Şîa mezhebi İslam’da akide ayrılığının sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan
ilk mezheplerdendir. İmametin Hz. Ali ve nesline ait olduğunu düşünen İmamiyye,
Şîa mezhebinin bir koludur. Bu mezhebin mensupları telif ettikleri tefsirlerde
kendi mezhebî görüşlerini destekleyecek yorumlara yer vermişlerdir. Ali b.
İbrahim el-Kummî de İmamiyye mezhebine bağlıdır. Müfessir kendisinden sonraki
tefsirlere kaynaklık eden tefsirinde, batınî yorumları ile dikkat çekmektedir.
el-Kummî’nin Hz. Muhammed’den önceki peygamberlerin kıssalarında Hz. Ali ve
Ehl-i Beyt’e dair rivayetler nakletmesi mezhebî taassubun boyutunu göstermesi
bakımından önemlidir.
Shia is one of the first sects emerged
due to the differentiation of aqidah (creed) in Islam. Imamiyyah is a branch of
Shia states that imamah must belong to Ali and his descendents. The followers
of this sect have commentaries which supports their sectarian views in their
tafseers. One of the well-known Shia scholar Ali b. Ibrahim al-Qummi is a
follower of Imamiyyah. The mufassir draws attention with his esoteric
commentaries in his tafseer which is the resource for the following tafseers.
al-Qummi's giving place to the narratives of Ali and Ahl Al-Bayt when he
comments on the Stories of the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad is important to
show his sectarian dimension.
Anecdotes from the life of the Prophet are widely mentioned in
the Quran. Yet, when these are treated in tefsaars, it appears that stories
that are not originally present in the verses are also related. This article
aims to analyze how extant anecdotes of prophets’ lifes are treated in Shea
tafseer. After a brief explanation on the Shia tafseer’s interpretation
tradition, the study will be focused on the anecdotes that deal with Muhammed
and Ahl Al-Bayt that appear in Ali b. Ibrahim al-Qummitafseer, a reference of the first
period of Shea tafseer.
It is well known that shea’s tefsaars are full of
interpretations that concord with the cult of the shea sect. Many verses of
shea tafseer are associated to Ahl Al-Bayt as
they do when mentioning about Ali’s caliphate or the negative attitude sonsof Umeyye
toward Ahl Al-Bayt. The fact that Qummi presents Ali and imams in anecdotes
that deal with Abraham, Moses and Joseph who lived ages before them can
constitute a good illustration to our point.
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 15, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2017 |