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Year 2015, Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 3109 - 3120, 13.05.2015



  • group behavior /398 0398 /396 251 6// /000 0000 /449 0449 /631 0631 /86 1586 /000 0000
  • Hypothesis 8: consumers gender of Shiraz Zarin Ghazal dairy products company influence their buying behavior. Table 11. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their gender. Variables frequency mean Mann-Whitney U Z Sig Shopping behavior female 187 /56 19456 /442 0442 /659 0659
  • Hypothesis 9: Consumer's marital status of Shiraz Zarin Ghazal dairy products company influence their buying behavior. Table 12. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products on the basis of marital status. Variables Shopping behavior frequency mean Mann-Whitney U Z Sig single 207 /75 18075 15887 0// /16 216 /031 0031
  • Hypothesis 10: Consumer's employment status of Shiraz Zarin Ghazal dairy products company influence their buying behavior. Table 13. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their employment status. Variables frequency mean Mann-Whitney U Z Sig Shopping behavior Unemployed employed 102 /67 9672 5// 23767 /87 487 /000 0000
  • Hypothesis 11: the purchasing behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their level of education, significant differences exist? Table 14. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their education. Variables in dependent Education frequency mean Chi-square Df Sig dependent Shopping behavior diploma Associate BA MA or higher 21 12895 /95 RESEARCH SUMMERY
  • Among respondents, the average monthly income is Rs 1015798. A total of 190 patients (6/49 percent) of the respondents sample size is considered mentally middle of the base. 156 patients
  • (2009), Vilkivkva and Sabu (2013). Analysis of the findings related to the demographic characteristics of consumers of dairy products, show that consumer purchases of dairy products in terms of employment status, marital status and education level are significant differences as well. The findings in this study, synchronized and consistent with the results of Iyda Darban
  • (2012), Jibril al. (2013), Vilkivkva and Sabu (2013), Durmaz (2014). Analysis of the findings related to the demographic characteristics of consumers of dairy products, show that consumer purchases of dairy products did not differ according to gender. The findings in this study, synchronized and consistent with the results of theoretical research of Nazari and Qadri Abed
  • Abazari, J. and Kazemi, A. (2005). "Shopping theoretical approaches of sociology and cultural studies", a social sciences, No. 25, pages 195-167.
  • Azkia, M. and Drban astaneh, A. (2003). Applied research methods, Tehran: Cosmos, First Edition, Volume One.
  • Asfydany, M., Nazari, M., Karimi Davyjany, M. (2014). "Social shopping behavior in the fashion apparel market, Tehran", Journal of Marketing Research, New, 4 (2), pages 190- 1
  • Afjeh, Ali and Bkhshyzadh Borj, K. (2011). "Specify the type of dominant decision to buy in a variety of styles Waltz mental mapping", Journal of Marketing Management, No. 12, pages 97-81.
  • Amanati, Geranaz (2013). "Factors influencing consumer behavior (consumer behavior and buying decisions)", Journal of after-sales service, No. 9, page 41-40.
  • Habibpour Gatabi, K. and Safari Shali, R. (2009). Comprehensive guide to the use of SPSS survey research, Tehran: Publication Loya, thinkers Press, second edition.
  • Haghighy, M. and Ekteshafi Akbari, C. (2006). "The analysis of consumer behavior on the Internet", Journal of Knowledge Management, Issue 75, Page 42-23.
  • Samadi, M. (2003). Consumer behavior, Tehran, Ayezh.
  • Sanayei, Ali.Shafei, R. (2012). "A model for analyzing and predicting customer purchase behavior based on functional theory approach (case study of the automobile industry)",
  • Journal of Business Research, No. 62, pages 192-153. Montazer zohuvr, M. (1986). Microeconomics, Tehran School of insurance.
  • Mahdieh, O and Chubtrash, N. (2014). "Involvement of consumer purchasing decisions
  • (Case cell phone)." Journal of Business Administration, No. 22, pages 151-131. Nazary, K. (2011). "The impact of the marketing mix to attract customers, but the bank is a case study in Kermanshah province", Journal of Banking and Economics, No. 113, pages 53
  • Nazary, M. and Ghadery Abed, A (2011). "A model for the study of factors affecting the purchasing behavior of a sudden", Journal of Business Administration, 3 (10), page 140
  • Hawkins, Dell and Kanis Kani and Roger Bost (2006). Consumer behavior, translators
  • Ahmed Attia village and instead, Sargl publications. Bigne, J. Enrique , M. Isabel Sanchez, Javier Sanchez (2001). Tourism image , evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour, Tourism Management 22 (2001). 607-616
  • Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W. & Engel, J. F. (2001). Consumer behavior.
  • Orlando:Harcourt College Publishers. Cundiff, E,W. Fundamentals of Modern Marketing, (NewıYork: Prentice Hall, 1973), PP.44-46.
  • Durmaz Yakup,. durmaz Yakup., oruc Reyhan(2011). The Impact of Cultural Factors on the Consumer Buying Behaviors Examined through An Impirical Study. International
  • Journal of Business and Social Science .Vol. 2 No. 5; [Special Issue -March 2011] 109 . - Durmaz, Yakup’92014). The Influence of Cultural Factors on Consumer Buying
  • Behaviour and an Application in Turkey. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing .Volume 14 Issue 1 Version 1. Ellison, C. G, 1993, Religious involvement and self-perception among black Americans, - Social Forces, 71, 1027–1055.
  • Jibril Abdulsalam,.Aliyu Umar FUDAMU ,. Ayuba Tumba(2013). The Catchall of Socio
  • Cultural Components On Consumer Buying Behaviour In Abuja, Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management Invention .ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801.
  • Kotler, Philip (2000). Marketing Management. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • Miller.M, Jakson, P, Thrift,N.Holbrook, B., Rpwwlands, M (1998). “Shopping, place and Identity.” Londen: Routledge.
  • Mowen, J. & Minor, S. (2001); Consumer Behavior Englewood, pp.26-30.
  • Solomon, M. (2000); Consumer Behavior an European Perspective, Prentice Hall.
  • Storey, J. (1999). Cultural consumption and Everyday Life”. Londen: Arnold.
  • Virvilaite, R,Saladiene, V,& Bagdonaite, R(2009). Peculiarities of Impulsive purchasing in the Market of consumer Goods, Inzinerine Ekonomika Engineering Economics.
  • Zaltman, Marketing: Contribotions from the Behavioral science (NewıYork: Harcourt Brace and world, 1965). P.150.

Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company

Year 2015, Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 3109 - 3120, 13.05.2015


Abstract. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing consumer purchasing behavior based on Shiraz zarrin Ghazal dairy products company. The aim of this study is, applied to the data collection methods and techniques: cross survey, carried out in the process, cross-sectional nature of the data, a little. The volume of non-probability samples of 383 sampling were selected and studied. For data collection use the questionnaire. To analyze the data from the computer software package SPSS and statistical tests of Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample-a (one-sample KS), T test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis, multivariable regression , Cronbach's alpha for the calculation of reliability and confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess construct validity. The results confirmed the effect of independent variables represents lifestyle, reference groups, integrated marketing, situational factors, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status and age of consumers of dairy products on their shopping behavior has been. Purchasing behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of employment status, marital status and education level, but they differ in terms of the purchasing behavior of consumers of dairy products with no significant gender differences. The results show that a variety of other variables in the regression analysis to explain the variables that influence the buying behavior of consumers of dairy products, independent variables, situational factors, nutrition and lifestyle practices, religious beliefs have emotional reference groups and 67 percent of General factors affecting consumer buying behavior-dairy products account for them. The strongest predictor variables in consumer purchasing behavior, dairy products, and situational factors are variable. This variable is only 62/6 % of the variance is explained by the behavior of consumer purchases dairy products. 


  • group behavior /398 0398 /396 251 6// /000 0000 /449 0449 /631 0631 /86 1586 /000 0000
  • Hypothesis 8: consumers gender of Shiraz Zarin Ghazal dairy products company influence their buying behavior. Table 11. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their gender. Variables frequency mean Mann-Whitney U Z Sig Shopping behavior female 187 /56 19456 /442 0442 /659 0659
  • Hypothesis 9: Consumer's marital status of Shiraz Zarin Ghazal dairy products company influence their buying behavior. Table 12. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products on the basis of marital status. Variables Shopping behavior frequency mean Mann-Whitney U Z Sig single 207 /75 18075 15887 0// /16 216 /031 0031
  • Hypothesis 10: Consumer's employment status of Shiraz Zarin Ghazal dairy products company influence their buying behavior. Table 13. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their employment status. Variables frequency mean Mann-Whitney U Z Sig Shopping behavior Unemployed employed 102 /67 9672 5// 23767 /87 487 /000 0000
  • Hypothesis 11: the purchasing behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their level of education, significant differences exist? Table 14. Comparison shopping behavior of consumers of dairy products in terms of their education. Variables in dependent Education frequency mean Chi-square Df Sig dependent Shopping behavior diploma Associate BA MA or higher 21 12895 /95 RESEARCH SUMMERY
  • Among respondents, the average monthly income is Rs 1015798. A total of 190 patients (6/49 percent) of the respondents sample size is considered mentally middle of the base. 156 patients
  • (2009), Vilkivkva and Sabu (2013). Analysis of the findings related to the demographic characteristics of consumers of dairy products, show that consumer purchases of dairy products in terms of employment status, marital status and education level are significant differences as well. The findings in this study, synchronized and consistent with the results of Iyda Darban
  • (2012), Jibril al. (2013), Vilkivkva and Sabu (2013), Durmaz (2014). Analysis of the findings related to the demographic characteristics of consumers of dairy products, show that consumer purchases of dairy products did not differ according to gender. The findings in this study, synchronized and consistent with the results of theoretical research of Nazari and Qadri Abed
  • Abazari, J. and Kazemi, A. (2005). "Shopping theoretical approaches of sociology and cultural studies", a social sciences, No. 25, pages 195-167.
  • Azkia, M. and Drban astaneh, A. (2003). Applied research methods, Tehran: Cosmos, First Edition, Volume One.
  • Asfydany, M., Nazari, M., Karimi Davyjany, M. (2014). "Social shopping behavior in the fashion apparel market, Tehran", Journal of Marketing Research, New, 4 (2), pages 190- 1
  • Afjeh, Ali and Bkhshyzadh Borj, K. (2011). "Specify the type of dominant decision to buy in a variety of styles Waltz mental mapping", Journal of Marketing Management, No. 12, pages 97-81.
  • Amanati, Geranaz (2013). "Factors influencing consumer behavior (consumer behavior and buying decisions)", Journal of after-sales service, No. 9, page 41-40.
  • Habibpour Gatabi, K. and Safari Shali, R. (2009). Comprehensive guide to the use of SPSS survey research, Tehran: Publication Loya, thinkers Press, second edition.
  • Haghighy, M. and Ekteshafi Akbari, C. (2006). "The analysis of consumer behavior on the Internet", Journal of Knowledge Management, Issue 75, Page 42-23.
  • Samadi, M. (2003). Consumer behavior, Tehran, Ayezh.
  • Sanayei, Ali.Shafei, R. (2012). "A model for analyzing and predicting customer purchase behavior based on functional theory approach (case study of the automobile industry)",
  • Journal of Business Research, No. 62, pages 192-153. Montazer zohuvr, M. (1986). Microeconomics, Tehran School of insurance.
  • Mahdieh, O and Chubtrash, N. (2014). "Involvement of consumer purchasing decisions
  • (Case cell phone)." Journal of Business Administration, No. 22, pages 151-131. Nazary, K. (2011). "The impact of the marketing mix to attract customers, but the bank is a case study in Kermanshah province", Journal of Banking and Economics, No. 113, pages 53
  • Nazary, M. and Ghadery Abed, A (2011). "A model for the study of factors affecting the purchasing behavior of a sudden", Journal of Business Administration, 3 (10), page 140
  • Hawkins, Dell and Kanis Kani and Roger Bost (2006). Consumer behavior, translators
  • Ahmed Attia village and instead, Sargl publications. Bigne, J. Enrique , M. Isabel Sanchez, Javier Sanchez (2001). Tourism image , evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour, Tourism Management 22 (2001). 607-616
  • Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W. & Engel, J. F. (2001). Consumer behavior.
  • Orlando:Harcourt College Publishers. Cundiff, E,W. Fundamentals of Modern Marketing, (NewıYork: Prentice Hall, 1973), PP.44-46.
  • Durmaz Yakup,. durmaz Yakup., oruc Reyhan(2011). The Impact of Cultural Factors on the Consumer Buying Behaviors Examined through An Impirical Study. International
  • Journal of Business and Social Science .Vol. 2 No. 5; [Special Issue -March 2011] 109 . - Durmaz, Yakup’92014). The Influence of Cultural Factors on Consumer Buying
  • Behaviour and an Application in Turkey. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing .Volume 14 Issue 1 Version 1. Ellison, C. G, 1993, Religious involvement and self-perception among black Americans, - Social Forces, 71, 1027–1055.
  • Jibril Abdulsalam,.Aliyu Umar FUDAMU ,. Ayuba Tumba(2013). The Catchall of Socio
  • Cultural Components On Consumer Buying Behaviour In Abuja, Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management Invention .ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801.
  • Kotler, Philip (2000). Marketing Management. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • Miller.M, Jakson, P, Thrift,N.Holbrook, B., Rpwwlands, M (1998). “Shopping, place and Identity.” Londen: Routledge.
  • Mowen, J. & Minor, S. (2001); Consumer Behavior Englewood, pp.26-30.
  • Solomon, M. (2000); Consumer Behavior an European Perspective, Prentice Hall.
  • Storey, J. (1999). Cultural consumption and Everyday Life”. Londen: Arnold.
  • Virvilaite, R,Saladiene, V,& Bagdonaite, R(2009). Peculiarities of Impulsive purchasing in the Market of consumer Goods, Inzinerine Ekonomika Engineering Economics.
  • Zaltman, Marketing: Contribotions from the Behavioral science (NewıYork: Harcourt Brace and world, 1965). P.150.
There are 37 citations in total.


Journal Section Special

Fazlollah Kazemı

Hossein Vasegh This is me

Publication Date May 13, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 36 Issue: 3


APA Kazemı, F., & Vasegh, H. (2015). Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), 3109-3120.
AMA Kazemı F, Vasegh H. Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. May 2015;36(3):3109-3120.
Chicago Kazemı, Fazlollah, and Hossein Vasegh. “Study the Socio-Cultural and Demographic Factors Influencing Purchasing Behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal Dairy Products Company”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36, no. 3 (May 2015): 3109-20.
EndNote Kazemı F, Vasegh H (May 1, 2015) Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36 3 3109–3120.
IEEE F. Kazemı and H. Vasegh, “Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 3109–3120, 2015.
ISNAD Kazemı, Fazlollah - Vasegh, Hossein. “Study the Socio-Cultural and Demographic Factors Influencing Purchasing Behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal Dairy Products Company”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 36/3 (May 2015), 3109-3120.
JAMA Kazemı F, Vasegh H. Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;36:3109–3120.
MLA Kazemı, Fazlollah and Hossein Vasegh. “Study the Socio-Cultural and Demographic Factors Influencing Purchasing Behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal Dairy Products Company”. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 36, no. 3, 2015, pp. 3109-20.
Vancouver Kazemı F, Vasegh H. Study the socio-cultural and demographic factors influencing purchasing behavior of Shiraz Zarrin Ghazal dairy products company. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;36(3):3109-20.