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Yıl 2020, Sayı: 5, 27 - 59, 01.04.2020


Destinasyon sadakati, turizm bölgesinde hizmet veren işletmelerin maliyetlerini düşürücü etki ettiğinden pazarlama alanında önemi git gide artan bir kavram haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada amaç destinasyon sadakati ve destinasyon sadakati ile yakından ilişkili olan kavramların ziyaretçilerin tarafından algılanmasında demografik özellikleri ve tatil deneyimlerinin etkili olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu kapsamda destinasyon sadakati ile yakından ilişkili olan ziyaretçilerin destinasyona yönelik geri çağrışım süreçlerini yakından etkileyen destinasyon bilinirliği, destinasyon sadakatinin tekrar ziyaret etme ve başkalarına tavsiye etme boyutlarını ile ilişkili destinasyon deneyimi ve destinasyon sadakatinin ön koşulu olduğu düşünülen ziyaretçinin destinasyonla kurduğu duygusal bağ olarak kabul gören destinasyon aidiyeti çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri Fethiye’de tatil yapan 395 ziyaretçiden elde edilmiştir. Çalışma değişkenlerinin ziyaretçilerin demografik özelliklerinden ve tatil deneyimlerinden etkilenip etkilenmediği ise t-testi ve anova fark analizleri ile ortaya koyulmuştur. Araştırma, ziyaretçilerin; cinsiyet, medeni durum, yaş, milliyet ve tatili kiminle geçirdiği değişkenlerinin destinasyon sadakati, bilinirliği, aidiyeti ve deneyimi üzerine algılarında herhangi bir farklılık ortaya koymadığını ancak Fethiye’de daha önce bulunmalarının, Fethiye’yi öncelikli ziyaret edilebilecek bir destinasyon olarak görmelerinin, eğitim durumunun, gelir durumunun, tatil süresinin ve memnuniyet düzeylerinin araştırma değişkenlerini algılamalarında anlamlı farklılık olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Aaker, D. A. (2009). Marka Değeri Yönetimi. (Çev.: Ender Orfanlı). İstanbul: Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. (1991).
  • Alba, J. W. ve Hutchinson, J. W. (1987). Dimensions of Consumer Expertise. Journal of Consumer Research, 13, 411-454.
  • Baloğlu, S. (2001). Image Variations of Turkey by Familiarity Index: Informational and Experiential Dimensions. Tourism Management, 22, 127-133
  • Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. ve Zarantonello, L. (2009). “Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty?”. Journal of Marketing, 73, 52-68.
  • Brocato, E. D. (2006). Place Attachment: An Investigation of Environments And Outcomes in Service Context. (Doktora Tezi). Arlington: The University of Texas The Faculty of the Graduate School.
  • Chang, S. ve Gibson, H. J. (2015). The Relationships Between Four Concepts (Involvement, Commitment, Loyalty, and Habit) and Consistency in Behavior Across Leisure and Tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives, 13, 41-50.
  • Chen, C-F ve Phou, S. (2013). “A Closer Look at Destination: Image, Personality, Relationship and Loyalty”. Tourism Management, 36, 269-278.
  • Chen, J. S. ve Gürsoy, Doğan (2001). An Investigation of Tourists’ Destination Loyalty and Preferences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13 (2), 79-85.
  • Chi, C. G-Q. (2011). “Destination Loyalty Formation and Travelers’ Demographic Characteristics: A Multiple Group Analysis Approach”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 35 (2), 191-212.
  • Chi, C. G-Q. (2012). “An Examination of Destination Loyalty: Differences Between First-Time and Repeat Visitors”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 36 (1), 3-24.
  • Chi, C. G-Q. ve Qu, H. (2008). Examining the Structural Relationships of Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: An Integrated Approach. Tourism Management, 29, 624- 636.
  • Çelik, S. ve Gökçe, F. (2015). “Destinasyon Pazarlamasında Deneyimsel Pazarlama Uygulamalarının Kullanımına İlişkin Kavramsal Bir Çalışma” Erişim Tarihi: 28.03.2017
  • Deng J. ve Pierskalla, C. (2011). “Impact of Past Experience on Perceived Value, Overall Satisfaction, and Destination Loyalty: A Comparison Between Visitor and Resident Attendees of a Festival”. Event Management, 15, 163-177.
  • Dick, A. S. ve Basu, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113.
  • Durmuş, B.,Yurtkoru, E. S. ve Çinko, M. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Spss’le Veri Analizi (5. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • Eroğlu, A. (2009). “SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (4. Baskı)”. Şeref Kalaycı (Ed.). Faktör Analizi (321-331). Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
  • Gross, M. J. ve Brown, G. (2008). An Empirical Structural Model of Tourists and Places: Progressing Involvement and Place Attachment into Tourism. Tourism Management, 29, 1141-1151.
  • Gursoy, D., Chiappa, G. D., Zhang, Y. (2017) Impact of Destination Familiarity on External Information Source Management, Process. Journal of Destination Marketing &
  • Hernandez, L., Solis, M. M., Moliner, M. A. ve Sanchez, J. (2006). “Tourism Destination Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Study in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico”. Tour Geographies, 8 (4), 343- 358.
  • Hidalgo, M. C. ve Hernandez B. (2001). Place Attachment: Conceptual and Empirical Questions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21 (3), 273-281.
  • Holloway, J. C., Humphreys, C. ve Davidson, R. (2009). The Business of Tourism (8. Baskı). England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Horng, J-S., Liu, C-H., Chou, H-Y., Tsai, C-Y. (2012). “Understanding the Impact of Culinary Brand Equity and Destination Familiarity on Travel Intentions”. Tourism Management, 33, 815-824.
  • Kılıç, B. (2011). “Destinasyon Ziyaretçilerinin Sosyo-Demografik Özelliklerinin Sadakat Eğilimleri Üzerine Etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26, 239-252.
  • Kivela, J. ve Crotts, J. C. (2006). Tourism and Gastronomy: Gastronomy’s Influence on How Tourists Experience a Destination. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 30 (3), 354-377.
  • Kozak, M., Bigne, E. ve Andreu, L. (2004). “Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: A Comparison Between Non-Repeatand Repeat Tourists”. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 5 (1), 43-59.
  • Kyle, G., Graefe, A., ve Manning, R. (2004). Attached Recreationists: Who are they?. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 22 (2), 65-84.
  • Lee, J. (J.), Kyle, G. ve Scott, D. (2012). The Mediating Effect of Place Attachment on the Relationship between Festival Satisfaction and Loyalty to the Festival Hosting Destination. Journal of Travel Research, 51 (6), 754-767.
  • Lee, S., Kim, W. G. ve Kim, H. J. (2006). The Impact of Co-branding on Post-Purchase Behaviors in Family Restaurants. Hospitality Management, 25, 245-261.
  • Lee, T. H. ve Shen, Y. L. (2013). The Influence of Leisure Involvement and Place Attachment on Destination Loyalty: Evidence from Recreationists Walking Their Dogs in Urban Parks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 33, 76-85.
  • Li, X. (R.), Petrick, J. F. ve Zhou, Y. (N.) (2008). Towards a Conceptual Framework of Tourists' Destination Knowledge and Loyalty. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 8 (3), 79-96.
  • McDowall, S. (2010). “International Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: Bangkok, Thailand”. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 15 (1), 21-42.
  • Mendes, J. C., Valle P. O., Guerreiro, M. M. ve Silva, J. A. (2010). The Tourist Experience: Exploring the Relationship Between Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty. Tourism, 58 (2), 111-126.
  • Myagmarsuren, O. ve Chen, C-F. (2011). Exploring Relationships Between Destination Brand Equity, Satisfaction, and Destination Loyalty: A Case Study of Mongolia. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts, 3 (2), 81-94.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty?. Journal of Marketing, 63, 33-44.
  • Osman, H. Johns, N. ve Lugosi, P. (2014). Commercial Hospitality in Destination Experiences: McDonald’s and Tourists’ Consumption of Space. Tourism Management, 42, 238-247
  • Özdemir, B., Aksu, A., Ehtiyar, R., Çizel, B., Çizel, R. B. ve İçigen, E. T. (2012a). “Relationships Among Tourist Profile, Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: Examining Empirical Evidences in Antalya Region of Turkey”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21, 506-540.
  • Özdemir, B., Çizel, B. ve Çizel, R. B. (2012b).“Satisfaction With All-Inclusive Tourism Resorts:The Effects of Satisfaction With Destination andDestination Loyalty”. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 13, 109-130.
  • Prayag, Ryan, C. (2011). Antecedents of Tourists’ Loyalty to Mauritius: The Role and Influence of Destination Image, Place Attachment, Personal Involvement, and Satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 20 (10), 1-15.
  • Prentice, R. (2004). Tourist Familiarity and Imagery. Annals of Tourism Research, 31 (4), 923-945.
  • San Martin, H. Collado, J. ve Rodriguez del Bosque, I. (2013). “An Exploration of the Effects of Past Experience and Tourist Involvement on Destination Loyalty Formation”. Current Issues in Tourism, 16 (4), 327-342
  • Selvi, M. S. (2007a). İlişkisel Pazarlama - Stratejiler ve Teknikler. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Selvi, M. S. (2007b). Müşteri Sadakati. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Seo, S, Kim, O. Y., Oh, S. ve Yun, N. (2013).Influence of Informational and Experiential Familiarity on Image of Local Foods. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 295-308.
  • Sırakaya-Türk, E., Ekinci, Y. ve Martin, D. (2015). The Efficacy of Shopping Value in Predicting Destination Loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 68, 1878-1885.
  • Swarbrooke, J. ve Horner, S. (2007). Consumer Behaviour in Tourism (2. Baskı). Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann.
  • Tan, W.-K. (2016). Repeat Visitation: A Study From the Perspective of Leisure Constraint, Tourist Experience, Destination Images, and Experiential Familiarity. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management,
  • Taşkın Ç. ve Karadamar, A. A. (2016). “Destinasyon Marka Bağlılığı: Yabancı Turistler Üzerine Diyarbakır Kentinde Bir Araştırma”. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi / Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14 (28), 199-222.
  • Theodorakis, N. D., Tsigilis, N. ve Alexandris, K. (2009). “The Mediating Role of Place Attachment on the Relationship Between Service Quality and Loyalty in the Context of Skiing. Int. J. Sport Management and Marketing, 6 (3), 277-291.
  • Tsai, S-P. (2012). Place Attachment and Tourism Marketing: Investigating International Tourists in Singapore. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14, 139-152.
  • Valle, P.O., Silva, J. A., Mendes, J., ve Guerreiro, M. (2006). “Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty Intention: A Structural and Categorical Analysis”. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 1 (1), 25-44.
  • Veasna, S., Wu, W.-Y. ve Huang, C.-H. (2013). The Impact of Destination Source Credibility on Destination Satisfaction: The Mediating Effects of Destination Attachment and Destination Image. Tourism Management, 36, 511-526.
  • Weber, K. (2001). Association Meeting Planners’ Loyalty to Hotel Chains. Hospitality Management, 20, 259-275.
  • Williams, D. R. ve Vaske, J. J. (2003). The Measurement of Place Attachment: Validity and Generalizability of a Psychometric Approach. Forest Science, 49 (6), 830-840.
  • Wu, C.-W. (2016). “Destination Loyalty Modeling of the Global Tourism”. Journal of Business Research, 69, 2213-2219.
  • Yoon, Y. ve Uysal, M. (2005). “An Examination of the Effects of Motivation and Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Structural Model”. Tourism Management, 26, 45-56.
  • Yüksel, A., Yüksel, F. ve Bilim, Y. (2010). Destination Attachment: Effects on Customer Satisfaction and Cognitive, Affective and Conative Loyalty. Tourism Management, 31, 274-284.

Evaluation of Visitors' Perceptions of Destination Loyalty, Familiarity, Experience and Attachment in Terms of Demographic Features and Holiday Experiences

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 5, 27 - 59, 01.04.2020


Destination loyalty has become an increasingly important concept in the field of marketing as it has an effect on reducing the costs of businesses serving in the tourism industry. The aim of this study is to reveal whether the demographic characteristics and holiday experiences have an impact on destination loyalty and the several concepts that are closely related to destination loyalty. In this context, destination familiarity, which closely affects the recall processes of the visitors to the destination, the destination experience associated with the dimensions of destination loyalty that are revisiting and recommending the destination to others, and the destination attachment, which is defined as the visitor's emotional bond with the destination and considered to be the precondition of destination loyalty. The data of the research were obtained from 395 visitors who have holiday in Fethiye. Whether the study variables were affected by the demographic characteristics of the visitors and their holiday experiences has been revealed by t-test and anova. According to the findings; Gender, marital status, age, nationality and with whom they spend the holiday do not show any difference in perception of research variables by those who have vacation in Fethiye However, visiting Fethiye before, perceiving Fethiye as a primary destination, education status, income, vacation time, satisfaction have significant impact on perception of the destination loyalty, familiarity, attachment and experience


  • Aaker, D. A. (2009). Marka Değeri Yönetimi. (Çev.: Ender Orfanlı). İstanbul: Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. (1991).
  • Alba, J. W. ve Hutchinson, J. W. (1987). Dimensions of Consumer Expertise. Journal of Consumer Research, 13, 411-454.
  • Baloğlu, S. (2001). Image Variations of Turkey by Familiarity Index: Informational and Experiential Dimensions. Tourism Management, 22, 127-133
  • Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. ve Zarantonello, L. (2009). “Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty?”. Journal of Marketing, 73, 52-68.
  • Brocato, E. D. (2006). Place Attachment: An Investigation of Environments And Outcomes in Service Context. (Doktora Tezi). Arlington: The University of Texas The Faculty of the Graduate School.
  • Chang, S. ve Gibson, H. J. (2015). The Relationships Between Four Concepts (Involvement, Commitment, Loyalty, and Habit) and Consistency in Behavior Across Leisure and Tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives, 13, 41-50.
  • Chen, C-F ve Phou, S. (2013). “A Closer Look at Destination: Image, Personality, Relationship and Loyalty”. Tourism Management, 36, 269-278.
  • Chen, J. S. ve Gürsoy, Doğan (2001). An Investigation of Tourists’ Destination Loyalty and Preferences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13 (2), 79-85.
  • Chi, C. G-Q. (2011). “Destination Loyalty Formation and Travelers’ Demographic Characteristics: A Multiple Group Analysis Approach”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 35 (2), 191-212.
  • Chi, C. G-Q. (2012). “An Examination of Destination Loyalty: Differences Between First-Time and Repeat Visitors”. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 36 (1), 3-24.
  • Chi, C. G-Q. ve Qu, H. (2008). Examining the Structural Relationships of Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: An Integrated Approach. Tourism Management, 29, 624- 636.
  • Çelik, S. ve Gökçe, F. (2015). “Destinasyon Pazarlamasında Deneyimsel Pazarlama Uygulamalarının Kullanımına İlişkin Kavramsal Bir Çalışma” Erişim Tarihi: 28.03.2017
  • Deng J. ve Pierskalla, C. (2011). “Impact of Past Experience on Perceived Value, Overall Satisfaction, and Destination Loyalty: A Comparison Between Visitor and Resident Attendees of a Festival”. Event Management, 15, 163-177.
  • Dick, A. S. ve Basu, K. (1994). Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113.
  • Durmuş, B.,Yurtkoru, E. S. ve Çinko, M. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Spss’le Veri Analizi (5. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş.
  • Eroğlu, A. (2009). “SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (4. Baskı)”. Şeref Kalaycı (Ed.). Faktör Analizi (321-331). Ankara: Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
  • Gross, M. J. ve Brown, G. (2008). An Empirical Structural Model of Tourists and Places: Progressing Involvement and Place Attachment into Tourism. Tourism Management, 29, 1141-1151.
  • Gursoy, D., Chiappa, G. D., Zhang, Y. (2017) Impact of Destination Familiarity on External Information Source Management, Process. Journal of Destination Marketing &
  • Hernandez, L., Solis, M. M., Moliner, M. A. ve Sanchez, J. (2006). “Tourism Destination Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Study in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Mexico”. Tour Geographies, 8 (4), 343- 358.
  • Hidalgo, M. C. ve Hernandez B. (2001). Place Attachment: Conceptual and Empirical Questions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21 (3), 273-281.
  • Holloway, J. C., Humphreys, C. ve Davidson, R. (2009). The Business of Tourism (8. Baskı). England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Horng, J-S., Liu, C-H., Chou, H-Y., Tsai, C-Y. (2012). “Understanding the Impact of Culinary Brand Equity and Destination Familiarity on Travel Intentions”. Tourism Management, 33, 815-824.
  • Kılıç, B. (2011). “Destinasyon Ziyaretçilerinin Sosyo-Demografik Özelliklerinin Sadakat Eğilimleri Üzerine Etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26, 239-252.
  • Kivela, J. ve Crotts, J. C. (2006). Tourism and Gastronomy: Gastronomy’s Influence on How Tourists Experience a Destination. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 30 (3), 354-377.
  • Kozak, M., Bigne, E. ve Andreu, L. (2004). “Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: A Comparison Between Non-Repeatand Repeat Tourists”. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 5 (1), 43-59.
  • Kyle, G., Graefe, A., ve Manning, R. (2004). Attached Recreationists: Who are they?. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 22 (2), 65-84.
  • Lee, J. (J.), Kyle, G. ve Scott, D. (2012). The Mediating Effect of Place Attachment on the Relationship between Festival Satisfaction and Loyalty to the Festival Hosting Destination. Journal of Travel Research, 51 (6), 754-767.
  • Lee, S., Kim, W. G. ve Kim, H. J. (2006). The Impact of Co-branding on Post-Purchase Behaviors in Family Restaurants. Hospitality Management, 25, 245-261.
  • Lee, T. H. ve Shen, Y. L. (2013). The Influence of Leisure Involvement and Place Attachment on Destination Loyalty: Evidence from Recreationists Walking Their Dogs in Urban Parks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 33, 76-85.
  • Li, X. (R.), Petrick, J. F. ve Zhou, Y. (N.) (2008). Towards a Conceptual Framework of Tourists' Destination Knowledge and Loyalty. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 8 (3), 79-96.
  • McDowall, S. (2010). “International Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: Bangkok, Thailand”. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 15 (1), 21-42.
  • Mendes, J. C., Valle P. O., Guerreiro, M. M. ve Silva, J. A. (2010). The Tourist Experience: Exploring the Relationship Between Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty. Tourism, 58 (2), 111-126.
  • Myagmarsuren, O. ve Chen, C-F. (2011). Exploring Relationships Between Destination Brand Equity, Satisfaction, and Destination Loyalty: A Case Study of Mongolia. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts, 3 (2), 81-94.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty?. Journal of Marketing, 63, 33-44.
  • Osman, H. Johns, N. ve Lugosi, P. (2014). Commercial Hospitality in Destination Experiences: McDonald’s and Tourists’ Consumption of Space. Tourism Management, 42, 238-247
  • Özdemir, B., Aksu, A., Ehtiyar, R., Çizel, B., Çizel, R. B. ve İçigen, E. T. (2012a). “Relationships Among Tourist Profile, Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty: Examining Empirical Evidences in Antalya Region of Turkey”. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21, 506-540.
  • Özdemir, B., Çizel, B. ve Çizel, R. B. (2012b).“Satisfaction With All-Inclusive Tourism Resorts:The Effects of Satisfaction With Destination andDestination Loyalty”. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 13, 109-130.
  • Prayag, Ryan, C. (2011). Antecedents of Tourists’ Loyalty to Mauritius: The Role and Influence of Destination Image, Place Attachment, Personal Involvement, and Satisfaction. Journal of Travel Research, 20 (10), 1-15.
  • Prentice, R. (2004). Tourist Familiarity and Imagery. Annals of Tourism Research, 31 (4), 923-945.
  • San Martin, H. Collado, J. ve Rodriguez del Bosque, I. (2013). “An Exploration of the Effects of Past Experience and Tourist Involvement on Destination Loyalty Formation”. Current Issues in Tourism, 16 (4), 327-342
  • Selvi, M. S. (2007a). İlişkisel Pazarlama - Stratejiler ve Teknikler. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Selvi, M. S. (2007b). Müşteri Sadakati. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Seo, S, Kim, O. Y., Oh, S. ve Yun, N. (2013).Influence of Informational and Experiential Familiarity on Image of Local Foods. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 295-308.
  • Sırakaya-Türk, E., Ekinci, Y. ve Martin, D. (2015). The Efficacy of Shopping Value in Predicting Destination Loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 68, 1878-1885.
  • Swarbrooke, J. ve Horner, S. (2007). Consumer Behaviour in Tourism (2. Baskı). Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann.
  • Tan, W.-K. (2016). Repeat Visitation: A Study From the Perspective of Leisure Constraint, Tourist Experience, Destination Images, and Experiential Familiarity. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management,
  • Taşkın Ç. ve Karadamar, A. A. (2016). “Destinasyon Marka Bağlılığı: Yabancı Turistler Üzerine Diyarbakır Kentinde Bir Araştırma”. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi / Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14 (28), 199-222.
  • Theodorakis, N. D., Tsigilis, N. ve Alexandris, K. (2009). “The Mediating Role of Place Attachment on the Relationship Between Service Quality and Loyalty in the Context of Skiing. Int. J. Sport Management and Marketing, 6 (3), 277-291.
  • Tsai, S-P. (2012). Place Attachment and Tourism Marketing: Investigating International Tourists in Singapore. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14, 139-152.
  • Valle, P.O., Silva, J. A., Mendes, J., ve Guerreiro, M. (2006). “Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty Intention: A Structural and Categorical Analysis”. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 1 (1), 25-44.
  • Veasna, S., Wu, W.-Y. ve Huang, C.-H. (2013). The Impact of Destination Source Credibility on Destination Satisfaction: The Mediating Effects of Destination Attachment and Destination Image. Tourism Management, 36, 511-526.
  • Weber, K. (2001). Association Meeting Planners’ Loyalty to Hotel Chains. Hospitality Management, 20, 259-275.
  • Williams, D. R. ve Vaske, J. J. (2003). The Measurement of Place Attachment: Validity and Generalizability of a Psychometric Approach. Forest Science, 49 (6), 830-840.
  • Wu, C.-W. (2016). “Destination Loyalty Modeling of the Global Tourism”. Journal of Business Research, 69, 2213-2219.
  • Yoon, Y. ve Uysal, M. (2005). “An Examination of the Effects of Motivation and Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Structural Model”. Tourism Management, 26, 45-56.
  • Yüksel, A., Yüksel, F. ve Bilim, Y. (2010). Destination Attachment: Effects on Customer Satisfaction and Cognitive, Affective and Conative Loyalty. Tourism Management, 31, 274-284.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

İlker Türkeri Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 5

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