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A New Life of John the Baptist

Year 2016, , 235 - 258, 20.06.2016


John the Baptist is a prophet who is mentioned in both Islamic and Christian

resources. He and his father Zacharias were sent to the Israelites as prophets, however

they both took their place among martyred prophets of that age. Even though information

on John the Baptist’s infancy is scarcely given in the gospels, the story of how he

was martyred by Herod is told. “Life of John the Baptist” which was written by a 4th

century Egyptian bishop called Serapion, also states mythological remarks consist of John the Baptist’s childhood, his battles, information. Serapion’s work marks and includes,

John the Baptist’s birth, martyred of Zacharias by king at the time Herod while

he was on a search to kill John, his close relations to Jesus Christ, refuge of him and

his mother in the desert when being chased, death his mother, his maturity in the desert

and statements, his warning to the king who violated morals of religion and lead rascally

and Hirodya’s hostility upon, her plans with her daughter in order to murder the

Baptist, his martyrdom and how his be-headed head wondered around cities to threaten

sinners. It also refers to some legends about his beheading which tell a tale of how due

to miraculous events happening where he was buried, the body being secretly moved

to Alexandria and later he was buried at the church built in his name with a ceremony.

Vaftizci Yahya'nın Yeni Bir Hayat Hikâyesi

Year 2016, , 235 - 258, 20.06.2016


Hz. Yahya gerek İslam gerekse Hıristiyan kaynaklarında hakkında bilgi verilen

bir peygamberdir. O ve babası Hz. Zekeriya İsrail oğullarına peygamber olarak

gönderilmiş, ancak her ikisi de devrin şehit edilen peygamberleri arasında yerlerini

almışlardır. Hz. Yahya’nın çocukluğu ile ilgili teferruatlı bilgi İncillerde verilmemekle

birlikte onun Herod tarafından nasıl şehit edildiği anlatılmaktadır. 4. yüzyılda yaşamış

olan Mısır’lı din adamı olan Serapion tarafından kaleme alınan Hz. Yahya’nın Hayatı

isimli kayıtlarda Hz. Yahya’nın çocukluğu, mücadelesi, Hz. Zekeriya’nın şehadeti ile

ilgili bilgiler verilmekte, Hz. Yahya’nın vefatından sonra kesilen başı ile ilgili bir efsane

de dile getirilmektedir.


There are 0 citations in total.


Journal Section Tercümeler

Alphonse Mingana This is me

Çev. Mustafa Baş

Publication Date June 20, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


ISNAD Mingana, Alphonse - Baş, Çev. Mustafa. “Vaftizci Yahya’nın Yeni Bir Hayat Hikâyesi”. Dini Araştırmalar 19/20-06 (June 2016), 235-258.