Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 160 - 169, 15.12.2019


             The present study was conducted with the samples
collected in 10 different stations in Kırıkhan district and vicinity in
2012-2014. The samples were collected from tree barks, leaves, wood and other
decayed plant material. The collected materials were used in Moist Chamber
Culture to develop myxomycetes sporophores. Furthermore, myxomycetes were
collected from their natural environment. In the field and laboratory studies,
45 taxa in 10 families and 22 genera were identified.


  • Stephenson SL, Stempen H (1994). Myxomycetes: A Handbook of Slime Molds. TımberPress, Portland, Oregan, USA.
  • Baba H, Gelen M, Sevindik M (2018). Taxonomic investigation of myxomycetes in Altınözü, Turkey. Mycopathology 16(1): 23-31.
  • Farr ML (1981). True Slime Molds. Wm. C. Brown Comp., p. 132, Dubuque Iowa.
  • Lado C (2019). An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa. Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, CSIC (2019)
  • Baba H, Gelen M, Zümre M (2013). Three new Trichiales (Myxomycetes) records for Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22(11a): 3338-3342.
  • Süerdem TB, Karabacak E, Dülger B (2015). A new record of Diderma (Myxomycetes) from Turkey. Mycologia Iranica 2(2): 135-138.
  • Baba H (2015). Investigation of Myxomycetes diversity on Kuseyr Mountain; Three new records in Hatay/Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24(11c): 4077-4086.
  • Baba H, Zümre M (2015). A New Myxomycetes Record from Turkey. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 5(9): 14-16.
  • Alkan S, Eroğlu G, Kaşık G (2016). A new myxomycete record from Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 9(2): 128-130.
  • Ergül CC, Akgul H, Oran RB (2016). New Records of Mycetozoa Taxa From Turkey. Oxidation Communications 39(2): 1615-1623
  • Baba H, Zumre M, Gelen M (2016). An Investigation on North Adana (Turkey) Myxomycetes. Chiang Mai Journal of Science 43(1): 54-67.
  • Sesli E, Akata I, Denchev TT, Denchev CM (2016). Myxomycetes in Turkey–a checklist. Mycobiota 6: 1–20.
  • Baba H, Arslan Ç (2017). Licea pescadorensis, A New Myxomycetes Record for Turkey. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7(4): 33-36.
  • Baba H, Ozyigit İİ (2017). Three New Rare Myxomycetes (Mycetozoa) Records From Hatay, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26(8): 4907-4910
  • Baba H, Er A (2018). Craterium dictyosporum: A new record of Myxomycetes from Hatay, Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica 31(1): 33-35
  • Ocak İ, Konuk M (2018). Diversity and Ecology of Myxomycetes from Kütahya and Konya (Turkey) with Four New Records. Mycobiology 46(3): 215-223
  • Anonymous (2014).
  • Martin GW, Alexopoulos CJ (1969). The Myxomycetes. University of Iowa press, p. 560, Iowa City.
  • Farr ML (1976). Flora Neotropica. Monograph No:16. N.Y. Bot. garden.
  • Thind KS (1977). The Myxomycetes of India. I.C.A.R. , p.702, New Delhi.
  • Martin GW, Alexopoulos CJ, Farr ML (1983). The Genera of Myxomycetes. Univ. of Iowa Pres., p. 438, Iowa City. 70
  • Neubert H, Nowotny W, Baumann K, Marx H (2000). Die Myxomyceten (Band III). Karlheinz BaumannVerlag Gomaringen.
  • Alexopoulos CJ, Mims CW, Blackwell M (1996). Introductory Mycology, Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
  • Lado C, Pando F (1997). Flora Mycologica Iberica, Vol. 2. CSIC, p. 323, Madrid, Spain.
  • Harkönen M, Uotila P (1983). Turkish Myxomycetes developed in Moist Chamber Cultures. Karstenia 23: 1-9.
  • Stephenson SL, Kalyanasundaram I, Lakhanpal TN (1993). A comparative biogeographical study of myxomycetes in the mid-Appalachians of eastern North America and two regions of India. Journal of Biogeography 20: 645-657.
  • Ergül CC, Akgül H (2011). Myxomycete diversity of Uludağ national park, Turkey. Mycotaxon 116:479.
  • Oskay M, Tüzün Ö (2015). Kemalpaşa ve çevresi (İzmir) miksobiyotasının belirlenmesi. C.B.U. Journal of Science 11(1): 59-68.
  • Everhart SE, Keller HW (2008). Life history strategies of corticolous myxomycetes: the life cycle, plasmodial types, fruiting bodies, and taxonomic orders. Fungal Diversity 29: 1-16.
  • Yağız D (2003). Seydişehir-Derebucak (Konya)–Akseki (Antalya) Yörelerinin Miksomiset Florası, Doktor Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Konya. 124 s.
  • Baba H (2012). Myxomycetes of Mustafa Kemal University campus and environs. Turkish Journal of Botany 36: 769-777.
  • Ergül CC, Dulger B, Oran RB, Akgul H (2005). Myxomycetes of the western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Mycotaxon 96: 362.
  • Ergül CC, Dülger B, Akgül H (2005). Myxomycetes of Mezit Stream valley of Turkey. Mycotaxon 92: 239-242.
  • Baba H (2007). A study on the Myxomycetes in Manisa. Ot sistematik botanik dergisi 14 (2): 179-196.
  • Rojas C, Stephenson SL (2008). Myxomycete ecology along an elevation gradient on Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Fungal Diversity 29: 117-127.
  • Ing B (1994). The Phytosociology of Myxomycetes. New Phytologist 126: 175-201.
Year 2019, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 160 - 169, 15.12.2019



  • Stephenson SL, Stempen H (1994). Myxomycetes: A Handbook of Slime Molds. TımberPress, Portland, Oregan, USA.
  • Baba H, Gelen M, Sevindik M (2018). Taxonomic investigation of myxomycetes in Altınözü, Turkey. Mycopathology 16(1): 23-31.
  • Farr ML (1981). True Slime Molds. Wm. C. Brown Comp., p. 132, Dubuque Iowa.
  • Lado C (2019). An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa. Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, CSIC (2019)
  • Baba H, Gelen M, Zümre M (2013). Three new Trichiales (Myxomycetes) records for Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22(11a): 3338-3342.
  • Süerdem TB, Karabacak E, Dülger B (2015). A new record of Diderma (Myxomycetes) from Turkey. Mycologia Iranica 2(2): 135-138.
  • Baba H (2015). Investigation of Myxomycetes diversity on Kuseyr Mountain; Three new records in Hatay/Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24(11c): 4077-4086.
  • Baba H, Zümre M (2015). A New Myxomycetes Record from Turkey. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 5(9): 14-16.
  • Alkan S, Eroğlu G, Kaşık G (2016). A new myxomycete record from Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 9(2): 128-130.
  • Ergül CC, Akgul H, Oran RB (2016). New Records of Mycetozoa Taxa From Turkey. Oxidation Communications 39(2): 1615-1623
  • Baba H, Zumre M, Gelen M (2016). An Investigation on North Adana (Turkey) Myxomycetes. Chiang Mai Journal of Science 43(1): 54-67.
  • Sesli E, Akata I, Denchev TT, Denchev CM (2016). Myxomycetes in Turkey–a checklist. Mycobiota 6: 1–20.
  • Baba H, Arslan Ç (2017). Licea pescadorensis, A New Myxomycetes Record for Turkey. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7(4): 33-36.
  • Baba H, Ozyigit İİ (2017). Three New Rare Myxomycetes (Mycetozoa) Records From Hatay, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26(8): 4907-4910
  • Baba H, Er A (2018). Craterium dictyosporum: A new record of Myxomycetes from Hatay, Turkey. Acta Biologica Turcica 31(1): 33-35
  • Ocak İ, Konuk M (2018). Diversity and Ecology of Myxomycetes from Kütahya and Konya (Turkey) with Four New Records. Mycobiology 46(3): 215-223
  • Anonymous (2014).
  • Martin GW, Alexopoulos CJ (1969). The Myxomycetes. University of Iowa press, p. 560, Iowa City.
  • Farr ML (1976). Flora Neotropica. Monograph No:16. N.Y. Bot. garden.
  • Thind KS (1977). The Myxomycetes of India. I.C.A.R. , p.702, New Delhi.
  • Martin GW, Alexopoulos CJ, Farr ML (1983). The Genera of Myxomycetes. Univ. of Iowa Pres., p. 438, Iowa City. 70
  • Neubert H, Nowotny W, Baumann K, Marx H (2000). Die Myxomyceten (Band III). Karlheinz BaumannVerlag Gomaringen.
  • Alexopoulos CJ, Mims CW, Blackwell M (1996). Introductory Mycology, Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
  • Lado C, Pando F (1997). Flora Mycologica Iberica, Vol. 2. CSIC, p. 323, Madrid, Spain.
  • Harkönen M, Uotila P (1983). Turkish Myxomycetes developed in Moist Chamber Cultures. Karstenia 23: 1-9.
  • Stephenson SL, Kalyanasundaram I, Lakhanpal TN (1993). A comparative biogeographical study of myxomycetes in the mid-Appalachians of eastern North America and two regions of India. Journal of Biogeography 20: 645-657.
  • Ergül CC, Akgül H (2011). Myxomycete diversity of Uludağ national park, Turkey. Mycotaxon 116:479.
  • Oskay M, Tüzün Ö (2015). Kemalpaşa ve çevresi (İzmir) miksobiyotasının belirlenmesi. C.B.U. Journal of Science 11(1): 59-68.
  • Everhart SE, Keller HW (2008). Life history strategies of corticolous myxomycetes: the life cycle, plasmodial types, fruiting bodies, and taxonomic orders. Fungal Diversity 29: 1-16.
  • Yağız D (2003). Seydişehir-Derebucak (Konya)–Akseki (Antalya) Yörelerinin Miksomiset Florası, Doktor Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Konya. 124 s.
  • Baba H (2012). Myxomycetes of Mustafa Kemal University campus and environs. Turkish Journal of Botany 36: 769-777.
  • Ergül CC, Dulger B, Oran RB, Akgul H (2005). Myxomycetes of the western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Mycotaxon 96: 362.
  • Ergül CC, Dülger B, Akgül H (2005). Myxomycetes of Mezit Stream valley of Turkey. Mycotaxon 92: 239-242.
  • Baba H (2007). A study on the Myxomycetes in Manisa. Ot sistematik botanik dergisi 14 (2): 179-196.
  • Rojas C, Stephenson SL (2008). Myxomycete ecology along an elevation gradient on Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Fungal Diversity 29: 117-127.
  • Ing B (1994). The Phytosociology of Myxomycetes. New Phytologist 126: 175-201.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Review Articles

Hayri Baba 0000-0002-1837-4321

Erdal Cennet This is me 0000-0002-6937-1948

Mustafa Sevindik 0000-0001-7223-2220

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Acceptance Date October 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 28 Issue: 2


Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C-Biology.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.