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Güney Afrika’nın Siyah Ekonomik Güçlendirme Stratejisi

Year 2014, Volume: 4 Issue: 43, 125 - 160, 01.01.2014


Güney Afrika 1994 yılında yeni demokratik rejime geçtikten sonra, yüz yıllık ayrımcı politikaların ürettiği eşitsiz ekonomik yapıyı dönüştürmek için kitlesel bir toplumsal güçlendirme programını hayata geçirmeye başladı. Çok iyi ideallerle başlatılan programlar sahip olunan olumsuz koşullar ve kayırmacılık gibi uygulama problemleri nedeniyle bazı kesimlerde hayal kırıklığına yol açmıştır. Bu güne kadar eğitim, alt yapı hizmetlerine erişim, yoksulluk gibi alanlarda belirli iyileşmeler elde edilmekle birlikte, güçlendirme programının başlangıçta belirlediği misyon ve vizyonu gerçekleştirmek için daha kat edilmesi gereken epey bir yolun olduğu herkes tarafından kabul edilmektedir. Küreselleşme sorunlarının tüm ülkeler için ortak yönlerinin görüldüğü ve sosyal yatırım politikalarının öneminin vurgulandığı bir zaman diliminde, bünyesinde sosyal yatırım uygulamalarını da barındıran ve ekonomik-etkinlik sosyal adalet ikileminde sürdürülmeye çalışılan Güney Afrika Siyah Güçlendirme Stratejisi karşılaştırmalı sosyal politika literatürüne katkı yapmak amacıyla ele alınmıştır.


  • Acemoglu, Daron, Stephen Gelb ve James A. Robinson (2007), “Black Economic Empowerment And Economic Performance in South Africa”, (Erişim:10.10.2013)
  • AEO-African Economic Outlook 2014, , South Africa 2014,, (05.05.2014)
  • AEO-African Economic Outlook 2012, , South Africa 2012,, (05.05.2014)
  • Agholor, Isaac Azikiwe ve Ajuruchukwu Obi (2013), “The Storm of Poverty Reduction Strategy in Africa: Chronology of Experiences from South Africa”, Journal of Agricultural Science, V.5, N.2.
  • Akpor, Benjamin, Mammo Muchie, Helena Tapper ve Margaret Nyambura (2011), African Leadership in ICT Assessment of Environmental, Institutional and Individual Leadership Capacity Needs for the Knowledge Society in South Africa A Situational and Needs Analysis, GESCI Report,
  • Andrews, Matthew (2008), “Is Black Economic Empowerment a South African Growth Catalyst? (Or Could it Be…)” Working Paper No. 170, Center For International Development, Harvard University, May 2008.
  • Beall, Jo, Gelb, Stephen ve Shireen Hassim (2005), “Fragile Stability: State and Society in Democratic South Africa”, Journal of Southern African Studies, V.31, N.4, pp.681-700.
  • Brockerhoff, Stephanie (2013), A Review of The Development of Social Security Policy in South Africa, Studies in Poverty And Inequality Institute, Johannesburg.
  • Butler, Anthony (2011), “Black Economic Empowerment Since 1994: Diverse Hopes and Differentially Fulfilled Aspirations”, içinde Ed. Ian Shapiro, Kahreen Tebeau, After Apartheid reinventing South Africa?, University of Virginia Press, pp.51-73.
  • Coomey, Pusch (2007), “South Africa To BEE or not to BEE”, New African, August/September, pp.30-32.
  • Emkes, Will, (2012) “Black Economic Empowerment And South Africa”, Contemporary Reiew, V. 294, N.1705, pp.200-208.
  • Engdahl, Cecilia ve Hannele Hauki (2001), Black Economic Empowerment An Introductıon For Non-South Afrıcan Busınesses, Master Tezi, Gothenburg Üniversitesi, İktisat ve Ticaret Hukuku Fakültesi, Hukuk Bölümü, Gothenburg, İsveç, Temmuz 2001.
  • Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, Ingrid Woolard (2013), “ What Happened To Multidimensional Poverty In South Africa Between 1993 And 2010?”, SALDRU Research Brief, November
  • Glaser, Daryl (2007), “Should an Egalitarian Support Black Economic Empowerment?”, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, V.34, N.2, pp.105-123.
  • Gradín, Carlos (2011), “Race, Poverty, And Deprivation in South Africa”, Society For Study of Economic Inequality, ECINEQ WP 2011 – 224, October.
  • Gray, Mel (2006), “The Progress Of Social Development In South Africa”, International Journal Of Social Welfare, 15:1, (53–S64).
  • Giubilo, Francesca (2010), “What Could be the Future of South Africa After National Elections on 22 April 2009?”, Transition Studies Review, V.16, pp.948–961.
  • Gumede, Vusi (2013), “Social and Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa–Policies, Progress and Proposals”, April, (; Erişim:27.05.2014).
  • Hagen-Zanker, Jessica, Jenny Morgan, Charles Meth (2011), South Afrıca's Story: South Africa’s Social Security System: Expanding Coverage Of Grants And Limiting Increases In Inequality, Overseas Develeopment Institute, (15.06.2014)
  • Hassen, Ebrahim-Khalil (2009), “Economic Restructuring And Poverty Traps in South Africa” Society For International Development, V.52, N.3, pp.387–393.
  • Horwitz, Frank M. ve Harish Jain, (2011) “An Assessment of Employment Equity and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Developments in South Africa”, Equality Diversity And Inclusion: An International Journal, V. 30, N.4, pp:297-317.
  • Human, Desmé (2006), “Implemantation Of Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment in The Construction Industry”, ( , 01.05.2014)
  • Krüger, L.P. (2011), “The İmpact Of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) On South African Businesses: Focusing On Ten Dimensions Of Business Performance”, Southern African Business Review, V. 15, N. 3, pp.207- 233.
  • Landman, J P (2004), “Social Capital: A Building-Block in Creating a Better Global Future”, Foresight : The Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking And Policy; V.6, N.1, pp.38-46.
  • Logan, B. Ikubolajeh, George Tengbeh, Brilliant Pet (2012), “Towards A Reorientation İn Land Reform: From A Market To Locality-Driven Approach İn South Africa’s Land Restitution Programme”, Progress in Development Studies, V.12, N.2&3, pp. 173–191
  • Makhunga, Andila Caleb, (2008), Black Economic Empowerment and Its Impact on Wealth Creation in The New South Africa, Master Tezi, University of Pretoria, Pretoria,Güney Afrika, Kasım 2008.
  • McFadden, Patricia (2010), “Challenging Empowerment”, Development, V.53, N.2, pp.161–201.
  • Møller, Valerie (2013), “South African Quality of Life Trends Over Three Decades, 1980–2010”, Social Indicators Research, September, V.113, N.3, pp. 915-940.
  • NPC, National Planning Commision (2012), National Development Plan Vision For 2030, November, South Africa.
  • Orton, D. (2008), The impact of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment on Family Businesses, Master Tezi, North-West University, Potchefstroom, North-West, Güney Afrika, Kasım 2008.
  • Patel, Leila ve Lauren Graham (2012) How Broad-Based Is Broadbased Black Economic Empowerment?, Development Southern Africa, V.29, N.2, pp.193-207.
  • SARC, Southern Africa Resource Center (2012), Republic Of South Africa Country Strategy Paper 2013-2017, November.
  • Sato, Chizuko (2013), Black Economic Empowerment In South African Agricultural Sector: A Case Study of Wine Industry, Institute of Developing Economies Discussion Paper No. 384, Japan, February 2013.
  • Schneiderman, David (2010),“Promoting Equality, Black Economic Empowerment, and the Future of Investment Rules”, (Erişim:06.04.2014)
  • Tangri, Roger ve Roger Southall (2008), “The Politics of Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa”, Journal of Southern African Studies, V.34, N.3, pp.699-716.

Black Economıc Empowerment Strategy of South Afrıca

Year 2014, Volume: 4 Issue: 43, 125 - 160, 01.01.2014


After moving to a new democratic regime in 1994, South Africa began to implement a social empowering program in order to transform the unequal economic structure resulting from hundredyear lasting discriminative policies. The programs starting with good intentions, later on caused disappointment in some circles due to unfavorable conditions and practical problems such as favoritism. Although some improvements have been made in e.g. poverty, education and access to infrastructure services, it is generally accepted that there is a lot to do in order attain the initial vision and mission of the empowerment strategy. When common dimensions of globalization problems for all countries are occured and the importance of social investment policies are stressed; in order to contribute to comparative social policy literature, this study deals with the South African Black Empowerment Strategy which also includes social investment policies and has been executed under a dilemma of economic efficiency and social justice.


  • Acemoglu, Daron, Stephen Gelb ve James A. Robinson (2007), “Black Economic Empowerment And Economic Performance in South Africa”, (Erişim:10.10.2013)
  • AEO-African Economic Outlook 2014, , South Africa 2014,, (05.05.2014)
  • AEO-African Economic Outlook 2012, , South Africa 2012,, (05.05.2014)
  • Agholor, Isaac Azikiwe ve Ajuruchukwu Obi (2013), “The Storm of Poverty Reduction Strategy in Africa: Chronology of Experiences from South Africa”, Journal of Agricultural Science, V.5, N.2.
  • Akpor, Benjamin, Mammo Muchie, Helena Tapper ve Margaret Nyambura (2011), African Leadership in ICT Assessment of Environmental, Institutional and Individual Leadership Capacity Needs for the Knowledge Society in South Africa A Situational and Needs Analysis, GESCI Report,
  • Andrews, Matthew (2008), “Is Black Economic Empowerment a South African Growth Catalyst? (Or Could it Be…)” Working Paper No. 170, Center For International Development, Harvard University, May 2008.
  • Beall, Jo, Gelb, Stephen ve Shireen Hassim (2005), “Fragile Stability: State and Society in Democratic South Africa”, Journal of Southern African Studies, V.31, N.4, pp.681-700.
  • Brockerhoff, Stephanie (2013), A Review of The Development of Social Security Policy in South Africa, Studies in Poverty And Inequality Institute, Johannesburg.
  • Butler, Anthony (2011), “Black Economic Empowerment Since 1994: Diverse Hopes and Differentially Fulfilled Aspirations”, içinde Ed. Ian Shapiro, Kahreen Tebeau, After Apartheid reinventing South Africa?, University of Virginia Press, pp.51-73.
  • Coomey, Pusch (2007), “South Africa To BEE or not to BEE”, New African, August/September, pp.30-32.
  • Emkes, Will, (2012) “Black Economic Empowerment And South Africa”, Contemporary Reiew, V. 294, N.1705, pp.200-208.
  • Engdahl, Cecilia ve Hannele Hauki (2001), Black Economic Empowerment An Introductıon For Non-South Afrıcan Busınesses, Master Tezi, Gothenburg Üniversitesi, İktisat ve Ticaret Hukuku Fakültesi, Hukuk Bölümü, Gothenburg, İsveç, Temmuz 2001.
  • Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, Ingrid Woolard (2013), “ What Happened To Multidimensional Poverty In South Africa Between 1993 And 2010?”, SALDRU Research Brief, November
  • Glaser, Daryl (2007), “Should an Egalitarian Support Black Economic Empowerment?”, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, V.34, N.2, pp.105-123.
  • Gradín, Carlos (2011), “Race, Poverty, And Deprivation in South Africa”, Society For Study of Economic Inequality, ECINEQ WP 2011 – 224, October.
  • Gray, Mel (2006), “The Progress Of Social Development In South Africa”, International Journal Of Social Welfare, 15:1, (53–S64).
  • Giubilo, Francesca (2010), “What Could be the Future of South Africa After National Elections on 22 April 2009?”, Transition Studies Review, V.16, pp.948–961.
  • Gumede, Vusi (2013), “Social and Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa–Policies, Progress and Proposals”, April, (; Erişim:27.05.2014).
  • Hagen-Zanker, Jessica, Jenny Morgan, Charles Meth (2011), South Afrıca's Story: South Africa’s Social Security System: Expanding Coverage Of Grants And Limiting Increases In Inequality, Overseas Develeopment Institute, (15.06.2014)
  • Hassen, Ebrahim-Khalil (2009), “Economic Restructuring And Poverty Traps in South Africa” Society For International Development, V.52, N.3, pp.387–393.
  • Horwitz, Frank M. ve Harish Jain, (2011) “An Assessment of Employment Equity and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Developments in South Africa”, Equality Diversity And Inclusion: An International Journal, V. 30, N.4, pp:297-317.
  • Human, Desmé (2006), “Implemantation Of Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment in The Construction Industry”, ( , 01.05.2014)
  • Krüger, L.P. (2011), “The İmpact Of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) On South African Businesses: Focusing On Ten Dimensions Of Business Performance”, Southern African Business Review, V. 15, N. 3, pp.207- 233.
  • Landman, J P (2004), “Social Capital: A Building-Block in Creating a Better Global Future”, Foresight : The Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking And Policy; V.6, N.1, pp.38-46.
  • Logan, B. Ikubolajeh, George Tengbeh, Brilliant Pet (2012), “Towards A Reorientation İn Land Reform: From A Market To Locality-Driven Approach İn South Africa’s Land Restitution Programme”, Progress in Development Studies, V.12, N.2&3, pp. 173–191
  • Makhunga, Andila Caleb, (2008), Black Economic Empowerment and Its Impact on Wealth Creation in The New South Africa, Master Tezi, University of Pretoria, Pretoria,Güney Afrika, Kasım 2008.
  • McFadden, Patricia (2010), “Challenging Empowerment”, Development, V.53, N.2, pp.161–201.
  • Møller, Valerie (2013), “South African Quality of Life Trends Over Three Decades, 1980–2010”, Social Indicators Research, September, V.113, N.3, pp. 915-940.
  • NPC, National Planning Commision (2012), National Development Plan Vision For 2030, November, South Africa.
  • Orton, D. (2008), The impact of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment on Family Businesses, Master Tezi, North-West University, Potchefstroom, North-West, Güney Afrika, Kasım 2008.
  • Patel, Leila ve Lauren Graham (2012) How Broad-Based Is Broadbased Black Economic Empowerment?, Development Southern Africa, V.29, N.2, pp.193-207.
  • SARC, Southern Africa Resource Center (2012), Republic Of South Africa Country Strategy Paper 2013-2017, November.
  • Sato, Chizuko (2013), Black Economic Empowerment In South African Agricultural Sector: A Case Study of Wine Industry, Institute of Developing Economies Discussion Paper No. 384, Japan, February 2013.
  • Schneiderman, David (2010),“Promoting Equality, Black Economic Empowerment, and the Future of Investment Rules”, (Erişim:06.04.2014)
  • Tangri, Roger ve Roger Southall (2008), “The Politics of Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa”, Journal of Southern African Studies, V.34, N.3, pp.699-716.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Şenol Öztürk This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 4 Issue: 43


APA Öztürk, Ş. (2014). Güney Afrika’nın Siyah Ekonomik Güçlendirme Stratejisi. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 4(43), 125-160.