT. The social psychology of stigma. Annu Rev Psychol. 2005; 56: 393-421.
  • [8] Corrigan PW, Penn DL. Lessons from social psychology on discrediting psychiatric stigma. Am Psychol 1999; 54: 765-76.
  • [9] Aslan D. A socially stigmatizing disease from a public health perspective: Tuberculosis. Klinik Gelişim Dergisi 2006; 20: 86- 90.
  • [10] Özkurt S, Kalkan Oğuzhanoğlu N, Özdel O, Altın R, Balkanlı H, Konya T. Evaluation of Compliances of Tuberculous Cases to Treatment and Social Life. Tuberk Toraks 2000; 48: 213-18.
  • [11] Taşkın F, Olgun N. Quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Turk Toraks Derg 2010; 11: 19-25.
  • [12] Aslan D, Altıntaş H, Emri S, Cesuroǧlu T, Kotan O, Koyuncu S, et al. Self-evaluations of tuberculosis patients about their illnesses at Ankara Atatürk Sanatorium Training and Research Hospital, Turkey. Respiratory Medicine 2004; 98:626-31.
  • [13] Chang SH, Cataldo JK. A systematic review of global cultural variations in knowledge, attitudes and health responses to tuberculosis stigma. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2014; 18:168-73.
  • [14] Macq J, Solis A, Martinez G, Martiny P, Dujardin B. An exploration of the social stigma of tuberculosis in five “municipios” of Nicaragua to reflect on local interventions. Health policy 2005; 74:205-17.
  • [15] Kumar BA. Rehabilitation of treated TB patients: Social, psychological and economic aspects. Int J Mycobacteriol 2016; 5:129-30.
  • [16] Karagöz T, Arda H, Erboran T, Kiliçaslan Z, Çağlar E, Erem AR. Evaluation of Istanbul dispensary studies in terms of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2000; 48:128-35.
  • [17] Wright A, Zignol M, Van Deun A, Falzon D, Gerdes SR, Feldman K, Hoffner S, Drobniewski F, Barrera L, van Soolingen D, Boulabhal F, Paramasivan CN, Kam KM, Mitarai S, Nunn P, Raviglione M. Epidemiology of antituberculosis drug resistance 2002–07: an updated analysis of the Global Project on Anti- Tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance. The Lancet 2009; 373:1861-73.
  • [18] Aksu M. Tuberculosis in Turkey in terms of the history of medicine. Ankara: Türkiye Ulusal Verem Savaşı Dernekleri Federasyonu, 2007;161-70.
  • [19] World Health Organization. What is DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course). Available from: http://www.searo. who.int/tb/topics/what_dots/en/.
  • [20] Özkara Ş, Arpaz S, Özkan S, Aktaş Z, Örsel O, Ecevit H. Directly Observed Treatment in the Treatment of Tuberculosis (DOT). Ankara: Türkiye Ulusal Verem Savaşı Dernekleri Federasyonu; 2002. Available from: http://www.verem.org.tr/pdf/dgt1.pdf.
  • [21] Turkish Statistical Institute. Istanbul-2013 with selected indicators. Istanbul, Turkey: TUIK. Available from: http://www. tuik.gov.tr/ilGostergeleri/iller/ISTANBUL.pdf
  • [22] Sert H. Evaluation of Stigma In Tuberculosis Patients. M.U. Institute of Health Sciences, Doctoral Thesis. 2010.
  • [23] Şimşek H, Özmen D, Çakmakçı-Çetinkaya A. Evaluation internalized stigma of tuberculosis patients. International Refereed Journal of Nursing Researches. 2016; 7:156-73.
  • [24] Ozturk FO, Hisar F. Stigmatisation of tuberculosis patients. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2014; 1:37-43.
  • [25] Ahmed Suleiman MM, Sahal N, Sodemann M, El Sony A, Aro AR. Tuberculosis stigma in Gezira State, Sudan: a case-control study. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013; 17:388-93.
  • [26] Somma D, Thomas BE, Karim F, Kemp J, Arias N, Auer C, Gosoniu GD, Abouihia A, Weiss MG. Gender and socio-cultural determinants of TB-related stigma in Bangladesh, India, Malawi and Colombia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2008; 12:856-66.
  • [27] Courtwright A, Turner AN. Tuberculosis and stigmatization: pathways and interventions. Public Health Rep 2010; 125:34- 42.
  • [28] Coreil J, Mayard G, Simpson KM, Lauzardo M, Zhu Y, Weiss M. Structural forces and the production of TB-related stigma among Haitians in two contexts. Soc Sci Med 2010; 71:1409-17.
  • [29] Chowdhury MR, Rahman MS, Mondal MN, Sayem A, Billah B. Social Impact of Stigma Regarding Tuberculosis Hindering Adherence to Treatment: A Cross Sectional Study Involving Tuberculosis Patients in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Jpn J Infect Dis 2015; 68: 461-6.
  • [30] Soomro MH, Qadeer E, Morkve O. Barriers in the management of tuberculosis in rawalpindi, pakistan: a qualitative study. Tanaffos 2013; 12:28-34.
  • [31] Park CK, Shin HJ, Kim YI, Lim SC, Yoon JS, Kim YS, Kim JC, Kwon YS. Predictors of Default from Treatment for Tuberculosis: a Single Center Case-Control Study in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 2016; 31:254-60.
  • [32] Robbins JM, Kirmayer LJ. Attributions of common somatic symptoms. Psychol Med 1991; 21:1029-45.
  • [33] Wieland ML, Weis JA, Olney MW, Alemán M, Sullivan S, Millington K, O’Hara C, Nigon JA, Sia IG. Screening for tuberculosis at an adult education center: results of a community-based participatory process. Am J Public Health 2011; 101:1264-67.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Seyhan Hidiroglu This is me 0000-0001-8656-4613

Abdullah Sarioz 0000-0003-1512-3532

Mikail Ozdemir This is me 0000-0001-7567-1763

Nimet Emel Luleci This is me 0000-0002-3435-7214

Melda Karavus This is me 0000-0003-2629-2374

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Submission Date November 21, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Hidiroglu, S., Sarioz, A., Ozdemir, M., Luleci, N. E., et al. (2019). Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 9(1), 29-33. https://doi.org/10.33808/marusbed.546574
AMA Hidiroglu S, Sarioz A, Ozdemir M, Luleci NE, Karavus M. Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. March 2019;9(1):29-33. doi:10.33808/marusbed.546574
Chicago Hidiroglu, Seyhan, Abdullah Sarioz, Mikail Ozdemir, Nimet Emel Luleci, and Melda Karavus. “Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients With Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9, no. 1 (March 2019): 29-33. https://doi.org/10.33808/marusbed.546574.
EndNote Hidiroglu S, Sarioz A, Ozdemir M, Luleci NE, Karavus M (March 1, 2019) Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9 1 29–33.
IEEE S. Hidiroglu, A. Sarioz, M. Ozdemir, N. E. Luleci, and M. Karavus, “Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 29–33, 2019, doi: 10.33808/marusbed.546574.
ISNAD Hidiroglu, Seyhan et al. “Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients With Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 9/1 (March 2019), 29-33. https://doi.org/10.33808/marusbed.546574.
JAMA Hidiroglu S, Sarioz A, Ozdemir M, Luleci NE, Karavus M. Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9:29–33.
MLA Hidiroglu, Seyhan et al. “Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients With Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 29-33, doi:10.33808/marusbed.546574.
Vancouver Hidiroglu S, Sarioz A, Ozdemir M, Luleci NE, Karavus M. Perceived Stigmatization Levels of Patients with Tuberculosis Applying to Tuberculosis Dispensaries in Istanbul. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2019;9(1):29-33.

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