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VIRUS-VECTOR INTERACTION AT DISEASE OF Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus-TYLCV

Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 46 - 53, 01.06.2006


The importance of the sweetpotato or tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.), as a serious pest in vegetable and cotton has increased woldwide. The whitefly reduced crop prodection by vectoring numerous plant viruses and by direct feedind damage. Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) is one of the most devastating begomoviruses of cultivated tomatoes in tropical and subtropical regions. TYLCV, is transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in a circulative, persistent manner.


  • Albajes, R., M. L. Gullino, Van J. C. Lenteren, and Y. Elad, 2000. Integrated pest and disease Crops. Hingham, MA, USA:Kluwer Academic Publishers, Chapter 2, 16-31.
  • Bedford, I. D., R. W. Briddon, J. K., Brown, R. C. Rosell, and P. G Markham, 1994. “Geminivirus transmission and biological characterization (Gennadius) biotypes geographic regions.” Ann. Appl.Biol. 125: 311-325. Bemisia tabaci from different
  • Brown, J. K., 1996. Molecular biology and of epidemiology Geminiviridae. Interactions Review Series, G. Stacey and N. Keen, (eds) Chapman and Hall, 125- 195. Subgroup III, Plant- Microbe
  • Brown, J. K., 1994. “Current status of Bemisia tabaci as a plant pest and virus vector in agroecosystems worldwide”. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 42/1-2:3-31.
  • Cervera, M. T., J. A. Cabezas, B. Simon, J. M. Martinez-Zapater, F. Beitia, and J. L. Cenis, 2000. “Genetic relationships among biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) based on AFLP analysis”. Bulletin of Entomological Resaerch. 90, 391-396.
  • Czosnek, H., V. Fridman, M. Ghanim, A. Levy, S. Morin, G. Rubinstein, I. Sobol, M. Zeidan, 2001. Interactions of whiteflies with geminiviruses from the old world. European Whitefly Symposium. Ragusa (Sicily, Italy) 27th Feb-3rd March.
  • Gawell, N. J., and A. C. Barlett, 1993. “Characterization of differences between whiteflies using RAPD-PCR”. Insect molecular biology. 2(1). 33-38.
  • Ghanim, M., S. Morin, M. Zeidan, H. Choznek. 1997. transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl virus by its vector the whitefly Bemisia tabaci.” Virology , 240:295-303.
  • Göçmen, H., ve Z. Devran, 2002. Determination of genetic variation in populations of Bemisia tabaci in Antalya. Turk. J. Agric. For. 26. 211-216.
  • Göçmen, H., ve A. F. Özgür 1990. Pamuk beyazsineği (Genn.)(Homoptera:Aleyrodidae)’nin konukçu gelişiminin tespiti. Çukurova Üniversitesi ve populasyon Fen Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 4(3).115- 129. Fen ve
  • Idris, A. M., 1997. “Biological and molecular differentiation geminiviruses. PhD. dissertation, The University of Arizona, Tuscon, A. Z, 155 pp. subgroup III
  • Labidot, M., M. Friedman, M. Pilowsky, R. Ben- Joseph, and S.nCohen, 2001. “Effect of Host Plant Resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on Virus Acquisition and Transmission by Its Whitefly Vector”. Virology, 91:1209- 1213.
  • Labidot, M., and M. Friedman, 2001. “Breeding for resistance to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses”. Ann. appl. Biol. 140:109- 127.
  • Lima, L. H. C., L. Campos, M. C., Moretzsohn, D. Navia, ve M. R. V. de Oliveira, 2002. “Genetic diversity of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) populations in Brazil revealed by RAPD markers”. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 25, 2, 217-223.
  • Michelson, I., M. Zeidan, E. Zamski, D. Zamir, H.Choznek, 1997. “Localization of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in susseptible and tolerant nearly isogenic tomato lines”. Acta Horticulture 447: 407-414.
  • Moriones, E., and J. Navas-Castillo, 2000. “Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, an emerging epidemics worldwide”. Virus Research. 71 (1-2):123-134. causing
  • Moya, A., P. Guirao, D. Cifuentes, F. Beitias and J. L. Cenis. Molekular Ecology (2001). 10:891-897.
  • Perring, T. M.,2001. The “Bemisia tabaci species complex”. Crop protection 20: 725-737.
  • Rosell, R. C., I. D. Bedford, D. R. Frochlich, R. J. Gill, J. K. Brown, and P. G. Markham, 1997. variation in distinct populations of Bemisia Aleyrodidae)”. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 90(5):575-589. morphological tabaci (Homoptera:
  • Rubinstein, G., H. Choznek, 1997. “Long-therm association of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) with its whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci effect on the insect transmission capacity, longevity and fecundity”. Journal of General Virology 78:2683-2689.
  • Rubinstein, G., S. Morin, H. Choznek, 1999. “Long-therm effect of imidacloprid on mortality of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci caged with treated eggplant and tomato and transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus TYLCV to tomato”. Journal 92:658-662. Entomology
  • Stansly, P., A., J., M. Conner, 1999. “Impact and management of tomato yellow leaf curl virus on tomato ın southwest Florida”. Citrus and vegetable magazine.14-15.
  • Ulusoy, M. R., E. Bayhan, 2002. The B biotype of Bemisia tabaci now established in Turkey. EWSN Newsletter May, issue 13.


Year 2006, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 46 - 53, 01.06.2006


Önemli bir pamuk ve sebze zararlısı olan tütün ya da tatlı patates beyazsineği Bemisia tabaci (Genn.)’nin dünya çapındaki önemi gittikçe artmaktadır. Beyazsinek, bitkiden direkt beslenerek ve bir çok bitki virüsüne vektörlük yaparak üretimi azaltmaktadır. Domates Sarı Yaprak Kıvırcıklığı Virüsü (TYLCV), tropikal ve subtropikal bölgelerde kültür bitkisi olarak yetiştirilen domateslerin en yıkıcı begomovirüslerinden biridir. TYLCV, beyazsinek Bemisia tabaci tarafından persistent ve devirsel olarak taşınmaktadır.


  • Albajes, R., M. L. Gullino, Van J. C. Lenteren, and Y. Elad, 2000. Integrated pest and disease Crops. Hingham, MA, USA:Kluwer Academic Publishers, Chapter 2, 16-31.
  • Bedford, I. D., R. W. Briddon, J. K., Brown, R. C. Rosell, and P. G Markham, 1994. “Geminivirus transmission and biological characterization (Gennadius) biotypes geographic regions.” Ann. Appl.Biol. 125: 311-325. Bemisia tabaci from different
  • Brown, J. K., 1996. Molecular biology and of epidemiology Geminiviridae. Interactions Review Series, G. Stacey and N. Keen, (eds) Chapman and Hall, 125- 195. Subgroup III, Plant- Microbe
  • Brown, J. K., 1994. “Current status of Bemisia tabaci as a plant pest and virus vector in agroecosystems worldwide”. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. 42/1-2:3-31.
  • Cervera, M. T., J. A. Cabezas, B. Simon, J. M. Martinez-Zapater, F. Beitia, and J. L. Cenis, 2000. “Genetic relationships among biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) based on AFLP analysis”. Bulletin of Entomological Resaerch. 90, 391-396.
  • Czosnek, H., V. Fridman, M. Ghanim, A. Levy, S. Morin, G. Rubinstein, I. Sobol, M. Zeidan, 2001. Interactions of whiteflies with geminiviruses from the old world. European Whitefly Symposium. Ragusa (Sicily, Italy) 27th Feb-3rd March.
  • Gawell, N. J., and A. C. Barlett, 1993. “Characterization of differences between whiteflies using RAPD-PCR”. Insect molecular biology. 2(1). 33-38.
  • Ghanim, M., S. Morin, M. Zeidan, H. Choznek. 1997. transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl virus by its vector the whitefly Bemisia tabaci.” Virology , 240:295-303.
  • Göçmen, H., ve Z. Devran, 2002. Determination of genetic variation in populations of Bemisia tabaci in Antalya. Turk. J. Agric. For. 26. 211-216.
  • Göçmen, H., ve A. F. Özgür 1990. Pamuk beyazsineği (Genn.)(Homoptera:Aleyrodidae)’nin konukçu gelişiminin tespiti. Çukurova Üniversitesi ve populasyon Fen Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 4(3).115- 129. Fen ve
  • Idris, A. M., 1997. “Biological and molecular differentiation geminiviruses. PhD. dissertation, The University of Arizona, Tuscon, A. Z, 155 pp. subgroup III
  • Labidot, M., M. Friedman, M. Pilowsky, R. Ben- Joseph, and S.nCohen, 2001. “Effect of Host Plant Resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on Virus Acquisition and Transmission by Its Whitefly Vector”. Virology, 91:1209- 1213.
  • Labidot, M., and M. Friedman, 2001. “Breeding for resistance to whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses”. Ann. appl. Biol. 140:109- 127.
  • Lima, L. H. C., L. Campos, M. C., Moretzsohn, D. Navia, ve M. R. V. de Oliveira, 2002. “Genetic diversity of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) populations in Brazil revealed by RAPD markers”. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 25, 2, 217-223.
  • Michelson, I., M. Zeidan, E. Zamski, D. Zamir, H.Choznek, 1997. “Localization of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in susseptible and tolerant nearly isogenic tomato lines”. Acta Horticulture 447: 407-414.
  • Moriones, E., and J. Navas-Castillo, 2000. “Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, an emerging epidemics worldwide”. Virus Research. 71 (1-2):123-134. causing
  • Moya, A., P. Guirao, D. Cifuentes, F. Beitias and J. L. Cenis. Molekular Ecology (2001). 10:891-897.
  • Perring, T. M.,2001. The “Bemisia tabaci species complex”. Crop protection 20: 725-737.
  • Rosell, R. C., I. D. Bedford, D. R. Frochlich, R. J. Gill, J. K. Brown, and P. G. Markham, 1997. variation in distinct populations of Bemisia Aleyrodidae)”. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 90(5):575-589. morphological tabaci (Homoptera:
  • Rubinstein, G., H. Choznek, 1997. “Long-therm association of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) with its whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci effect on the insect transmission capacity, longevity and fecundity”. Journal of General Virology 78:2683-2689.
  • Rubinstein, G., S. Morin, H. Choznek, 1999. “Long-therm effect of imidacloprid on mortality of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci caged with treated eggplant and tomato and transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus TYLCV to tomato”. Journal 92:658-662. Entomology
  • Stansly, P., A., J., M. Conner, 1999. “Impact and management of tomato yellow leaf curl virus on tomato ın southwest Florida”. Citrus and vegetable magazine.14-15.
  • Ulusoy, M. R., E. Bayhan, 2002. The B biotype of Bemisia tabaci now established in Turkey. EWSN Newsletter May, issue 13.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review Articles

Nurdan Topakçı This is me

Sema Güneş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Topakçı, N., & Güneş, S. (2006). DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ. Derim, 23(2), 46-53.
AMA Topakçı N, Güneş S. DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ. DERİM. June 2006;23(2):46-53.
Chicago Topakçı, Nurdan, and Sema Güneş. “DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ”. Derim 23, no. 2 (June 2006): 46-53.
EndNote Topakçı N, Güneş S (June 1, 2006) DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ. Derim 23 2 46–53.
IEEE N. Topakçı and S. Güneş, “DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ”, DERİM, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 46–53, 2006.
ISNAD Topakçı, Nurdan - Güneş, Sema. “DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ”. Derim 23/2 (June 2006), 46-53.
JAMA Topakçı N, Güneş S. DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ. DERİM. 2006;23:46–53.
MLA Topakçı, Nurdan and Sema Güneş. “DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ”. Derim, vol. 23, no. 2, 2006, pp. 46-53.
Vancouver Topakçı N, Güneş S. DOMATES SARI YAPRAK KIVIRCIKLIĞI (Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus -TYLCV) HASTALIĞINDA VİRÜS VEKTÖR İLİŞKİSİ. DERİM. 2006;23(2):46-53.



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