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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 96 - 109, 30.06.2021


Özgirişimler, sundukları yenilikçi fikirler ve iş modelleri ile ulusal ve uluslararası ekonomik büyümeye ve iş gücüne önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır. Yüksek risk alarak hayatta kalmaya çalışan ve bulundukları ekosistemin teknoloji seviyesinin ve yenilikçilik kabiliyetinin yükselmesine destek olan bu yapıların gelecekte karşılaşabilecekleri olası bütün durumlara hazırlıklı olabilmeleri için sürekli değişen dinamik çevre koşullarına uyum sağlamaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, gelişen bir ekosistem olarak kabul edilen Türkiye’deki özgirişimlerin başarılı olmasında etkili olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi için MICMAC, ekosistemdeki aktörler arası ilişkilerin incelenmesi için MACTOR yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı sistematik bir senaryo planlama yaklaşımından yararlanılmıştır. Ayrıca, özgirişimlerin başarısında rol oynayabilecek amaçlar belirlenerek, ekosistemdeki aktörlerin bu amaçlara karşı tutumları (amaçları destekleme ya da amaçlara karşı olma) incelenmiştir.


  • Audretsch, D. B. (2003). Entrepreneurship: A survey of the literature (Sy 14; Enterprise Papers). European Commission.
  • Chorev, S., & Anderson, A. R. (2008). Experts’ views on success factors for high tech start ups-lessons from Israel. Emerald.
  • Cockayne, D. (2019). What is a startup firm? A methodological and epistemological investigation into research objects in economic geography. Geoforum, 107, 77-87.
  • Cohen, S., Fehder, D. C., Hochberg, Y. V., & Murray, F. (2019). The design of startup accelerators. Research Policy, 48(7), 1781-1797.
  • Devece, C., Peris-Ortiz, M., & Rueda-Armengot, C. (2016). Entrepreneurship during economic crisis: Success factors and paths to failure. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5366-5370.
  • Duperrin, J.-C., & Godet, M. (1973). Méthode de hiérarchisation des éléments d’un système: Essai de prospective du système de l’énergie nucléaire dans son contexte sociétal (R-45-41; Rapport économique du CEA).
  • Durance, P., & Godet, M. (2010). Scenario building: Uses and abuses. Technological Forecasting& Social Change, 77(9), 1488-1492.
  • Ekinci, Y., Gordon-Wilson, S., & Slade, A. (2020). An exploration of entrepreneurs’ identities and business growth. Business Horizons, 63(3), 391-401.
  • Ekpe, I., Razak, R. C., Ismail, M., & Abdullah, Z. (2015). Entrepreneurial Skill Acquisition and Youth’s Self-Employment in Malaysia: How Far? Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 150.
  • European Innovation Scoreboard. (2019). European Commission.
  • Gatewood, E. J., Shaver, K. G., & Gartner, W. B. (1995). A longitudinal study of cognitive factors influencing start-up behaviors and success at venture creation. Journal of business venturing, 10(5), 371-391.
  • Genome, S. (2020). The Global Startup Ecosystem Report.
  • Ghosh, S., & Bhowmick, B. (2014). Uncertainties in entrepreneurship climate: A study on start-ups in India. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 46-55.
  • Gladwell, M. (2009). Outliers (Çizginin Dışındakiler). Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. Godet, M. (1986). Introduction to la prospective: Seven key ideas and one scenario method. Futures, 18(2), 134-157.
  • Godet, M. (1991). Actors’ moves and strategies: The mactor method: An air transport case study. Futures, 23(6), 605-622.
  • Godet, M. (1994). From anticipation to action: A handbook of strategic prospective. UNESCO Publishing.
  • Godet, M. (2006). Creating Futures: Scenario Planning as a Strategic Management Tool (2. bs). Economica.
  • Godet, M., Durance, P., & Gerber, A. (2008). Strategic foresight, la prospective: Use and misuse of scenario building. LIPSOR Working Paper.
  • Gonzalez, G. (2017). What factors are causal to survival of a startup. Muma Business Review, 1(9), 97-114.
  • Hatthakijphong, P., & Ting, H.-I. (2019). Prioritizing successful entrepreneurial skills: An emphasis on the perspectives of entrepreneurs versus aspiring entrepreneurs. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34, 100603.
  • Hazudin, S. F., Kader, M. A. R. A., Tarmuji, N. H., Ishak, M., & Ali, R. (2015). Discovering small business start up motives, success factors and barriers: A gender analysis. Procedia Economics and Finance, 31, 436-443.
  • Kuckertz, A., Brändle, L., Gaudig, A., Hinderer, S., Reyes, C. A. M., Prochotta, A., Steinbrink, K. M., & Berger, E. S. (2020). Startups in times of crisis–A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13, e00169.
  • Lasch, F., Le Roy, F., & Yami, S. (2007). Critical growth factors of ICT start‐ups. Management Decision, 45, 62-75.
  • MACTOR Software. (2021). Methods of prospective : La prospective.
  • Nalintippayawong, S., Waiyawatpattarakul, N., & Chotipant, S. (2018). Examining the critical success factors of startup in thailand using structural equation model. 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 388-393.
  • OC&C. (2018). Türkiye’nin teknoloji girişimciliği ekosistemi. Google.
  • Olugbola, S. A. (2017). Exploring entrepreneurial readiness of youth and startup success components: Entrepreneurship training as a moderator. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2(3), 155-171.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M., & Karaca, M. (2015). Girişimcilik Girişimci Kişilik: Kavram ve Uygulama. Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Özsoy, Ş. (2019). Her Girişim Bir Startup mıdır? Harvard Business Review Türkiye.
  • Paschen, J. (2017). Choose wisely: Crowdfunding through the stages of the startup life cycle. Business Horizons, 60(2), 179-188.
  • Prohorovs, A., Bistrova, J., & Ten, D. (2019). Startup Success Factors in the Capital Attraction Stage: Founders’ Perspective. Journal of East-West Business, 25(1), 26-51.
  • Riani, A. (2021). The Difference Between An Entrepreneur And A Startup Founder. Forbes.
  • Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses. Portfolio Penguin.
  • Skawińska, E., & Zalewski, R. I. (2020). Success factors of startups in the EU—A comparative study. Sustainability, 12(19), 8200.
  • Szarek, J., & Piecuch, J. (2018). The importance of startups for construction of innovative economies. Przedsiębiorczość Międzynarodowa, 4(2 International Growth and Entrepreneurship), 69-78.
  • Teker, S., & Teker, D. (2016). Venture capital and business angels: Turkish case. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 235, 630-637.
  • The State of Turkish Startup Ecosystem: An In-Depth Analysis and Evaluation. (2020). Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Investment Offic.
  • Tripathi, N., Seppänen, P., Boominathan, G., Oivo, M., & Liukkunen, K. (2019). Insights into startup ecosystems through exploration of multi-vocal literature. Information and Software Technology, 105, 56-77.
  • Vliamos, S. J., & Tzeremes, N. G. (2012). Factors influencing entrepreneurial process and firm start-ups: Evidence from central Greece. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 3(3).
  • Yanmaz, Ö., Kadaifci, C., Asan, U., & Bozdag, E. (2018). A Systematic Approach to the Analysis of Barriers and Drivers of the ESCO Market in Turkey. İçinde Energy Management—Collective and Computational Intelligence with Theory and Applications (ss. 405-426). Springer.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 96 - 109, 30.06.2021


Offering innovative ideas and new business models, start-ups contribute significantly to the national and international economic growth and the increase in labor force participation. Start-ups taking high risks to survive and supporting the increase in the technology level and innovation capability of the ecosystems they are operating in need to adapt to the ever-changing dynamic environment in order to be prepared for the possible alternative futures they may encounter. In this study, a systematic scenario planning approach using MICMAC method for determining the factors affecting the success of the start-ups in Turkey, which is considered as an emerging ecosystem, and MACTOR method for examining the relationships among the actors in the ecosystem, has been used. Also, the attitudes (i.e. being in favor of or being opposed to the objectives) of the actors in the ecosystem towards the objectives that may have an important part in the success of the start-ups are examined.


  • Audretsch, D. B. (2003). Entrepreneurship: A survey of the literature (Sy 14; Enterprise Papers). European Commission.
  • Chorev, S., & Anderson, A. R. (2008). Experts’ views on success factors for high tech start ups-lessons from Israel. Emerald.
  • Cockayne, D. (2019). What is a startup firm? A methodological and epistemological investigation into research objects in economic geography. Geoforum, 107, 77-87.
  • Cohen, S., Fehder, D. C., Hochberg, Y. V., & Murray, F. (2019). The design of startup accelerators. Research Policy, 48(7), 1781-1797.
  • Devece, C., Peris-Ortiz, M., & Rueda-Armengot, C. (2016). Entrepreneurship during economic crisis: Success factors and paths to failure. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5366-5370.
  • Duperrin, J.-C., & Godet, M. (1973). Méthode de hiérarchisation des éléments d’un système: Essai de prospective du système de l’énergie nucléaire dans son contexte sociétal (R-45-41; Rapport économique du CEA).
  • Durance, P., & Godet, M. (2010). Scenario building: Uses and abuses. Technological Forecasting& Social Change, 77(9), 1488-1492.
  • Ekinci, Y., Gordon-Wilson, S., & Slade, A. (2020). An exploration of entrepreneurs’ identities and business growth. Business Horizons, 63(3), 391-401.
  • Ekpe, I., Razak, R. C., Ismail, M., & Abdullah, Z. (2015). Entrepreneurial Skill Acquisition and Youth’s Self-Employment in Malaysia: How Far? Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 150.
  • European Innovation Scoreboard. (2019). European Commission.
  • Gatewood, E. J., Shaver, K. G., & Gartner, W. B. (1995). A longitudinal study of cognitive factors influencing start-up behaviors and success at venture creation. Journal of business venturing, 10(5), 371-391.
  • Genome, S. (2020). The Global Startup Ecosystem Report.
  • Ghosh, S., & Bhowmick, B. (2014). Uncertainties in entrepreneurship climate: A study on start-ups in India. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 46-55.
  • Gladwell, M. (2009). Outliers (Çizginin Dışındakiler). Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.Ş. Godet, M. (1986). Introduction to la prospective: Seven key ideas and one scenario method. Futures, 18(2), 134-157.
  • Godet, M. (1991). Actors’ moves and strategies: The mactor method: An air transport case study. Futures, 23(6), 605-622.
  • Godet, M. (1994). From anticipation to action: A handbook of strategic prospective. UNESCO Publishing.
  • Godet, M. (2006). Creating Futures: Scenario Planning as a Strategic Management Tool (2. bs). Economica.
  • Godet, M., Durance, P., & Gerber, A. (2008). Strategic foresight, la prospective: Use and misuse of scenario building. LIPSOR Working Paper.
  • Gonzalez, G. (2017). What factors are causal to survival of a startup. Muma Business Review, 1(9), 97-114.
  • Hatthakijphong, P., & Ting, H.-I. (2019). Prioritizing successful entrepreneurial skills: An emphasis on the perspectives of entrepreneurs versus aspiring entrepreneurs. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34, 100603.
  • Hazudin, S. F., Kader, M. A. R. A., Tarmuji, N. H., Ishak, M., & Ali, R. (2015). Discovering small business start up motives, success factors and barriers: A gender analysis. Procedia Economics and Finance, 31, 436-443.
  • Kuckertz, A., Brändle, L., Gaudig, A., Hinderer, S., Reyes, C. A. M., Prochotta, A., Steinbrink, K. M., & Berger, E. S. (2020). Startups in times of crisis–A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13, e00169.
  • Lasch, F., Le Roy, F., & Yami, S. (2007). Critical growth factors of ICT start‐ups. Management Decision, 45, 62-75.
  • MACTOR Software. (2021). Methods of prospective : La prospective.
  • Nalintippayawong, S., Waiyawatpattarakul, N., & Chotipant, S. (2018). Examining the critical success factors of startup in thailand using structural equation model. 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 388-393.
  • OC&C. (2018). Türkiye’nin teknoloji girişimciliği ekosistemi. Google.
  • Olugbola, S. A. (2017). Exploring entrepreneurial readiness of youth and startup success components: Entrepreneurship training as a moderator. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2(3), 155-171.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M., & Karaca, M. (2015). Girişimcilik Girişimci Kişilik: Kavram ve Uygulama. Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Özsoy, Ş. (2019). Her Girişim Bir Startup mıdır? Harvard Business Review Türkiye.
  • Paschen, J. (2017). Choose wisely: Crowdfunding through the stages of the startup life cycle. Business Horizons, 60(2), 179-188.
  • Prohorovs, A., Bistrova, J., & Ten, D. (2019). Startup Success Factors in the Capital Attraction Stage: Founders’ Perspective. Journal of East-West Business, 25(1), 26-51.
  • Riani, A. (2021). The Difference Between An Entrepreneur And A Startup Founder. Forbes.
  • Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses. Portfolio Penguin.
  • Skawińska, E., & Zalewski, R. I. (2020). Success factors of startups in the EU—A comparative study. Sustainability, 12(19), 8200.
  • Szarek, J., & Piecuch, J. (2018). The importance of startups for construction of innovative economies. Przedsiębiorczość Międzynarodowa, 4(2 International Growth and Entrepreneurship), 69-78.
  • Teker, S., & Teker, D. (2016). Venture capital and business angels: Turkish case. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 235, 630-637.
  • The State of Turkish Startup Ecosystem: An In-Depth Analysis and Evaluation. (2020). Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Investment Offic.
  • Tripathi, N., Seppänen, P., Boominathan, G., Oivo, M., & Liukkunen, K. (2019). Insights into startup ecosystems through exploration of multi-vocal literature. Information and Software Technology, 105, 56-77.
  • Vliamos, S. J., & Tzeremes, N. G. (2012). Factors influencing entrepreneurial process and firm start-ups: Evidence from central Greece. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 3(3).
  • Yanmaz, Ö., Kadaifci, C., Asan, U., & Bozdag, E. (2018). A Systematic Approach to the Analysis of Barriers and Drivers of the ESCO Market in Turkey. İçinde Energy Management—Collective and Computational Intelligence with Theory and Applications (ss. 405-426). Springer.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ensar Bozkurt Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4076-6719

Çiğdem Kadaifçi 0000-0001-6900-5238

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozkurt, E., & Kadaifçi, Ç. (2021). ÖZGİRİŞİMLERİN BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİNİN SENARYO PLANLAMA YAKLAŞIMI İLE İNCELENMESİ. Tasarım Mimarlık Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 1(2), 96-109.