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Ruler And Society In Ahmed Ibn Hanbel’s Musned

Year 2014, , 188 - 193, 15.12.2014


In this article the projection of Ibni Hanbel’s attitude towards Islamic society and ruler’s mutual relationship is discussed in terms of Musned. The hadiths we dealt with were searched through scanning words like ‘Imam’, ‘Caliph’, ‘Emir’ and ‘Sultan’ from the works of Wensinck called Concordance and A Handbook, and chosen among the hadiths that contained these words. A simple scanning showed that 34 hadiths out of 64, which took place in the twenty hadith compilation that is accepted as authority and included these terms, meaning more than half is found in Musned. The number of hadiths similar in other hadith collected works is approximately 15 and this situation sets Musned apart from the others


  • • Wensinck, Arent Jan, Concordance et Indices de la Tradition Musulman, Leiden, 1927
  • • Wensinck, Arent Jan, A Handbook of Early Muhammadan Tradition, Leiden, 1927
  • • Ahmed bin Hanbel, Müsned, 1-6. Ciltler, Kahire, 1896,
  • • Guillaume, Alfred, The Traditions of Islam, Oxford, 1924,
  • • Laoust, Henry, La profession defoi d’lbn Batta, Damas, 1958

Ahmed İbn Hanbel’in Müsned’inde Yönetici Ve Toplum

Year 2014, , 188 - 193, 15.12.2014


Bu makalede İbni Hanbel’in İslam toplumu ve yöneticisinin karşılıklı ilişkisi konusundaki tutumunun Müsned’deki izdüşümleri ele alınmıştır. Ele alınmış olan hadisler, Wensinck’in Concordance ve A Handbook adlı eserlerindeki “İmam”, “Halife”, “Emir” ve “Sultan” gibi kelimeler taranmak suretiyle Müsned’de bu kelimelerin geçtiği hadisler arasından seçilmiştir. Basit bir tarama göstermiştir ki, otorite kabul edilen yirmi hadis derlemesinde yer alan ve bu terimleri içeren 64 hadisin 34’ü Müsned’te yer almaktadır. Diğer hadis külliyatında benzer tipteki hadislerin sayısı ortalama 15’tir ve bu durum Müsned’i diğerlerinden ayırmaktadır


  • • Wensinck, Arent Jan, Concordance et Indices de la Tradition Musulman, Leiden, 1927
  • • Wensinck, Arent Jan, A Handbook of Early Muhammadan Tradition, Leiden, 1927
  • • Ahmed bin Hanbel, Müsned, 1-6. Ciltler, Kahire, 1896,
  • • Guillaume, Alfred, The Traditions of Islam, Oxford, 1924,
  • • Laoust, Henry, La profession defoi d’lbn Batta, Damas, 1958
There are 5 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Dmitri Vladimiroviç Yermakkov This is me

Çev. Kudret Artikbaev This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


ISNAD Yermakkov, Dmitri Vladimiroviç - Artikbaev, Çev. Kudret. “Ahmed İbn Hanbel’in Müsned’inde Yönetici Ve Toplum”. Dini Araştırmalar 17/15-12 (December 2014), 188-193.