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Kadın Yöneticilere Yönelik Tutumların Oluşumunda Çelişik Duygulu Cinsiyetçilik ve Narsizm Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 67, 2123 - 2144, 01.01.2020


Bu çalışma, çelişik duygulu cinsiyetçilik, narsisizm ve kadın yöneticiye yönelik tutumlar arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktadır. Düşmanca ve korumacı cinsiyetçilik tutumlarının, ayrıca narsisistik kişilik özelliklerinin kadın yöneticilere yönelik tutum üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak için Anadolu Üniversitesi’nde Eskişehir İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi İşletme öğrencileri katılımcı olarak seçilmiştir. Yaş ortalaması 22,72 S=1,5 olarak hesaplanan 115 erkek ve yaş ortalaması 22,18 S= 1,3 olan 124 kadın olmak üzere toplam 239 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilen çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak Narsisistik Kişilik Envanteri, Çelişik Duygulu Cinsiyetçilik Ölçeği ve Kadın Yöneticilere Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Kadın yöneticilere yönelik tutumların üzerinde cinsiyetçi ideolojilerin ve narsisizmin etkisini bulmak için kadın ve erkek katılımcılar üzerinde ayrı ayrı korelasyon ve hiyerarşik regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Kadın katılımcıların düşmanca cinsiyetçilik tutumları ve narsisistik özelliklerinin kadın yöneticilere yönelik tutumu olumsuz etkilediği bulunmuştur. Erkek katılımcıların kadın yöneticilere yönelik tutumlarında ise sadece düşmanca cinsiyetçiliğin olumsuz etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır. Kadınların hemcinslerine yönelik olumsuz tutumlarının oluşumunda narsisistik kişilik özelliğinin etkisinin korumacı cinsiyetçilikle bağlantısı kurularak ayrıca incelenmesi önemli olmaktadır


  • Abele, A. E. (2003). The dynamics of masculine-agentic and feminine-communal traits: Findings from a prospective study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(4), 768-776.
  • Acar-Savran, G. (2013). Beden ve emek tarihi: Diyalektik bir feminizm için. İstanbul: Kanat Yayıncılık.
  • Acar, F. P., & Sümer, H. C. (2018). Another test of gender differences in assignments to precarious leadership positions: Examining the moderating role of ambivalent sexism. Applied Psychology, 67(3), 498-522.
  • Ames, D. R., Rose, P. & Anderson, C. P. (2006). The NPI-16 as a short measure of narcissism, Journal of Research in Personality, 40(4), 440-450.
  • Aycan, Z., Bayazit, M., Berkman, Y., & Boratav, H. B. (2012). Attitudes towards women managers: Development and validation of a new measure with Turkish samples. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(3), 426-455.
  • Aycan, Z. (2004). Key success factors for women in management in Turkey. Applied Psychology, 53(3), 453-477.
  • Bakan, D. (1966). The duality of human existence. An essay on psychology and religion. Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Boratav, H. B., Fişek, G. O., & Eslen-Ziya, H. (2018). Erkekliğin Türkiye halleri. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Campbell, W. K., Rudich, E. A., & Sedikides, C. (2002). Narcissism, self-esteem, and the positivity of self-views: Two portraits of self-love. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(3), 358-368.
  • Catalyst (2019). (Erişim Tarihi: 11.02.2020).
  • Cengiz, A. A., & Özdemir, A. (2019). Narsisizm ve çelişik duygulu cinsiyetçilik ilişkisi: İşletme öğrencileri üzerinde bir inceleme. 3.Sosyal Psikoloji Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri. 20-22 Aralık, İstanbul: Kadir Has Üniversitesi.
  • Çarkoğlu, A., & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2009). Türkiye’de dindarlık: Uluslararası bir karşılaştırma. İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi.
  • Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Gelfand, M. J., Crippa, F., Suttora, C., Stillwell, A., ... & Björklund, F. (2017). Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(4), 669-674.
  • Dünya Değerler Araştırması (2012). World values survey: Round six, (Erişim tarihi: 26.01.2018).
  • Eagly, A. H., & Karau, S. J. (2002). Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders. Psychological Review, 109(3), 573-598.
  • Ecevit, Y. (2011). Toplumsal cinsiyet sosyolojisine başlangıç. Ecevit, Y. ve Karkıner, N. (Ed.). Toplumsal cinsiyet sosyolojisi (s.2-31). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Elsesser, K. M., & Lever, J. (2011). Does gender bias against female leaders persist? Quantitative and qualitative data from a large-scale survey. Human Relations, 64(12), 1555-1578.
  • Emeksizoğlu, N. G. (2016). Attitudes toward managers in Turkey: The effects of gender of employees, gender of managers and social dominance orientation. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Feather, N. T., & Boeckmann, R. J. (2007). Beliefs about gender discrimination in the workplace in the context of affirmative action: Effects of gender and ambivalent attitudes in an Australian sample. Sex Roles, 57(1-2), 31- 42.
  • Fischer, A. R. (2006). Women's benevolent sexism as reaction to hostility. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30(4), 410-416.
  • Freud, S. (1932). Libidinal types. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1(1), 3-6.
  • Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (1996). The ambivalent sexism inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 491-512.
  • Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (1997). Hostile and benevolent sexism measuring ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21(1), 119-135.
  • Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (2001). An ambivalent alliance: Hostile and benevolent sexism as complementary justifications for gender inequality. American Psychologist, 56(2), 109-118.
  • Glick, P., Fiske, S. T., Mladinic, A., Saiz, J. L., Abrams, D., Masser, B., & López, W. L. (2000). Beyond prejudice as simple antipathy: hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(5), 763-775.
  • Glick, P., Sakalli-Uğurlu, N., Ferreira, M. C., & de Souza, M. A. (2002). Ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward wife abuse in Turkey and Brazil. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26(4), 292-297.
  • Glick, P., Lameiras, M., Fiske, S. T., Eckes, T., Masser, B., Volpato, C., ... & Castro, Y. R. (2004). Bad but bold: Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender inequality in 16 nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(5), 713-728.
  • Grijalva, E., Newman, D. A., Tay, L., Donnellan, M. B., Harms, P. D., Robins, R. W. & Yan, T. (2014). Gender differences in narcissism: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 141(2), 261-310.
  • Grubbs, J. B., Exline, J. J. & Twenge, J. M. (2014). Psychological entitlement and ambivalent sexism: Understanding the role of entitlement in predicting two forms of sexism. Sex Roles, 70(5-6), 209-220.
  • Hausmann, R., Tyson, L. D. A., & Zahidi, S. (2012). The global gender gap report 2012. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
  • Havelock, E. (1939). Psychology of sex. Fifth Impression, London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • Heilman, M. E. (2001). Description and prescription: How gender stereotypes prevent women's ascent up the organizational ladder. Journal of Social Issues, 57(4), 657-674.
  • Heilman, M. E., Block, C. J., Martell, R. F., & Simon, M. C. (1989). Has anything changed? Current characterizations of men, women, and managers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(6), 935-942.
  • Heilman, M. E., Wallen, A. S., Fuchs, D., & Tamkins, M. M. (2004). Penalties for success: Reactions to women who succeed at male gender-typed tasks. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 416-427.
  • Heilman, M. E. (2012). Gender stereotypes and workplace bias. Research in Organizational Behavior, 32, 113-135.
  • Heilman, M. E., & Okimoto, T. G. (2007). Why are women penalized for success at male tasks?: The implied communality deficit. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 81-92.
  • Hodson, G., Hogg, S. M., & MacInnis, C. C. (2009). The role of “dark personalities”(narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy): Big Five personality factors, and ideology in explaining prejudice. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(4), 686-690.
  • International Labour Organization, Women in Business and Management Global Report (2019). dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_700953.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 11.02.2020).
  • Johnson, S. K., Murphy, S. E., Zewdie, S., & Reichard, R. J. (2008). The strong, sensitive type: Effects of gender stereotypes and leadership prototypes on the evaluation of male and female leaders. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 106(1), 39-60.
  • Jost, J. T., & Kay, A. C. (2005). Exposure to benevolent sexism and complementary gender stereotypes: Consequences for specific and diffuse forms of system justification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(3), 498-509.
  • Kabasakal, H., Aycan, Z., Karakas, F., & Maden, C. (2004). Women in management in Turkey. Women in management worldwide: Progress and prospects, 273-293.
  • Kandiyoti, D. (2005). Rethinking bargaining with patriarchy. Feminist Vision of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy, 135-154.
  • Keiller, S. W. (2010). Masculine norms as correlates of heterosexual men’s attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 11(1), 38- 52.
  • King, E. B., Botsford, W., Hebl, M. R., Kazama, S., Dawson, J. F., & Perkins, A. (2012). Benevolent sexism at work: Gender differences in the distribution of challenging developmental experiences. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1835- 1866.
  • Konrath, S. (2007). Egos inflating over time: Rising narcissism and its implications for self-construal, cognitive style, and behavior. (Erişim tarihi: 23.05.2019, handle/2027.42/57606)
  • Masser, B. M., & Abrams, D. (2004). Reinforcing the glass ceiling: The consequences of hostile sexism for female managerial candidates. Sex Roles, 51(9-10), 609- 615.
  • Michel, J. S., & Bowling, N. A. (2013). Does dispositional aggression feed the narcissistic response? The role of narcissism and aggression in the prediction of job attitudes and counterproductive work behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 28(1), 93-105.
  • Moss-Racusin, C. A., & Rudman, L. A. (2010). Disruptions in women's selfpromotion: The backlash avoidance model. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(2), 186-202.
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The Effect of Ambivalent Sexism and Narcissism on Attitudes Toward Women Managers

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 67, 2123 - 2144, 01.01.2020


This study explores the relationship between ambivalent sexism, narcissism and attitudes towards women managers. Students from the Department of Business Administration in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Anadolu University Eskişehir were selected as participants with the purpose of investigating the effect of hostile and benevolent attitudes, as well as narcissistic personality traits on attitudes towards women managers. Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Ambivalent Sexism Scale and Attitude Scale towards Women Managers were used as a data collection tool in the study. The study was conducted with a total of 239 participants, including 115 males with an average age of 22,72 SD = 1,5 and 124 women with an average age of 22,18 SD = 1,3 . Correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted on male and female participants to find out the effect of sexist ideologies and narcissism on attitudes towards women managers. It was found that hostile sexism attitudes and narcissistic characteristics of female participants negatively affect the attitude towards women managers. It was found that only hostile sexism had a negative effect on male attitudes towards women managers. It is important to examine the effect of narcissistic personality traits on the formation of negative attitudes of women towards their fellows, by establishing a connection with benevolent sexism


  • Abele, A. E. (2003). The dynamics of masculine-agentic and feminine-communal traits: Findings from a prospective study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(4), 768-776.
  • Acar-Savran, G. (2013). Beden ve emek tarihi: Diyalektik bir feminizm için. İstanbul: Kanat Yayıncılık.
  • Acar, F. P., & Sümer, H. C. (2018). Another test of gender differences in assignments to precarious leadership positions: Examining the moderating role of ambivalent sexism. Applied Psychology, 67(3), 498-522.
  • Ames, D. R., Rose, P. & Anderson, C. P. (2006). The NPI-16 as a short measure of narcissism, Journal of Research in Personality, 40(4), 440-450.
  • Aycan, Z., Bayazit, M., Berkman, Y., & Boratav, H. B. (2012). Attitudes towards women managers: Development and validation of a new measure with Turkish samples. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(3), 426-455.
  • Aycan, Z. (2004). Key success factors for women in management in Turkey. Applied Psychology, 53(3), 453-477.
  • Bakan, D. (1966). The duality of human existence. An essay on psychology and religion. Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Boratav, H. B., Fişek, G. O., & Eslen-Ziya, H. (2018). Erkekliğin Türkiye halleri. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Campbell, W. K., Rudich, E. A., & Sedikides, C. (2002). Narcissism, self-esteem, and the positivity of self-views: Two portraits of self-love. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(3), 358-368.
  • Catalyst (2019). (Erişim Tarihi: 11.02.2020).
  • Cengiz, A. A., & Özdemir, A. (2019). Narsisizm ve çelişik duygulu cinsiyetçilik ilişkisi: İşletme öğrencileri üzerinde bir inceleme. 3.Sosyal Psikoloji Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri. 20-22 Aralık, İstanbul: Kadir Has Üniversitesi.
  • Çarkoğlu, A., & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2009). Türkiye’de dindarlık: Uluslararası bir karşılaştırma. İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi.
  • Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Gelfand, M. J., Crippa, F., Suttora, C., Stillwell, A., ... & Björklund, F. (2017). Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(4), 669-674.
  • Dünya Değerler Araştırması (2012). World values survey: Round six, (Erişim tarihi: 26.01.2018).
  • Eagly, A. H., & Karau, S. J. (2002). Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders. Psychological Review, 109(3), 573-598.
  • Ecevit, Y. (2011). Toplumsal cinsiyet sosyolojisine başlangıç. Ecevit, Y. ve Karkıner, N. (Ed.). Toplumsal cinsiyet sosyolojisi (s.2-31). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Elsesser, K. M., & Lever, J. (2011). Does gender bias against female leaders persist? Quantitative and qualitative data from a large-scale survey. Human Relations, 64(12), 1555-1578.
  • Emeksizoğlu, N. G. (2016). Attitudes toward managers in Turkey: The effects of gender of employees, gender of managers and social dominance orientation. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Feather, N. T., & Boeckmann, R. J. (2007). Beliefs about gender discrimination in the workplace in the context of affirmative action: Effects of gender and ambivalent attitudes in an Australian sample. Sex Roles, 57(1-2), 31- 42.
  • Fischer, A. R. (2006). Women's benevolent sexism as reaction to hostility. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30(4), 410-416.
  • Freud, S. (1932). Libidinal types. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1(1), 3-6.
  • Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (1996). The ambivalent sexism inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 491-512.
  • Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (1997). Hostile and benevolent sexism measuring ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21(1), 119-135.
  • Glick, P., & Fiske, S. T. (2001). An ambivalent alliance: Hostile and benevolent sexism as complementary justifications for gender inequality. American Psychologist, 56(2), 109-118.
  • Glick, P., Fiske, S. T., Mladinic, A., Saiz, J. L., Abrams, D., Masser, B., & López, W. L. (2000). Beyond prejudice as simple antipathy: hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(5), 763-775.
  • Glick, P., Sakalli-Uğurlu, N., Ferreira, M. C., & de Souza, M. A. (2002). Ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward wife abuse in Turkey and Brazil. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26(4), 292-297.
  • Glick, P., Lameiras, M., Fiske, S. T., Eckes, T., Masser, B., Volpato, C., ... & Castro, Y. R. (2004). Bad but bold: Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender inequality in 16 nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(5), 713-728.
  • Grijalva, E., Newman, D. A., Tay, L., Donnellan, M. B., Harms, P. D., Robins, R. W. & Yan, T. (2014). Gender differences in narcissism: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 141(2), 261-310.
  • Grubbs, J. B., Exline, J. J. & Twenge, J. M. (2014). Psychological entitlement and ambivalent sexism: Understanding the role of entitlement in predicting two forms of sexism. Sex Roles, 70(5-6), 209-220.
  • Hausmann, R., Tyson, L. D. A., & Zahidi, S. (2012). The global gender gap report 2012. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
  • Havelock, E. (1939). Psychology of sex. Fifth Impression, London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • Heilman, M. E. (2001). Description and prescription: How gender stereotypes prevent women's ascent up the organizational ladder. Journal of Social Issues, 57(4), 657-674.
  • Heilman, M. E., Block, C. J., Martell, R. F., & Simon, M. C. (1989). Has anything changed? Current characterizations of men, women, and managers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(6), 935-942.
  • Heilman, M. E., Wallen, A. S., Fuchs, D., & Tamkins, M. M. (2004). Penalties for success: Reactions to women who succeed at male gender-typed tasks. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 416-427.
  • Heilman, M. E. (2012). Gender stereotypes and workplace bias. Research in Organizational Behavior, 32, 113-135.
  • Heilman, M. E., & Okimoto, T. G. (2007). Why are women penalized for success at male tasks?: The implied communality deficit. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 81-92.
  • Hodson, G., Hogg, S. M., & MacInnis, C. C. (2009). The role of “dark personalities”(narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy): Big Five personality factors, and ideology in explaining prejudice. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(4), 686-690.
  • International Labour Organization, Women in Business and Management Global Report (2019). dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_700953.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 11.02.2020).
  • Johnson, S. K., Murphy, S. E., Zewdie, S., & Reichard, R. J. (2008). The strong, sensitive type: Effects of gender stereotypes and leadership prototypes on the evaluation of male and female leaders. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 106(1), 39-60.
  • Jost, J. T., & Kay, A. C. (2005). Exposure to benevolent sexism and complementary gender stereotypes: Consequences for specific and diffuse forms of system justification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(3), 498-509.
  • Kabasakal, H., Aycan, Z., Karakas, F., & Maden, C. (2004). Women in management in Turkey. Women in management worldwide: Progress and prospects, 273-293.
  • Kandiyoti, D. (2005). Rethinking bargaining with patriarchy. Feminist Vision of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy, 135-154.
  • Keiller, S. W. (2010). Masculine norms as correlates of heterosexual men’s attitudes toward gay men and lesbian women. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 11(1), 38- 52.
  • King, E. B., Botsford, W., Hebl, M. R., Kazama, S., Dawson, J. F., & Perkins, A. (2012). Benevolent sexism at work: Gender differences in the distribution of challenging developmental experiences. Journal of Management, 38(6), 1835- 1866.
  • Konrath, S. (2007). Egos inflating over time: Rising narcissism and its implications for self-construal, cognitive style, and behavior. (Erişim tarihi: 23.05.2019, handle/2027.42/57606)
  • Masser, B. M., & Abrams, D. (2004). Reinforcing the glass ceiling: The consequences of hostile sexism for female managerial candidates. Sex Roles, 51(9-10), 609- 615.
  • Michel, J. S., & Bowling, N. A. (2013). Does dispositional aggression feed the narcissistic response? The role of narcissism and aggression in the prediction of job attitudes and counterproductive work behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 28(1), 93-105.
  • Moss-Racusin, C. A., & Rudman, L. A. (2010). Disruptions in women's selfpromotion: The backlash avoidance model. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(2), 186-202.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Özdemir This is me

Aytül Ayşe Cengiz This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 67


APA Özdemir, A., & Cengiz, A. A. (2020). Kadın Yöneticilere Yönelik Tutumların Oluşumunda Çelişik Duygulu Cinsiyetçilik ve Narsizm Etkisi. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 4(67), 2123-2144.