Arapların arşivi (dîvânü’l-ʻarab) olarak kabul edilen, sahip
olduğu güçlü anlatım ve İslâm öncesi döneme ait barındırdığı sosyal ve kültürel
malumat sebebiyle tarih boyunca istişhâd kaynağı olarak önemini muhafaza eden
Cahiliye şiiri, o dönem kadını hakkında da aydınlatıcı bilgiler sunmaktadır. Cahiliye
kadınının toplum içerisindeki konumuna dair çok sayıda çalışma olmasına rağmen
konuyu şiirler üzerinden ele alarak ahlaki vasıfları ve güzellik algısı
bağlamında Cahiliye kadını imajını işleyen çalışmalar yok denecek kadar
azdır. Bu yazıda Cahiliye şairlerinin şiirlerinden hareketle o dönemdeki kadın imajı,
kadının ahlaki vasıfları, güzel bir kadında aranan nitelikler ve Araplar nezdinde
ideal kadın modeli gibi hususlarda tespitler yapılmaya çalışılacak, ortaya
çıkan sonucun Kur’an mesajındaki yansıması araştırılacaktır.
Jahiliyyah poetry is regarded as the archive of Arabs (diwan al-‘Arab) and
has maintained its importance as a source of linguistic attestation throughout
history due to its effective way of expression, exclusive wordings and meanings
as well as social and cultural knowledge related to the pre-Islamic period by
providing enlightening information about the women of that period. Aside from those notables who enjoyed exceptional status, it is widely
accepted that women were not commonly respected and were by and large voiceless
in substantial issues such as political affairs in the Jahiliyyah society,
even though they significantly lessened the burden of both their families and
society by engaging in various works and activities such as wet-nursing,
medicine, spinning, weaving, ordnance manufacturing, sheep herding as well as
household chores and childbearing. This perspective on women could be a consequent
of the facts that nobody would eat, drink and even share the same house with
women during their menstruation period; they had no right of succession; they
would not be accepted as a family member unless they were capable of conceiving;
along with female children being buried alive. Although many
studies have been conducted on the respective roles of women in society during Jahiliyyah
period, the studies that treat the
image of Jahiliyyah woman within the scope of moral qualities and perception of
beauty through poetry are few and far between. Based on Jahiliyyah
poetry, this paper deals with the image of woman in the pre-Islamic period, it
will focus on the moral qualities of woman, the qualifications of a beautiful
woman and the ideal woman model for Arab people. The results of this study are
further examined in terms of their likeness to the Qur’an’s message.
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | November 24, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 |