This study examines the relationship between Bangladesh’s low rankings in international governance and justice indexes and the perceptions of 200 university students. The research problem focuses on understanding how these poor rankings correspond to the students’ views on key areas such as judicial independence, human rights protection, freedom of speech and press, government influence on the legal system, and corruption. The findings indicate a significant alignment between students’ perceptions and Bangladesh’s poor rankings, revealing deep-seated concerns in these domains. The research also highlights students' positive views on the importance of an effective judiciary for economic growth and the necessity of public awareness about the legal system. Employing a mixed-method approach, this study combines secondary data from international indexes with primary data from student questionnaires, providing a comprehensive analysis of the governance, justice, and legal system issues in Bangladesh. These insights emphasized the need for targeted policy reforms and further research to address the identified challenges.
Akhayeva, A., & Turgunbayeva, B. A. (2023). Impact of anti-corruption learning on perceptions of anomie among undergraduate students. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 10(4), 735-741. 10.20448/jeelr.v10i4.5189
Andersen, M. K. (2021). Civil society, human rights and political antagonism in Bangladesh. In Re-Interrogating Civil Society in South Asia (pp. 72-96). Routledge India.
Ashraf, M. M., Hoque, M. R., & Malik, B. T. (2014). Creating legal awareness through information communication technology for development (ICT4D) Project in Bangladesh: A case study. The International Technology Management Review, 4(2), 97-104.
Barat, S., Clark, T., Barn, B., & Kulkarni, V. (2017). A model-based approach to systematic review of research literature Proceedings of the 10th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference, Jaipur, India. 10.1145/3021460.3021462
Bertelsmann Stiftung. (2024). Transformation Index BTI 2024: Governance in international comparison. Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Creswell, J. W. (1999). Chapter 18 - mixed-method research: Introduction and application. In G. J. Cizek (Ed.), Handbook of Educational Policy (pp. 455-472). Academic Press.
Deb, M., Kumar Sharma, V., & Panchapakesan, P. (2023). Sustainable practices, mindfulness, tranquility, and well-being: A mixed-method approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 30, 100816. /j.jdmm.2023.100816
EIU. (2024). Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) country ratings (Economist Intelligence Unit [EIU]). solutions/viewpoint/country-analysis/
Forum, W. E. (2022). World Economic Forum (WEF) executive opinion survey (Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business).
Freedom House, F. (2023). Freedom in the World 2023 (Freedom House Organizations) bangladesh/freedom-world/2023
GlobalData. (2024). Global risk report quarterly update – Q1 2024 (Global Data Report Store). store/report/global-economic-risk-quarterly-analysis/
Gu, Y., Qin, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, C., & Guo, S. (2020). Global justice index report. Chinese Political Science Review, 5(3), 253-331.
Guest, G., Bunce, A., & Johnson, L. (2006). How many interviews are enough?: An experiment with data saturation and variability. Field Methods, 18(1), 59-82.
Hossain, A., Abdul Wahab, J., Islam, M. R., Khan, M. S. R., & Mahmud, A. (2022). Cyberbullying perception and experience among the university students in Bangladesh: A qualitative study. In F. Özsungur (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Violence and Discrimination Studies (pp. 248-269). IGI Global.
Hossain, M. E., Islam, M. S., Ghose, T. K., Jahan, H., Chakrobortty, S., Hossen, M. S., & Ema, N. S. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among public university students in Bangladesh: Highlighting knowledge, perceptions, and attitude. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 17(12), 5089-5098. 2021.2010426
Hossain, S. F. A., Xi, Z., Nurunnabi, M., & Anwar, B. (2022). Sustainable academic performance in higher education: a mixed method approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(4), 707-720. 1680392
ICRG. (2024). International country risk guide (ICRG) (The PRS Group).
IEG. (2024). The World Bank’s country policy and institutional assessment: An evaluation (IEG World Bank Group)
Islam, M. S. (2010). Politics- Corruption nexus in Bangladesh: An empirical study of the impacts on judicial governance. Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC). Shariful%20Islam.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Jackman, D. (2021). Students, movements, and the threat to authoritarianism in Bangladesh. Contemporary South Asia, 29(2), 181-197.
Julián, M., & Bonavia, T. (2022). Students’ perceptions of university corruption in a Spanish public university: A path analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:842345.
Khan, M. I. (2023). Evaluation of Bangladesh universities ranking in the perspective of world university ranking. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 6(7), 301-309. easjehl.2023.v06i07.005
Kumar, B., Asad, A. I., Chandraaroy, B., & Banik, P. (2019). Perception and knowledge on climate change: A case study of university students in Bangladesh. Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 2(3), 17-22. jasr.v2i3.1542
Mahmud, A. A., & Mahmud, M. H. (2024). Good governance and student politics in public university campuses: Bangladesh perspective [Devlet üniversitelerinin kampüslerinde iyi yönetişim ve öğrencilerin politik rolü: Bangladeş perspektifi]. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(52), 308-323.
Mazumder, Q. (2014). Analysis of quality in public and private universities in Bangladesh and USA. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 3, 99-108.
Fakir, M. S. I. (2019). Curriculum gaps of bachelor’s business education in universities of Bangladesh: An analysis. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research, 5(1), 16-22. j.ijvetr.20190501.13
Nunnally, J. C., Lemond, L. C., & Wilson, W. H. (1977). Studies of voluntary visual attention— theory, methods, and psychometric issues. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1(2), 203-218. 167700100207
Palizvan, F., Karimollahi, M., Sadeghieh-ahary, S., & Abazari, M. (2022). Relationship between corruption perception and sense of organizational justice among employees of Ardabil educational centers in 2017. Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 20(1), 65-74.
Rabbani, G., & Chowdhury, S. (2014). Quality of higher education in Bangladesh: Governance framework and quality issues. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1), 78-91.
Rahman, M. M. (2013). Quality higher education and students’ perception: A study on private universities of Bangladesh. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 2(1), 9-19.
Rahman, R. A., Hasan, H. C., Ahmad, A., & Wahab, R. A. (2023). Students’ perceptions toward corruption: Malaysian evidence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 126 – 135.
Riaz, A. (2021). The pathway of democratic backsliding in Bangladesh. Democratization, 28(1), 179-197. 10.1080/13510347.2020.1818069
Sabbagh Clara, V. P. (2007). Intergenerational justice perceptions and the role of welfare regimes: A comparative analysis of university students. SSRN.
Sarkar, S. S., Das, P., Rahman, M. M., & Zobaer, M. S. (2021). Perceptions of public university students towards online classes during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Education, 6:703723. feduc.2021.703723
Sheikh, S. (2021). Challenges and improvement of online legal education for the law students in private universities [Masters Thesis, Brac University]. BRAC Institute of Educational Development. bitstream/handle/10361/15947/19357019_BIED.pdf?sequence=1
Shoeb, M. Z. H., & Ahmed, S. M. Z. (2021). How far are the public university libraries in Bangladesh meeting students' expectations? – An analysis of service quality through LibQUAL+ core items. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 22(1), 49-69.
Sultana, F., & Nasrinq, S. (2021). Students’ satisfaction on academic services in higher education: Public and private universities of Bangladesh. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 27(1), 29-41. 10.9734/jemt/2021/v27i130320
Tamanna, M. (2018). The political perception of youth in Bangladesh. International Journal of Law Reconstruction, 2, 85.
Tavakol, M., & Dennick, R. (2011). Making sense of cronbach's alpha. International Journal of Medical Education, 2, 53-55.
Teng, Z., Jiang, X., He, F., & Bai, W. (2020). Qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate anthocyanins. eFood, 1(5), 339-346.
Uddin, M. K. (2024). Human rights abuses and criminal justice in policing practices in Bangladesh. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 24(4), 733-756.
Uddin, M. K. (2023). NGOs' approach to human rights and the challenges in Bangladesh. Development Policy Review, 41(3), e12667.
V-Dem. (2024). Varieties of democracy project (V-Dem) (Kellongg Institute).
WJP. (2023a). Bangladesh overall rule of law score over time, 2015 - 2023 (WJP Rule of Law Index).
WJP. (2023b). WJP Rule of Law Index 2023 (World Justice Project).
Zafarullah, H., & Huque, A. S. (2021). Corruption and its control: The pursuit of probity in Bangladesh. In K. K. Tummala (Ed.), Corruption in the Public Sector: An International Perspective (Vol. 34, pp. 57-77). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Bangladeş’in Küresel Yönetişim ve Adalet Endekslerindeki Sıralamaları: Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Algı Analizi
Bu çalışma, Bangladeş'in uluslararası yönetişim ve adalet endekslerindeki düşük sıralamaları ile 200 üniversite öğrencisinin algıları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektedir. Araştırma sorunu, bu kötü sıralamaların öğrencilerin yargı bağımsızlığı, insan haklarının korunması, ifade ve basın özgürlüğü, hükümetin hukuk sistemine olan etkisi ve yolsuzluk gibi temel alanlardaki görüşleriyle nasıl bir ilişki içerisinde olduğunu anlamaya odaklanmaktadır. Bulgular, öğrencilerin algıları ile Bangladeş'in kötü sıralamaları arasında önemli bir uyum olduğunu göstererek, bu alanlarda derinlemesine endişeleri ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma ayrıca, öğrencilerin ekonomik büyüme için etkili bir yargı sisteminin önemine ve halkın hukuk sistemine dair farkındalığın gerekliliğine dair olumlu görüşlerini vurgulamaktadır. Karma yöntem yaklaşımını benimseyen bu çalışma, Bangladeş'teki yönetişim, adalet ve hukuk sistemine dair sorunları kapsamlı bir şekilde analiz etmek için uluslararası endekslerden elde edilen ikincil veriler ile öğrenci anketlerinden elde edilen birincil verileri birleştirmektedir. Bu içgörüler, belirlenen zorlukları ele almak için hedeflenmiş politika reformlarına ve daha fazla araştırmaya olan ihtiyacı vurgulamaktadır.
Akhayeva, A., & Turgunbayeva, B. A. (2023). Impact of anti-corruption learning on perceptions of anomie among undergraduate students. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 10(4), 735-741. 10.20448/jeelr.v10i4.5189
Andersen, M. K. (2021). Civil society, human rights and political antagonism in Bangladesh. In Re-Interrogating Civil Society in South Asia (pp. 72-96). Routledge India.
Ashraf, M. M., Hoque, M. R., & Malik, B. T. (2014). Creating legal awareness through information communication technology for development (ICT4D) Project in Bangladesh: A case study. The International Technology Management Review, 4(2), 97-104.
Barat, S., Clark, T., Barn, B., & Kulkarni, V. (2017). A model-based approach to systematic review of research literature Proceedings of the 10th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference, Jaipur, India. 10.1145/3021460.3021462
Bertelsmann Stiftung. (2024). Transformation Index BTI 2024: Governance in international comparison. Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Creswell, J. W. (1999). Chapter 18 - mixed-method research: Introduction and application. In G. J. Cizek (Ed.), Handbook of Educational Policy (pp. 455-472). Academic Press.
Deb, M., Kumar Sharma, V., & Panchapakesan, P. (2023). Sustainable practices, mindfulness, tranquility, and well-being: A mixed-method approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 30, 100816. /j.jdmm.2023.100816
EIU. (2024). Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) country ratings (Economist Intelligence Unit [EIU]). solutions/viewpoint/country-analysis/
Forum, W. E. (2022). World Economic Forum (WEF) executive opinion survey (Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business).
Freedom House, F. (2023). Freedom in the World 2023 (Freedom House Organizations) bangladesh/freedom-world/2023
GlobalData. (2024). Global risk report quarterly update – Q1 2024 (Global Data Report Store). store/report/global-economic-risk-quarterly-analysis/
Gu, Y., Qin, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, C., & Guo, S. (2020). Global justice index report. Chinese Political Science Review, 5(3), 253-331.
Guest, G., Bunce, A., & Johnson, L. (2006). How many interviews are enough?: An experiment with data saturation and variability. Field Methods, 18(1), 59-82.
Hossain, A., Abdul Wahab, J., Islam, M. R., Khan, M. S. R., & Mahmud, A. (2022). Cyberbullying perception and experience among the university students in Bangladesh: A qualitative study. In F. Özsungur (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Violence and Discrimination Studies (pp. 248-269). IGI Global.
Hossain, M. E., Islam, M. S., Ghose, T. K., Jahan, H., Chakrobortty, S., Hossen, M. S., & Ema, N. S. (2021). COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among public university students in Bangladesh: Highlighting knowledge, perceptions, and attitude. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 17(12), 5089-5098. 2021.2010426
Hossain, S. F. A., Xi, Z., Nurunnabi, M., & Anwar, B. (2022). Sustainable academic performance in higher education: a mixed method approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(4), 707-720. 1680392
ICRG. (2024). International country risk guide (ICRG) (The PRS Group).
IEG. (2024). The World Bank’s country policy and institutional assessment: An evaluation (IEG World Bank Group)
Islam, M. S. (2010). Politics- Corruption nexus in Bangladesh: An empirical study of the impacts on judicial governance. Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC). Shariful%20Islam.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Jackman, D. (2021). Students, movements, and the threat to authoritarianism in Bangladesh. Contemporary South Asia, 29(2), 181-197.
Julián, M., & Bonavia, T. (2022). Students’ perceptions of university corruption in a Spanish public university: A path analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:842345.
Khan, M. I. (2023). Evaluation of Bangladesh universities ranking in the perspective of world university ranking. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 6(7), 301-309. easjehl.2023.v06i07.005
Kumar, B., Asad, A. I., Chandraaroy, B., & Banik, P. (2019). Perception and knowledge on climate change: A case study of university students in Bangladesh. Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 2(3), 17-22. jasr.v2i3.1542
Mahmud, A. A., & Mahmud, M. H. (2024). Good governance and student politics in public university campuses: Bangladesh perspective [Devlet üniversitelerinin kampüslerinde iyi yönetişim ve öğrencilerin politik rolü: Bangladeş perspektifi]. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(52), 308-323.
Mazumder, Q. (2014). Analysis of quality in public and private universities in Bangladesh and USA. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 3, 99-108.
Fakir, M. S. I. (2019). Curriculum gaps of bachelor’s business education in universities of Bangladesh: An analysis. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research, 5(1), 16-22. j.ijvetr.20190501.13
Nunnally, J. C., Lemond, L. C., & Wilson, W. H. (1977). Studies of voluntary visual attention— theory, methods, and psychometric issues. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1(2), 203-218. 167700100207
Palizvan, F., Karimollahi, M., Sadeghieh-ahary, S., & Abazari, M. (2022). Relationship between corruption perception and sense of organizational justice among employees of Ardabil educational centers in 2017. Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 20(1), 65-74.
Rabbani, G., & Chowdhury, S. (2014). Quality of higher education in Bangladesh: Governance framework and quality issues. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1), 78-91.
Rahman, M. M. (2013). Quality higher education and students’ perception: A study on private universities of Bangladesh. Global Disclosure of Economics and Business, 2(1), 9-19.
Rahman, R. A., Hasan, H. C., Ahmad, A., & Wahab, R. A. (2023). Students’ perceptions toward corruption: Malaysian evidence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 126 – 135.
Riaz, A. (2021). The pathway of democratic backsliding in Bangladesh. Democratization, 28(1), 179-197. 10.1080/13510347.2020.1818069
Sabbagh Clara, V. P. (2007). Intergenerational justice perceptions and the role of welfare regimes: A comparative analysis of university students. SSRN.
Sarkar, S. S., Das, P., Rahman, M. M., & Zobaer, M. S. (2021). Perceptions of public university students towards online classes during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Education, 6:703723. feduc.2021.703723
Sheikh, S. (2021). Challenges and improvement of online legal education for the law students in private universities [Masters Thesis, Brac University]. BRAC Institute of Educational Development. bitstream/handle/10361/15947/19357019_BIED.pdf?sequence=1
Shoeb, M. Z. H., & Ahmed, S. M. Z. (2021). How far are the public university libraries in Bangladesh meeting students' expectations? – An analysis of service quality through LibQUAL+ core items. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 22(1), 49-69.
Sultana, F., & Nasrinq, S. (2021). Students’ satisfaction on academic services in higher education: Public and private universities of Bangladesh. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 27(1), 29-41. 10.9734/jemt/2021/v27i130320
Tamanna, M. (2018). The political perception of youth in Bangladesh. International Journal of Law Reconstruction, 2, 85.
Tavakol, M., & Dennick, R. (2011). Making sense of cronbach's alpha. International Journal of Medical Education, 2, 53-55.
Teng, Z., Jiang, X., He, F., & Bai, W. (2020). Qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate anthocyanins. eFood, 1(5), 339-346.
Uddin, M. K. (2024). Human rights abuses and criminal justice in policing practices in Bangladesh. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 24(4), 733-756.
Uddin, M. K. (2023). NGOs' approach to human rights and the challenges in Bangladesh. Development Policy Review, 41(3), e12667.
V-Dem. (2024). Varieties of democracy project (V-Dem) (Kellongg Institute).
WJP. (2023a). Bangladesh overall rule of law score over time, 2015 - 2023 (WJP Rule of Law Index).
WJP. (2023b). WJP Rule of Law Index 2023 (World Justice Project).
Zafarullah, H., & Huque, A. S. (2021). Corruption and its control: The pursuit of probity in Bangladesh. In K. K. Tummala (Ed.), Corruption in the Public Sector: An International Perspective (Vol. 34, pp. 57-77). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Islam, M. S., Arafat, Y., & Faısal, M. M. (2024). Bangladesh’s Rankings in Global Governance and Justice Indexes: University Students’ Perception Analysis. Current Research in Social Sciences, 10(2), 157-176.