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Year 2015, Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 1706 - 1716, 13.05.2015



  • World Health Organization. Fact sheet N173, July 1997. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Solera J, Martinez-Alfaro E, Espinosa A. Recognition and optimum treatment of brucellosis. Drugs 1997; 53: 245_256.
  • Cutler SJ, Whatmore AM, Commander NJ. Brucellosis _ new aspects of an old disease. J Applied Microbiol 2005, 98: 1270_1281.
  • Refai M. Incidence and control of brucellosis in the Near East region. Vet Miccrobiol 2002; 90: 81_110.
  • Abdou, A.E. Overview on the major bacterial zoonoses situation in the Mediterranean region. Inf Cir WHO MZCC 1996, 41: 2_4.
  • Memish ZA, Mah MW. Brucellosis in laboratory workers at a Saudi Arabian hospital. Am J Infect Control 2001; 29, 48_52.
  • Al Dahouk S, Tomaso H, Nockler K, Neubauer H, Frangoulidis D. Laboratory-based diagnosis of brucellosis--a review of the literature. Part I: Techniques for direct detection and identification of Brucella spp. Clin Lab. 2003;49(9-10):487-505.
  • Yagupsky P. Detection of brucellae in blood cultures. J Clin Microbiol 1999; 37: 3437- 3442.
  • Pike RM, Sulkin SE, Schulze ML. Continuing importance of laboratory-acquired infections. Am J Public Health 1965; 55: 190-199.
  • Moyer N P, Evins GM, Pigott NE, Hudson JD, Farshy CE, Feeley JC, Hausler WJ Jr. Comparison of serologic screening tests for brucellosis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1987; 25:1969_1972.
  • Young E. 1995. Brucella species, p. 2053_2060. In G. L. Mandell, J. E. Bennett, and R. Dolin. (ed.), Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York, N.Y
  • Pappas G, Papadimitriou P, Akritidis N, Christou L, Tsianos EV. The new global map of human brucellosis. The Lancet infectious diseases. 2006 Feb;6(2):91-9.
  • Guerra H. The brucellae and their success as pathogens. Crit Rev Microbiol. 2007;33(4):325-31.
  • Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. The Lancet infectious diseases. 2007 Dec;7(12):775-86.
  • Zerva L, Bourantas K, Mitka S, Kansouzidou A, Legakis NJ. Serum is the preferred clinical specimen for diagnosis of human brucellosis by PCR. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2001 Apr;39(4):1661-4.
  • Sofian M, Aghakhani A, Velayati AA, Banifazl M, Eslamifar A, Ramezani A. Risk factors for human brucellosis in Iran: a case-control study. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases. 2008 Mar;12(2):157-61.
  • Hasanjani Roushan MR, Mohrez M, Smailnejad Gangi SM, Soleimani Amiri MJ, Hajiahmadi M. Epidemiological features and clinical manifestations in 469 adult patients with brucellosis in Babol, Northern Iran. Epidemiology and infection. 2004 Dec;132(6):1109-14.
  • Navarro E, Escribano J, Fernandez J, Solera J. Comparison of three different PCR methods for detection of Brucella spp in human blood samples. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2002 Oct 11;34(2):147-51.
  • Romero C, Gamazo C, Pardo M, Lopez-Goni I. Specific detection of Brucella DNA by PCR. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1995 Mar;33(3):615-7.
  • Mitka S, Anetakis C, Souliou E, Diza E, Kansouzidou A. Evaluation of Different PCR Assays for Early Detection of Acute and Relapsing Brucellosis in Humans in Comparison with Conventional Methods. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2007 April 2007;45(4):1211- 8.
  • Hamdy ME, Amin AS. Detection of Brucella species in the milk of infected cattle, sheep, goats and camels by PCR. Vet J. 2002 May;163(3):299-305.
  • Leal-Klevezas DS, Martinez-Vazquez IO, Lopez-Merino A, Martinez-Soriano JP. Single- step PCR for detection of Brucella spp. from blood and milk of infected animals. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1995 Dec;33(12):3087-90.
  • Fekete A, Bantle JA, Halling SM, Sanborn MR. Preliminary development of a diagnostic test for Brucella using polymerase chain reaction. J Appl Bacteriol. 1990 Aug;69(2):216- 27.
  • Herman L, De Ridder H. Identification of Brucella spp. by using the polymerase chain reaction. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1992 Jun;58(6):2099-101.
  • Baily GG, Krahn JB, Drasar BS, Stoker NG. Detection of Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus by DNA amplification. J Trop Med Hyg. 1992 Aug;95(4):271-5.
  • Fekete A, Bantle JA, Halling SM. Detection of Brucella by polymerase chain reaction in bovine fetal and maternal tissues. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1992 Jan;4(1):79-83.
  • Queipo-Ortuno MI, Morata P, Ocon P, Manchado P, Colmenero JD. Rapid diagnosis of human brucellosis by peripheral-blood PCR assay. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1997 Nov;35(11):2927-30.
  • Navarro E, Casao MA, Solera J. Diagnosis of human brucellosis using PCR. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2004 Jan;4(1):115-23.
  • Dogaheh HP, Valinejad Z, Pourfarzi F. Evaluation of three DNA extraction methods for

Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample

Year 2015, Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 1706 - 1716, 13.05.2015


Abstract. Brucellosis is a major health problem worldwide.Currently the diagnosis of this zoonosis is based on microbiological and serological tests.PCR has been used to detect DNA from Brucella. PCR techniques and extraction procedures have been previously published for Brucella detection.But only a few of these primers have been used in human samples.and only a few study has been carried out to compare sensitivity between them.In this study,two sets of primers amplifying two different regions of the Brucella genome were compared for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample PCR assay to conclude which is most suitable for the clinical diagnostic laboratory.These two pairs of primers amplify:i)a sequence 16SrRNA of B.abortus(F4/R2),and(ii)a gene encoding an outer membrane protein(omp-2)(JPF/JPR).The two primers assayed showed a difference in sensitivity for detecting Brucella DNA,ranging between 5Pg and 50Pg for contaminated serum samples.Therefore,the sensitivity of PCR using F4/R2 primers was greater than the PCR using JPF/JPR primers.


  • World Health Organization. Fact sheet N173, July 1997. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Solera J, Martinez-Alfaro E, Espinosa A. Recognition and optimum treatment of brucellosis. Drugs 1997; 53: 245_256.
  • Cutler SJ, Whatmore AM, Commander NJ. Brucellosis _ new aspects of an old disease. J Applied Microbiol 2005, 98: 1270_1281.
  • Refai M. Incidence and control of brucellosis in the Near East region. Vet Miccrobiol 2002; 90: 81_110.
  • Abdou, A.E. Overview on the major bacterial zoonoses situation in the Mediterranean region. Inf Cir WHO MZCC 1996, 41: 2_4.
  • Memish ZA, Mah MW. Brucellosis in laboratory workers at a Saudi Arabian hospital. Am J Infect Control 2001; 29, 48_52.
  • Al Dahouk S, Tomaso H, Nockler K, Neubauer H, Frangoulidis D. Laboratory-based diagnosis of brucellosis--a review of the literature. Part I: Techniques for direct detection and identification of Brucella spp. Clin Lab. 2003;49(9-10):487-505.
  • Yagupsky P. Detection of brucellae in blood cultures. J Clin Microbiol 1999; 37: 3437- 3442.
  • Pike RM, Sulkin SE, Schulze ML. Continuing importance of laboratory-acquired infections. Am J Public Health 1965; 55: 190-199.
  • Moyer N P, Evins GM, Pigott NE, Hudson JD, Farshy CE, Feeley JC, Hausler WJ Jr. Comparison of serologic screening tests for brucellosis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1987; 25:1969_1972.
  • Young E. 1995. Brucella species, p. 2053_2060. In G. L. Mandell, J. E. Bennett, and R. Dolin. (ed.), Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York, N.Y
  • Pappas G, Papadimitriou P, Akritidis N, Christou L, Tsianos EV. The new global map of human brucellosis. The Lancet infectious diseases. 2006 Feb;6(2):91-9.
  • Guerra H. The brucellae and their success as pathogens. Crit Rev Microbiol. 2007;33(4):325-31.
  • Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman RH, Smits HL. Human brucellosis. The Lancet infectious diseases. 2007 Dec;7(12):775-86.
  • Zerva L, Bourantas K, Mitka S, Kansouzidou A, Legakis NJ. Serum is the preferred clinical specimen for diagnosis of human brucellosis by PCR. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2001 Apr;39(4):1661-4.
  • Sofian M, Aghakhani A, Velayati AA, Banifazl M, Eslamifar A, Ramezani A. Risk factors for human brucellosis in Iran: a case-control study. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases. 2008 Mar;12(2):157-61.
  • Hasanjani Roushan MR, Mohrez M, Smailnejad Gangi SM, Soleimani Amiri MJ, Hajiahmadi M. Epidemiological features and clinical manifestations in 469 adult patients with brucellosis in Babol, Northern Iran. Epidemiology and infection. 2004 Dec;132(6):1109-14.
  • Navarro E, Escribano J, Fernandez J, Solera J. Comparison of three different PCR methods for detection of Brucella spp in human blood samples. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2002 Oct 11;34(2):147-51.
  • Romero C, Gamazo C, Pardo M, Lopez-Goni I. Specific detection of Brucella DNA by PCR. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1995 Mar;33(3):615-7.
  • Mitka S, Anetakis C, Souliou E, Diza E, Kansouzidou A. Evaluation of Different PCR Assays for Early Detection of Acute and Relapsing Brucellosis in Humans in Comparison with Conventional Methods. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2007 April 2007;45(4):1211- 8.
  • Hamdy ME, Amin AS. Detection of Brucella species in the milk of infected cattle, sheep, goats and camels by PCR. Vet J. 2002 May;163(3):299-305.
  • Leal-Klevezas DS, Martinez-Vazquez IO, Lopez-Merino A, Martinez-Soriano JP. Single- step PCR for detection of Brucella spp. from blood and milk of infected animals. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1995 Dec;33(12):3087-90.
  • Fekete A, Bantle JA, Halling SM, Sanborn MR. Preliminary development of a diagnostic test for Brucella using polymerase chain reaction. J Appl Bacteriol. 1990 Aug;69(2):216- 27.
  • Herman L, De Ridder H. Identification of Brucella spp. by using the polymerase chain reaction. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1992 Jun;58(6):2099-101.
  • Baily GG, Krahn JB, Drasar BS, Stoker NG. Detection of Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus by DNA amplification. J Trop Med Hyg. 1992 Aug;95(4):271-5.
  • Fekete A, Bantle JA, Halling SM. Detection of Brucella by polymerase chain reaction in bovine fetal and maternal tissues. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1992 Jan;4(1):79-83.
  • Queipo-Ortuno MI, Morata P, Ocon P, Manchado P, Colmenero JD. Rapid diagnosis of human brucellosis by peripheral-blood PCR assay. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1997 Nov;35(11):2927-30.
  • Navarro E, Casao MA, Solera J. Diagnosis of human brucellosis using PCR. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2004 Jan;4(1):115-23.
  • Dogaheh HP, Valinejad Z, Pourfarzi F. Evaluation of three DNA extraction methods for
There are 29 citations in total.


Journal Section Special

K. Moghadas

E. Ghezelsofla This is me

B. Zamani This is me

M. Moghni This is me

H. Aghamolaee This is me

F. Moosavi This is me

H. Karimzade This is me

Publication Date May 13, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 36 Issue: 3


APA Moghadas, K., Ghezelsofla, E., Zamani, B., Moghni, M., et al. (2015). Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), 1706-1716.
AMA Moghadas K, Ghezelsofla E, Zamani B, Moghni M, Aghamolaee H, Moosavi F, Karimzade H. Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. May 2015;36(3):1706-1716.
Chicago Moghadas, K., E. Ghezelsofla, B. Zamani, M. Moghni, H. Aghamolaee, F. Moosavi, and H. Karimzade. “Evaluation of Two PCR Techniques for Detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36, no. 3 (May 2015): 1706-16.
EndNote Moghadas K, Ghezelsofla E, Zamani B, Moghni M, Aghamolaee H, Moosavi F, Karimzade H (May 1, 2015) Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36 3 1706–1716.
IEEE K. Moghadas, E. Ghezelsofla, B. Zamani, M. Moghni, H. Aghamolaee, F. Moosavi, and H. Karimzade, “Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 1706–1716, 2015.
ISNAD Moghadas, K. et al. “Evaluation of Two PCR Techniques for Detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36/3 (May 2015), 1706-1716.
JAMA Moghadas K, Ghezelsofla E, Zamani B, Moghni M, Aghamolaee H, Moosavi F, Karimzade H. Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;36:1706–1716.
MLA Moghadas, K. et al. “Evaluation of Two PCR Techniques for Detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 36, no. 3, 2015, pp. 1706-1.
Vancouver Moghadas K, Ghezelsofla E, Zamani B, Moghni M, Aghamolaee H, Moosavi F, Karimzade H. Evaluation of two PCR techniques for detection of Brucella DNA in Contaminated Serum Sample. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;36(3):1706-1.