In this study, we
investigated adsorption behaviour of lysozyme on poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate-expanded
perlite) [P(Hema-Ep)]. For this purpose, we synthesized P(Hema-Ep) composite by bulk polymerization and it was characterized by SEM, FTIR and swelling
ratio. The fresh chicken egg white
lysozyme was used as a model protein, had an isoelectric point (pI) 10.7 and
molecular weight (MW) 14 kDa. Adsorption
capacity was found 51 mg g-1 at room temperature and in 0.1 M pH=8.0 phosphate buffer. Experiments on desorption and reusability were also performed. It
appears that P(Hema-Ep) composites can be
used ten times without lost of efficiency.
Lysozyme purification, without causing any denaturation, can be
performed from chicken egg white by using this new synthesized composite in a
single step.
[1]. Choonia H.S. and Lele S.S. Release of β-galactosidase by Permeabilization of Indigenously Isolated Lactobacillus acidophilus Using Lysozyme, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (2013) (4) 449–456.
[2]. Silvetti T., Morandi S., Hintersteiner M., Brasca M. Egg Innovations and Strategies for Improvements. Chapter 22–Use of Hen Egg White Lysozyme in the Food Industry. Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Italian National Research Council, Milan, Italy. (2017) Editors: Patricia Hester.
[3]. Pereira M.M., Cruz R.A.P., Almeida M.R., Lima Á.S., Coutinho J.A.P., and Freire M.G.. Single-Step Purification of Ovalbumin from Egg White Using Aqueous Biphasic Systems. Process Biochem. (2016) 51(6): 781–791.
[4]. Lu Y., Lu W., Wang W., Guo Q., Yang Y. The optimization of aqueous two-phase extraction of lysozyme from crude hen egg white using response surface methodology. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 88 (2013) 415–421.
[5]. Erol K., Köse K., Uzun L., Say R., Denizli A. Polyethyleneimine assisted-two-step polymerization to develop surface imprinted cryogels for lysozyme purification, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 146 (2016) 567–576.
[6]. Veríssimo L.A.A., Paganoto F.S., Mol P.C.G., Fontan R.C.I., Minim V.P.R. and Minim L.A. Preparation of an affinity cryogel column for lysozyme purification. Sep. Scie. Tech. (2017) 52(12), 1973–1982.
[7]. Türkmen D., Denizli A., PHEMA based composite cryogels with loaded hydrophobic beads for lysozyme purification. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 123 (2014) 859–865.
[8]. Uygun, M., Uygun, D.A. Altunbas, C., Akgol, S. and Denizli A. Dye Attached Nanoparticles M. for Lysozyme Adsorption. Sep.Scie. and Technol., 49(2014) 1270–1278.
[9]. Akkaya R., Akkaya B. New low-cost composite adsorbent synthesis and characterization. Desalin. Water Treat. 51 (2013) 3497–3504.
[10]. Alihosseini A., Taghikhani V., Safekordi A.A., Bastani D. Equilibrium sorption of crude oil by expanded perlite using different adsorption isotherms at 298.15 k Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech.7 (3)(2010) 591-598.
[11]. Pezzella C., Russo M.E., Marzocchella A., Salatino P., Sannia G. Immobilization of a Pleurotus ostreatus Laccase Mixture on Perlite and Its Application to Dye Decolourisation. BioMed Res. Int. 2014 (2014) 11.
[12]. Xia H., Wan G., Zhao J., Liu J., Bai Q., Preparation and characterization of monodisperse large-porous silica microspheres as the matrix for protein separation. Journal of Chromatography A, 1471 (2016) 138–144.
[13]. Thangaraj B., Jia Z., Dai L., Liu D., Du W.. Effect of silica coating on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles for lipase immobilization and their application for biodiesel production. Arab. J. Chem. (2016).
[14]. Tavares A.P.M., Rodríguez O., Fernández M. F.-, Domínguez A., Moldes D., Sanromán M. A., Macedo E. A. Immobilization of laccase on modified silica: stabilization, thermal inactivation and kinetic behaviour in 1-ethyl-3- methylimidazolium ethylsulfate ionic liquid. Bioresour. Technol. 131 (2013) 405–412.
[15]. Shao D., Xu K., Song X., Hu J., Yang W., Wang C. Effective adsorption and separation of lysozyme with PAA-modified Fe3O4@silica core/shell microspheres. J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 336 (2009) 526–532.
[16]. Czeslik C., R. Winter. Effect of temperature on the conformation of lysozyme adsorbed to silica particles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 (2001) 235-239.
[18]. Xifan S., Chun L., Zhansheng W., Xiaolin X., Ling R. and Hongsheng Z. Adsorption of Protein from Model Wine Solution by Different Bentonites. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 15(5) 632-638 (2007).
[19]. Güngör N., Karaoğlan S. Interactions of polyacrylamide polymer with bentonite in aqueous system, Mater. Lett. 48 (2001) 168-175.
[20]. Ju J.Y., Shen D.X. Exploitation and Application of Bentonite in Project, China Architecture Industry Press, Beijing (2003) (in Chinese).
[21]. Özcan A.S., Erdem B., Özcan A. Adsorption of Acid Blue 193 from aqueous solutions onto Na-bentonite and DTMA-bentonite J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 280 (2004) 44-54.
[23]. Permanasari A., dan Zackiyah, 2006, Mekanisme Adsorpsi Diazinon pada Adsorben Histidin Bentonit. Proceeding Seminar Kimia UPIHKI.
[24]. Guo H., Yuan D., Fu G. Enhanced surface imprinting of lysozyme over a new kind of magnetic chitosan submicrospheres. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 440 (2015) 53–59.
[25]. Sarmento M.R., Oliveira J.C., Boulton R.B. Selection of low swelling materials for protein adsorption from white wines. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 35 (2000) 41-47.
[26]. Sun J., Rao S., Su Y., Xu R., Yang Y. Magnetic carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles with immobilized metal ions for lysozyme adsorption. Colloids and Surf., A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 389 (2011) 97–103.
[27]. Basar N., Uzun L., Güner A., Denizli A. Lysozyme purification with dye-affinity beads under magnetic field. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 41 (2007) 234–242.
[28]. Bayramoglu G., Yılmaz M., Arıca M.Y. Affinity dye-ligand poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/chitosan composite membrane for adsorption lysozyme and kinetic properties. Biochem. Eng. J. 13 (2003) 35–42.
[29]. Altıntaş E.B., Tüzmen N., Candan N., Denizli A. Use of magnetic poly(glycidyl methacrylate) monosize beads for the purification of lysozyme in batch systemJ. Chromatogr. B. 853 (2007) 105–113.
[30]. Abeyrathne E.D.N.S., Lee H.Y., Ham J.S., and Ahn D.U. Separation of ovotransferrin from chicken egg white without using organic solvents. Poult. Sci. 92 (2013) 1091–1097.
[31]. Abeyrathne E.D.N.S., Lee H.Y. and Ahn D.U. Sequential separation of lysozyme, ovomucin, ovotransferrin, and ovalbumin from egg white. Poult. Sci. 93 (2014) 1001–1009.
[32]. Karakisla M., Bayramoglu G., Arıca M.Y. Preparation of methacrylamide grafted and dye‐ligand immobilized PET fibers: Studies of adsorption and purification of lysozyme.J. App. Poly. Sci. 108 (2008) 3313-3323.
[33]. Yun J., Xu L., Lin D.-Q., Yao K., Yao S.-J. Fabrication and characterization of cryogel beads and composite monoliths, in: Supermacroporous Cryogels, CRC Press, (2016) 113–146.
[34]. Göktürk I., Derazshamshir A., Yılmaz F., Denizli A. Poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyethyleneimine (PVA/PEI) blended monolithic cryogel columns for the depletion of haemoglobin from human blood, Sep. Sci. Technol. 51 (2016) 1787–1797.
[35]. Hajizadeha S., Kettisena K., Gramb M., Bülowa L., Yea L. Composite imprinted macroporous hydrogels for haemoglobin purification from cell homogenate. Journal of Chromatography A, 1534 (2018) 22–31.
[36]. Baydemir G., Türkoğlu E.A., Andaç M., Perçin I., Denizli A. Composite cryogels for lysozyme purification. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. (2015) 62(2)200-7.
Poli(Hidroksietilmetakrilat-Genişletilmiş Perlit) Kompoziti ile Yumurta Akından Lizozimin Tek Basamakta Saflaştırılması
Year 2018,
Volume: 39 Issue: 3, 694 - 702, 30.09.2018
Bu çalışmada poli(hidroksietilmetakrilat-genişletilmiş
perlit) P(Hema-Ep) kompozit materyali kullanılarak sulu çözeltiden lizozim
adsorpsiyonu çalışıldı. Bu amaçla öncelikle P(Hema-Ep) kompoziti sentezlendi ve
SEM, FTIR ve şişme testleri ile karakterizasyonu yapıldı. İsoelektrik noktası
10.7 (pI) ve molekül kütlesi 14 kDa olan tavuk yumurta beyazı lizozimi, enzimi
model protein olarak kullanıldı. Oda sıcaklığında ve 0.1 M pH:8.0 fosfat
tamponunda gerçekleştirilen deney sonucunda adsorpsiyon kapasitesi 51 mg g-1
olarak bulundu. Desorpsiyon ve tekrar kullanılabilirlik deneyleri yapıldı.
Sentezlenen P(Hema-Ep) kompoziti verimini kaybetmeden on kere tekrar
kullanılabilir olduğu saptandı. Sentezlenen bu yeni kompozit ile lizozim enzimi
tek basamaka saflaştırıldı.
[1]. Choonia H.S. and Lele S.S. Release of β-galactosidase by Permeabilization of Indigenously Isolated Lactobacillus acidophilus Using Lysozyme, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (2013) (4) 449–456.
[2]. Silvetti T., Morandi S., Hintersteiner M., Brasca M. Egg Innovations and Strategies for Improvements. Chapter 22–Use of Hen Egg White Lysozyme in the Food Industry. Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Italian National Research Council, Milan, Italy. (2017) Editors: Patricia Hester.
[3]. Pereira M.M., Cruz R.A.P., Almeida M.R., Lima Á.S., Coutinho J.A.P., and Freire M.G.. Single-Step Purification of Ovalbumin from Egg White Using Aqueous Biphasic Systems. Process Biochem. (2016) 51(6): 781–791.
[4]. Lu Y., Lu W., Wang W., Guo Q., Yang Y. The optimization of aqueous two-phase extraction of lysozyme from crude hen egg white using response surface methodology. J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 88 (2013) 415–421.
[5]. Erol K., Köse K., Uzun L., Say R., Denizli A. Polyethyleneimine assisted-two-step polymerization to develop surface imprinted cryogels for lysozyme purification, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 146 (2016) 567–576.
[6]. Veríssimo L.A.A., Paganoto F.S., Mol P.C.G., Fontan R.C.I., Minim V.P.R. and Minim L.A. Preparation of an affinity cryogel column for lysozyme purification. Sep. Scie. Tech. (2017) 52(12), 1973–1982.
[7]. Türkmen D., Denizli A., PHEMA based composite cryogels with loaded hydrophobic beads for lysozyme purification. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 123 (2014) 859–865.
[8]. Uygun, M., Uygun, D.A. Altunbas, C., Akgol, S. and Denizli A. Dye Attached Nanoparticles M. for Lysozyme Adsorption. Sep.Scie. and Technol., 49(2014) 1270–1278.
[9]. Akkaya R., Akkaya B. New low-cost composite adsorbent synthesis and characterization. Desalin. Water Treat. 51 (2013) 3497–3504.
[10]. Alihosseini A., Taghikhani V., Safekordi A.A., Bastani D. Equilibrium sorption of crude oil by expanded perlite using different adsorption isotherms at 298.15 k Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech.7 (3)(2010) 591-598.
[11]. Pezzella C., Russo M.E., Marzocchella A., Salatino P., Sannia G. Immobilization of a Pleurotus ostreatus Laccase Mixture on Perlite and Its Application to Dye Decolourisation. BioMed Res. Int. 2014 (2014) 11.
[12]. Xia H., Wan G., Zhao J., Liu J., Bai Q., Preparation and characterization of monodisperse large-porous silica microspheres as the matrix for protein separation. Journal of Chromatography A, 1471 (2016) 138–144.
[13]. Thangaraj B., Jia Z., Dai L., Liu D., Du W.. Effect of silica coating on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles for lipase immobilization and their application for biodiesel production. Arab. J. Chem. (2016).
[14]. Tavares A.P.M., Rodríguez O., Fernández M. F.-, Domínguez A., Moldes D., Sanromán M. A., Macedo E. A. Immobilization of laccase on modified silica: stabilization, thermal inactivation and kinetic behaviour in 1-ethyl-3- methylimidazolium ethylsulfate ionic liquid. Bioresour. Technol. 131 (2013) 405–412.
[15]. Shao D., Xu K., Song X., Hu J., Yang W., Wang C. Effective adsorption and separation of lysozyme with PAA-modified Fe3O4@silica core/shell microspheres. J. Colloid. Interf. Sci. 336 (2009) 526–532.
[16]. Czeslik C., R. Winter. Effect of temperature on the conformation of lysozyme adsorbed to silica particles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 (2001) 235-239.
[18]. Xifan S., Chun L., Zhansheng W., Xiaolin X., Ling R. and Hongsheng Z. Adsorption of Protein from Model Wine Solution by Different Bentonites. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 15(5) 632-638 (2007).
[19]. Güngör N., Karaoğlan S. Interactions of polyacrylamide polymer with bentonite in aqueous system, Mater. Lett. 48 (2001) 168-175.
[20]. Ju J.Y., Shen D.X. Exploitation and Application of Bentonite in Project, China Architecture Industry Press, Beijing (2003) (in Chinese).
[21]. Özcan A.S., Erdem B., Özcan A. Adsorption of Acid Blue 193 from aqueous solutions onto Na-bentonite and DTMA-bentonite J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 280 (2004) 44-54.
[23]. Permanasari A., dan Zackiyah, 2006, Mekanisme Adsorpsi Diazinon pada Adsorben Histidin Bentonit. Proceeding Seminar Kimia UPIHKI.
[24]. Guo H., Yuan D., Fu G. Enhanced surface imprinting of lysozyme over a new kind of magnetic chitosan submicrospheres. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 440 (2015) 53–59.
[25]. Sarmento M.R., Oliveira J.C., Boulton R.B. Selection of low swelling materials for protein adsorption from white wines. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 35 (2000) 41-47.
[26]. Sun J., Rao S., Su Y., Xu R., Yang Y. Magnetic carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles with immobilized metal ions for lysozyme adsorption. Colloids and Surf., A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 389 (2011) 97–103.
[27]. Basar N., Uzun L., Güner A., Denizli A. Lysozyme purification with dye-affinity beads under magnetic field. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 41 (2007) 234–242.
[28]. Bayramoglu G., Yılmaz M., Arıca M.Y. Affinity dye-ligand poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/chitosan composite membrane for adsorption lysozyme and kinetic properties. Biochem. Eng. J. 13 (2003) 35–42.
[29]. Altıntaş E.B., Tüzmen N., Candan N., Denizli A. Use of magnetic poly(glycidyl methacrylate) monosize beads for the purification of lysozyme in batch systemJ. Chromatogr. B. 853 (2007) 105–113.
[30]. Abeyrathne E.D.N.S., Lee H.Y., Ham J.S., and Ahn D.U. Separation of ovotransferrin from chicken egg white without using organic solvents. Poult. Sci. 92 (2013) 1091–1097.
[31]. Abeyrathne E.D.N.S., Lee H.Y. and Ahn D.U. Sequential separation of lysozyme, ovomucin, ovotransferrin, and ovalbumin from egg white. Poult. Sci. 93 (2014) 1001–1009.
[32]. Karakisla M., Bayramoglu G., Arıca M.Y. Preparation of methacrylamide grafted and dye‐ligand immobilized PET fibers: Studies of adsorption and purification of lysozyme.J. App. Poly. Sci. 108 (2008) 3313-3323.
[33]. Yun J., Xu L., Lin D.-Q., Yao K., Yao S.-J. Fabrication and characterization of cryogel beads and composite monoliths, in: Supermacroporous Cryogels, CRC Press, (2016) 113–146.
[34]. Göktürk I., Derazshamshir A., Yılmaz F., Denizli A. Poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyethyleneimine (PVA/PEI) blended monolithic cryogel columns for the depletion of haemoglobin from human blood, Sep. Sci. Technol. 51 (2016) 1787–1797.
[35]. Hajizadeha S., Kettisena K., Gramb M., Bülowa L., Yea L. Composite imprinted macroporous hydrogels for haemoglobin purification from cell homogenate. Journal of Chromatography A, 1534 (2018) 22–31.
[36]. Baydemir G., Türkoğlu E.A., Andaç M., Perçin I., Denizli A. Composite cryogels for lysozyme purification. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. (2015) 62(2)200-7.
Akkaya, B., & Akkaya, R. (2018). New Composite, Poly(Hydroxyethylmethacrylate-Expanded Perlite), for Single step Separation of Egg White Lysozyme. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 39(3), 694-702.