Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 6/8/21

Year: 2020

DEHUKAMDER focuses on academic research in the field of maritime law and policy. The primary aim of the journal is to promote awareness of maritime law through publications, to facilitate discussion, to offer new perspectives and to increase knowledge by including the latest developments in the field. DEHUKAMDER is a journal open to contributions from experts in various disciplines related to maritime law at the national and international levels and aims to analyse in depth critical issues in maritime law."

The main problems in the field of maritime law and policy in Türkiye and the world, scientific solutions and new theories are the main areas of interest of DEHUKAMDER. To this end, the journal publishes articles written on topics such as new approaches to maritime law, scientific examination of concepts and institutions, or research with a high degree of intellectual merit. DEHUKAMDER accepts articles written in Turkish and English. The articles written in Turkish are translated into English by certified translators and published in both Turkish and English.

(1) Articles submitted to the journal proceeding should not be published or submitted elsewhere for consideration. Submissions, if accepted for publication, should be copyright – owned by the Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM) (digital / electronic media included) with all its publication rights and cannot be published anywhere else without DEHUKAM’s consent.

(2) Articles submitted to the journal must comply with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For more information: https://publicationethics.org

(3) Submission proposals should be sent by e-mail to dehukamder@dehukam.org, with the copy of the proposed article attached.

(4) In the submission proposals, the authors should state their titles, institutions they work, communication addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

(5) Submissions should not exceed 10,000 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography. Turkish and English abstracts as well as Turkish and English titles and maximum 5 keywords should be included at the beginning of the articles. A maximum of 250 words should be used in the abstract.

(6) Just below the title of the article, the title and surname of the author should be indicated, aligned to the right of the page, and a footnote with a star should be placed at the end of the surname. In the footnote with a star, the institution to which the author is affiliated, his title, e-mail address and ORCID ID address should be included.

Example: Ankara University Law Faculty, Department of Maritime Law (e-mail adress) (ORCID ID: 0000-0000-0000-0000).

(7) Submissions should be prepared in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word 5.1 for Macintosh format.

(8) The main body of the text should be prepared in Times New Roman characters, 11 – point font, 1.1 line spacing, 9 pt paragraph spacing. Footnotes should be prepared with 0.5 cm indentation, Times New Roman characters, 9 – point font, 1 type in spacing and 2 pt paragraph spacing.

(9) If the citations in the text are less than three lines, the quoted part is written in “…”. If the quotations are more than three lines, they should be written as a separate paragraph indented 1.5 cm from the right and left, in “…”, in times new roman character, 9 pt, text spacing 1.1 spacing, paragraph spacing 6 pt.

(10) Foreign words in the article should be specified in italic font.

(11) Reference to names in the main text should not be shortened unless necessary. When shortening is necessary, the name should be given as a whole and the shortened version should be added in parenthesis next to it.

(12) Headings in the text should be arranged as follows:


1. Bold and Only Initial Letters Capitalized

A. Bold and Only Initial Letters Capitalized

a. White and Only Initial Letters Uppercase

aa.White and Only Initial Letters Uppercase

(13) References and citations should be prepared in the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) style. The final version of the relevant reference system can be accessed via https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/migrated/oscola_4th_edn_hart_2012.pdf. The first references to the sources are made in accordance with the examples given below:

For books and book chapters:

Nil Kula-Değirmenci, Türk Hukukunda Deniz Alacaklarına Karşı Sorumluluğu Sınırlama Fonu (1st edn, On İki Levha Yayıncılık 2015).

Yücel Acer and İbrahim Kaya, Uluslararası Hukuk İngilizce Özetli Ders Kitabı (Revised and Extended 12nd edn, Seçkin Yayıncılık 2021) 209.

Kemal Şenocak, ‘Sorumluluk Konusu Olaya Kasten Neden Olma (TTK m. 1477)’, Samim Ünan ve Emine Yazıcıoğlu (eds), Sigorta Hukuku Sempozyumları (1st edn, On İki Levha Yayıncılık 2018) 173.

For the articles, theses and communiqués:

İsmail Demir, ‘Deniz Alacaklarına Karşı Mesuliyetin Sınırlandırılması Hakkında Milletlerarası Sözleşme’de Yapılan 2012 Değişikliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi’ (2015) 31(1) BATİDER 111, 117.

Javan Herberg, ‘Injunctive Relief for Wrongful Termination of Employment’ (DPhil thesis, University of Oxford 1989).

Ben McFarlane and Donal Nolan, ‘Remedying Reliance: The Future Development of Promissory and Proprietary Estoppel in English Law’ (Obligations III conference, Brisbane, July 2006).

For internet resources:

Sarah Cole, ‘Virtual Friend Fires Employee’ accessed 19 November 2009.

For legislation:

Turkish Civil Code, Code Number: 4721, Acceptance Date: 22.11.2001, OG 08.12.2001/24607.

For international contracts:

International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992.

For Turkish court decisions:

HD, 17.11.1981, E. 1980 / 4528, K. 1981 / 4880 (Access Source).

İstanbul BAM 37. HD, 6.7.2018, E. 2018/426, K. 2018/1194 (Access Source).

İstanbul 17. Asliye Ticaret Mahkemesi, 18.12.2018, E. 2016/299, K. 2018/497 (Access Source).

For court decisions of other countries:

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Case (El Salvador/Honduras, Nicaragua intervening)
(Application for Intervention) [1990] ICJ Rep 92.

Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] UKHL 13, [2008] 1 AC 884.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

For the texts of the decision etc. published in the Official Gazette:

OG 24.07.2001/24472.

(14) In subsequent citations to a work by the same author, only the surname of the author and then a comma can be used to refer to the relevant page. The following example can be considered at this point.

1Ademuni-Odeke, ‘Port State Control and UK Law’ (1997) 28 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 657, 660.

5Ademuni-Odeke, 662.

(15) In case of citing more than one work by the same author, which abbreviation will be used about the work name is shown in parentheses at the end of the first citation and then abbreviated in line with the following examples:

For the books:

1Gareth Jones, Goffand Jones: The Law of Restitution (7th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009) 15 (Restitutio).

5Jones, Restitutio, 20.

For the articles and Communiqués:

2Jeremy Waldron, ‘The Core of the Case against Judicial Review’ (2006) 115 Yale LJ 1346, 1372 (‘Judicial Review’).

7Waldron, ‘Judicial Review’ ,1375.

(16) The references to be included in the bibliography take the same format as the references in the footnotes, with the following exceptions: the initials of the author should be used instead of the name of the author, and these letters should only be followed by a comma after the last initial letter, without comma separation. The surname of the author must come before the initials of the name.

In reference to the footnote:

Elizabeth Fisher, Risk Regulation and Administrative Constitutionalism (Hart Publishing 2007).

In the bibliography:

Fisher E, Risk Regulation and Administrative Constitutionalism (Hart Publishing 2007)

(17) References should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname in the bibliography. If more than one work by the same author is cited in the bibliography, the author’s works should be listed in chronological order (from the oldest) and alphabetically by the first word of the title within a year. After the reference to the first work, the author’s name should be replaced by a dash. Works by more than one author should be listed alphabetically under the name of the first author, after that author’s works as a single author. If the first author has co-authored more than one work, the co-authored works should be listed alphabetically after the last name of the co-author. If more than one work by the same first author and co-author is cited, the works should be listed chronologically and the name of the co-author should be repeated each time.

Atamer K, ‘1976 Sınırlı Sorumluluk ve 1992 Petrol Kirliliği Sözleşmelerinin Tatbikatı’na Dair Yasal Düzenleme Taslağı ve Gerekçesi’, Bilgi Toplumunda Hukuk – Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp’e Armağan, vol 1 (1st edn, BETA 2003) 849 (‘Sınırlı Sorumluluk’)

—— ‘Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu Uyarınca “Zarar Sigortaları”na Giriş’ (2011) 27 BATİDER 21 (‘Zarar Sigortaları’)

—— ‘Deniz Ticareti Hukuku’na İlişkin Tartışmalı İçtihatların Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu Uyarınca Değerlendirilmesi’, Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu XXVI, Bildiriler- Tartışmalar, 14 December 2012 (1st edn, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü 2013) 211 (‘Tartışmalı İçtihatlar’)

—— Deniz Ticareti Hukuku, vol 1 (1st edn, On İki Levha Yayıncılık 2017) (Deniz Ticareti)

—— ve Süzel C, Yeni Deniz Ticareti Hukuku’nun Kaynakları, Milletlerarası Sözleşmeler ve Açıklamalı Çevirileri, Bibliyografya, Mahkeme Kararları (1st edn, On İki Levha Yayıncılık 2013)

(18) Submissions that are found unsuitable for DEHUKAMDER publication, will be returned to the author(s) for corrections and / or resubmission, before being sent to the referee.

(19) Submissions found suitable for DEHUKAMDER will be sent to at least two independent reviewers in a blind procedure. In line with the reports from the referees, it is either decided to publish the submission, or to ask the author for corrections within the framework of the reports, or to reject the submission, and the author is notified of the situation as soon as possible.

In case one of the referee reports is accepted and the other is rejected, a third referee can be appointed for the article or the editorial board can make the decision on this subject without re-appointing a referee.

(20) The Editorial Board, taking into account the volume of articles to be published in the relevant issue, may decide to publish the articles which have received a satisfactory report from the referees in subsequent issues or to shorten them by the author, taking their length into consideration.

(21) ‘DEHUKAMDER’ pseudonym may be used for reference to any of its published articles.

(22) All translations included in the journal have been provided by a translation agency and the authors are not responsible for the translations.

(23) The listing of articles in the journal will appear in the alphabetical order of the authors’ last names.

The publishing processes of the DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAMDER) are carried out in accordance with the international publishing ethics and the principle of creating, developing and sharing information objectively using the scientific method.
DEHUKAMDER adopts the ethical publishing principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), in addition to the standards defined in the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive published by Council of Higher Education, in all publication processes.
If articles submitted to the Journal in Turkish successfully pass the peer review process, they are then sent to a certified translator by the editors to be translated into English. The articles are then published in both Turkish and English. This service is provided free of charge to the authors. However, articles submitted in English are not translated into Turkish.

DEHUKAMDER editors are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
1. Articles submitted to DEHUKAMDER are peer reviewed using a double-blind process.
2. Editors are responsible for the quality and performance of the journal and manage the entire publication process of the articles.
3. Editors are expected to review the studies in a fair and impartial manner, without any bias.
4. Editors are expected to be responsible for ensuring confidentiality and working in full cooperation throughout journal’s processes.
5. Editors communicate effectively with authors to expedite the stages of the publication process and make any necessary corrections.
6. Articles to be published in DEHUKAMDER are carefully reviewed by the journal’s editors on the basis of the reviewers’ evaluations and the editors decide whether to accept, reject, or refer to a third reviewer in the case of conflicting decisions by two reviewers.
7. While conducting the publication process of studies submitted to DEHUKAMDER, the confidentiality of the articles and author names is protected and no conflict of interest is allowed.
8. The editors manage the performance of the referees and the continuously updated referee pool.

Author(s) who submit a paper to DEHUKAMDER are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
1. Author(s) must adhere to the disclosed rules, ethical standards, and principles aligned with the journal's purpose for the publication of their papers.
2. Papers submitted to the journal must be original studies in the field of sea and maritime law.
3. Author(s) should correctly cite the sources used during the writing of the paper in accordance with ethical principles and comply with the writing rules of the journal.
4. Authors of an paper that is in the process of being publised in DEHUKAMDER should not submit the same paper to any other journal.
5. Author(s) should complete the Copyright Transfer Form and explicitly state in the form that the relevant paper has not been submitted to another journal.
6. A fair ranking of authors should be made according to their contributions to the paperand a Copyright Transfer Form should be signed by each author.
7. Authors are solely responsible for the copyright and ethical rules of their papers. DEHUKAMDER does not accept any responsibility in case of violation.
8. The data in the article should be presented accurately and completely.
9. Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest and financial support received when submitting their papers the DEHUKAMDER.
10. Authors must submit an Ethical Declaration Form, signed in wet ink, stating that the paper is original and has not been published previously.
11. Copyrighted materials must be used with appropriate permissions and necessary references.
13. The data used and consent of the subjects (if any) must be documented.
14. Authors must write their names, ORCID numbers, and institutional information accurately on the cover page along with the papers.

All articles submitted to DEHUKAMDER are evaluated through a double-blind peer-review process. Double-blind peer review means that authors and reviewers are blinded to each other's identities, ensuring an unbiased and independent review process. DEHUKAMDER expects its reviewers to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities:
1. Reviewers are selected by editors, taking into consideration their relevant previous work on similar topics.
2. Reviewers are required to carry out their duties in an objective and impartial manner.
3. Reviewers should inform the editor immediately if they are unable to carry out the review or if the subject of the article is outside the area of their expertise.
4. Unpublished materials in the article cannot be used for personal purposes by reviewers without the explicit written permission of the author.
5. The confidentiality of information and data obtained during the peer review process is essential.
6. Reviewers provide their evaluations with grounds in the "Peer Review Report" and ensure that their tone is academic and courteous.
7. The reviewers make an adequate assessment of the published literature and indicate in their reports the works not cited.
8. Reviewers inform editors regarding any errors or inaccuracies found in the articles.
9. Reviewers determine the suitability of the article for publication and request revisions if necessary.
10. The identity of reviewers is kept confidential, and a double-blind peer review process is implemented.

All author(s) individually declare their participation in the respective work, assume all responsibilities for the said work, confirm reviewing and approving the final version of the submitted article, declare that the article has not been published elsewhere nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, ensure that the texts, tables, figures, and documents have not been published elsewhere. The authors agree and warrant that the figures and documents do not infringe the Copyrights of other persons, and that they reserve the rights specified below and allow Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM) to use the copyright arising from any publication, printing, presentation, distribution and use of the article in electronic media without any restriction.

Download Copyright Form

1. All expenses of the journal are covered by Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM).
2. No fees are charged from the authors regarding management and publication processes of the studies in DEHUKAMDER.

Plagiarism is strictly an ethical violation. The use of work from other sources without proper referencing is considered a breach of ethical conduct and constitutes an offence. Articles are checked for similarity using plagiarism detection programs such as Turnitin or iThenticate, and the similarity ratios are assessed by the editors.

No fee is charged from the author or his/her institution under any name.