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Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 1 - 5, 01.12.2017


Kuraklık stresine karşı tolerans gösterebilen bitki özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve yüksek ürün verme özelliğine sahip bitki türleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar son yıllarda önem kazanmıştır. Islah çalışmalarında kuraklık stresine karşı dayanıklı bitki türlerinin yetiştirilmesinde ve seçiminde, bitkilerin, biyokimyasal, genetiksel ve fizyolojik mekanizmalarındaki değişimlerin oldukça iyi bilinmesi gerekir. Bitkilerin su stresine karşı verdiği tepkiler beş alt kategoride incelenmiştir. Bunlar, (1) morfolojik ve fizyolojik değişimler, (2) sitolojik değişimler, (3) biyomoleküler cevaplar, (4) hormonal cevaplar, ve (5) genetiksel cevaplardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bitkilerin su stresine verdiği tepkileri özetlemek ve bitkilerde gözlenen değişimleri sınıflandırarak daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlayarak strese karşı dirençli biyoteknolojik ürün geliştirme yolunda çalışmalara katkı sağlamaktır.


  • Acar, O. 1999. Kuraklığa dayanıklı bazı arpa (Hordeum spp.) çeşitlerinde süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) aktivitelerinin araştırılması., Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İzmir.
  • Akıncı, S. 1997. Physiologicial responses to water stress by Cucumis sativus L. and related species. Ph. D. Thesis , University of Sheffield. U. K. 8-11.
  • Anjum, SA, Xie X, Wang L, Saleem MF, Man C, Lei W. 2011. Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to drought stres. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 6: 2026-2032.
  • Ashraf, M. Harris P.J.C. 2004. Potential biochemical indicators of salinity tolerance in plants. Plant Sci., 166; 3-16.
  • Auge, R.M, Moore J.L. 2002. Stomatal response to nonhydraulic root-to-shoot communication of partial soil drying in relation to foliar dehydration tolerance. Environ. Exp. Bot., 47; 217-229.
  • Bakır, M. 2012. Asma Çeşit Ve Anaçlarında Kuraklık Ve Tuz Stresi Toleransına Yönelik Mikrodizin Analizleri Ve Stres İle İlgili Transkriptomların Tespiti. Doktora tezi.Ankara Üniversitesi
  • Bartels, D, Sunkar R. 2005. Drought and salt tolerance in plants. Crit Rev Plant Sci. 24:23 - 58.
  • Bhargava, S., Sawant K. 2013. Drought stress adaptation: metabolic adjustment and regulation of gene expression. Plant Breed., 132: 21-32.
  • Blum, A. 1986. Breeding crop varieties for stress environments. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2; 199-237.
  • Burke, J.J, Hatfield J.L. 1987. Plant morphological and biochemical responses to field water deficit. III. Effect of Foliage Temperature on the potential activity of Glutathione reductase. Plant Physiol., 85; 100-103.
  • Cabello, JV., Lodeyro, AF., Zurbriggen M. 2014. Novel perspectives for the engineering of abiotic sress tolerance in plants. Curr. Opin. Biotech., 26: 62-70.
  • Cominelli, E., Conti, L., Tonelli, C., Galbiati, M. 2013. Challenges and perspectives to improve crop drought and salinity tolerance. New Biotech., 30: 355-361
  • Dolferus, R. 2014. To grow or not to grow: A stressful decision for plants. Plant Sci., 2229: 247-261.
  • Ebrahime, M. 2013. Abiotik Stres Aday Genlerinin Üzüm Çeşit ve Anacında İfade Profillerinin Araştırılması,Ankara Üniversitesi Biyoteknoloji Enstitüsü,Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Ergen, NZ., Thimmapuram, J., Bohnert, HJ., Budak, H. 2009. Transcriptome pathways unique to dehydration tolerant relatives of modern wheat. Funct Integr Genomics., 9: 377-396.
  • Farooq, M., Wahid, A., Kobayashi, N., Fujita, D., Basra, SMA. 2009. Plant dorught stress: effects, mechanisms and management. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 29: 185-212.
  • Gustin, MC., Albertyn, J., Alexander, M., Davenport, K. 1998. MAP Kinase Pathways in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 62(4); 1264–1300.
  • Hu, H., Xiong, L. 2014. Genetic engineering and breeding of drought-resistant crops. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 65: 715-741.
  • Iqbal, M., Ashraf, M., Jamil, A.2006. Seed enhancement with cytokinins: changes in growth and grain yield in salt stressed wheat plants. Plant Growth Regul. 50(1):29-39.
  • Kalefetoğlu, T. 2006. Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) çeşit ve hatlarının kuraklık stresine dayanıklılığının karakterizasyonu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Keunen, E., Peshev, D., Vangronsveld, J., Den Ende, WV., Cuypers, A. 2013. Plant sugars are crucial players in the oxidative challenge during abiotic stress: extending the traditional concept. Plant Cell Environ., 36: 1242-1255.
  • Keskin, B. 2006. Buğdayda (Triticum Aestivum L.) Absisik Asitle İlişkili Gen Anlatımı İstanbul Üniversitesi , Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi
  • Kishor, PB., Sreenivasulu, N. 2014. Is proline accumulation per se correlated with stress tolerance or is proline homeostatis a more critical issue? Plant Cell Environ., 37: 300-311.
  • Levitt, J. 1972. Responses of plants to environmental stresses. Academic Press, New York
  • Levitt, J. 1980. Responses of plants to environmental stresses II.water, Radiation, Salt and Other Stres, Academic Press. 3-7, 25-74
  • Liang, X., Zhang, L., Natarajan, SK., Becker, DF. 2013. Proline mechanism of stress survival. Antioxid.Redox Signal., 19: 998-1011.
  • Lovısolo, C., Hartung, W., Schubert, A. 2002 Whole-plant hydraulic conductance and root-to-shoot flow of abscisic acid are independently affected by water stress in grapevines, Functional Plant Biology, 29 (11) 1349–1356.
  • Mahajan, S., Tuteja, N. 2005. Cold, salinity and drought stresses, an overview. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 444; 139-158.
  • Matthew, A., Jenks, PMH. 2005. Plant Abiotic Stress: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.;
  • McKersie, BDL. 1994. Stress and stress coping in cultivated plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands:
  • Okı, T., Kanae, S. 2006. Global hydrological cycBles and world water resources, Science, 313, 1068-1072.
  • Oliver, MJ., Tuba, Z., Mishler, BD. 2000. Evalution of desiccation tolerance in land plants. Plant Ecol., 151; 85-100.
  • Osakabe, Y., Osakabe, K., Shinozaki, K., Tran, LP. 2014. Response of plants to water stress. Front. Plant Sci., 5: Article 86.
  • Quartacci, M., Pinzino, C., Sgherri, C., Navari-lzzo, F. 1995. Lipid composition and protein dynamics in thylakoids of two wheat cultivars differently sensitive to drought. Plant Physiol., 108; 191-197.
  • Rajwanshi, R., Chakraborty, S., Jayanandi, K., Deb, B., Lightfood, DA. 2014. Orthologous plant microRNAs: microregulators with great potential for improving stress tolerance in plants. Theor. Appl. Genet., 127: 2525-2543.
  • Robinson, J.M. 1988. Does O2 photoreduction occur within chloroplast in vivo? Physiol. Plant, 72; 666-680.
  • Sairam, RK., Deshmukh, PS., Saxena, DC. 1998. Role of Antioxidant Systems in Wheat Cultivars Tolerance to Water Stress. Biologia Plantarum, 41, 387-394.
  • Sairam, RK. 2004. Physiology and molecular biology of salinity stress tolerance in plants. Current Sceince. 86(3).
  • Serraj, R., Sinclair, TR. 2002. Osmolyte accumulation, can it really help increase crop yield under drought conditions? Plant Cell Environ., 25; 333-341.
  • Schuppler, U., He, P-H., John, PCL., Munns, R. 1998, Effect of Water Stress on Cell Division and Cdc2-Like Cell Cycle Kinase Activity in Wheat Leaves, Plant Physiol., 117(2), 667–678.
  • Sgherri, CLM., Pinzincp, C., Navari-Izzo, F.1996. Sunflower seedlings subjected to increasing stress by water deficit: Changes in O2 production Aated to the composition of thylakoid membranes. . Physiologia Plantarum. 96(3):446–52.
  • Shanker, AK., Maheswari, M., Yadav, SK., Desai, S., Bhanu, D., Attal, NB., Venkateswarlu, B. 2014. Drought stress responses in crops. Funct. Integr. Genomics, 14: 11-22.
  • Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. Gene Expression and Signal Transduction in Water-Stress Response. Plant Physiol. 1997 Oct;115(2):327-34.
  • Taiz, L., Zeiger, E. 2010. Responses and adaptations to abiotic stress. In: Plant Physiology, Fifth Edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc. pp. 755-778. ISBN 978-0-87893-866-7.
  • Tuberosa, R. 2012. Phenotyping for drought tolerance of crops in the genomics era. Front. Physiol., 3: Article 347.
  • Turner, NC., Blum, A., Cakir, M., Steduto, P., Tuberosa, R., Young N. 2014. Strategies to increase the yield and yield stability of crops under drought – are we making progress? Funct. Plant Biol., 41: 1199-1206.
  • Zeiger, T. Water and Plant Cells. Plant Physiology. 3rd. ed: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2002. p. 33-46.
  • Zheng, ZL., Nafısı, M., Tam, A., Li, H., Crowell, DN., Chary, SN., Schroeder, JI., Shen, J., Yang, Z. 2002. Plasma Membrane-Associated ROP10 Small GTPase Is a Specific Negative Regulator of Abscisic Acid Responses in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 14, 2787-2797.
  • Roberts, DR., Dumbroff, EB. 1986. Relationships among drought resistance, transpiration rates, and abscisic acid levels in three northern conifers, Tree Physiology, 1,161–167.
  • Zhu, JK. 2002.Salt and drought stress signal transduction in plants. Annual review of plant biology. 53:247-73.
Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 1 - 5, 01.12.2017



  • Acar, O. 1999. Kuraklığa dayanıklı bazı arpa (Hordeum spp.) çeşitlerinde süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) aktivitelerinin araştırılması., Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, İzmir.
  • Akıncı, S. 1997. Physiologicial responses to water stress by Cucumis sativus L. and related species. Ph. D. Thesis , University of Sheffield. U. K. 8-11.
  • Anjum, SA, Xie X, Wang L, Saleem MF, Man C, Lei W. 2011. Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to drought stres. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 6: 2026-2032.
  • Ashraf, M. Harris P.J.C. 2004. Potential biochemical indicators of salinity tolerance in plants. Plant Sci., 166; 3-16.
  • Auge, R.M, Moore J.L. 2002. Stomatal response to nonhydraulic root-to-shoot communication of partial soil drying in relation to foliar dehydration tolerance. Environ. Exp. Bot., 47; 217-229.
  • Bakır, M. 2012. Asma Çeşit Ve Anaçlarında Kuraklık Ve Tuz Stresi Toleransına Yönelik Mikrodizin Analizleri Ve Stres İle İlgili Transkriptomların Tespiti. Doktora tezi.Ankara Üniversitesi
  • Bartels, D, Sunkar R. 2005. Drought and salt tolerance in plants. Crit Rev Plant Sci. 24:23 - 58.
  • Bhargava, S., Sawant K. 2013. Drought stress adaptation: metabolic adjustment and regulation of gene expression. Plant Breed., 132: 21-32.
  • Blum, A. 1986. Breeding crop varieties for stress environments. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 2; 199-237.
  • Burke, J.J, Hatfield J.L. 1987. Plant morphological and biochemical responses to field water deficit. III. Effect of Foliage Temperature on the potential activity of Glutathione reductase. Plant Physiol., 85; 100-103.
  • Cabello, JV., Lodeyro, AF., Zurbriggen M. 2014. Novel perspectives for the engineering of abiotic sress tolerance in plants. Curr. Opin. Biotech., 26: 62-70.
  • Cominelli, E., Conti, L., Tonelli, C., Galbiati, M. 2013. Challenges and perspectives to improve crop drought and salinity tolerance. New Biotech., 30: 355-361
  • Dolferus, R. 2014. To grow or not to grow: A stressful decision for plants. Plant Sci., 2229: 247-261.
  • Ebrahime, M. 2013. Abiotik Stres Aday Genlerinin Üzüm Çeşit ve Anacında İfade Profillerinin Araştırılması,Ankara Üniversitesi Biyoteknoloji Enstitüsü,Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Ergen, NZ., Thimmapuram, J., Bohnert, HJ., Budak, H. 2009. Transcriptome pathways unique to dehydration tolerant relatives of modern wheat. Funct Integr Genomics., 9: 377-396.
  • Farooq, M., Wahid, A., Kobayashi, N., Fujita, D., Basra, SMA. 2009. Plant dorught stress: effects, mechanisms and management. Agron. Sustain. Dev., 29: 185-212.
  • Gustin, MC., Albertyn, J., Alexander, M., Davenport, K. 1998. MAP Kinase Pathways in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 62(4); 1264–1300.
  • Hu, H., Xiong, L. 2014. Genetic engineering and breeding of drought-resistant crops. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 65: 715-741.
  • Iqbal, M., Ashraf, M., Jamil, A.2006. Seed enhancement with cytokinins: changes in growth and grain yield in salt stressed wheat plants. Plant Growth Regul. 50(1):29-39.
  • Kalefetoğlu, T. 2006. Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) çeşit ve hatlarının kuraklık stresine dayanıklılığının karakterizasyonu. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Keunen, E., Peshev, D., Vangronsveld, J., Den Ende, WV., Cuypers, A. 2013. Plant sugars are crucial players in the oxidative challenge during abiotic stress: extending the traditional concept. Plant Cell Environ., 36: 1242-1255.
  • Keskin, B. 2006. Buğdayda (Triticum Aestivum L.) Absisik Asitle İlişkili Gen Anlatımı İstanbul Üniversitesi , Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi
  • Kishor, PB., Sreenivasulu, N. 2014. Is proline accumulation per se correlated with stress tolerance or is proline homeostatis a more critical issue? Plant Cell Environ., 37: 300-311.
  • Levitt, J. 1972. Responses of plants to environmental stresses. Academic Press, New York
  • Levitt, J. 1980. Responses of plants to environmental stresses II.water, Radiation, Salt and Other Stres, Academic Press. 3-7, 25-74
  • Liang, X., Zhang, L., Natarajan, SK., Becker, DF. 2013. Proline mechanism of stress survival. Antioxid.Redox Signal., 19: 998-1011.
  • Lovısolo, C., Hartung, W., Schubert, A. 2002 Whole-plant hydraulic conductance and root-to-shoot flow of abscisic acid are independently affected by water stress in grapevines, Functional Plant Biology, 29 (11) 1349–1356.
  • Mahajan, S., Tuteja, N. 2005. Cold, salinity and drought stresses, an overview. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 444; 139-158.
  • Matthew, A., Jenks, PMH. 2005. Plant Abiotic Stress: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.;
  • McKersie, BDL. 1994. Stress and stress coping in cultivated plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands:
  • Okı, T., Kanae, S. 2006. Global hydrological cycBles and world water resources, Science, 313, 1068-1072.
  • Oliver, MJ., Tuba, Z., Mishler, BD. 2000. Evalution of desiccation tolerance in land plants. Plant Ecol., 151; 85-100.
  • Osakabe, Y., Osakabe, K., Shinozaki, K., Tran, LP. 2014. Response of plants to water stress. Front. Plant Sci., 5: Article 86.
  • Quartacci, M., Pinzino, C., Sgherri, C., Navari-lzzo, F. 1995. Lipid composition and protein dynamics in thylakoids of two wheat cultivars differently sensitive to drought. Plant Physiol., 108; 191-197.
  • Rajwanshi, R., Chakraborty, S., Jayanandi, K., Deb, B., Lightfood, DA. 2014. Orthologous plant microRNAs: microregulators with great potential for improving stress tolerance in plants. Theor. Appl. Genet., 127: 2525-2543.
  • Robinson, J.M. 1988. Does O2 photoreduction occur within chloroplast in vivo? Physiol. Plant, 72; 666-680.
  • Sairam, RK., Deshmukh, PS., Saxena, DC. 1998. Role of Antioxidant Systems in Wheat Cultivars Tolerance to Water Stress. Biologia Plantarum, 41, 387-394.
  • Sairam, RK. 2004. Physiology and molecular biology of salinity stress tolerance in plants. Current Sceince. 86(3).
  • Serraj, R., Sinclair, TR. 2002. Osmolyte accumulation, can it really help increase crop yield under drought conditions? Plant Cell Environ., 25; 333-341.
  • Schuppler, U., He, P-H., John, PCL., Munns, R. 1998, Effect of Water Stress on Cell Division and Cdc2-Like Cell Cycle Kinase Activity in Wheat Leaves, Plant Physiol., 117(2), 667–678.
  • Sgherri, CLM., Pinzincp, C., Navari-Izzo, F.1996. Sunflower seedlings subjected to increasing stress by water deficit: Changes in O2 production Aated to the composition of thylakoid membranes. . Physiologia Plantarum. 96(3):446–52.
  • Shanker, AK., Maheswari, M., Yadav, SK., Desai, S., Bhanu, D., Attal, NB., Venkateswarlu, B. 2014. Drought stress responses in crops. Funct. Integr. Genomics, 14: 11-22.
  • Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. Gene Expression and Signal Transduction in Water-Stress Response. Plant Physiol. 1997 Oct;115(2):327-34.
  • Taiz, L., Zeiger, E. 2010. Responses and adaptations to abiotic stress. In: Plant Physiology, Fifth Edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc. pp. 755-778. ISBN 978-0-87893-866-7.
  • Tuberosa, R. 2012. Phenotyping for drought tolerance of crops in the genomics era. Front. Physiol., 3: Article 347.
  • Turner, NC., Blum, A., Cakir, M., Steduto, P., Tuberosa, R., Young N. 2014. Strategies to increase the yield and yield stability of crops under drought – are we making progress? Funct. Plant Biol., 41: 1199-1206.
  • Zeiger, T. Water and Plant Cells. Plant Physiology. 3rd. ed: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2002. p. 33-46.
  • Zheng, ZL., Nafısı, M., Tam, A., Li, H., Crowell, DN., Chary, SN., Schroeder, JI., Shen, J., Yang, Z. 2002. Plasma Membrane-Associated ROP10 Small GTPase Is a Specific Negative Regulator of Abscisic Acid Responses in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 14, 2787-2797.
  • Roberts, DR., Dumbroff, EB. 1986. Relationships among drought resistance, transpiration rates, and abscisic acid levels in three northern conifers, Tree Physiology, 1,161–167.
  • Zhu, JK. 2002.Salt and drought stress signal transduction in plants. Annual review of plant biology. 53:247-73.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Burcu Yüksel This is me

Özlem Aksoy This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Yüksel, B., & Aksoy, Ö. (2017). Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 10(2), 1-5.
AMA Yüksel B, Aksoy Ö. Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler. Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg. December 2017;10(2):1-5.
Chicago Yüksel, Burcu, and Özlem Aksoy. “Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler”. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 10, no. 2 (December 2017): 1-5.
EndNote Yüksel B, Aksoy Ö (December 1, 2017) Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 10 2 1–5.
IEEE B. Yüksel and Ö. Aksoy, “Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler”, Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1–5, 2017.
ISNAD Yüksel, Burcu - Aksoy, Özlem. “Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler”. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 10/2 (December 2017), 1-5.
JAMA Yüksel B, Aksoy Ö. Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler. Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg. 2017;10:1–5.
MLA Yüksel, Burcu and Özlem Aksoy. “Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler”. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2017, pp. 1-5.
Vancouver Yüksel B, Aksoy Ö. Su Stresi Koşullarında Bitkilerde Gözlenen Değişimler. Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg. 2017;10(2):1-5.