Research Article
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Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience

Year 2024, , 1 - 8, 29.02.2024


Objective: This study aims to determine students’ views on the nursing process and the difficulties experienced at each stage.
Method: The population of the descriptive research consists of all second-, third-, and fourth-year students studying in the nursing department of a health sciences faculty during the 2019-2020 academic year (N = 575). The sample consists of 219 students who were randomly selected using the non-probability sampling method and who volunteered to participate in the study. Ethics committee and institutional approvals were obtained. Data were collected using the Student Information Form. The data have been evaluated as frequencies, percentages, and averages using the program SPSS 22.0.
Results: The participants’ mean age was determined as 20.78±1.4 years, and 88.6% are female. Of the students, 64.8% were determined to have received training on the nursing process, 48.4% to have mostly received training from professional practice courses and 26.9% from elective courses, 75.3% to have most frequently utilized lecture notes, and 69.4% to have frequently utilized Internet resources during the nursing process training. Of the students, 91.8% were seen to have selected the nursing process in the field of practice; however, the majority of them (85.4%) had difficulties, with 62.1% encountering many problems in the assessment stage, 61.2% in the evaluation stage, and 58.4% in the implementation stage. Of the students, 91.8% believe that the nursing process is practical for professional development; 91.3% believe that it is one of the tasks, authorities, and responsibilities of nurses; 91.3% believe that it contributes to determining priorities in patient care, and 90.0% believe that it provides written evidence related to care. However, 53.0% were noted to not feel ready to implement the nursing process, 52.1% to not consider the practical training they’d received to be adequate, and 51.1% to consider the nursing process to have not proceeded with the same significance between training periods.
Conclusion: Consequently, nursing students specified believing in the significance of the nursing process; however, they had challenges in every stage of the nursing process, particularly assessment and evaluation.

Ethical Statement

In order to conduct the research, written permission was obtained from Bursa Uludağ University Health Research and Publication Ethics Committee (Ethics Committee Date/Number: 25 December 2019/ 2019-13) and from the institution where the data was collected (Research Commission Date/Number: 21.02.2020/ 01). The research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. All participants gave written informed consent.

Supporting Institution

Authors declared no financial support


The authors would like to thank the nursing students who participated in the study.


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  • 2. Ojo IO, Adejumo PO, Olaogun AAE, Oyediran OO. Perception of nursing student about integrating standardized nursing language into the nursing curriculum at two Nigerian universities, International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences (2020); https:// google scholar
  • 3. Akansel N, Palloş A. Difficulties experienced by nursing students in the development of nursing care plans: root cause analysis. Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal 2020;11(2):269-275. google scholar
  • 4. Ozkan CG, Kurt Y, Bayram SB, Bayrak B, Kilinc KO. The effect of group case studies on NANDA-I nursing diagnosis identification and perception of nursing students. Clin Exp Health Sci 2020;10:256-64. google scholar
  • 5. Pokorski S, Moraes MA, Chiarelli R, Costanzi AP, Rabelo ER. Nursing process: from literature to practice. What are we actually doing? Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2009; 17(3):302-7. google scholar
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  • 8. Çevik AB, Olgun N. Do problem-solving skills affect success in nursing process applications? An application among Turkish nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015;26(2):90-5. google scholar
  • 9. Can G, Erol O. Nursing students’ perceptions about nursing care plans: A Turkish perspective. Int J Nurs Pract 2012;18:12-9. google scholar
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  • 12. Yilmaz FT, Sabanciogullari S, Aldemir K. The opinions of nursing students regarding the nursing process and their levels of proficiency in Turkey. J Caring Sci 2015;4(4): 265-75. google scholar
  • 13. Şendir M, Acaroğlu R, Aktaş A. The knowledge and views of fourth class nursing school students about nursing process. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2009;17(3):166-73. google scholar
  • 14. Bölükbaş N, Irmak B, Bulut G, Aydın Özdemir D, Bayrak HY. Evaluation of nursing diagnoses and interventions determined by students in surgical diseases nursing summer internship files. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies 2020;3(1):1-9. google scholar
  • 15. Aydin N, Akansel N. Determination of accuracy of nursing diagnoses used by nurisng students in their nursing care plans. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2013;6(2):252-7. google scholar
  • 16. Efil S. Analysis of care plans prepared by students in the clinical practice of course of internal medicine nursing. Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences 2020; 12:398-414. google scholar
  • 17. Uysal N, Gürol Arslan G, Yılmaz İ, Yelkin Alp F. Analysis of collected data and of nursing diagnosis ın care plan second year nursing students’. Celal Bayar University Health Sciences Institute Journal 2016;2(5):139-43. google scholar
  • 18. Özer FG, Kuzu N. The status of students’ use of nursing process and NANDA diagnoses in their care plans. Journal of Ege University Nursing School 2006;22(1):69-80. google scholar
  • 19. Aydın B, Bektaş M. Examination of nursing students’ care plans in terms of pediatric pain management. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty 2019;12(2):243-54. google scholar
  • 20. Taşdemir G, Kızılkaya M. Evaluation of NANDA nursing diagnoses of healthcare college final year students during the clinical application of the mental health and disease nursing course. International Journal of Human Sciences 2013;10(1):246-57. google scholar
  • 21. Dalcalı BK. Determining the problems experienced by intern nursing students during the practice of nursing process. Health Academy Kastamonu (SAK) 2021;6(2):92-106. google scholar
  • 22. Yılmaz AA, Gençer E, Seçkin Ç, Akyüz H, Güven KT, Gözütok S. Difficulties experienced by nursing students on the data collection step of the nursing process. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 2019;22(4):231-38. google scholar
  • 23. Keskin AY, Tuna PT, Molu B, Tuna Hİ. The skills of nursing first year students to determine the nursing diagnosis related to the case and affecting factors. Journal of Pre-Hospital 2021;6(1):69-82. google scholar
  • 24. Seçer S, Karaca A. Evaluation of nurses’ perceptions of nursing diagnoses and their opinions regarding the application of nursing process. Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2021;29(2):229-38. google scholar
  • 25. Kaya N. Nursing Process Nursing Assesment. Atabek Aştı T, Karadağ A, editors. Nursing Fundamentals The Science and Art of Nursing. İstanbul: Academy Press and Publishing; 2019.p.137-75. google scholar
  • 26. Sögüt S, Cangöl E, Dinç A. Determination of context levels of nursing students. Researcher Social Science Studies 2018;6:272-80. google scholar
  • 27. Acaroğlu R, Kaya H, editors. Nursing Diagnoses, Definitions and Classification 2018-2020. İstanbul: Nobel Medical Bookstores; 2021. google scholar
  • 28. Çalışkan N, Doğan N. Types of Nursing Diagnoses and Components. Şenol Çelik S., Karadağ A, editors. Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes. Istanbul: Akademi Press and Publishing; 2019.p.21-6. google scholar
  • 29. Terzi B, Uncu S. Nursing Diagnosis. Bozkurt G, Sönmez Düzyaka D, Terzi B, editors. Application of the Nursing Process Clinical Decision Making Process. İstanbul: Nobel Medical Bookstores; 2017.p.89-127. google scholar
  • 30. Sönmez M, Kısacık ÖG. Perceptions of Turkish nursing students on nursing diagnoses. Clin Exp Health Sci 2022;12:885-91. google scholar
  • 31. Freire VES, Lopes MV, Keenan GM, Lopez KD. Nursing students’ diagnostic accuracy using a computer-based clinical scenario simulation. Nurse Educ Today 2018;71:240-6. google scholar
  • 32. Ozveren H, Ozden D, Gulnar E. Determination of nursing students’ perception states in nursing diagnosis. Int J Caring Sci 2019;12(2):1049-1055. google scholar
  • 33. Abed El-Rahman M, Al Kalaldeh MT, Malak MZ. Perceptions and attitudes toward NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses: A crosssectional study of Jordanian Nursing Students. Int J Nurs Knowl 2017;28(1):13-8. google scholar
  • 34. Noh HK, Lee E. Relationships among NANDA-I diagnoses, nursing outcomes classification, and nursing interventions classification by nursing students for patients in medical-surgical units in Korea. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015;26(1):43-51. google scholar
  • 35. Terzioğlu F, Ejder Apay S, Akkuş Y, Irmak Z, Baybuğa M, Özer N et al. Nursing students’ status of identifiying nursing dignosis and interventions on cases for trauma patient. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 2012;15(2):106-18. google scholar
Year 2024, , 1 - 8, 29.02.2024



  • 1. Yıldız FT, Yıldırım D. Nursing Process. In: Kaşıkçı MK, Akın E, editors. Basic Nursing Fundamentals, Concepts, Principles, Practices. Istanbul: Istanbul Medical Bookstores; 2021.p.66-84. google scholar
  • 2. Ojo IO, Adejumo PO, Olaogun AAE, Oyediran OO. Perception of nursing student about integrating standardized nursing language into the nursing curriculum at two Nigerian universities, International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences (2020); https:// google scholar
  • 3. Akansel N, Palloş A. Difficulties experienced by nursing students in the development of nursing care plans: root cause analysis. Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal 2020;11(2):269-275. google scholar
  • 4. Ozkan CG, Kurt Y, Bayram SB, Bayrak B, Kilinc KO. The effect of group case studies on NANDA-I nursing diagnosis identification and perception of nursing students. Clin Exp Health Sci 2020;10:256-64. google scholar
  • 5. Pokorski S, Moraes MA, Chiarelli R, Costanzi AP, Rabelo ER. Nursing process: from literature to practice. What are we actually doing? Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2009; 17(3):302-7. google scholar
  • 6. Official Gazette, 2007. Nursing Law No. 6283. http://www.ttb. d=502:hemrel-kanunu-6283&catid=1:yasa&Itemid=28 google scholar
  • 7. Official Gazette, 2010. Nursing regulation. tr/mevzuat/index.php?option=com _content &view=article &id=745:hemrel-yetmel&catid=2:ymelik&Itemid=33 google scholar
  • 8. Çevik AB, Olgun N. Do problem-solving skills affect success in nursing process applications? An application among Turkish nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015;26(2):90-5. google scholar
  • 9. Can G, Erol O. Nursing students’ perceptions about nursing care plans: A Turkish perspective. Int J Nurs Pract 2012;18:12-9. google scholar
  • 10. Keski Ç, Karadağ A. Investigation of knowledge levels of final year nursing students regarding nursing process. HEMAR-G 2010;1:41-52. google scholar
  • 11. Kolancı S, Özdemir H, Tunca A, Atay S. Examining the opinions of nursing students regarding the nursing process and care plan. Maltepe University Nursing Science and Art Journal 2010; Symposium Special Issue: 339. google scholar
  • 12. Yilmaz FT, Sabanciogullari S, Aldemir K. The opinions of nursing students regarding the nursing process and their levels of proficiency in Turkey. J Caring Sci 2015;4(4): 265-75. google scholar
  • 13. Şendir M, Acaroğlu R, Aktaş A. The knowledge and views of fourth class nursing school students about nursing process. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2009;17(3):166-73. google scholar
  • 14. Bölükbaş N, Irmak B, Bulut G, Aydın Özdemir D, Bayrak HY. Evaluation of nursing diagnoses and interventions determined by students in surgical diseases nursing summer internship files. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies 2020;3(1):1-9. google scholar
  • 15. Aydin N, Akansel N. Determination of accuracy of nursing diagnoses used by nurisng students in their nursing care plans. International Journal of Caring Sciences 2013;6(2):252-7. google scholar
  • 16. Efil S. Analysis of care plans prepared by students in the clinical practice of course of internal medicine nursing. Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences 2020; 12:398-414. google scholar
  • 17. Uysal N, Gürol Arslan G, Yılmaz İ, Yelkin Alp F. Analysis of collected data and of nursing diagnosis ın care plan second year nursing students’. Celal Bayar University Health Sciences Institute Journal 2016;2(5):139-43. google scholar
  • 18. Özer FG, Kuzu N. The status of students’ use of nursing process and NANDA diagnoses in their care plans. Journal of Ege University Nursing School 2006;22(1):69-80. google scholar
  • 19. Aydın B, Bektaş M. Examination of nursing students’ care plans in terms of pediatric pain management. E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty 2019;12(2):243-54. google scholar
  • 20. Taşdemir G, Kızılkaya M. Evaluation of NANDA nursing diagnoses of healthcare college final year students during the clinical application of the mental health and disease nursing course. International Journal of Human Sciences 2013;10(1):246-57. google scholar
  • 21. Dalcalı BK. Determining the problems experienced by intern nursing students during the practice of nursing process. Health Academy Kastamonu (SAK) 2021;6(2):92-106. google scholar
  • 22. Yılmaz AA, Gençer E, Seçkin Ç, Akyüz H, Güven KT, Gözütok S. Difficulties experienced by nursing students on the data collection step of the nursing process. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 2019;22(4):231-38. google scholar
  • 23. Keskin AY, Tuna PT, Molu B, Tuna Hİ. The skills of nursing first year students to determine the nursing diagnosis related to the case and affecting factors. Journal of Pre-Hospital 2021;6(1):69-82. google scholar
  • 24. Seçer S, Karaca A. Evaluation of nurses’ perceptions of nursing diagnoses and their opinions regarding the application of nursing process. Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2021;29(2):229-38. google scholar
  • 25. Kaya N. Nursing Process Nursing Assesment. Atabek Aştı T, Karadağ A, editors. Nursing Fundamentals The Science and Art of Nursing. İstanbul: Academy Press and Publishing; 2019.p.137-75. google scholar
  • 26. Sögüt S, Cangöl E, Dinç A. Determination of context levels of nursing students. Researcher Social Science Studies 2018;6:272-80. google scholar
  • 27. Acaroğlu R, Kaya H, editors. Nursing Diagnoses, Definitions and Classification 2018-2020. İstanbul: Nobel Medical Bookstores; 2021. google scholar
  • 28. Çalışkan N, Doğan N. Types of Nursing Diagnoses and Components. Şenol Çelik S., Karadağ A, editors. Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes. Istanbul: Akademi Press and Publishing; 2019.p.21-6. google scholar
  • 29. Terzi B, Uncu S. Nursing Diagnosis. Bozkurt G, Sönmez Düzyaka D, Terzi B, editors. Application of the Nursing Process Clinical Decision Making Process. İstanbul: Nobel Medical Bookstores; 2017.p.89-127. google scholar
  • 30. Sönmez M, Kısacık ÖG. Perceptions of Turkish nursing students on nursing diagnoses. Clin Exp Health Sci 2022;12:885-91. google scholar
  • 31. Freire VES, Lopes MV, Keenan GM, Lopez KD. Nursing students’ diagnostic accuracy using a computer-based clinical scenario simulation. Nurse Educ Today 2018;71:240-6. google scholar
  • 32. Ozveren H, Ozden D, Gulnar E. Determination of nursing students’ perception states in nursing diagnosis. Int J Caring Sci 2019;12(2):1049-1055. google scholar
  • 33. Abed El-Rahman M, Al Kalaldeh MT, Malak MZ. Perceptions and attitudes toward NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses: A crosssectional study of Jordanian Nursing Students. Int J Nurs Knowl 2017;28(1):13-8. google scholar
  • 34. Noh HK, Lee E. Relationships among NANDA-I diagnoses, nursing outcomes classification, and nursing interventions classification by nursing students for patients in medical-surgical units in Korea. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 2015;26(1):43-51. google scholar
  • 35. Terzioğlu F, Ejder Apay S, Akkuş Y, Irmak Z, Baybuğa M, Özer N et al. Nursing students’ status of identifiying nursing dignosis and interventions on cases for trauma patient. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences 2012;15(2):106-18. google scholar
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Aylin Palloş 0000-0002-2729-5676

Elif Aleyna Özdede 0009-0000-6555-1928

Tuğba Öztürk 0009-0008-2272-3919

Asude Nur Biçer 0009-0001-5160-6366

Publication Date February 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Palloş, A., Özdede, E. A., Öztürk, T., Biçer, A. N. (2024). Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing(4), 1-8.
AMA Palloş A, Özdede EA, Öztürk T, Biçer AN. Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing. February 2024;(4):1-8. doi:10.26650/CURARE.2024.1365398
Chicago Palloş, Aylin, Elif Aleyna Özdede, Tuğba Öztürk, and Asude Nur Biçer. “Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience”. CURARE Journal of Nursing, no. 4 (February 2024): 1-8.
EndNote Palloş A, Özdede EA, Öztürk T, Biçer AN (February 1, 2024) Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing 4 1–8.
IEEE A. Palloş, E. A. Özdede, T. Öztürk, and A. N. Biçer, “Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience”, CURARE Journal of Nursing, no. 4, pp. 1–8, February 2024, doi: 10.26650/CURARE.2024.1365398.
ISNAD Palloş, Aylin et al. “Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience”. CURARE Journal of Nursing 4 (February 2024), 1-8.
JAMA Palloş A, Özdede EA, Öztürk T, Biçer AN. Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024;:1–8.
MLA Palloş, Aylin et al. “Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience”. CURARE Journal of Nursing, no. 4, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi:10.26650/CURARE.2024.1365398.
Vancouver Palloş A, Özdede EA, Öztürk T, Biçer AN. Examining Nursing Students’ Opinions on the Nursing Process and the Difficulties They Experience. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2024(4):1-8.