Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 23 - 44, 31.07.2018


Son yirmi yılda yaşanan gelişmeler, insan yapımı yeni bir çatışma alanı ortaya çıkarmıştır.
Kara, deniz, hava ve uzay alanlarında silahlı çatışmaların yanı sıra, farklı siyasal aktörler
arasındaki çatışmalar, artık siber uzayda yer almaya başlamıştır. Siber çatışmalar, çeşitli
değişkenlerin -teknolojik, sosyal ve entelektüel- değişen ilişkilerinden dolayı ortaya
çıkmaktadır. Belirli bir kuvvet, eğilim, hareket veya politikadaki değişim, siber çatışmayı
oluşturabilir. Siber çatışmalar farklı nedenlere bağlı olarak zaman zaman artışlar ya da
azalmalar göstermektedir. Siber çatışmaların tanımlanmasındaki sorunlar hakkında kesin bir
değerlendirme yapmak zor olsa da, siber operasyonların daha önemli hale gelmesi sadece bir
zaman meselesi olmaktadır. Yapılacak her tanımlama, siber çatışmaların bir boyutunu
dışarıda bırakacaktır.
Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, dijitalleşen dünyada siber çatışmaların tanımlama sorunları
hakkında “NATO Uluslararası Siber Çatışma Konferanslarını” incelemekte ve siber
çatışmaların hem teknik hem de toplumsal bakış açılarındaki unsurlarının kapsamlı bir
analizine dayanmaktadır. Son olarak çalışma, en ciddi tehdidi getiren ve etkisi kitle imha
silahları ile karşılaştırılabilir olabilen, modern savaşın en gelişmiş biçimi olarak siber
çatışmayı değerlendirmek için bir fırsat sunmaktadır.


  • ____ in Heidelberg, []. ____The EastWest Institute, []. Akyeşilmen Nezir ve Yılmaz Ensaroğlu, (2013). “Sonuç Yerine: Barış Sürecinde Yoldaki İşaretler”, Nezir Akyeşilmen (ed.), Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, 1. Baskı, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, ss. 444-460. Akyeşilmen Nezir, (2015). “Çatışma Analizi: Hak-temelli Stratejik Barış Modeli”, Ertan Efegil ve Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu (ed.), Türkiye’nin Yakın Havzasındaki Devlet İçi Çatışmaların Analizleri, İstanbul: Gündoğan Yayınları, ss. 39-74. Akyeşilmen Nezir (ed.), (2013). Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, 1. Baskı, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık. Brangetto,P., M. Maybaum, J. Stinissen (Eds), (2014). 6th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, Talinn: CCD COE Publications, Brose Robert, (2015). “Cyberwar, Netwar, and the Future of Cyberdefense”, 7th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Architectures in Cyberspace, M.Maybaum, A.-M.Osula, L.Lindström (Eds), Talinn: CCD COE. Clarke,Richard and Robert Knake, (2012). Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It, Ecco; Reprint edition. Conflict Barometer. (2011). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 20, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2012). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 21, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2013). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 22, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2014). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 23, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2015). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 24, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2016). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 25, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2017). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 26, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Czosseck, C., E. Tyugu and T. Wingfield (Eds.), (2011). 3rd International Conference on Cyber Conflict, Czosseck, C., R. Ottis and K. Ziolkowski (Eds.), (2012). 4th International Conference On Cyber Conflict, , Daban, Cihan, (2016). “Siber Güvenlik ve Uluslararası Güvenlik İlişkisi”, Siber Politikalar Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 1, []. Denning Dorothy, (2001). “Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism: The Internet as a Tool for Influencing Foreign Policy”, In Arquilla J., Ronfeldt D. (eds) Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, pp. 239-288. Erendor M.E., “Risk Toplumu ve Refleksif Modernleşme Çerçevesinde Siber Terörizm: Tanımlama ve Tipoloji Sorunu”, Cyberpolitik Journal, vol.1, no.1, pp.114-133, 2017. Evans, Brad, (16.08.2013). Types of Conflict – Four Classifications, []. Folarin, Sheriff F. (2013). Types and Causes of Conflict, Readings in Peace and Conflict Studies, []. Gady, Franz-Stefan. (08.06.2012). A Reality-Based Model for Cyber Conflict, Geers Kenneth, (2011). Strategic Cyber Security, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Tallinn: CCD COE Publication. Godwin, James, Andrey Kulpin, Karl F. Rauscher and Valery Yaschenko (Eds.), (2014). Russia-U.S. Bilateral on Cybersecurity Critical Terminology Foundations 2, USA: The EastWest Institute, Healey Jason and Karl Grindal, (2013). A Fierce Domain: Conflict in Cyberspace 1986 to 2012, Cyber Conflict Studies Association. Healey Jason, (2016). “Winning and Losing in Cyberspace”, 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, N. Pissanidis, H. Rõigas, M. Veenendaal (Eds.), Talinn: CCD COE. Kalm Kaarel, (2013). “Illicit Network Structures in Cyberspace”, 5th International Conference On Cyber Conflict, K. Podins, J. Stinissen and M. Maybaum(Eds), Talinn: NATO. Karatzogianni, Athina (2005). The Politics of Cyberconflict: Ethnoreligious Conflicts in Computer Mediated Environments, PhD thesis, England: University of Nottingham, []. Karatzogianni Athina, (2009). “Introduction: New Media and the Reconfiguration of Power in Global Politics”, Cyber Conflict and Global Politics, Athina Karatzogianni (Eds), NYC: Routledge. Kosenkov Alexander, (2016). “Cyber Conflicts as a New Global Threat”, Krishnamurti, J. (2002). Çatışma Üzerine, çev. Nurgül ve Deniz Demirdöven, 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Ayna Yayınevi. Lawson Sean, (2012). “NATO & Cyber Conflict: Background & Challenges.” Presented at The Shadow NATO Summit III. 14-15 May. George Washington University. Washington, D.C. Lin, Herbert, (2013). “Cyber Conflict and National Security”, Robert Art and Robert Jervis (Eds.), International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues, Eleventh Edition, USA: Pearson, pp. 476-489. Maeve Dion , (2010). “Different Legal Constructs for State Responsibility”, Maness, Ryan C. and Brandon Valeriano, (2015). “The Impact of Cyber Conflict on International Interactions”, SAGE: Armed Forces & Society, pp. 1-23. Maybaum, M., A.-M.Osula and L.Lindström (Eds), (2015). 7th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Architectures in Cyberspace, Talinn: CCD COE, Melzer Nils, (2012). “Cyber operations and jus in bello”, Confronting Cyberconflict, Vignard Kerstin (Eds), UNIDIR, Nicholson, M. (1992). Rationality and the Analysis of International Conflict, England: Cambridge University Press. Perkovich, George and Ariel E. Levite, (2017). Understanding Cyber Conflict:14 Analogies, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Pissanidis, N., H. Rõigas, M. Veenendaal (Eds.), (2016). 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, Talinn: CCD COE, Podins, K., J. Stinissen and M. Maybaum(Eds.), (2013). 5th International Conference On Cyber Conflict, Rõigas, H., R. Jakschis, L. Lindström and T. Minárik (Eds), (2017). 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, Talinn: CCD COE, Schmitt Michael, (2012). “Classification of Cyber Conflict”, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 245–260. Sharma Amit, (2009). Cyber Wars: A Paradigm Shift from Means to Ends, Conference on Cyber Warfare 16-19 June, Singer P. W. and Allan Friedman, (2014). Cyber Security And Cyber War What Everyone Needs To Know, NYC: Oxford University Press. Tekin Segah, (2013). “Çatışma Dili: Bir Söylem Analizi”, Nezir Akyeşilmen (ed.), Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, 1. Baskı, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, ss. 87-107. Tikk Eneken, (2010). “IP Addresses Subject to Personal Data Regulation” Ünver Gül Nazik, (2017). “Ulusal Siber Güvenlik Strateji Belgelerinde İnsan Hakları”, Cyberpolitik Journal 2 (4), pp. 104-129. Vignard, Kerstin, (2011). Disarmament Forum: Confronting Cyberconflict, Swirzerland: UNIDIR Westcott, Nicholas, (July 2008). “Digital Diplomacy: The Impact of the Internet on International Relations”, Oxford Internet Institute, Research Report 16. Wingfield Thomas and Eneken Tikk, (2010). “Frameworks for International Cyber Security: The Cube, the Pyramid, and the Screen”, []. [].

The İdentification Problem of Cyber Conflicts

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 23 - 44, 31.07.2018


The developments in the last two decades have revealed a new area of human-made conflict.
Armed conflicts in land, sea, air and space areas, as well as conflicts between different
political actors, are now beginning to take place in cyberspace. The cyber conflicts arise due
to the changing relations of various variables - technological, social and intellectual. Any
change in a particular force, tendency, movement, or policy can create a cyber conflict which
occasionally increase or decrease depending on different reasons. While it is difficult to
make a definitive assessment of the problems with identifying cyber conflicts, it is only a
matter of time before cyber operations become more important. Every definition to be made
will exclude a size of cyber conflicts.
The main aim of this work is to examine the “NATO International Conference on Cyber
Conflicts” on the identification problems of cyber conflicts in the digitalizing world and to
rely on a comprehensive analysis of the elements of both cyber space and cyber conflicts.
Finally, the study presents an opportunity to evaluate cyber conflict as the most advanced
form of modern warfare, which brings the most serious threat and can be comparable to
weapons of mass destruction.


  • ____ in Heidelberg, []. ____The EastWest Institute, []. Akyeşilmen Nezir ve Yılmaz Ensaroğlu, (2013). “Sonuç Yerine: Barış Sürecinde Yoldaki İşaretler”, Nezir Akyeşilmen (ed.), Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, 1. Baskı, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, ss. 444-460. Akyeşilmen Nezir, (2015). “Çatışma Analizi: Hak-temelli Stratejik Barış Modeli”, Ertan Efegil ve Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu (ed.), Türkiye’nin Yakın Havzasındaki Devlet İçi Çatışmaların Analizleri, İstanbul: Gündoğan Yayınları, ss. 39-74. Akyeşilmen Nezir (ed.), (2013). Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, 1. Baskı, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık. Brangetto,P., M. Maybaum, J. Stinissen (Eds), (2014). 6th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, Talinn: CCD COE Publications, Brose Robert, (2015). “Cyberwar, Netwar, and the Future of Cyberdefense”, 7th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Architectures in Cyberspace, M.Maybaum, A.-M.Osula, L.Lindström (Eds), Talinn: CCD COE. Clarke,Richard and Robert Knake, (2012). Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It, Ecco; Reprint edition. Conflict Barometer. (2011). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 20, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2012). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 21, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2013). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 22, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2014). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 23, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2015). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 24, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2016). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 25, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Conflict Barometer. (2017). Disputes, Non-Violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, HIIK, No. 26, Germany: Printed in Heidelberg. Czosseck, C., E. Tyugu and T. Wingfield (Eds.), (2011). 3rd International Conference on Cyber Conflict, Czosseck, C., R. Ottis and K. Ziolkowski (Eds.), (2012). 4th International Conference On Cyber Conflict, , Daban, Cihan, (2016). “Siber Güvenlik ve Uluslararası Güvenlik İlişkisi”, Siber Politikalar Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 1, []. Denning Dorothy, (2001). “Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism: The Internet as a Tool for Influencing Foreign Policy”, In Arquilla J., Ronfeldt D. (eds) Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, pp. 239-288. Erendor M.E., “Risk Toplumu ve Refleksif Modernleşme Çerçevesinde Siber Terörizm: Tanımlama ve Tipoloji Sorunu”, Cyberpolitik Journal, vol.1, no.1, pp.114-133, 2017. Evans, Brad, (16.08.2013). Types of Conflict – Four Classifications, []. Folarin, Sheriff F. (2013). Types and Causes of Conflict, Readings in Peace and Conflict Studies, []. Gady, Franz-Stefan. (08.06.2012). A Reality-Based Model for Cyber Conflict, Geers Kenneth, (2011). Strategic Cyber Security, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Tallinn: CCD COE Publication. Godwin, James, Andrey Kulpin, Karl F. Rauscher and Valery Yaschenko (Eds.), (2014). Russia-U.S. Bilateral on Cybersecurity Critical Terminology Foundations 2, USA: The EastWest Institute, Healey Jason and Karl Grindal, (2013). A Fierce Domain: Conflict in Cyberspace 1986 to 2012, Cyber Conflict Studies Association. Healey Jason, (2016). “Winning and Losing in Cyberspace”, 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, N. Pissanidis, H. Rõigas, M. Veenendaal (Eds.), Talinn: CCD COE. Kalm Kaarel, (2013). “Illicit Network Structures in Cyberspace”, 5th International Conference On Cyber Conflict, K. Podins, J. Stinissen and M. Maybaum(Eds), Talinn: NATO. Karatzogianni, Athina (2005). The Politics of Cyberconflict: Ethnoreligious Conflicts in Computer Mediated Environments, PhD thesis, England: University of Nottingham, []. Karatzogianni Athina, (2009). “Introduction: New Media and the Reconfiguration of Power in Global Politics”, Cyber Conflict and Global Politics, Athina Karatzogianni (Eds), NYC: Routledge. Kosenkov Alexander, (2016). “Cyber Conflicts as a New Global Threat”, Krishnamurti, J. (2002). Çatışma Üzerine, çev. Nurgül ve Deniz Demirdöven, 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Ayna Yayınevi. Lawson Sean, (2012). “NATO & Cyber Conflict: Background & Challenges.” Presented at The Shadow NATO Summit III. 14-15 May. George Washington University. Washington, D.C. Lin, Herbert, (2013). “Cyber Conflict and National Security”, Robert Art and Robert Jervis (Eds.), International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues, Eleventh Edition, USA: Pearson, pp. 476-489. Maeve Dion , (2010). “Different Legal Constructs for State Responsibility”, Maness, Ryan C. and Brandon Valeriano, (2015). “The Impact of Cyber Conflict on International Interactions”, SAGE: Armed Forces & Society, pp. 1-23. Maybaum, M., A.-M.Osula and L.Lindström (Eds), (2015). 7th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Architectures in Cyberspace, Talinn: CCD COE, Melzer Nils, (2012). “Cyber operations and jus in bello”, Confronting Cyberconflict, Vignard Kerstin (Eds), UNIDIR, Nicholson, M. (1992). Rationality and the Analysis of International Conflict, England: Cambridge University Press. Perkovich, George and Ariel E. Levite, (2017). Understanding Cyber Conflict:14 Analogies, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Pissanidis, N., H. Rõigas, M. Veenendaal (Eds.), (2016). 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, Talinn: CCD COE, Podins, K., J. Stinissen and M. Maybaum(Eds.), (2013). 5th International Conference On Cyber Conflict, Rõigas, H., R. Jakschis, L. Lindström and T. Minárik (Eds), (2017). 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Defending the Core, Talinn: CCD COE, Schmitt Michael, (2012). “Classification of Cyber Conflict”, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 245–260. Sharma Amit, (2009). Cyber Wars: A Paradigm Shift from Means to Ends, Conference on Cyber Warfare 16-19 June, Singer P. W. and Allan Friedman, (2014). Cyber Security And Cyber War What Everyone Needs To Know, NYC: Oxford University Press. Tekin Segah, (2013). “Çatışma Dili: Bir Söylem Analizi”, Nezir Akyeşilmen (ed.), Barışı Konuşmak: Teori ve Pratikte Çatışma Yönetimi, 1. Baskı, Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık, ss. 87-107. Tikk Eneken, (2010). “IP Addresses Subject to Personal Data Regulation” Ünver Gül Nazik, (2017). “Ulusal Siber Güvenlik Strateji Belgelerinde İnsan Hakları”, Cyberpolitik Journal 2 (4), pp. 104-129. Vignard, Kerstin, (2011). Disarmament Forum: Confronting Cyberconflict, Swirzerland: UNIDIR Westcott, Nicholas, (July 2008). “Digital Diplomacy: The Impact of the Internet on International Relations”, Oxford Internet Institute, Research Report 16. Wingfield Thomas and Eneken Tikk, (2010). “Frameworks for International Cyber Security: The Cube, the Pyramid, and the Screen”, []. [].
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gül Nazik Ünver

Publication Date July 31, 2018
Acceptance Date July 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 5


APA Ünver, G. N. (2018). SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU. Cyberpolitik Journal, 3(5), 23-44.
AMA Ünver GN. SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU. Cyberpolitik Journal. July 2018;3(5):23-44.
Chicago Ünver, Gül Nazik. “SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU”. Cyberpolitik Journal 3, no. 5 (July 2018): 23-44.
EndNote Ünver GN (July 1, 2018) SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU. Cyberpolitik Journal 3 5 23–44.
IEEE G. N. Ünver, “SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU”, Cyberpolitik Journal, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 23–44, 2018.
ISNAD Ünver, Gül Nazik. “SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU”. Cyberpolitik Journal 3/5 (July 2018), 23-44.
JAMA Ünver GN. SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU. Cyberpolitik Journal. 2018;3:23–44.
MLA Ünver, Gül Nazik. “SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU”. Cyberpolitik Journal, vol. 3, no. 5, 2018, pp. 23-44.
Vancouver Ünver GN. SİBER ÇATIŞMALARIN TANIMLAMA SORUNU. Cyberpolitik Journal. 2018;3(5):23-44.