Kur'an-ı Kerim, edebi sanatların zirve dönemini yaşadığı bir zamanda nazil olmuştur. Kur’an, sadece edebî yönüyle değil, içeriği yönüyle de muhataplarını aciz bırakmıştır. Söz konusu muhteva içerisinde tarihsel süreçte asırlar sonra tespit edilebilmiş bilimsel gerçekleri haber vermesi de yer almıştır. Bilimin gelişmesiyle Kur'an'ın verdiği bilgilerin, bilimsel gerçekliklerle ne kadar örtüştüğü ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu gelişmeler Kur'an-ı Kerimin başta i'câzı olmak üzere her yönüyle yalnızca Hz. Peygamberin nübüvveti döneminde değil, kıyamete kadar mucize olduğunu kanıtlamıştır. Kur'an'ın bilimsel i'câzı, indirildiği dönemde henüz bilinemeyen ancak bilimin gelişmesi sayesinde keşfedilen dikkat çekici bilgilerin bilimsel yönden ortaya konulmasıyla ortaya çıkmıştır. Modern bilimlerin gelişiminden önce ilk defa Kur'an-ı Kerim, güneş sisteminden, insanın spermden yaratılışı ve embriyonun gelişim sürecinden kusursuz bir şekilde bahsetmiştir. Müslümanların, Kur'an-ı Kerim'in edebî üslubu ve belagati bakımından mucize oluşu konusunda tereddütleri olmamıştır. Makalemizde bilimsel ve belagat açısından Kur'an icazının apaçık bir gerçek olduğu işlenecektir. Çalışmamızda şu kesin sonçlara ulaşılmıştır: Kur'an-ı Kerim'in bilimsel ve belagat açısından mucizevi olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Kur'an'ın kanıtlanmış bilimsel deliller sunması, onun Allah'ın kelamı ve Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v)'in, Allah'ın elçisi olduğunu ispat etmektedir. Kur'an-ı Kerim, indirildiği dönemde henüz insanlar tarafından bilinmeyen birçok doğru bilimsel bilgiler içermektedir. Muazzam bir belagat ve edebî sanatlarla süslenmiş Kur'an ayetlerinin, hiçbir surette insan ürünü olamayacağı ortaya konulmuştur.
The Quran was revealed when literary arts were at their peak. The Quran not only surprised its audience with its literary aspects but also with its contents. In this manner, it includes informing clues about scientific facts that could only be discovered centuries later in historical processes. With the advancement of science, it has become apparent how much the information provided by the Quran aligns with scientific realities These developments have proven that the Holy Quran is a book that appeals to the ages not only during the time of the Prophet, but also until the end of time, in terms of its magnificent miraculousness and the fact that it has determined scientific facts in advance. The scientific miracle of the Quran emerged with the scientific exposition of remarkable information that was yet unknown at the time of its revelation but was discovered through the advancement of science. For the first time even before the development of modern sciences, the Quran spoke perfectly about the solar system, the creation of humans from sperm, and the development process of the embryo. Muslims have never had doubts about the miraculous nature of the Quran concerning its literary style and eloquence. In this article, the clear reality of the Quran's miraculous nature from both scientific and rhetorical perspectives where discussed. The research aims to understand the relationship between modern science and Quranic verses and enlightens the literary and scientific aspects of the Quran. Additionally, the problem of comprehension and interpretation of Quranic verses Quranic verses with a scientific approach and the issue of some people not knowing about or being convinced by the scientific miracles in the Quran have been examined through inductive reasoning. In this context, classical and contemporary Islamic scholars' works have been consulted as a fundamental method to ensure the presentation of data regarding the miraculous nature of the Quran, and efforts have been made to extract evidence by analyzing Quranic verses. This study reached the following definite conclusions: The Quran has been proven to be miraculous both scientifically and rhetorically. The fact that the Quran provides proven scientific evidence proves that it is the word of Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The Quran contains many accurate scientific facts that were not known to humans at the period of its revelation. The magnificent structure of the verses of the Quran, decorated with literary arts, has revealed that it is definitely not of human origin.
Arabic Language and Rhetoric Rhetoric Quran Scientific Miracles Rhetorical Miracle Science.
لقد نزل القرآن الكريم في فترة ازدهرت فيها الفنون الأدبية. لقد ترك القرآنُ مخاطبِيه عاجزين ليس فقط من حيث أساليب البلاغية، بل من حيث محتواه أيضاً. كما يتضمن محتواه نقل الحقائق العلمية التي تم اكتشافها بعد قرون في العملية التاريخية، ومع تطور العلم عبر التاريخ أصبح من الواضح مدى تطابق المعلومات التي يقدمها القرآن الكريم مع الواقع العلمي .أظهرت التطورات الحديثة أن القرآن، خاصةً بإعجازه، يظل معجزة تتجدد في كل العصور، وليس مقتصراً على عصر النبوة، بل يمتد تأثيره إلى يوم القيامة. القرآن الكريم يحتوي على العديد من الأمثلة على الإعجاز العلمي، مثل ذكر نظام المجموعة الشمسية وخلق الإنسان من نطفة، ووصف مراحل نموه الجنيني، وكل ذلك تم اكتشافه بواسطة العلم الحديث. يتفق المسلمون على أن القرآن الكريم يمثل معجزة في أسلوبه اللغوي وفي بلاغته. سوف يتضح لنا في مقالتنا أن الإعجاز العلمي والبلاغي في القرآن حقيقة واضحة. توصلت الدراسة إلى عدة نتائج، أهمها: يقدم القرآن الكريم دلائل علمية تم تأكيدها من خلال تطور الأبحاث العلمية، مما يثبت أن القرآن الكريم كتاب الله تعالى، وأن محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم هو رسول الله. يتضمن القرآن الكريم العديد من المعلومات العلمية الدقيقة التي لم تكن معروفة للبشر في عصر نزوله، ويتميز ببلاغة رائعة، لا يمكن أن تكون من تأليف بشري على الإطلاق.
Primary Language | Arabic |
Subjects | Arabic Language and Rhetoric |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2024 |
Submission Date | February 8, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | June 10, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 |
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