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Gençler ve Sendikal İlişki Üzerine Değerlendirme: Yeni Bir Frekans Arayışının Kaçınılmazlığı

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 49, 757 - 788, 01.01.2016


İşsizlik, güvencesiz çalışma, düşük ücret ve yetersiz çalışma koşulları gibi sorunlar günümüzde öncelikle genç işgücünün yüzleştiği ve göğüslemek zorunda kaldığı gerçeklerdir. Dolayısıyla gençlerin sendikalaşma eğiliminin güçlü olmasını ve sendika üyelik oranının da yükselmesini beklemek gerekir. Oysa günümüzde gençler sendikal kimliğe, sendikal faaliyetlere ve sendikalaşmaya yakın durmamaktadırlar. Bu bağlamda birçok ülkede gençler ve sendikalar üzerine çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Bu çalışmaların ilk dönemlerinde işgücü piyasası dinamikleri gibi sendika dışı etkenler dikkate alınmış olmakla birlikte, son yıllarda hemen hemen tüm çalışmalarda sendikaya dönük etkenlerin irdelenmesi büyük ağırlık kazanmıştır. Genel olarak her yönüyle zayıflayan sendikal hareketin ‘yeniden canlandırılması’ tartışmaları kapsamında gençlerin sendikalaşmasına dönük sendikal politikalar ve uygulamalar literatürde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada iki hararetli tartışmanın kesiştiği alan olarak gençler ve işçi sendikaları arasındaki ilişki, konu ile ilgili literatür dikkate alınarak değerlendirilecektir. Ayrıca Türkiye’de akademisyen ve sendika uzmanları ile yapılacak kısa söyleşilerle, bu değerlendirme harmanlanmaya çalışılacaktır. Amaç, Türkiye’de işçi sendikalarının yeni bir frekans arayışının kaçınılmazlığı konusunda farkındalığını artırmaktır


  • Aydın, Z. (2009) “Gençliğini Yitiren Sendikal Hareket ve Gençlik”, 7 Mayıs 2009, kalar%20ve%20genclik, (03.09.2015)
  • Bailey, J.; Price, R. A.; Esders, L. P. (2009) “Marketing Unions to Young People: Recruiting and ‘Rusting On’”, QUT Digital Repository,, (05.06.2015)
  • Blackburn, D. (2013) “Can Unions Be Effective For Young Workers?”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights, Vol:20, No:3, pp.5-7
  • Boris, M. B. (2015) “Catching the Next Wave: A Study of Internal Organising Among Young Workers in a US Union”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.177-194
  • Brinkhurst-Cuff, C. (2014) “Why Don’t Young People Want to Join Trade Unions”, 22 January 2014, want-join-trade-unions, (05.06.2015)
  • Çelik, A. (2015) “AKP Döneminde Sendikal Haklar: Sendikasız-Grevsiz Kaynaşmış Bir Kitleyiz ”, Himmet, Fıtrat, Piyasa AKP Döneminde Sosyal Politika, Derleyenler: Meryem Koray, Aziz Çelik, İletişim Yayınları, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, ss.157-193
  • Deloitte (2014) The Deloitte Millennial Survey-Executive Summary, January 2014, pp.1-15
  • DİSK-AR (2015), “DİSK-AR Bülteni”, 17 Ağustos 2015
  • Dufour, C.; Hege, A. (2010) “The Legitimacy of Collective Actors and Trade Union Renewal”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:16, No:3, pp.351-367
  • Elander, G. (2014) “’Get Organized’ Why Young workers Should Join Trade Unions”, workers-should-join-trade-unions, (05.06.2015) El-Aziz Haftalık Siyasi Bağımsız Gazete, www.el- (25.09.2015)
  • Fernandez R. C. J.; Rojo, R. I.; Calle, P. L.; Lucio, M. M. (2015) “Young Workers and Unions in Spain: A Failed Meeting?”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.142-161
  • Fontes, M; Margolies, K. (2010) “Youth and Unions”, Cornell University ILR School, DigitalCommons @ILR, 3-8-2010, htpp://, (12.06.2015)
  • Hatch, N. (2015) “The Selfish Generation: Anxiety and Belonging in a Digital World”, Resist Against a Precarious Future, Edited by Ray Filar, Lawrence and Wishart, London, pp.129-133
  • Hill, L. (2014) “The Decline of Trade Unionism and ‘The Selfish Generation’”, September 13, and-the-selfish-generation, (05.06.2015)
  • Hodder, A. (2014) “Organising Young Workers in the Public and Commercial Services Union”, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol:45, No:2, pp.153-168
  • Hodder, A. (2015) “‘Old Dusty Men’? Young People and Trade Unions in the UK”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.162-176
  • Hodder, A.; Kretsos, L. (2015) “Young Workers and Unions: Context and Overview”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.1-15
  • Huntley, R. (2005) “Is Generation Y Apolitical and Apathetic?”, 7 September 2005, (12.06.2015) Hürriyet Gazetesi,
  •, (25.09.2015)
  • Hürriyet Gazetesi,, Prof. Dr. Faruk Birtek ile Söyleşi, (04.10.2015)
  • İnsel, A. (2008) “OECD: Neoliberalizm, Sizlere Ömür ”, Radikal İki, 14.12.2008, s.1,4
  • Kahraman, F. (2013) “A New Hope For Young Workers in Turkey”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights,Vol:20, No:3, pp.3-4
  • Kretsos, L.; Hodder, A. (2015) “Concluding Comments”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.195-200
  • Mrozowicki, A.; Krasowska, A.; Karolak, M. (2015) “‘Stop the Junk Contracts ’ Young Workers and Trade Union Mobilisation against Precarious Employment in Poland”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.123-141
  • Neyzi, L. (2011) “Object or Subject? The Paradox of ‘Youth’ in Turkey”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Cambridge University Press, Vol:33, No:3, pp.411-432.
  • Oliver, D. (2005) “Young People, Union, Strategies”, 13 September 2005,, (12.06.2015)
  • Patton, M. J. (2013) “Generation Y in Gezi Park”, Middle East Report, No:268, Fall, pp.30-37
  • Peetz, D. (2010) “Are Individualistic Attitudes Killing Collectivism?”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:16, No:3, pp.383-398
  • Peetz, D.; Price, R.; Bailey,J. (2015) “Ageing Australian Unions and The ‘Youth Problem’”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.54-70
  • Ramsay, A. (2015) “Breaking The First Rule of Generation Y”, Resist Against a Precarious Future, Edited by Ray Filar, Lawrence and Wishart, London, pp.85-90
  • Shister, J. (1953) “The Logic of Union Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, The University of Chicago Press, Vol:61, No:5, pp.413-433
  • Snell, D.; Fairbrother, P. “Unions as Environmental Actors”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:16, No:3, pp.411-424
  • Soul, J. (2015) “New Times Are Still Coming, Old Times Are Still Leaving: Notes About Young People’s Participation and Union Traditions in Contemporary Arjentina”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.37-53
  • Standing, G. (2015) Prekarya, Yeni Tehlikeli Sınıf, İletişim Yayınları, 2. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Stubbs, A. (2014) “Interviews” My Union, My Voice Young Workers’ Month, Published by TUC, March 2014, pp.1-20
  • Tania R. Melo (2013) “What The Labour Movement Can Be”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights,Vol:20, No:3, pp.12-13
  • Tanyaş, B. (2015) “Gençler ve Politik Katılım: Gezi Parkı Eylemleri’nde ‘Apolitik’ Nesil”, Eleştirel Psikoloji Bülteni, Sayı:6, Nisan, ss.25-50
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2014) Haber Bülteni, Sayı:18625, 14 Mayıs 2015
  • Tokol, A. (2014) “Genç İşçiler ve Sendikalar”, 14.11.2014,, (03.09.2015)
  • Tomba, C. (2013) “Young Workers and Trade Union Rights in Italy”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights,Vol:20, No:3, pp.8-9
  • Urgan, M. (2015) Bir Dinozorun Anıları, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 80. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Urhan, B. (2014) Sendikasız Kadınlar Kadınsız Sendikalar, Kadınlarla Dayanışma Vakfı, Birinci Basım, Aralık 2014
  • Vandaele, K. (2012) “Youth Representatives’ Opinions on Recruiting and Representing Young Workers: A Twofold Unsatisfied Demand?”, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol:18, No:3, pp.1-16
  • Vandaele, K. (2013) “Union Responses to Young Workers Since The Great Recession in Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden: Are Youth Structures Reorienting The Union Agenda”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:19, No:3, pp.381- 397
  • Vandaele, K. (2015) “Trade Unions ‘Deliberative Vitality’ Towards Young Workers: Survey Evidence Across Europe”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.16-36
  • Viacom (2012) “The Next Normal: An Unprecedented Look At Millennials Worldwide”, November 15,, (12.06.2015)
  • Williams, G.; Quinn, M. (2014) “Macmillan’s Children? Young Workers and Trade Unions in the Early 1960s”, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol:45, No:2, pp.137-152

An Assessment on Young People and Union Relations: Inevitability of the Pursuit of a New Frequency

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 49, 757 - 788, 01.01.2016


Such problems as unemployment, vulnerable employment, ill-pay and insufficient working conditions are the realities which are primarily encountered by the young labour force today. So, it is expected for the young people to have a strong tendency of unionization and an increase in union membership rate. However today, young people do not have a tendency of having a union identity, participating in union activities and unionization. In this regard, there are many studies carried on regarding young people and unions in many countries. While such factors as labour market dynamics which were not related to unions were taken into consideration at the first periods of these studies, more and more factors which are related to unions have been started to be addressed in almost all studies in recent years. In general, union policies and applications regarding unionization of young people are of high importance in literature within the scope of the discussions of “revival” of the union movements which have become weaker in all aspects. The relationship between young people and labour unions will be taken into consideration in this study as the cross point of two strong discussions as well as by considering the relevant literature. Moreover; this assessment will be tried to be blended through short interviews with the academic staff and union experts in Turkey. It is aimed at increasing the awareness regarding the inevitability of the pursuit of a new frequency of labour unions in Turkey.


  • Aydın, Z. (2009) “Gençliğini Yitiren Sendikal Hareket ve Gençlik”, 7 Mayıs 2009, kalar%20ve%20genclik, (03.09.2015)
  • Bailey, J.; Price, R. A.; Esders, L. P. (2009) “Marketing Unions to Young People: Recruiting and ‘Rusting On’”, QUT Digital Repository,, (05.06.2015)
  • Blackburn, D. (2013) “Can Unions Be Effective For Young Workers?”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights, Vol:20, No:3, pp.5-7
  • Boris, M. B. (2015) “Catching the Next Wave: A Study of Internal Organising Among Young Workers in a US Union”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.177-194
  • Brinkhurst-Cuff, C. (2014) “Why Don’t Young People Want to Join Trade Unions”, 22 January 2014, want-join-trade-unions, (05.06.2015)
  • Çelik, A. (2015) “AKP Döneminde Sendikal Haklar: Sendikasız-Grevsiz Kaynaşmış Bir Kitleyiz ”, Himmet, Fıtrat, Piyasa AKP Döneminde Sosyal Politika, Derleyenler: Meryem Koray, Aziz Çelik, İletişim Yayınları, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, ss.157-193
  • Deloitte (2014) The Deloitte Millennial Survey-Executive Summary, January 2014, pp.1-15
  • DİSK-AR (2015), “DİSK-AR Bülteni”, 17 Ağustos 2015
  • Dufour, C.; Hege, A. (2010) “The Legitimacy of Collective Actors and Trade Union Renewal”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:16, No:3, pp.351-367
  • Elander, G. (2014) “’Get Organized’ Why Young workers Should Join Trade Unions”, workers-should-join-trade-unions, (05.06.2015) El-Aziz Haftalık Siyasi Bağımsız Gazete, www.el- (25.09.2015)
  • Fernandez R. C. J.; Rojo, R. I.; Calle, P. L.; Lucio, M. M. (2015) “Young Workers and Unions in Spain: A Failed Meeting?”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.142-161
  • Fontes, M; Margolies, K. (2010) “Youth and Unions”, Cornell University ILR School, DigitalCommons @ILR, 3-8-2010, htpp://, (12.06.2015)
  • Hatch, N. (2015) “The Selfish Generation: Anxiety and Belonging in a Digital World”, Resist Against a Precarious Future, Edited by Ray Filar, Lawrence and Wishart, London, pp.129-133
  • Hill, L. (2014) “The Decline of Trade Unionism and ‘The Selfish Generation’”, September 13, and-the-selfish-generation, (05.06.2015)
  • Hodder, A. (2014) “Organising Young Workers in the Public and Commercial Services Union”, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol:45, No:2, pp.153-168
  • Hodder, A. (2015) “‘Old Dusty Men’? Young People and Trade Unions in the UK”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.162-176
  • Hodder, A.; Kretsos, L. (2015) “Young Workers and Unions: Context and Overview”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.1-15
  • Huntley, R. (2005) “Is Generation Y Apolitical and Apathetic?”, 7 September 2005, (12.06.2015) Hürriyet Gazetesi,
  •, (25.09.2015)
  • Hürriyet Gazetesi,, Prof. Dr. Faruk Birtek ile Söyleşi, (04.10.2015)
  • İnsel, A. (2008) “OECD: Neoliberalizm, Sizlere Ömür ”, Radikal İki, 14.12.2008, s.1,4
  • Kahraman, F. (2013) “A New Hope For Young Workers in Turkey”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights,Vol:20, No:3, pp.3-4
  • Kretsos, L.; Hodder, A. (2015) “Concluding Comments”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.195-200
  • Mrozowicki, A.; Krasowska, A.; Karolak, M. (2015) “‘Stop the Junk Contracts ’ Young Workers and Trade Union Mobilisation against Precarious Employment in Poland”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.123-141
  • Neyzi, L. (2011) “Object or Subject? The Paradox of ‘Youth’ in Turkey”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Cambridge University Press, Vol:33, No:3, pp.411-432.
  • Oliver, D. (2005) “Young People, Union, Strategies”, 13 September 2005,, (12.06.2015)
  • Patton, M. J. (2013) “Generation Y in Gezi Park”, Middle East Report, No:268, Fall, pp.30-37
  • Peetz, D. (2010) “Are Individualistic Attitudes Killing Collectivism?”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:16, No:3, pp.383-398
  • Peetz, D.; Price, R.; Bailey,J. (2015) “Ageing Australian Unions and The ‘Youth Problem’”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.54-70
  • Ramsay, A. (2015) “Breaking The First Rule of Generation Y”, Resist Against a Precarious Future, Edited by Ray Filar, Lawrence and Wishart, London, pp.85-90
  • Shister, J. (1953) “The Logic of Union Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, The University of Chicago Press, Vol:61, No:5, pp.413-433
  • Snell, D.; Fairbrother, P. “Unions as Environmental Actors”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:16, No:3, pp.411-424
  • Soul, J. (2015) “New Times Are Still Coming, Old Times Are Still Leaving: Notes About Young People’s Participation and Union Traditions in Contemporary Arjentina”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.37-53
  • Standing, G. (2015) Prekarya, Yeni Tehlikeli Sınıf, İletişim Yayınları, 2. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Stubbs, A. (2014) “Interviews” My Union, My Voice Young Workers’ Month, Published by TUC, March 2014, pp.1-20
  • Tania R. Melo (2013) “What The Labour Movement Can Be”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights,Vol:20, No:3, pp.12-13
  • Tanyaş, B. (2015) “Gençler ve Politik Katılım: Gezi Parkı Eylemleri’nde ‘Apolitik’ Nesil”, Eleştirel Psikoloji Bülteni, Sayı:6, Nisan, ss.25-50
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (2014) Haber Bülteni, Sayı:18625, 14 Mayıs 2015
  • Tokol, A. (2014) “Genç İşçiler ve Sendikalar”, 14.11.2014,, (03.09.2015)
  • Tomba, C. (2013) “Young Workers and Trade Union Rights in Italy”, International Union Rights, Published by: International Centre For Trade Union Rights,Vol:20, No:3, pp.8-9
  • Urgan, M. (2015) Bir Dinozorun Anıları, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 80. Baskı, İstanbul
  • Urhan, B. (2014) Sendikasız Kadınlar Kadınsız Sendikalar, Kadınlarla Dayanışma Vakfı, Birinci Basım, Aralık 2014
  • Vandaele, K. (2012) “Youth Representatives’ Opinions on Recruiting and Representing Young Workers: A Twofold Unsatisfied Demand?”, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol:18, No:3, pp.1-16
  • Vandaele, K. (2013) “Union Responses to Young Workers Since The Great Recession in Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden: Are Youth Structures Reorienting The Union Agenda”, Transfer, ETUI, Vol:19, No:3, pp.381- 397
  • Vandaele, K. (2015) “Trade Unions ‘Deliberative Vitality’ Towards Young Workers: Survey Evidence Across Europe”, Young Workers and Trade Unions A Global View, Edited by Andy Hodder and Lefteris Kretsos, Palgrave Macmillan, First Published, pp.16-36
  • Viacom (2012) “The Next Normal: An Unprecedented Look At Millennials Worldwide”, November 15,, (12.06.2015)
  • Williams, G.; Quinn, M. (2014) “Macmillan’s Children? Young Workers and Trade Unions in the Early 1960s”, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol:45, No:2, pp.137-152
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Selamoğlu This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 49


APA Selamoğlu, A. (2016). Gençler ve Sendikal İlişki Üzerine Değerlendirme: Yeni Bir Frekans Arayışının Kaçınılmazlığı. Çalışma Ve Toplum, 2(49), 757-788.