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Toplumda Oluşan Yeni Bir Bilgi Çağlayanı Cinsiyete Dayalı Ücret Farkının Daralmasının Nedenlerinden Biri Olabilir Mi?

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 69, 1181 - 1200, 01.01.2021


Mikro bir sorun olarak algılanan cinsiyete dayalı ücret farkı, günümüzde ülkelerin sürdürülebilir büyüme ve kalkınma hedefleri için oldukça önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Ancak devletlerin, kurum veya kuruluşların ulusal ve uluslararası yürütmüş oldukları politikalar, faaliyetler ve kampanyalar problemin temeline inmediği sürece simgecilikten öteye gidememektedir. Dolayısıyla ücret farkının kalıp yargılar, normlar ve kültürler gibi gözlemlenemeyen ve açıklanamayan değişkenlerinin dikkate alınması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu makalede kadının emek piyasasındaki pozisyonunu olumsuz yönde etkileyen kalıp yargılar doğrultusunda alınan kararların bilgi çağlayanı modeli ile nasıl tersine çevrilebileceği araştırılmaktadır. Bilgi çağlayanı modelinden hareketle söz konusu yargıların, düşünce, karar veya eylemlerin bireylerin birbirini etkilemesi ile kuvvetlenebileceği varsayılmaktadır. Banerjii 1992 ve Bikhchandani vd. 1992 tarafından literatüre kazandırılan bu model daha önce Asoy 2018 tarafından tanımlanan hipotetik senaryoya entegre edilmektedir. Böylece emek piyasasındaki cinsiyetçi bakış açısının bilgi çağlayanı ile nasıl oluştuğu veya bunun nasıl aksi yöne çevrileceği irdelenmektedir


  • Akerlof, G.A. Ve Kranton, R. E.(2000) “Economics and Identity”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.CXV. Issue.3. s. 715-752.
  • Anderson, L.R. Ve Holt, C.A. (1996) "Classroom Games Information Cascades ", Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol. 10, Number 4, pp.87-193.
  • Anderson, L.R Ve Holt, C.A. (1997) "Information Cascades in the Laboratory", The American Economic Review, 87 (5), pp.847–862.
  • Asoy, E. (2018) "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Ayrımı Ve Cam Tavan Sendromu Üzerine Oyun Teorisi Modeli: Cam Tavanın Kırıldığı Oyun Dengesi", Marmara Üniversitesi Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2-2, ss. 85-95., DOI: 10.26695/mukatcad.2018.19
  • Bass, B. M., Avolio, B. J., Ve Atwater, L. (1996) “The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and Women”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 45, pp.5–34.
  • Berndt, E. R, Pindyck, R. S., Ve Azoulay, R. (2003) "Consumer Externalities and Diffusion in Pharmaceutical Markets: Antiulcer Drugs", Journal of Industrial Economics, (LI:2), pp. 243-269.
  • Bikhchandan, S., Hirshleifer, D. Ve Welch, I. (1992) "A Theory of Fads, Fashion, Custom, and Cultural Change as Informational Cascades", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 100, No. 5, pp. 992-1026
  • Bikhchandani, S., Hirshleifer, D., Ve Welch, I. (1998) "Learning from the Behavior of Others: Conformity, Fads, and Informational Cascades", Journal of Economic Perspectives, (12:3), pp. 151-170.
  • Blau D. F. Ve Lawrence, K. M. (2017) “The Gender Wage Gap:Extent, Trends, and Explanations", Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3), pp. 789–865,
  • Çelen, B. Ve Kariv, S. (2004). "Distinguishing Informational Cascades from Herd Behavior in the Laboratory", American Economic Review, 94 (3), pp. 484–498.
  • Duan, W., Gu, B. Ve Whinston, A.B. (2009) "Informational Cascades and Software Adoption on the Internet: An Empirical Investigation ", MIS Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 23-48
  • Easley, D. (2010) “Information Cascades”, Easley, D. Ve Kleinberg, J. ( der), Networks, Crowds and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press., pp. 483–506.
  • Hoffer,E. (1955), The Passionate State of Mind: And Other Aphorisms, New York: Harper.
  • Jost, J.T. (1995) "Negative Illusions: Conceptual Clarification and Psychological Evidence Concerning False Consciousness." Political Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 397-424
  • Newell, A. ve Reilly, B. (1996) “The Gender Wage Gap in Russia: Some Empirical Evidence”, Labour Economics, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.337-356.
  • O'Neill, J. ve Polachek, S. (1993) “ Why the Gender Gap in Wages Narrowed in the 1980s”, Journal of Labor Economics , Vol. 11, No. 1, Part 1: Essays in Honor of Jacob Mincer, pp. 205-228
  • Sadikov, E., Medina, M., Leskovec, J. Ve Garcia-Molina, H. (2011) "Correcting for Missing 10.1145/1935826.1935844 in Information Cascades" , WSDM, DOI:
  • Schiller, R.J. (1995) "Conversation, Information and Herd Behavior", Rhetoric and Economic Behavior, 85 (3), pp.181–185.
  • Sgroi, D. (2002) "Optimizing Information in the Herd: Guinea Pigs, Profits, and Welfare", Games and Economic Behavior, 39, pp.137–166. doi:10.1006/game.2001.0881.
  • Sharpe, R. (2000) As Leaders, Women Rule: New Studies Find That Female Managers Outshine Their Male Counterparts in Almost Every Measure, Business Week., women-rule
  • Tijdens, K.G. ve Van Klaveren, M. (2012), Frozen in time: Gender pay gap unchanged for 10 years, Brussels, ITUC
  • Walden, E. Ve Browne, G. (2002) "Information Cascades in the Adoption of New Technology" , ICIS, Proceedings. 40.
  • Wang, Y. Ve Djurić, P.M. (2015), "Social Learning With Bayesian Agents and Random Decision Making", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processıng, VOL. 63, NO. 12,pp.3241-3250.

Could a New Information Cascade in Society Be One of the Reasons for the Narrowing of Gender Wage Gap?

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 69, 1181 - 1200, 01.01.2021


Gender wage gap, that is perceived as a micro problem, nowadays becomes important issue for sustainable economic growth and development of countries. However, policies, activities and campaigns which are pursued by government, institutions or organizations can not go beyond tokenism as long as they don’t get eliminate root of the problem. Hence, it should be paid attention to such as stereotypes, norms and cultures which are unobservable and unexplained determinants of gender wage gap. In this study, it is researched that decisions made by stereotypes, that affect women situation in labour markets negatively, are how can be reversed by using information cascade model. By basing on the information cascade model, it is assumed that the said judgments, thoughts, decisions or actions can be strengthened by the individuals affecting each other. This model, which has been brought to the literature by Banerjee 1992 and Bikhchandani et. al. 1992 , is integrated into the game model and hypothetical scenario previously defined by Asoy 2018 . Thus, it is examined how the sexist perspective in the labor market emerges with the information cascade or can be reversed.


  • Akerlof, G.A. Ve Kranton, R. E.(2000) “Economics and Identity”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.CXV. Issue.3. s. 715-752.
  • Anderson, L.R. Ve Holt, C.A. (1996) "Classroom Games Information Cascades ", Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol. 10, Number 4, pp.87-193.
  • Anderson, L.R Ve Holt, C.A. (1997) "Information Cascades in the Laboratory", The American Economic Review, 87 (5), pp.847–862.
  • Asoy, E. (2018) "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Ayrımı Ve Cam Tavan Sendromu Üzerine Oyun Teorisi Modeli: Cam Tavanın Kırıldığı Oyun Dengesi", Marmara Üniversitesi Kadın ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2-2, ss. 85-95., DOI: 10.26695/mukatcad.2018.19
  • Bass, B. M., Avolio, B. J., Ve Atwater, L. (1996) “The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and Women”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 45, pp.5–34.
  • Berndt, E. R, Pindyck, R. S., Ve Azoulay, R. (2003) "Consumer Externalities and Diffusion in Pharmaceutical Markets: Antiulcer Drugs", Journal of Industrial Economics, (LI:2), pp. 243-269.
  • Bikhchandan, S., Hirshleifer, D. Ve Welch, I. (1992) "A Theory of Fads, Fashion, Custom, and Cultural Change as Informational Cascades", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 100, No. 5, pp. 992-1026
  • Bikhchandani, S., Hirshleifer, D., Ve Welch, I. (1998) "Learning from the Behavior of Others: Conformity, Fads, and Informational Cascades", Journal of Economic Perspectives, (12:3), pp. 151-170.
  • Blau D. F. Ve Lawrence, K. M. (2017) “The Gender Wage Gap:Extent, Trends, and Explanations", Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3), pp. 789–865,
  • Çelen, B. Ve Kariv, S. (2004). "Distinguishing Informational Cascades from Herd Behavior in the Laboratory", American Economic Review, 94 (3), pp. 484–498.
  • Duan, W., Gu, B. Ve Whinston, A.B. (2009) "Informational Cascades and Software Adoption on the Internet: An Empirical Investigation ", MIS Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 23-48
  • Easley, D. (2010) “Information Cascades”, Easley, D. Ve Kleinberg, J. ( der), Networks, Crowds and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press., pp. 483–506.
  • Hoffer,E. (1955), The Passionate State of Mind: And Other Aphorisms, New York: Harper.
  • Jost, J.T. (1995) "Negative Illusions: Conceptual Clarification and Psychological Evidence Concerning False Consciousness." Political Psychology, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 397-424
  • Newell, A. ve Reilly, B. (1996) “The Gender Wage Gap in Russia: Some Empirical Evidence”, Labour Economics, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.337-356.
  • O'Neill, J. ve Polachek, S. (1993) “ Why the Gender Gap in Wages Narrowed in the 1980s”, Journal of Labor Economics , Vol. 11, No. 1, Part 1: Essays in Honor of Jacob Mincer, pp. 205-228
  • Sadikov, E., Medina, M., Leskovec, J. Ve Garcia-Molina, H. (2011) "Correcting for Missing 10.1145/1935826.1935844 in Information Cascades" , WSDM, DOI:
  • Schiller, R.J. (1995) "Conversation, Information and Herd Behavior", Rhetoric and Economic Behavior, 85 (3), pp.181–185.
  • Sgroi, D. (2002) "Optimizing Information in the Herd: Guinea Pigs, Profits, and Welfare", Games and Economic Behavior, 39, pp.137–166. doi:10.1006/game.2001.0881.
  • Sharpe, R. (2000) As Leaders, Women Rule: New Studies Find That Female Managers Outshine Their Male Counterparts in Almost Every Measure, Business Week., women-rule
  • Tijdens, K.G. ve Van Klaveren, M. (2012), Frozen in time: Gender pay gap unchanged for 10 years, Brussels, ITUC
  • Walden, E. Ve Browne, G. (2002) "Information Cascades in the Adoption of New Technology" , ICIS, Proceedings. 40.
  • Wang, Y. Ve Djurić, P.M. (2015), "Social Learning With Bayesian Agents and Random Decision Making", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processıng, VOL. 63, NO. 12,pp.3241-3250.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Elif Asoy This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 69


APA Asoy, E. (2021). Toplumda Oluşan Yeni Bir Bilgi Çağlayanı Cinsiyete Dayalı Ücret Farkının Daralmasının Nedenlerinden Biri Olabilir Mi?. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 2(69), 1181-1200.