Writing Rules

The Journal of Cyprus Studies publishes articles in English and Turkish, and in accordance with the principles defined in its Editorial Policy. It is understood that manuscripts submitted to the JCS for consideration have not been published previously, in part or in whole, and are not simultaneously under consideration for publication elsewhere. The ideas and opinions expressed in articles published in the JCS are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and do not reflect the views and policies of the Centre for Cyprus Studies or Eastern Mediterranean University. Responsibility for copyright permissions rests with the author(s).


Submission of Manuscripts: Manuscripts must be sent as a Microsoft Word (or a Word compatible) document; including cover page, abstracts, sources, figures and the list of figures. The manuscript must be prepared for blind review. The author's name and institutional affiliation will be indicated on the cover page but not in the main body of the manuscript. Short biographic sketch of the author (s) should be included as a separate document. The followings must be included in the body of the cover page as well as e-mail: title of the paper (not more than 10-12 words), name, institutional affiliation, and postal address of the author(s), telephone and fax numbers (if available). Abstract not exceeding 250 words, in both language (English and Turkish) must be included as a separate document. Please provide, under the abstract, between 3 and 8 keywords for your manuscript, within the possibility both in English and Turkish.


Manuscript Length: There is no strict word limit for articles, but we prefer to publish articles that are between 5,000 and 10,000 words (including notes). Articles less than 2500 words will be treated as short notes.


Manuscript Layout: The manuscript must be properly formatted. The entire manuscript (including notes and formulae) must be double-spaced, text in Adobe Garamond or Times New Roman font 12pt while quoted passages more than three lines as a spate paragraph, 10pt (0.5 indented on both sides, with no quotation mark). Use double quotation marks for quoted material run into the text, and for irony and other literary purposes. All pages must be numbered. 

 Illustrations must have captions and numbers and they must be indicated in the text as (Table 1), (Fig. 1). The captions of the tables must be written on the top, and references and explanations related to the diagrams and pictures must be written below. 


Illustrations: Illustrations must be submitted on separate pages at the end of the manuscript or in separate image files. All pictures, maps and graphs must be in JPG format and not less than 300 dpi. Photos should be scanned as multi-color (8 bit color). The width of the pictures is at least 14.5 cm, the height is free. All tables, graphs and line drawings should be in rich text form or .doc format using Word or Excel original programs. Please only use greyscale (no color).


References: The references quoted or referred in the manuscript must be listed in alphabetical order. Accordingly, the author’s name followed by the year in the bracket, the title of the reference in italics and the source or publisher references should be set out as follows: 


Jennings, R. C. (1993). Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus, 1570-1640. New York: New York University Press.

 Journal article

Malamid, A. (1956). The Geographical Distribution of Communities in Cyprus. Geographical Review, (46) 3, 355-374.

 Article in a book

Arbel, B. (1992). Cyprus on the Eve of the Ottoman Conquest. In Michalis N. Michael, Mathias Kappler and Eftios Gavriel (Eds.), Ottoman Cyprus, A Collection of Studies on History and Culture, Near East Monographs 4, (pp. 37-48). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Doctoral and Master Theses

Haybittle, S. (2015). Correspondence, Trace and the Landscape of Narrative: A Visual, Verbal and Literary Dialectic [Doctoral Thesis, University of Brighton].

Kadıoğlu, P. (2010). The Rise of Ethno-Nationalism in Cyprus Under the British Rule: 1878-1960 [Master Thesis, Ankara: METU].

The citation format in the body of the text must have the author’s name followed by the year in brackets e.g (Jennings, 1993). Where a specific page or pages are being referred to then the page number or numbers must be cited after the author’s name and year e.g (Jennings, 1993: 31-42).

For other matters not mentioned here please refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition as the main guide for the format of the manuscript.

Journal of Cyprus Studies

Center for Cyprus Studies

Eastern Mediterranean University

Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, via Mersin 10, Turkey