Year 2015,
Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 968 - 975, 13.05.2015
Hadi Heidari
Seyyed Mohammad Rezazadeh
Seyyede Fateme Puryahya
- Bigdeli, M. (2010). Barrasie avamele mortabet ba yadgirie payine zabane englisi dar daneshamuzane ostane Ardebil. [An investigation of the factors dealing with the insufficient learning of students in English course in Ardebil province students]. Education department of Ardebil province: research association.
- Fani, H., Ghiasi, P., & Nemati, Q. (2010). Barrasie taasire avamele amuzeshi bar ofte tahsilie daneshamuzane sale avvale motevassete pesarane nahie do shiraz. [An investigation of the impact of the educational factors on first grade high schools students’ failure factors in second region of Shiraz]. Islamic Azad university: Marvdasht branch.
- Fonseca, J., & Conboy, J. (2006). Secondary student perceptions of factors effecting failure in science in Portugal. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(2), 82-95.
- Franco, L. M. G., & Domínguez, Y. A. H. (2010). Failure in English courses from the students’perspective: The case of the English language program. Memorias del vi foro de estudios en lenguas internacional. Mexico: Universidad de Quintana Roo.
- Jordan, A., Carlile, O., & Stack, A. (2008). Approachesto learning: A guide for teachers.Berkshire: McGraw-Hill, Open University Press.
- Krejcie, R. V., &, Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
- Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From method to postmethod.Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Lekhetho, M. (2013). Stakeholder Perceptions about Factors that Cause Poor Student Performance in Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC), Examinations in Lesotho. International Journal of Education and Science, 5(4): 385-395.
- Rudduck, J., Chaplain, R., & Wallace, G. (1996). School improvement: What can pupils tell us? London: Fulton.
- Shahzad, S., Ali, R., Hukamdad, Qadeer, M. Z., & Ullah, H. (2011). Identification of the causes of students’ low achievement in the subject of English. Asian Social Science, 7(2), 168- 171.
- Shahzada, G., Ghazi, S. R., & Ali Khan, U. (2012). Causes of rising failure of the students’ in the subject of English at secondary level. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 605-611.
- Sadeghi, A. (2002). Barrasie avamele ofte tahsilie daneshamuzan dar dares zaban dar maghtae motavassete shahrestane Parsabad. [An investigation of the reasons of the students’ failure factor in language course in high school level of Parsabad city]. Unpublished M.A thesis. Islamic Azad University: Ardebil branch.
- Todres, M., Tsimtsiou, Z., Sidhu K, Stephenson A, & Jones, R. (2012). Medical students’ perceptions of the factors influencing their academic performance: An exploratory interview study with high-achieving and re-sitting medical students. Journal of Medical Teacher, 34: e325–e331.
Challenges of implementing ELT in an EFL context
Year 2015,
Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 968 - 975, 13.05.2015
Hadi Heidari
Seyyed Mohammad Rezazadeh
Seyyede Fateme Puryahya
Abstract. The current study aimed to investigate and explore the challenges of English language teaching in Iran from Ardebil students’ points of view and bring about opportunities to call out the students’ opinions and consequently make some reforms in English language teaching based on their needs. Cluster random sampling was utilized and the participants of the study were 324 students (181 males & 134 female students). The required data were gathered during the fall term of 2012 through a researcher-made questionnaire. It consisted of 5 open-ended questions which investigated the students’ perceptions of the efficiency and deficiency of English language teaching in Iran and required them to give some suggestions on how to improve the present situation of English language teaching in Iran in order to take more advantages of it. The instrument was first piloted before it was administered. The open-ended items were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively and their results suggested that from students’ perspectives, English language is important in all aspects of life and it is the most important language of the world; however, we cannot take the most advantage of it due to numerous problems and we should have some major and minor changes in different aspects it in order to take more advantage of it.
- Bigdeli, M. (2010). Barrasie avamele mortabet ba yadgirie payine zabane englisi dar daneshamuzane ostane Ardebil. [An investigation of the factors dealing with the insufficient learning of students in English course in Ardebil province students]. Education department of Ardebil province: research association.
- Fani, H., Ghiasi, P., & Nemati, Q. (2010). Barrasie taasire avamele amuzeshi bar ofte tahsilie daneshamuzane sale avvale motevassete pesarane nahie do shiraz. [An investigation of the impact of the educational factors on first grade high schools students’ failure factors in second region of Shiraz]. Islamic Azad university: Marvdasht branch.
- Fonseca, J., & Conboy, J. (2006). Secondary student perceptions of factors effecting failure in science in Portugal. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(2), 82-95.
- Franco, L. M. G., & Domínguez, Y. A. H. (2010). Failure in English courses from the students’perspective: The case of the English language program. Memorias del vi foro de estudios en lenguas internacional. Mexico: Universidad de Quintana Roo.
- Jordan, A., Carlile, O., & Stack, A. (2008). Approachesto learning: A guide for teachers.Berkshire: McGraw-Hill, Open University Press.
- Krejcie, R. V., &, Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
- Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding language teaching: From method to postmethod.Mahwah, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Lekhetho, M. (2013). Stakeholder Perceptions about Factors that Cause Poor Student Performance in Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC), Examinations in Lesotho. International Journal of Education and Science, 5(4): 385-395.
- Rudduck, J., Chaplain, R., & Wallace, G. (1996). School improvement: What can pupils tell us? London: Fulton.
- Shahzad, S., Ali, R., Hukamdad, Qadeer, M. Z., & Ullah, H. (2011). Identification of the causes of students’ low achievement in the subject of English. Asian Social Science, 7(2), 168- 171.
- Shahzada, G., Ghazi, S. R., & Ali Khan, U. (2012). Causes of rising failure of the students’ in the subject of English at secondary level. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 605-611.
- Sadeghi, A. (2002). Barrasie avamele ofte tahsilie daneshamuzan dar dares zaban dar maghtae motavassete shahrestane Parsabad. [An investigation of the reasons of the students’ failure factor in language course in high school level of Parsabad city]. Unpublished M.A thesis. Islamic Azad University: Ardebil branch.
- Todres, M., Tsimtsiou, Z., Sidhu K, Stephenson A, & Jones, R. (2012). Medical students’ perceptions of the factors influencing their academic performance: An exploratory interview study with high-achieving and re-sitting medical students. Journal of Medical Teacher, 34: e325–e331.