Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 9/14/22

Year: 2022

ConICom journal aims to contribute to the field of media and communication studies by publishing national and international scientific studies by academicians and researchers who are experts in their fields.

ConICom gives important to the interdisciplinary quality of the communication field. It is a periodical publication that prioritises to articles such as original, theoretical and applied research, compilation, book reviewing and efficiency rating that will contribute to the field literature which brings together various topics.
Articles submitted to the ConICom journal are evaluated through a double-blind peer-review process and published electronically with free access. Articles in the following formats are accepted for ConIcom journal:
Compilation: A comprehensive compilation of recent scientific studies on a particular subject.
Research Article: An article in scientific format presenting original research and its results.
Theoretical Articles: An article prepared theoretically that will contribute to the related discipline.
Article prepared as a book review and efficiency rating.

1. Articles submitted for consideration at ConICom should be written in an appropriate academic language, have a clear theoretical and methodological background, and these points should be systematically expressed in the text.
2. If the article was produced from a thesis or conference paper, this should be clearly expressed as a footnote on the introduction page of the article.
3. Articles produced from the thesis can be submitted to ConICom. Reviewers or editor may request revision of the article. In order for the articles produced from the thesis to be published, revision requests must be fulfilled. Articles produced from the thesis that are not revised in line with the opinions of the referee or editor are returned.
4. Articles should be written in Microsoft Word document, Palatino Linotype, 10 font size, 1 line spacing and justified.
5. Tittle of the article should be written in 14 points and bold, the first headings should be written in 12 points and bold, the sub-titles should be written with their first letters capitalized, bold and 11 points.
6. The word limit for articles is 8000, including English abstract, keywords, footnotes, acknowledgments and references.
7. The language of the journal is English.
8. The authors who intend to submit an article should obtain the necessary editing support and have their texts in a proper language and expression and submit them to the journal in this way.
9. English articles that do not have adequacy of language and expression are not included in the publication process and are returned.

**Click for Article Template**

Authors and Publications
1. All studies submitted to the ConICom journal must comply with the purpose and scope of the journal, be completely original, contribute to the scientific and academic literature, the research method used in the study must be valid and reliable, and citations must be expressed in accordance with the spelling rules. Studies that do not comply with these rules will be rejected without being submitted to the referees.
2. Articles submitted to the ConICom journal must not have been previously published in another written and/or printed (digital and/or hardcopy) medium/platform. In this context; The author(s) undertakes that the submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere.
3. Author(s) should not submit an article containing the same study or research to more than one journal at the same time.
4. Works that have been presented at national or international events (conference, symposium, congress, etc.) and whose abstracts have been published can be evaluated, provided that the necessary explanations and the date and place of publication are specified. Author(s) can withdraw articles submitted for evaluation to ConICom by contacting the editor (explaining the reason).
5. The author(s) is obliged to comply with the copyright terms regarding the material taken and/or used from other sources and to sign the contract expressing the transfer of the copyright to the journal.
6. The responsibility of all studies published in the journal belongs to the author(s).
7. It should be stated and documented on the first and last page of the article and in the method section that the article was approved by the ethics committee for research that requires data collection through surveys, interviews, and observations sent for publication in ConICom journal; Information regarding the signing of the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article. If scales, questionnaires, etc. belonging to other authors are used, information about obtaining permission from the relevant persons should be included in the article. In addition, the articles should include a statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
8. Articles should be prepared in an academic style; must not contain any form of discrimination, sexism, racism, partisanship or general hate speech. In this respect, studies that are found to be problematic are given back to their author(s).
9. For articles submitted to ConICom journal, The author(s) should upload iThenticate, Turnitin etc. to any of the plagiarism programs to check for similarity and the plagiarism report should be uploaded to the system with the article. In the report, the similarity rate of the articles to a single source should not be 4% or more. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 20% are given back to the author and the evaluation process is finished. The right that the articles submitted to the ConICom journal can be examined for plagiarism at any stage by means of purpose-built software is reserved.
10. Articles submitted to ConICom journal are passed through the stages of PRE- CHECK, PLAGİARİSM, REFEREE EVALUATION and TURKISH-ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONTROL. The work, which does not pass this process even though it has been examined three times during the Pre-Check stage, is given back to the author(s) and will not be processed again in the same publication period. Studies that pass the Pre-Check stage are included in the evaluation process in which at least two referees are assigned within the framework of the double-blind refereeing principle.
11. It is assumed by the editorial board that the author(s) accept the above-mentioned conditions when submitting an article to ConICom journal.
12. No royalties will be paid to the author(s) for the publication of their articles.


1. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are included in the double-blind peer review process for review by an editor and at least two referees.
2. The referees are obliged to that he information about the articles submitted by the authors are considered as privileged information and to keep them confidential.
3. The referees are responsible for making fair and impartial decisions.
4. The referees are obliged to immediately report any abuse of the author(s) (eg plagiarism, other unethical activities) to the managing editor.
Editorial board

1. The editorial board reserves the right not to accept articles for consideration in case of non-compliance with the article submission rules and in violation of legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
2. Based on the reports of the editorial board and the referees, the editor may accept, reject or request changes to the article. Rejected works cannot be used for other purposes without the written consent of the author.
3. The editors are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of the submitted works until they are published, except for the suspicion of sending the article to other places.
4. After the initial review by the editorial board, only selected articles are subject to referee review and sent to at least two referees.
5. Editors are responsible for ensuring that all articles are evaluated fairly and impartially; therefore, the decision to accept or reject an article depends solely on the importance, originality, and clarity of the article and the relevance of the study to the field of the journal.
6. Editors cannot discriminate against any author on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, ethnic origin, political belief, sexual orientation or nationality etc. 

No fee is charged for submission, process management or publication purposes from the articles sent to the journal.

Contemporary Issues of Communication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).