Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 89 - 105, 15.01.2018


This study focuses on a prevalent topic named development aid
system that almost all the actors in international system consider. The
transformation from being development aid tool to being a part of development
cooperation became more important after some turning points in the countries’
history. For this reason, firstly the history and transformation of Chinese
development aid are explained with the key changes in China’s history. The
Beijing Consensus, some declarations and agreements are considered while
explaining historical transformation. In this context, the features and the
uniqueness of Chinese aid are explained in details. As indicated in the title of
this study, China shows uniqueness in development aid field. While China get
advantages of these features, these features may also create challenges in
international arena for China. In the last part of the study, the challenges and
critics that China faces are analyzed in the process that lasts from the
beginning of being a recipient country to be an active donor country. The
reports and international policies announced by official authorities and articles
are used to analyze this process. The untypical form of Chinese aid is seen at
the end of the study. The China’s implementations of the aid policies show the
way China goes. To better understand and realize the study, the overall
evaluation of the paper is situated in the last part of the study.


  • BINDER, Andrea, Meier, Claudia and Steets, Julia (2010), Humanitarian Aid: Truly Universal? A Mapping Study of NonWestern Donors, Research Paper No:12, Global Public Policy Institute, pp.1-41.
  • BRAUTIGAM, Deborah (2008), “China’s African Aid: Transatlantic Challenges”, GMF Report, pp.1-32.
  • BRAUTIGAM, Deborah (2011), “Aid with Chinese Characteristics: Chinese Foreign Aid and development finance meet the OECD-DAC Regime”, Journal of International Development, Vol: 23, Iss: 5, pp. 752-764.
  • CHIN, T. Gregory and FROLIC, B. Michael (2007), “Emerging Donors in International Development Aid- The China Case”, PBDD, pp.1-22.
  • DAVIES, Martyn (2008), How China delivers development aid to Africa, Centre for Chinese Studies, Beijing.
  • FENNY, Simon and CLARKE, Matthew (2008), “Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the Asia- Pacific Region: The role of International Aid”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol: 49, No:2, pp.198-212.
  • GABAS, Jean Jacques (2009), “Emerging Countries and International Cooperation”, in The Emerging States. The Wellspring of a New World Order, pp. 197-208.
  • LENGAUER, Sara (2011), “China’s Foreign Aid Policy: Motive and Method”, Centre for East-West Cultural and Economic Studies, Vol:9, Iss:2, pp.35-81.
  • Lİ, Anshan (2007), “China and Africa: Policy and Challenges”, China Security, Vol:3, Iss:3, pp.69-93.
  • MCCORMICK, Dorothy (2008), “China & India as Africa's New Donors: The Impact of Aid on Development”, Review of African Political Economy, Vol:35, Iss:115, pp. 73-92.
  • CABRIA, Nicola (2013), Does China Plan and Evaluate Foreign Aid Projects Like Traditional Donors?, Stellenbosch University, available at: bria_2013_ONLINE_and_PRINT.pdf, (Accessed: 25.12.2017).
  • CHINA WHITE PAPER (2014), China’s Foreign Aid- 2014, available 9074.htm, (Accessed: 25.12.2017).
  • DEFRAIGNE, Jean- Christophe and BELLOGOLI, Serena (2012, June 28), “Ties between business and aid programs in Africa- A comparative analysis between the European and the Chinese”, EBHA Conference, , 2010, August 26-28, Glasgow, pp. 1-33. Available at, (Accessed: 28.12.2017).
  • ECOSOC (2008), Background Study for the Development Cooperation Forum: Trends in South- South and Triangular Development Cooperation,pp. 1-54, available at:, (Accessed: 27.12.2017).
  • KOBAYASHI, Takaaki (2008), “Evolution of China’s Aid Policy”, JBIC Institute, pp.1-56, available at: p27_e.pdf, (Accessed: 27.12.2017).
  • MFA of the PRC, China's Initiation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence, available at: 43/3604_665547/t18053.shtml, (Accessed: 26.12.2017).
  • OECD, China’s Development Cooperation, available at, (Accessed: 26.12.2017).
  • RAMO, Joshua Cooper, “The Beijing Consensus”, The Foreign Policy Centre, available at: 9.pdf, (Accessed: 26.12.2017).
  • UN, Millennium Development Goals, available at:, (Accessed: 26.12.2017)

Çin’in Uluslararası Kalkınma Yardımları Alanındaki Konumu ve Eşsizliği

Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 89 - 105, 15.01.2018


Bu çalışma uluslararası sistemdeki hemen hemen tüm aktörlerin dikkate
aldığı kalkınma yardımı sistemine odaklanmaktadır. Kalkınma yardımı aracı
olmaktan kalkınma işbirliğinin bir parçası olmaya giden dönüşüm süreci,
birtakım dönüm noktaları ile birlikte daha önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu sebeple
öncelikle Çin tarihindeki önemli değişiklikler ile Çin kalkınma yardımlarının
tarihi ve dönüşümü açıklanmıştır. Süreci açıklarken Pekin Konsensusu, Çin’in
dahil olduğu bazı bildiriler ve anlaşmalar göz önüne alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda
Çin yardımlarının özellikleri ve eşsizliği ayrıntılı şekilde incelenmiştir.  Çalışmanın başlığında da belirtildiği üzere Çin bu alanda birtakım farklı
özellikler sergilemektedir. Bu özellikler bir yandan avantajlar sağlarken bir
yandan da uluslararası arenada Çin için zorluklar oluşturabilmektedir.
Çalışmanın son bölümünde Çin’in alıcı ülke olmaktan aktif bir donor ülke
olmaya giden süreçte karşılaştığı zorluklar ve bunlara eleştiriler analiz
edilmiştir. Bu analizi yaparken raporlar ve resmi otoriteler tarafından
açıklanan politikalar kullanılmıştır. Çin’in sıradan olmayan yardım yapısıda
çalışmanın sonunda belirtilmiştir. Yardım politikalarının uygulamaları,
Çin’in çizdiği yolu göstermektedir. Çalışmayı daha iyi anlamak adına
çalışmanın değerlendirmesi de son bölümde yapılmıştır.


  • BINDER, Andrea, Meier, Claudia and Steets, Julia (2010), Humanitarian Aid: Truly Universal? A Mapping Study of NonWestern Donors, Research Paper No:12, Global Public Policy Institute, pp.1-41.
  • BRAUTIGAM, Deborah (2008), “China’s African Aid: Transatlantic Challenges”, GMF Report, pp.1-32.
  • BRAUTIGAM, Deborah (2011), “Aid with Chinese Characteristics: Chinese Foreign Aid and development finance meet the OECD-DAC Regime”, Journal of International Development, Vol: 23, Iss: 5, pp. 752-764.
  • CHIN, T. Gregory and FROLIC, B. Michael (2007), “Emerging Donors in International Development Aid- The China Case”, PBDD, pp.1-22.
  • DAVIES, Martyn (2008), How China delivers development aid to Africa, Centre for Chinese Studies, Beijing.
  • FENNY, Simon and CLARKE, Matthew (2008), “Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the Asia- Pacific Region: The role of International Aid”, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Vol: 49, No:2, pp.198-212.
  • GABAS, Jean Jacques (2009), “Emerging Countries and International Cooperation”, in The Emerging States. The Wellspring of a New World Order, pp. 197-208.
  • LENGAUER, Sara (2011), “China’s Foreign Aid Policy: Motive and Method”, Centre for East-West Cultural and Economic Studies, Vol:9, Iss:2, pp.35-81.
  • Lİ, Anshan (2007), “China and Africa: Policy and Challenges”, China Security, Vol:3, Iss:3, pp.69-93.
  • MCCORMICK, Dorothy (2008), “China & India as Africa's New Donors: The Impact of Aid on Development”, Review of African Political Economy, Vol:35, Iss:115, pp. 73-92.
  • CABRIA, Nicola (2013), Does China Plan and Evaluate Foreign Aid Projects Like Traditional Donors?, Stellenbosch University, available at: bria_2013_ONLINE_and_PRINT.pdf, (Accessed: 25.12.2017).
  • CHINA WHITE PAPER (2014), China’s Foreign Aid- 2014, available 9074.htm, (Accessed: 25.12.2017).
  • DEFRAIGNE, Jean- Christophe and BELLOGOLI, Serena (2012, June 28), “Ties between business and aid programs in Africa- A comparative analysis between the European and the Chinese”, EBHA Conference, , 2010, August 26-28, Glasgow, pp. 1-33. Available at, (Accessed: 28.12.2017).
  • ECOSOC (2008), Background Study for the Development Cooperation Forum: Trends in South- South and Triangular Development Cooperation,pp. 1-54, available at:, (Accessed: 27.12.2017).
  • KOBAYASHI, Takaaki (2008), “Evolution of China’s Aid Policy”, JBIC Institute, pp.1-56, available at: p27_e.pdf, (Accessed: 27.12.2017).
  • MFA of the PRC, China's Initiation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence, available at: 43/3604_665547/t18053.shtml, (Accessed: 26.12.2017).
  • OECD, China’s Development Cooperation, available at, (Accessed: 26.12.2017).
  • RAMO, Joshua Cooper, “The Beijing Consensus”, The Foreign Policy Centre, available at: 9.pdf, (Accessed: 26.12.2017).
  • UN, Millennium Development Goals, available at:, (Accessed: 26.12.2017)
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Ceren Urcan This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 1



Journal of East Asia Studies in Türkiye (JEAST)