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Stratigrafik Veriler Işığında Nuzi Seramiği Kronolojisi

Year 2021, Issue: 20, 27 - 50, 23.12.2021


Kuzey Mezopotamya ve Suriye’de Geç Tunç Çağı boyunca görülen Nuzi seramiği, keşfinden yüz yıl geçmesine rağmen yeterince irdelenememiştir. Bu durum seramiği tanımlamamızı güçleştirirken cevaplanması beklenen en önemli sorunsalın kronolojik çerçevenin eksiliği olduğu değerlendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda Nuzi seramiğinin bulunduğu yerleşimlerin tamamında stratigrafik verilerden faydalanılarak oluşturulan kronoloji, çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Nuzi seramiği kronolojisinin doğru bir çerçeveye oturtulması birçok açıdan seramiği değerlendirmemize olanak sağlarken, ilk ortaya çıkışı ve kullanımının sona erdiği dönemsel süreç aynı zamanda ilişkili olduğu kültürler hakkında önemli bilgiler sağlayabilmektedir. Ayrıca stratigrafiye bağlı olarak seramik üzerinde gözlemlenen nitelik ve niceliksel değişimler, toplumların sosyo-politik durumlarından ticaret, üretim teknolojisi ve sanatsal gelişimlerine kadar pek çok değerli bilgiler verebilmektedir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number

2214-A No: 1059B141800123


TUBİTAK/Bideb’in yurt dışı doktora araştırma burs programı kapsamında gerçekleştirmiş olduğum Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki çalışmada, Nuzi seramiğinin bulunduğu New York Metropolitan Müzesi, Harvard Semitik Müzesi ve Harvard Sanat Müzesi gibi dünyanın prestijli müzelerinde özgün malzemenin çalışılması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca doktora eğitiminin bir bölümünü tamamladığım Harvard Üniversitesi’nde kütüphane ve ilgili uzman desteği tez çalışmasına farklı bir boyut kazandırmıştır. Bana bu imkanı sağlayan TUBİTAK/Bideb’e teşekkürlerimi sunarım


  • Akar, M. 2019 “Excavation Results”, Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume II: Late Bronze II City 2006-2010 Excavation Seasons, (Ed.: Kutlu Aslıhan Yener, Murat Akar, Mara T. Horowits), Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul:11-32.
  • Akar, M. 2018 “Arkeolojik ve Tarihsel Bağlamı İçerisinde Mitanni İmparatorluğu’nun Batı Sınırı: Alalah (Aççana Höyük) Geç Tunç Çağı Tabakalarına Ait Bir Değerlendirme”, Colloquium Anatolicum, Sayı 17, İstanbul: 33-55.
  • Akkermans, P. M. M. G- G. M. Schwartz 2005 The Archaeology of Syria, From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (ca. 16000-300 BC), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Baqır, T. M.A. 1945 “Iraq Government Excavations at ‘Aqar Quf Second Interim Report 1943-1944” Iraq Supplement II.
  • Bataray, N. 2020 Nuzi Seramiği: Kökeni, Yayılım Alanları ve Kronolojisi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Çanakkale
  • Bataray, N. 2019 “Nuzi Ware”, Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume II: Late Bronze II City 2006-2010 Excavation Seasons, (Ed.: Kutlu Aslıhan Yener, Murat Akar, Mara T. Horowits), Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul: 251-256.
  • Braidwood, R. J. 1937 Mounds in the Plain of Antioch: An Archeological Survey, Chicago: The University of Chicago.
  • Bretschneider, J. 1997 “Nuzi-Keramik” aus der Unterstadt (Feld J), (Ed.: Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman), Tell Beydar Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994), A Preliminary Report, Subartu III, Turnhout: 231-243.
  • Buccellatı, G.-M. K. Buccellati 1988 “The soundings of the first two season; Mozan 1”, Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 20, Malibu.
  • Cecchini, S. M. 1965 La ceramica di Nuzi, Studi Semitici, Vol. 15, Roma.
  • Crescioli, L.- N. Laneri 2011 Downsizing a Ceremonial Centre: A Brief Overview of the Late Bronze Age Period at Hirbemerdon Tepe (SE Turkey), Anatolica, 37: 115-146.
  • D’agostino, A. 2014 The Tell Barri Sequence of Late Bronze Age Levels: Evolution Trends Within Late 2nd Millennium Ceramic Culture, Recent Trends in the Study of Late Bronze Age Ceramics in Syro-Mesopotamia and Neighbouring Regions, Proceedings of the International Workshop in Berlin, 2 – 5 Kasım 2006, (Ed.: Marta Luciani, Arnulf Hausleıter) Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH-Rahden/Westf: 235-259.
  • Dassow, E. V. 2008 “State and Society in the Late Bronze Age: Alalah under the Mittan Empire”, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, Volume:17, CDL Press, Bethesda.
  • De Martino, S. 2004 “A tentative Chronology of the Kingdom of Mittani from its Rise to the Reign of Tušratta”, Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited, (Ed. H. Hunger, R. Pruzsinszky) Vienna, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: 35-42.
  • Dohmann Pfälzner H.- P. Pfälzner 2006 “Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Tell Mišrife-Qatna 2004 und 2005”, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 138: 57–107.
  • Duistermaat, K. 2007 The Pots and Potters of Assyria: Technology and organization of production, ceramic sequence, and vessel function at Late Bronze Age Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, Netherlands.
  • Eichler, S.- M. Wafler,- D. Warburton, 1990 “Tall al-Hamidiya 2”, Vorbericht 1985-1987. Symposion: Recent Excavations in the Upper Khabur Region, Berne, December 9-11, 1986, Freiburg, Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 6.
  • Erb-satullo, N. L- A. J. Shortlan- K. Eremin 2011 Chemical and Mineralogical Approaches to the Organization of the Late Bronze Age Nuzi Ware Production, Archaeometry, 53 (6): 1171-1192.
  • Evans, A. 1936 Some Notes on the Tal Atchana Pottery, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 56, Part 2, ss.133-134.
  • Haller, A., 1954 Die Gräber und Grüfte von Assur, WVDOG, Berlin.
  • Hrouda, B. 1957 Die bemalte Keramik des zweiten Jahrtausends in Nordmesopotamien und Nordsyrien, Istanbuler Forschngen Band 19, Verlag Gebr, Mann, Berlin.
  • Ingholt, H. 1942 “The Danish Excavations at Hama on the Orontes”, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec., 1942): 469-476.
  • Kantor, H. J. 1958 The Pottery, Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah, (Ed.: Calvin W. McEwan, vd.), Oriental Institute Publications 79, Chicago: 21-41. (1947). The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium B. C., American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Ocak-Mart), ss. 1-103.
  • Laneri, N. 2016 Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project 2003-2013 Final Report: Chronology and Material Culture, (with contributions by Mark Schwartz, Jason Ur, Stefano Valentini, Marta Aquilano, Lorenzo Biazzo, Rodolfo Brancato, Lorenzo Crescioli, Margherita Dallai, Guido Guarducci Martina Massimino and Simone Nannucci), BraDypUS Communicating Cultural Heritage, Bologna.
  • Mallowan, M. E. L. 1947 “Excavations at Brak and Chagar Bazar”, Iraq 9, Syria: 1-259.
  • Mallowan, M. E. L. 1946 Excavations in the Balih Valley, 1938, Iraq 8: 111-159.
  • Mallowan, M. E. L. 1936 The Excavations at Tall Chagar Bazar, and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region, (1934-35), Iraq, Vol. 3, No. 1: 1-59.
  • Mcmahon, A. 2009 “Once There Was A Place: Settlement Archaeology At Chagar Bazar”, 1999-2002.
  • Novak, M. 2004 “The Chronology of the Royal Palace of Qatna“, A&L, 14: 299-317.
  • Oates, D.- J. Oates- H. Mcdonald 1997 Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 1: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian periods, Cambridge, London.
  • O’callaghan, R. T. 1948 Aram Naharaim: A Contribution to the History of Upper Mesopotamia in the Second Millennium B.C., Analecta Orientalia 26, Rome.
  • Oguchi, H. 2014 “The Distribution of Nuzi Ware and Its Implication”, (Ed.: A. Özfırat), Scripta: Essays in Honour of Veli Sevin. A Life Immersed in Archaeology. Arkeolojiyle Geçen Bir Yaşam İçin Yazılar. Veli Sevin'e Armağan, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul: 215-231.
  • Othman, A. B. 2018 The Distribution of the Nuzi ware in Northern Iraq and Syria, Polytechnic Journal, Vol. 8 No. 2 (Mayıs 2018), 347-371.
  • Ökse, A.T. 2014 “Salat Tepe and its Vicinity in the Middle Bronze Age: Stratigraphic Sequence and Ceramic Assemblages”, (Ed. Dominik Bonatz), The Archaeology of Political Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BC, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter: 151-168.
  • Ökse, A.T. 2012 Salat Tepe Stratigrafisi Işığında Yukarı Dicle Havzası Kronolojisi/the Chronology of Upper Tigris Region in The Light of Salattepe Stratigraphical Sequence, Arkeoloji Dergisi, 17: 1-29.
  • Ökse, A.T. 2005 “Salat Tepe Kazılarının Stratigrafik Sonuçları”, Belleten, LXIX/256: 781-800.
  • Ökse, A.T.- A. Görmüş, 2006 “Excavations at Salat Tepe in the Upper Tigris Region: Stratigraphical Sequence and Preliminary Results of the 2005-2006 Seasons”. Akkadica, 127 (2): 167-198.
  • Ökse, A. T.- O. Alp, 2002 “Salat Tepe 2000 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları”, Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2000 Yılı Çalışmaları/Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 2000, (Derleyenler/Ed. by N. Tuna-J. Velibeyoğlu), ODTÜ, Ankara, 2002: 645-652.
  • Özfırat, A. 2005 Üçtepe II. Tunç Çağları: Kazı ve Yüzey Araştırması Işığında, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Paoletti, V. 2015 “The interregional exchange in Qatna as seen from the pottery of the Royal Palace and Royal Grave”, (ed. Pfälzner, P., Al-Maqdissi, M.), Qatna and the Networks of Bronze Age Globalism, Qatna Studien Supplementa 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag: 273-275, fig. 9: 49-50.
  • Pecorella, P. E., 1998 L’area G di Tell Barri/Kahat, 1983 – 1993, (Ed.; P. E. Pecorella), Tell Barri/Kahat 2. Relazione sulle campagne 1980–1993 a Tell Barri/ Kahat, nel bacino del Khabur (Siria), Documenta Asiana V: 78-132.
  • Polis, D. S. 2016 The Origin of the Nuzi ware: Between the re-evaluation of different opinions and submitting a new view point, Al-Rafidan 37: 153-179.
  • Postgate, C.- D. Oates- J. Oates 1997 The excavations at Tell al-Rimah: the pottery, The British School of Archaeology in Iraq, Warminster, UK.
  • Sertok, K.- F. Kulakoğlu, 2002 “Şaraga Höyük Kazıları-2000”, Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Golleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kultur Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2000 Yılı Calışlmaları/Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 2000. Derleyenler/Ed. by N. Tuna-J, Öztürk-J. Velibeyoğlu. Ankara: 351-381.
  • Soldi, S. 2008 Recent Considerations About The Origin of “Nuzi Ware” in The Light of Its Archaeological Contexts, Offprint from Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 29 Mart – 3 Nisan 2004, Vol. 2 : Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages Excavation Reports (Ed.: Hartmut Kühne, Rainer M. Czichon, Florian Janoscha Kreppner) Freie Universitat, Berlin, Harrassowitz Verlag: 245-250.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1953 “the Hurrian Participation in the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine” Paris: 311-327.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1933 The Pottery of Tell Billa: A Preliminary Assessment, The Museum Journal, 23: 249–308.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1932 “The Bearing of the Excavations at Tell Billa and at Tepe Gawra upon the Ethnic Problems of Ancient Mesopotamia”, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1932): 30.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1929 “A letter of Saustaatr and the date of the Kirkuk tablets”, Journal of the Amerikan Oriental Society 49: 269-275.
  • Starr, R. F. S. 1939 Nuzi: Report on The Excavations at Yorgan Tepa Near Kirkuk, Iraq Conducted by Harvard University in conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia 1927–1931, Vol. I Text, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA.
  • Starr, R. F. S. 1937 Nuzi: Report on The Excavations at Yorgan Tepa Near Kirkuk, Iraq conducted by Harvard University in conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia 1927–1931, Vol. II Plates and Plans, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA.
  • Stein, D. L. 1989 A reappraisal of the Saustatar Letter from Nuzi, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie, 79: 36–60.
  • Stein, D. L. 1984 Khabur Ware and Nuzi Ware: Their Origin, Relationship, and Significance, Assur, 4: 1–65.
  • Von Rüden, C. 2017 “Producing Aegeanness-An Innovation and Its Impact in Middle and Late Bronze Age Syria/Northern Levant”, (Ed.: Stefan Burmeister, Reinhard Bernbeck), The Interplay of People and Technologies. Archaeological Case Studies on Innovation, Berlin: Edition Topoi: 223-247.
  • Weiss H. 1985 “Tell Leilan on the Habur Plains of Syria”, Biblical Archaeologist 48:1: 5-34
  • Woolley, L. C. 1955 Alalakh. An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937- 1949, Londra.
  • Yener, K. A. 2019 Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume II: Late Bronze II City 2006-2010 Excavation Seasons, (Ed.: Kutlu Aslıhan Yener, Murat Akar, Mara T. Horowits), Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Yener, K. A. 2010 Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh, Vol. 1: The 2003–2004 Excavation Seasons, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Zimansky, P. 1995 The Origin of Nuzi Ware: a Contribution from Tell Hamida, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, Vol.5. General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 9/3, Winona Lake, Indiana: 75-83.
Year 2021, Issue: 20, 27 - 50, 23.12.2021


Project Number

2214-A No: 1059B141800123


  • Akar, M. 2019 “Excavation Results”, Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume II: Late Bronze II City 2006-2010 Excavation Seasons, (Ed.: Kutlu Aslıhan Yener, Murat Akar, Mara T. Horowits), Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul:11-32.
  • Akar, M. 2018 “Arkeolojik ve Tarihsel Bağlamı İçerisinde Mitanni İmparatorluğu’nun Batı Sınırı: Alalah (Aççana Höyük) Geç Tunç Çağı Tabakalarına Ait Bir Değerlendirme”, Colloquium Anatolicum, Sayı 17, İstanbul: 33-55.
  • Akkermans, P. M. M. G- G. M. Schwartz 2005 The Archaeology of Syria, From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (ca. 16000-300 BC), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Baqır, T. M.A. 1945 “Iraq Government Excavations at ‘Aqar Quf Second Interim Report 1943-1944” Iraq Supplement II.
  • Bataray, N. 2020 Nuzi Seramiği: Kökeni, Yayılım Alanları ve Kronolojisi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Çanakkale
  • Bataray, N. 2019 “Nuzi Ware”, Tell Atchana, Alalakh Volume II: Late Bronze II City 2006-2010 Excavation Seasons, (Ed.: Kutlu Aslıhan Yener, Murat Akar, Mara T. Horowits), Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul: 251-256.
  • Braidwood, R. J. 1937 Mounds in the Plain of Antioch: An Archeological Survey, Chicago: The University of Chicago.
  • Bretschneider, J. 1997 “Nuzi-Keramik” aus der Unterstadt (Feld J), (Ed.: Marc Lebeau, Antoine Suleiman), Tell Beydar Three Seasons of Excavations (1992-1994), A Preliminary Report, Subartu III, Turnhout: 231-243.
  • Buccellatı, G.-M. K. Buccellati 1988 “The soundings of the first two season; Mozan 1”, Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 20, Malibu.
  • Cecchini, S. M. 1965 La ceramica di Nuzi, Studi Semitici, Vol. 15, Roma.
  • Crescioli, L.- N. Laneri 2011 Downsizing a Ceremonial Centre: A Brief Overview of the Late Bronze Age Period at Hirbemerdon Tepe (SE Turkey), Anatolica, 37: 115-146.
  • D’agostino, A. 2014 The Tell Barri Sequence of Late Bronze Age Levels: Evolution Trends Within Late 2nd Millennium Ceramic Culture, Recent Trends in the Study of Late Bronze Age Ceramics in Syro-Mesopotamia and Neighbouring Regions, Proceedings of the International Workshop in Berlin, 2 – 5 Kasım 2006, (Ed.: Marta Luciani, Arnulf Hausleıter) Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH-Rahden/Westf: 235-259.
  • Dassow, E. V. 2008 “State and Society in the Late Bronze Age: Alalah under the Mittan Empire”, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, Volume:17, CDL Press, Bethesda.
  • De Martino, S. 2004 “A tentative Chronology of the Kingdom of Mittani from its Rise to the Reign of Tušratta”, Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited, (Ed. H. Hunger, R. Pruzsinszky) Vienna, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: 35-42.
  • Dohmann Pfälzner H.- P. Pfälzner 2006 “Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Tell Mišrife-Qatna 2004 und 2005”, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 138: 57–107.
  • Duistermaat, K. 2007 The Pots and Potters of Assyria: Technology and organization of production, ceramic sequence, and vessel function at Late Bronze Age Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, Netherlands.
  • Eichler, S.- M. Wafler,- D. Warburton, 1990 “Tall al-Hamidiya 2”, Vorbericht 1985-1987. Symposion: Recent Excavations in the Upper Khabur Region, Berne, December 9-11, 1986, Freiburg, Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 6.
  • Erb-satullo, N. L- A. J. Shortlan- K. Eremin 2011 Chemical and Mineralogical Approaches to the Organization of the Late Bronze Age Nuzi Ware Production, Archaeometry, 53 (6): 1171-1192.
  • Evans, A. 1936 Some Notes on the Tal Atchana Pottery, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 56, Part 2, ss.133-134.
  • Haller, A., 1954 Die Gräber und Grüfte von Assur, WVDOG, Berlin.
  • Hrouda, B. 1957 Die bemalte Keramik des zweiten Jahrtausends in Nordmesopotamien und Nordsyrien, Istanbuler Forschngen Band 19, Verlag Gebr, Mann, Berlin.
  • Ingholt, H. 1942 “The Danish Excavations at Hama on the Orontes”, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec., 1942): 469-476.
  • Kantor, H. J. 1958 The Pottery, Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah, (Ed.: Calvin W. McEwan, vd.), Oriental Institute Publications 79, Chicago: 21-41. (1947). The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium B. C., American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Ocak-Mart), ss. 1-103.
  • Laneri, N. 2016 Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project 2003-2013 Final Report: Chronology and Material Culture, (with contributions by Mark Schwartz, Jason Ur, Stefano Valentini, Marta Aquilano, Lorenzo Biazzo, Rodolfo Brancato, Lorenzo Crescioli, Margherita Dallai, Guido Guarducci Martina Massimino and Simone Nannucci), BraDypUS Communicating Cultural Heritage, Bologna.
  • Mallowan, M. E. L. 1947 “Excavations at Brak and Chagar Bazar”, Iraq 9, Syria: 1-259.
  • Mallowan, M. E. L. 1946 Excavations in the Balih Valley, 1938, Iraq 8: 111-159.
  • Mallowan, M. E. L. 1936 The Excavations at Tall Chagar Bazar, and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region, (1934-35), Iraq, Vol. 3, No. 1: 1-59.
  • Mcmahon, A. 2009 “Once There Was A Place: Settlement Archaeology At Chagar Bazar”, 1999-2002.
  • Novak, M. 2004 “The Chronology of the Royal Palace of Qatna“, A&L, 14: 299-317.
  • Oates, D.- J. Oates- H. Mcdonald 1997 Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 1: The Mitanni and Old Babylonian periods, Cambridge, London.
  • O’callaghan, R. T. 1948 Aram Naharaim: A Contribution to the History of Upper Mesopotamia in the Second Millennium B.C., Analecta Orientalia 26, Rome.
  • Oguchi, H. 2014 “The Distribution of Nuzi Ware and Its Implication”, (Ed.: A. Özfırat), Scripta: Essays in Honour of Veli Sevin. A Life Immersed in Archaeology. Arkeolojiyle Geçen Bir Yaşam İçin Yazılar. Veli Sevin'e Armağan, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul: 215-231.
  • Othman, A. B. 2018 The Distribution of the Nuzi ware in Northern Iraq and Syria, Polytechnic Journal, Vol. 8 No. 2 (Mayıs 2018), 347-371.
  • Ökse, A.T. 2014 “Salat Tepe and its Vicinity in the Middle Bronze Age: Stratigraphic Sequence and Ceramic Assemblages”, (Ed. Dominik Bonatz), The Archaeology of Political Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BC, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter: 151-168.
  • Ökse, A.T. 2012 Salat Tepe Stratigrafisi Işığında Yukarı Dicle Havzası Kronolojisi/the Chronology of Upper Tigris Region in The Light of Salattepe Stratigraphical Sequence, Arkeoloji Dergisi, 17: 1-29.
  • Ökse, A.T. 2005 “Salat Tepe Kazılarının Stratigrafik Sonuçları”, Belleten, LXIX/256: 781-800.
  • Ökse, A.T.- A. Görmüş, 2006 “Excavations at Salat Tepe in the Upper Tigris Region: Stratigraphical Sequence and Preliminary Results of the 2005-2006 Seasons”. Akkadica, 127 (2): 167-198.
  • Ökse, A. T.- O. Alp, 2002 “Salat Tepe 2000 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları”, Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2000 Yılı Çalışmaları/Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 2000, (Derleyenler/Ed. by N. Tuna-J. Velibeyoğlu), ODTÜ, Ankara, 2002: 645-652.
  • Özfırat, A. 2005 Üçtepe II. Tunç Çağları: Kazı ve Yüzey Araştırması Işığında, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Paoletti, V. 2015 “The interregional exchange in Qatna as seen from the pottery of the Royal Palace and Royal Grave”, (ed. Pfälzner, P., Al-Maqdissi, M.), Qatna and the Networks of Bronze Age Globalism, Qatna Studien Supplementa 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag: 273-275, fig. 9: 49-50.
  • Pecorella, P. E., 1998 L’area G di Tell Barri/Kahat, 1983 – 1993, (Ed.; P. E. Pecorella), Tell Barri/Kahat 2. Relazione sulle campagne 1980–1993 a Tell Barri/ Kahat, nel bacino del Khabur (Siria), Documenta Asiana V: 78-132.
  • Polis, D. S. 2016 The Origin of the Nuzi ware: Between the re-evaluation of different opinions and submitting a new view point, Al-Rafidan 37: 153-179.
  • Postgate, C.- D. Oates- J. Oates 1997 The excavations at Tell al-Rimah: the pottery, The British School of Archaeology in Iraq, Warminster, UK.
  • Sertok, K.- F. Kulakoğlu, 2002 “Şaraga Höyük Kazıları-2000”, Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Golleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kultur Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2000 Yılı Calışlmaları/Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 2000. Derleyenler/Ed. by N. Tuna-J, Öztürk-J. Velibeyoğlu. Ankara: 351-381.
  • Soldi, S. 2008 Recent Considerations About The Origin of “Nuzi Ware” in The Light of Its Archaeological Contexts, Offprint from Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 29 Mart – 3 Nisan 2004, Vol. 2 : Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages Excavation Reports (Ed.: Hartmut Kühne, Rainer M. Czichon, Florian Janoscha Kreppner) Freie Universitat, Berlin, Harrassowitz Verlag: 245-250.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1953 “the Hurrian Participation in the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine” Paris: 311-327.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1933 The Pottery of Tell Billa: A Preliminary Assessment, The Museum Journal, 23: 249–308.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1932 “The Bearing of the Excavations at Tell Billa and at Tepe Gawra upon the Ethnic Problems of Ancient Mesopotamia”, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1932): 30.
  • Speiser, E. A. 1929 “A letter of Saustaatr and the date of the Kirkuk tablets”, Journal of the Amerikan Oriental Society 49: 269-275.
  • Starr, R. F. S. 1939 Nuzi: Report on The Excavations at Yorgan Tepa Near Kirkuk, Iraq Conducted by Harvard University in conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia 1927–1931, Vol. I Text, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA.
  • Starr, R. F. S. 1937 Nuzi: Report on The Excavations at Yorgan Tepa Near Kirkuk, Iraq conducted by Harvard University in conjunction with the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum of Philadelphia 1927–1931, Vol. II Plates and Plans, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Nurettin Bataray 0000-0002-4020-8469

Project Number 2214-A No: 1059B141800123
Publication Date December 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 20


EndNote Bataray N (December 1, 2021) Stratigrafik Veriler Işığında Nuzi Seramiği Kronolojisi. Colloquium Anatolicum 20 27–50.