Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 97 - 125, 01.06.2017
Hasret Elçin Kürşat Coşkun
- Allport, Gordon W., (1971). Die Natur des Vorurteils: 367. Köln. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, ISG-Befragung. Ausländerfeindlichkeit, 1990
- Chesler, M.A. (1965). Ethnocentrism and Attitudes toward the Physically Disabled, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2, 877-881.
- Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). (1990) Sorry , It’s Gone: Testing for Racial Discrimination in Private Rented Housing Sector, London.
- Cooper, J.B. (1959). Emotion in Prejudice, Science 130, 314-318.
- Cooper, J.B. and J.L. Mc Gaugh.(1963). Integrative Principles of Social Psychology. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman.
- Cooper, J.B. and D.N. Singer. (1956). The Role of Emotion in Prejudice, Journal of Social Psychology 44: 241-247.
- Coopersmith, S.A. (1959). Method of Determining Types of Self- Esteem, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 59, 87-94.
- Corthran, Tilman C. Negro (1951). Conceptions of White People, American Journal of Sociology 56, 458-467.
- Crandall, V.J. and U. Bellugi. (1954). Some Relationships of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conceptualizations to Personal-Social Adjustment, Journal of Personality 23, 224-232.
- DeFleur, M.L. and F.R. Westie. (1959). The Interpretation of Interracial Situations, Social Forces 38, 17-23.
- DeFriese, G.H. and W.S. Ford. (1969). Verbal Attitudes, Over Acts, and the Influence of Social Constraint in Interracial Behavior, Social Problems 16, 493-505.
- Diab, L.N. (1962). National Stereotypes and the ‘‘Reference Group’’ Concept, Journal of Social Psychology 57, 339-351.
- Dillehay, R.C., W.H. Bruvold, and J.P. Siegel. (1969). Attitude, Object Label and Stimulus Factors in Response to an Attitude Object, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 11, 220-223.
- Edlefsen, J.B. (1956). Social Distance Attitudes of Negro College Students, Phylon 17, 19-83.
- Ehrlich, H.J. (1992a) Stereotyping and Negro-Jewish Stereotypes, Social Forces 41, 171-176.
- Ehrlich H.J. (1962b) The Swastika Epidemic of 1959-1960: Anti- Semitism and Community Characteristics, Social Problems 9, 264-272.
- Ehrlich H.J. and N. Van Tubergen. (1969). Social Distance as Behavioral Intentions: A Replication, A Failure, and A New Proposal, Psychological Reports 24, 627-634.
- Ehrlich H.J. and N. Van Tubergen. (1971). Exploring the Structure and Salience of Stereotypes, Journal of Social Psychology 83, 113-127.
- Eichener,V. Außenseiter und Etablierte; Ausländer auf dem Wohnungsmarkt, In Korte, H. (ed.). (1990). Gesellschaftliche Prozese, Frankfurt.
- Elias N. (2006). The Court Society edited by Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N.(2012). On the Process of Civilization [note new title], edited by Stephen Mennell, Eric Dunning, Johan Goudsblom and Richard Kilminster. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. and J. Scotson. (2008). The Established and the Outsiders, edited by Cas Wouters: 19, 20, 22. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2012). What is Sociology? Edited by Artur Bogner, Katie Liston and Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2009). The Loneliness of the Dying and Humana Conditio, edited by Alan and Brigitte Scott. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2008). Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilising Process, by Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning, edited by Eric Dunning. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2007). Involvement and Detachment, edited by Stephen Quilley. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2007). An Essay on Time, edited by Steven Loyal and Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2010). The Society of Individuals, edited by Robert van Krieken. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2013). Studies on the Germans [note new title], edited by Stephen Mennell and Eric Dunning. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2010). Mozart, and Other Essays on Courtly Culture, edited by Eric Baker and Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2011). The Symbol Theory, edited by Richard Kilminster. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Ewens, W.L. (1969). Reference Other Support,Ethnic Attitudes, and Perceived Influence of Others in the Performance of Overt Acts. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- Fagan, J. and M. O’Neill. (1965) A Comparison of Social-Distance Scores Aong Collage Student Samples, Journal of Social Psychology 66, 281-290.
- Fendrich J.M. (1967). Perceived Reference Group Support: Racial Attitudes and Overt Behavior, American Sociological Review 32, 960- 970.
- Fey, W.F. (1955). Acceptance by Others and Its Relation to Acceptance of Self and Others: A Revaluation, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 50, 274-276.
- Fey, W.F. (1957). Correlates of Certain Subjective Attitudes towards Self and Others, Journal of Clinical Psychology 13, 44-49.
- Fey, W.F. and Omwake Fink, H.C. (1971). Fictitious Groups and the Generality of Prejudice: An Artifact of Scales without Neutral Categories, Psychological Reports 29, 359-365.
- Fishman, J. (1955). Negative Stereotypes Concerning Americans Among American-Born Children Receiving Various Types of Minority Group Educations, Genetic Psychology Monographs 51, 107-182.
- Fishman, J. (1961). Some Social and Psychological Determinants of Inter-Group Relations in Changing Neighborhoods: An Introduction to the Bridgeview Study, Social Forces 40, 42-51.
- Frenkel-Brunswik, E. and R.N. Sanford. (1945). Some Personality Factors in Anti-Semitism, Journal of Psychology 20, 271-291.
- Gardner, R.C. and D.M. Taylor.(1969). Ethnic Stereotypes: Meaningfulness in Ethnic-Group Labels, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science 1, 182-192.
- Gergen, K.J.(1967). The Signifigance of Skin Color in Human Relations, Daedalus 96, 390-407.
- Gilliland, A.R. and R.A. Blum. (1945). Favorable and Unfavorable Attitudes Toward Certain Enemy and Allied Countries, Journal of Psychology 20, 391-399.
- Glazer, N. (1972). Affirmative Action: 17ff, New York. Goffman, E. (1986). Stigma. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc.
- Gordon, M.M. (1964). Assimilation in American Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gordon R. (1962). Stereotype of Imagery and Belief as an Ego Defence, British Journal of Psychology, Monograph Supplement, No. 34.
- Gough, H.G. (1951). Studies of Social Intolerance: I. Some Psychological and Sociological Correlates of Anti-Semitism, Journal of Social Psychology 33, 237-246.
- Gross, S.L. and J.E. Hardy (eds.). (1966). Images of the Negro in American Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Gutman, R. (1966). Demographic Trends and the Decline of Anti- Semitism. In Stember, C.H.(ed.). Jews in the Mind of America. New York: Basic Books.
- Hanlon, T.E.P. Hofstaetter, and J.O’Connor. (1954). Congruence of Self and Ideal Self in Relation to Personality Adjustment, Journal of Consulting Psychology 18, 215-218.
- Harlan, H.H. (1942). Some Factors Affecting Attitude toward jews, American Sociological Review 8, 816-827.
- Hartley, E.L. (1946). Problems in Prejudice. New York: King’s Crown Press.
- Heer, D.M. (1966). Negro-White Marriage in the United States, Journal of Marriage and the Family 28, 262-273.
- Hess, R.D. and J.V. Torney. (1967). The Development of Political Attitudes in Children. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.
- Hettlage-Varjas, (1990) A. Die Entstehung des Fremdenhass in Unserer Gesellschaft, Wegezum Menschen : 42, 8.
- Hofstaetter, P.R. (1952). A Factorial Study of Prejudice, Journal of Personality 21, 228-239.
- Holloway, R.L. (1968). Human Aggression: The Need for a Species- Spesific Framework, In Fried, M., M. Harris, R. Murphy (eds.)s War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression. Garden City, N.Y.: National History Press.
- Horowitz E.L. (1936). The Development of Attitude toward the Negro, Archives of Psychology, No. 194.
- Horowitz E.L. and R.E.Horowitz. (1938). Development of Social Attitudes in Children, Sociometry 1, 301-338.
- Howe, I. (1949). The Stranger and the Victim; The Two Jewish Stereotypes of American Fiction, Commentary 8, 147-156.
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- Irwin, M., T. Tripodi, and J. Bieri. (1967). Affective Stimulus Value and Cognitive Complexity, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5, 444-449.
- Iahoda, G. (1959). Nationality Preferences and National Stereotypes in Ghana Before Independence, Journal of Social Psychology 50, 165- 174.
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The Established and The Outsiders-Theorem Instead of ‘‘Racism’’: A Figuration of Power Assymmetrie
Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 97 - 125, 01.06.2017
Hasret Elçin Kürşat Coşkun
The Established and the Outsiders-Theorem emphasizes the
power differential between the established and the otsider group as the
major cause of mechanisms of stigmatization and discrimination. The more powerful group ascribes itself. A group charima and superiority attributing group disgrace, inferiority and anomy to the less powerful group. The group cohesion, innergroup social control and the
monopolization of power sources enable the established to forbid their
own members any social contacts with the outsiders.
- Allport, Gordon W., (1971). Die Natur des Vorurteils: 367. Köln. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, ISG-Befragung. Ausländerfeindlichkeit, 1990
- Chesler, M.A. (1965). Ethnocentrism and Attitudes toward the Physically Disabled, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2, 877-881.
- Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). (1990) Sorry , It’s Gone: Testing for Racial Discrimination in Private Rented Housing Sector, London.
- Cooper, J.B. (1959). Emotion in Prejudice, Science 130, 314-318.
- Cooper, J.B. and J.L. Mc Gaugh.(1963). Integrative Principles of Social Psychology. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman.
- Cooper, J.B. and D.N. Singer. (1956). The Role of Emotion in Prejudice, Journal of Social Psychology 44: 241-247.
- Coopersmith, S.A. (1959). Method of Determining Types of Self- Esteem, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 59, 87-94.
- Corthran, Tilman C. Negro (1951). Conceptions of White People, American Journal of Sociology 56, 458-467.
- Crandall, V.J. and U. Bellugi. (1954). Some Relationships of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conceptualizations to Personal-Social Adjustment, Journal of Personality 23, 224-232.
- DeFleur, M.L. and F.R. Westie. (1959). The Interpretation of Interracial Situations, Social Forces 38, 17-23.
- DeFriese, G.H. and W.S. Ford. (1969). Verbal Attitudes, Over Acts, and the Influence of Social Constraint in Interracial Behavior, Social Problems 16, 493-505.
- Diab, L.N. (1962). National Stereotypes and the ‘‘Reference Group’’ Concept, Journal of Social Psychology 57, 339-351.
- Dillehay, R.C., W.H. Bruvold, and J.P. Siegel. (1969). Attitude, Object Label and Stimulus Factors in Response to an Attitude Object, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 11, 220-223.
- Edlefsen, J.B. (1956). Social Distance Attitudes of Negro College Students, Phylon 17, 19-83.
- Ehrlich, H.J. (1992a) Stereotyping and Negro-Jewish Stereotypes, Social Forces 41, 171-176.
- Ehrlich H.J. (1962b) The Swastika Epidemic of 1959-1960: Anti- Semitism and Community Characteristics, Social Problems 9, 264-272.
- Ehrlich H.J. and N. Van Tubergen. (1969). Social Distance as Behavioral Intentions: A Replication, A Failure, and A New Proposal, Psychological Reports 24, 627-634.
- Ehrlich H.J. and N. Van Tubergen. (1971). Exploring the Structure and Salience of Stereotypes, Journal of Social Psychology 83, 113-127.
- Eichener,V. Außenseiter und Etablierte; Ausländer auf dem Wohnungsmarkt, In Korte, H. (ed.). (1990). Gesellschaftliche Prozese, Frankfurt.
- Elias N. (2006). The Court Society edited by Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N.(2012). On the Process of Civilization [note new title], edited by Stephen Mennell, Eric Dunning, Johan Goudsblom and Richard Kilminster. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. and J. Scotson. (2008). The Established and the Outsiders, edited by Cas Wouters: 19, 20, 22. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2012). What is Sociology? Edited by Artur Bogner, Katie Liston and Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2009). The Loneliness of the Dying and Humana Conditio, edited by Alan and Brigitte Scott. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2008). Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilising Process, by Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning, edited by Eric Dunning. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2007). Involvement and Detachment, edited by Stephen Quilley. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2007). An Essay on Time, edited by Steven Loyal and Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2010). The Society of Individuals, edited by Robert van Krieken. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2013). Studies on the Germans [note new title], edited by Stephen Mennell and Eric Dunning. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2010). Mozart, and Other Essays on Courtly Culture, edited by Eric Baker and Stephen Mennell. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Elias N. (2011). The Symbol Theory, edited by Richard Kilminster. Dublin: UCD Press.
- Ewens, W.L. (1969). Reference Other Support,Ethnic Attitudes, and Perceived Influence of Others in the Performance of Overt Acts. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- Fagan, J. and M. O’Neill. (1965) A Comparison of Social-Distance Scores Aong Collage Student Samples, Journal of Social Psychology 66, 281-290.
- Fendrich J.M. (1967). Perceived Reference Group Support: Racial Attitudes and Overt Behavior, American Sociological Review 32, 960- 970.
- Fey, W.F. (1955). Acceptance by Others and Its Relation to Acceptance of Self and Others: A Revaluation, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 50, 274-276.
- Fey, W.F. (1957). Correlates of Certain Subjective Attitudes towards Self and Others, Journal of Clinical Psychology 13, 44-49.
- Fey, W.F. and Omwake Fink, H.C. (1971). Fictitious Groups and the Generality of Prejudice: An Artifact of Scales without Neutral Categories, Psychological Reports 29, 359-365.
- Fishman, J. (1955). Negative Stereotypes Concerning Americans Among American-Born Children Receiving Various Types of Minority Group Educations, Genetic Psychology Monographs 51, 107-182.
- Fishman, J. (1961). Some Social and Psychological Determinants of Inter-Group Relations in Changing Neighborhoods: An Introduction to the Bridgeview Study, Social Forces 40, 42-51.
- Frenkel-Brunswik, E. and R.N. Sanford. (1945). Some Personality Factors in Anti-Semitism, Journal of Psychology 20, 271-291.
- Gardner, R.C. and D.M. Taylor.(1969). Ethnic Stereotypes: Meaningfulness in Ethnic-Group Labels, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science 1, 182-192.
- Gergen, K.J.(1967). The Signifigance of Skin Color in Human Relations, Daedalus 96, 390-407.
- Gilliland, A.R. and R.A. Blum. (1945). Favorable and Unfavorable Attitudes Toward Certain Enemy and Allied Countries, Journal of Psychology 20, 391-399.
- Glazer, N. (1972). Affirmative Action: 17ff, New York. Goffman, E. (1986). Stigma. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc.
- Gordon, M.M. (1964). Assimilation in American Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gordon R. (1962). Stereotype of Imagery and Belief as an Ego Defence, British Journal of Psychology, Monograph Supplement, No. 34.
- Gough, H.G. (1951). Studies of Social Intolerance: I. Some Psychological and Sociological Correlates of Anti-Semitism, Journal of Social Psychology 33, 237-246.
- Gross, S.L. and J.E. Hardy (eds.). (1966). Images of the Negro in American Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Gutman, R. (1966). Demographic Trends and the Decline of Anti- Semitism. In Stember, C.H.(ed.). Jews in the Mind of America. New York: Basic Books.
- Hanlon, T.E.P. Hofstaetter, and J.O’Connor. (1954). Congruence of Self and Ideal Self in Relation to Personality Adjustment, Journal of Consulting Psychology 18, 215-218.
- Harlan, H.H. (1942). Some Factors Affecting Attitude toward jews, American Sociological Review 8, 816-827.
- Hartley, E.L. (1946). Problems in Prejudice. New York: King’s Crown Press.
- Heer, D.M. (1966). Negro-White Marriage in the United States, Journal of Marriage and the Family 28, 262-273.
- Hess, R.D. and J.V. Torney. (1967). The Development of Political Attitudes in Children. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.
- Hettlage-Varjas, (1990) A. Die Entstehung des Fremdenhass in Unserer Gesellschaft, Wegezum Menschen : 42, 8.
- Hofstaetter, P.R. (1952). A Factorial Study of Prejudice, Journal of Personality 21, 228-239.
- Holloway, R.L. (1968). Human Aggression: The Need for a Species- Spesific Framework, In Fried, M., M. Harris, R. Murphy (eds.)s War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression. Garden City, N.Y.: National History Press.
- Horowitz E.L. (1936). The Development of Attitude toward the Negro, Archives of Psychology, No. 194.
- Horowitz E.L. and R.E.Horowitz. (1938). Development of Social Attitudes in Children, Sociometry 1, 301-338.
- Howe, I. (1949). The Stranger and the Victim; The Two Jewish Stereotypes of American Fiction, Commentary 8, 147-156.
- Hraba, J. and G. Grant. (1970). Black is Beautiful: A Re-examination of Racial Preference and Identification, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16, 398-402.
- Hyman, H.H. and associates. (1954). Interviewing in Social Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Hyman, H. (1959). Political Socialization. Glencoe, III.: Free Press.
- Insko, C.A. and J.E. Robinson. (1967). Belief Similarity Versus Race as Determinants of Reactions to Negroes by Southern White Adolescents: A Further Test of Rokeach’s Theory, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 7, 216-221.
- Irwin, M., T. Tripodi, and J. Bieri. (1967). Affective Stimulus Value and Cognitive Complexity, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5, 444-449.
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