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Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 49 - 55, 26.12.2018


meyvenin dokusundaki değişimler hasat zamanını, meyvelerin raf ömrünü,
patojenlere karşı dayanıklılığını, taşınabilirliğini ve son aşamada ise müşteri
tercihini etkilemektedir. Çevresel şartlar ve genetik faktörler dokudaki bu
değişimleri simultane bir şekilde etkileyerek meyvelerin raf ömrünü azaltmakta
ve ekonomik olarak zarar vermektedir. Son yıllarda gelişen biyoteknoloji ve
genetik sayesinde yumuşamaya neden olan etkenler daha iyi anlaşılmakta ve bu
etkenleri ortadan kaldırmak ya da etkilerini yavaşlatmak için çalışmalar devam
etmektedir. Bu derlemede, hücre duvarı modifikasyonlarında görev alan enzimler
ve yumuşamada önemli bir etkiye sahip olan etilen hormonunun meyve dokusu
üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmıştır.  


  • Referans1 Klee HJ, Giovannoni JJ. 2011. Genetics and control of tomato fruit ripening and quality attributes. Annual Review Genetics 45: 41-59
  • Referans2 Bapat VA, Trivedi PK, Ghosh A, Sane VA, Ganapathi TR, Nath P. 2010. Ripening of fleshy fruit: molecular insight and the role of ethylene. Biotechnology Advances 28: 94-107
  • Referans3 Gapper NE, McQuinn RP, Giovannoni JJ. 2013. Molecular and genetic regulation of fruit ripening. Plant Molecular Biology 82(6): 575-591
  • Referans4 Seymour GB, Østergaard L, Chapma, NH, Knapp S, Martin C. 2013. Fruit Development and Ripening. Annual Review of Plant Biology 219-241
  • Referans5 Bouzayen M, Latche A, Nath P, Pech JC. 2010. Mechanism of Fruit Ripening. In: Plant Developmental Biology - Biotechnological Perspectives, France, Springer
  • Referans6 Oeller PW, Wong LM, Taylor LP, Pike DA, Theologis A. 1991. Reversible inhibition of tomato fruit senescence by antisense RNA. Science 254: 437-439
  • Referans7 KNishiyama K, Gui M, Rose JK, Kubo Y, Bennett KA, Wangjin L, Kato K, Ushijima K, Nakano R, Inaba A, Bouzayen M, Latche, A, Pech JC, Bennett AB. 2007. Ethylene regulation of fruit softening and cell wall disassembly in Charentais melon. Journal of Experimantal Botany. 58: 1281-1290
  • Referans8 Johnston JW, Gunaseelan K, Pidakala P, Wang M, Schaffer RJ. 2009. Co-ordination of early and late ripening events in apples is regulated through differential sensitivities to ethylene. Journal of Experimental Botany. 60: 2689-2699
  • Referans9 Kevany BM, Taylor MG, Klee HJ. 2008. Fruit-specific suppression of the ethylene receptor LeETR4 results in early-ripening tomato fruit. Plant Biotechnology. 6: 295-300
  • Referans10 Bao BL, Ke LQ, Jiang JM, Ying TJ. 2007. Fruit quality of transgenic tomatoes with suppressed expression of LeETR1 and LeETR2 genes. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 16: 122-126
  • Referans11 Li Y, Zhu B, Xu W, Zhu H, Chen A, Xie Y, Shao Y, Luo Y. 2007. LeERF1 positively modulated ethylene triple response on etiolated seedling, plant development and fruit ripening and softening in tomato. Plant Cell Reports. 26. 1999-2008
  • Referans12 Chapman NH, Bonnet J, Grivet L, Lyn J, Graham N, Smith R, Sun G, Walley PG, Poole M, Causee M, King G, Baxter C, Seymour GB. 2012. High-Resolution Mapping of a Fruit Firmness-Related Quantitative Trait Locus in Tomato Reveals Epistatic Interactions Associated with a Complex Combinatorial Locus. Plant Physiology. 159: 1644-1657
  • Referans13 Pan H, Wang R, Wang J, Cao J, Weibo J. 2016. Manipulation of ripening progress of different plum cultivars during shelf life by post-storage treatments with ethylene and 1-methylcyclopropene. Scientia Horticulturae. 198: 176–182
  • Referans14 Li X, Xu C, Korba, SS, Chen K. 2010. Regulatory mechanisms of textural changes in ripening fruits . Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 29: 222-243
  • Referans15 Brummel DA. 2006. Cell wall disassembly in ripening fruit. Functional Plant Biology. 33: 103-119
  • Referans16 Cosgrove DJ, Jarvis MJ. 2012. Comparative structure and biomechanics of plant primary and secondary cell walls. Frontiers in Plant science. 3: 16
  • Referans17 Cosgrove DJ. 2005. Growth of the plant cell wall. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 6: 850–861
  • Referans18 Crookes PR, Grierson D. 1983. Ultrastructure of Tomato Fruit Ripening and the Role of Polygalacturonase Isoenzymes in Cell Wall Degradation. Plant Physiology 72(4): 1088-1093
  • Referans19 Wakabayashi K. 2000. Changes in Cell Wall Polysaccharides During Fruit Ripening. Journal of Plant Research. 113: 231–237
  • Referans20 Nishiyama Y, Langan P, Chanzy H. 2002. Crystal Structure and Hydrogen-Bonding System in Cellulose Iβ from Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Fiber Diffraction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124(31): 9074–9082
  • Referans21 Scheller HV, Ulvskov P. 2010. Hemicelluloses. Annual Review of Plant biology. 61: 263-289
  • Referans22 Toivonen PMA, Brummell DA. 2008. Biochemical bases of appearance and texture changes in fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. Postharvest Biololgy and Technology. 48: 1-14
  • Referans23 Vicente AR, Ortugno C, Powel AL, Greve LC, Labavitch J. 2007a. Temporal sequence of cell wall disassembly events in developing fruits. 1. Analysis of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55: 4119–4124
  • Referans24 Vicente AR, Powel, A, Greve LC, Labavitch JM. 2007c. Cell Wall disassembly events in boysenberry (Rubus idaeus L.×Rubus ursinus Cham.& Schldl.) fruit development. Functional Plant Biology. 34: 614–623
  • Referans25 Huber DJ. 1984. Strawberry fruit softening: the potential roles of polyuronides and hemicelluloses. Journal of Food Science. 49 : 1310–1315
  • Referans26 Wade NL, Kavanagh EE, Hockley DG, Brady CJ. 1992. Relationship between softening and the polyuronides in ripening banana fruit. journal of the science of Food Agriculture 60: 61-68
  • Referans27 Wen B, Ström A, Tasker A, Tucker GA. 2012. Effect of silencing the two major tomato fruit pectin methylesterase isoforms on cell wall pectin metabolism. Plant Biology. 15(6): 1025-1032
  • Referans28 The Tomato Genome Consortium. 2012. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. 485: 635–641
  • Referans29 Tieman DM, Harriman RW, Ramamohan G, Handa AK. 1992. An Antisense Pectin Methylesterase Gene Alters Pectin Chemistry and Soluble Solids in Tomato Fruit. The Plant Cell. 4: 667-679
  • Referans30 Phan TD, Bo W, West G, Lycett GW, Tucker GA. 2007. Silencing of the Major Salt-Dependent Isoform of Pectinesterase in Tomato Alters Fruit Softening. Plant Physiology. 144(4): 1960-1967
  • Referans31 Hall LN, Tucker GA. Smith CJS, Watson C, Seymour GB, Bundick Y, Boniwell JM, Fletcher JD, Ray JA, Schuch W, Bird CR, Grierson D. 1993. Antisense inhibition of pectin esterase gene expression in transgenic tomatoes. The Plant Journal. 1: 121–129
  • Referans32 Tieman DM, Handa AK, 1994. Reduction in pectin methylesterase activity modifies tissue integrity and cation levels in ripening tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit. Plant Physiology. 106: 429-436
  • Referans33 Hobson GE, Grierson D. 1993. Tomato, Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening, London, Chapman & Hall, 405-442p
  • Referans34 Eriksson EM, Bovy A, Manning K, Harriso L, Andrews J, Silva JD, Tucker GA, Seymour GB. 2004. Effect of the Colorless non-ripening Mutation on Cell Wall Biochemistry and Gene Expression during Tomato Fruit Development and Ripening. Plant Physiology. 136: 4184-4197
  • Referans35 Smith JCS, Watson CF, Ray J, Bird CR, Morris PC, Schuch W, Grierson D. 1988. Antisense RNA inhibition of polygalacturonase gene expression in transgenic tomatoes. Nature. 334:724-726
  • Referans36 Ghiani A, Onelli E, Ain, R, Cocucci M, Citterio S. 2011. A comparative study of melting and non-melting flesh peach cultivars reveals that during fruit ripening endo-polygalacturonase (endo-PG) is mainly involved in pericarp textural changes, not in firmness reduction. Journal of Experimental Biology. 11: 4043-4054
  • Referans37 García-Gago JA, Pose S, Muñoz-Blanco J, Quesada MA, Mercado JA. 2009. The polygalacturonase FaPG1 gene plays a key role in strawberry fruit softening. Plant Signaling Behavior. 4(8): 766–768
  • Referans38 Carey AT, Smith DL, Harrison E, Bird CR, Gross KC, Seymour GB, Tucker GA. 2001. Down-regulation of a ripening-related beta-galactosidase gene (TBG1) in transgenic tomato fruits. Journal of Experimental Botany. 52(357): 663-668
  • Referans39 Smith DL, Abbott JA, Gross KC. 2002. Down-regulation of tomato beta-galactosidase 4 results in decreased fruit softening. Plant Physiology. 129(4): 1755-1762
  • Referans40 Moctezuma E, Smith DL, GrossKC. 2003. Antisense suppression of a β-galactosidase gene (TBG6) in tomato increases fruit cracking. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54: 2025-2033
  • Referans41 Paniagua C, Blanco-Portales R, Barceló-Muñoz M, García-Gago JA, Waldron KW, Quesada MA, Muñoz-Blanco J, Mercado JA. 2016. Antisense down-regulation of the strawberry β-galactosidase gene FaβGal4 increases cell wall galactose levels and reduces fruit softening. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67 (3): 619-631
  • Referans42 Gwanpua SG, Buggenhout SV, Verlinden BE, Christiaens S, Shpigelman A, Vicent V, Kermani ZJ, Nicolai BM, Hendricx M, Geeraerd A. 2014. Pectin modifications and the role of pectin-degrading enzymes during postharvest softening of Jonagold apples. Food Chemistry. 158: 283-291
  • Referans43 Song L, Wang Z, Wang Z, Meng G, Zhai R, Cai M, Ma F, Xu L.2016. Screening of cell wall-related genes that are expressed differentially during ripening of pears with different softening characteristics. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 115: 1-8
  • Referans44 Marín‐Rodríguez CM, Orchard J, Seymour GB. 2002. Pectate lyases, cell wall degradation and fruit softening. Journal of Experimental Botany. 53 (377): 2115-2119
  • Referans45 Domingo C, Roberts K, Stacey NJ, Connerton I, Teran Ruiz F, McCann MC. 1998. A pectate lyase from Zinnia elegans is auxin inducible. The Plant Journal. 13(1): 17-28
  • Referans46 Jiménez-Bermúdez S, Redondo-Nevado J, Muñoz-Blanco J, Caballero JL, López-Aranda JM,Valpuest, V, Pliego-Alfaro F, Quesada MA,Mercado JA. 2002. Manipulation of Strawberry Fruit Softening by Antisense Expression of a Pectate Lyase Gene. Plant Physiology. 128: 751-759
  • Referans47 Payasi A, Sanwal GG. 2003. Pectate lyase activity during ripening of banana fruit. Phytochemistry. 63(3): 243-248
  • Referans48 Uluisik S, Chapman NH, Smith R, Poole M, Adams G, Gills RB, Besong T, Sheldon J, Stiegelmeyer S, Perez L,Samsulrizal N, Wan, D, Fisk ID, Yang N, Baxter J, Rickett D, Fray R, Blanco-Ulate B, Powell AL, Harding SE, Craigon J, Rose JKC, Fich EA, Sun L, Domozych DS, Fraser PD, Tucker GA, Grierson D, Seymour GB. 2016. Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening. Nature Biotechnology. 34: 950–952
  • Referans49 Lashbrook CC, Gonzalez BC, Bennett AB. 1994. Two divergent endo-beta-1,4-glucanase genes exhibit overlapping expression in ripening fruit and abscising flowers. Plant Cell. 10: 1485-1493
  • Referans50 Brummell DA, Harpster MH, Civello PM, Palys JM, Bennett AB, Dunsmuir P. 1999. Modification of expansin protein abundance in tomato fruit alters softening and cell wall polymer metabolism during ripening. The Plant Cell. 11(11): 2203–2216
  • Referans51 Woolley LC, James DJ, Manning K. 2001. Purification and properties of an endo-beta-1,4-glucanase from strawberry and down-regulation of the corresponding gene, cel1. Planta. 1: 11-21
  • Referans52 Palomer X, Llop-Tous I, Vendrel, M, Krens FA, Schaart JG, Boone MJ, van der Valk H, Salentijn EMJ. 2006. Antisense down-regulation of strawberry endo-β-(1,4)-glucanase genes does not prevent fruit softening during ripening. Plant Science. 171: 640-646
  • Referans53 Ishimaru M, Kobayashi S. 2002. Expression of a xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase gene is closely related to grape berry softening. Plant Science. 162: 621-628
  • Referans54 Asada K, Ohba T, Takahashi S, Kato I. 1999. Alteration of Fruit Characteristics in Transgenic Tomatoes with Modified Gene Expression of Endo-xyloglucan Transferase. Hortical Science. 34: 533
  • Referans55 Desilva J, Arrowsmith D, Hellyer A, Whiteman S, Robinson S. 1994. Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase and plant growth. Journal of Experimental Botany. 45: 1693-1701
  • Referans56 Brummell DA, Harpster MH. 2001. Cell wall metabolism in fruit softening and quality and its manipulation in transgenic plants. Plant Molecular Biology. 1: 311-340
  • Referans57 Malinovsky FG, Fangel JU, Willats WG. 2014. The role of the cell wall in plant immunity. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5: 1-12
  • Referans58 Rose JKC, Bennet AB. 1999. Cooperative disassembly of the cellulose–xyloglucan network of plant cell walls: parallels between cell expansion and fruit ripening. Trends in Plant Science. 5:176-183
Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 49 - 55, 26.12.2018



  • Referans1 Klee HJ, Giovannoni JJ. 2011. Genetics and control of tomato fruit ripening and quality attributes. Annual Review Genetics 45: 41-59
  • Referans2 Bapat VA, Trivedi PK, Ghosh A, Sane VA, Ganapathi TR, Nath P. 2010. Ripening of fleshy fruit: molecular insight and the role of ethylene. Biotechnology Advances 28: 94-107
  • Referans3 Gapper NE, McQuinn RP, Giovannoni JJ. 2013. Molecular and genetic regulation of fruit ripening. Plant Molecular Biology 82(6): 575-591
  • Referans4 Seymour GB, Østergaard L, Chapma, NH, Knapp S, Martin C. 2013. Fruit Development and Ripening. Annual Review of Plant Biology 219-241
  • Referans5 Bouzayen M, Latche A, Nath P, Pech JC. 2010. Mechanism of Fruit Ripening. In: Plant Developmental Biology - Biotechnological Perspectives, France, Springer
  • Referans6 Oeller PW, Wong LM, Taylor LP, Pike DA, Theologis A. 1991. Reversible inhibition of tomato fruit senescence by antisense RNA. Science 254: 437-439
  • Referans7 KNishiyama K, Gui M, Rose JK, Kubo Y, Bennett KA, Wangjin L, Kato K, Ushijima K, Nakano R, Inaba A, Bouzayen M, Latche, A, Pech JC, Bennett AB. 2007. Ethylene regulation of fruit softening and cell wall disassembly in Charentais melon. Journal of Experimantal Botany. 58: 1281-1290
  • Referans8 Johnston JW, Gunaseelan K, Pidakala P, Wang M, Schaffer RJ. 2009. Co-ordination of early and late ripening events in apples is regulated through differential sensitivities to ethylene. Journal of Experimental Botany. 60: 2689-2699
  • Referans9 Kevany BM, Taylor MG, Klee HJ. 2008. Fruit-specific suppression of the ethylene receptor LeETR4 results in early-ripening tomato fruit. Plant Biotechnology. 6: 295-300
  • Referans10 Bao BL, Ke LQ, Jiang JM, Ying TJ. 2007. Fruit quality of transgenic tomatoes with suppressed expression of LeETR1 and LeETR2 genes. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 16: 122-126
  • Referans11 Li Y, Zhu B, Xu W, Zhu H, Chen A, Xie Y, Shao Y, Luo Y. 2007. LeERF1 positively modulated ethylene triple response on etiolated seedling, plant development and fruit ripening and softening in tomato. Plant Cell Reports. 26. 1999-2008
  • Referans12 Chapman NH, Bonnet J, Grivet L, Lyn J, Graham N, Smith R, Sun G, Walley PG, Poole M, Causee M, King G, Baxter C, Seymour GB. 2012. High-Resolution Mapping of a Fruit Firmness-Related Quantitative Trait Locus in Tomato Reveals Epistatic Interactions Associated with a Complex Combinatorial Locus. Plant Physiology. 159: 1644-1657
  • Referans13 Pan H, Wang R, Wang J, Cao J, Weibo J. 2016. Manipulation of ripening progress of different plum cultivars during shelf life by post-storage treatments with ethylene and 1-methylcyclopropene. Scientia Horticulturae. 198: 176–182
  • Referans14 Li X, Xu C, Korba, SS, Chen K. 2010. Regulatory mechanisms of textural changes in ripening fruits . Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 29: 222-243
  • Referans15 Brummel DA. 2006. Cell wall disassembly in ripening fruit. Functional Plant Biology. 33: 103-119
  • Referans16 Cosgrove DJ, Jarvis MJ. 2012. Comparative structure and biomechanics of plant primary and secondary cell walls. Frontiers in Plant science. 3: 16
  • Referans17 Cosgrove DJ. 2005. Growth of the plant cell wall. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 6: 850–861
  • Referans18 Crookes PR, Grierson D. 1983. Ultrastructure of Tomato Fruit Ripening and the Role of Polygalacturonase Isoenzymes in Cell Wall Degradation. Plant Physiology 72(4): 1088-1093
  • Referans19 Wakabayashi K. 2000. Changes in Cell Wall Polysaccharides During Fruit Ripening. Journal of Plant Research. 113: 231–237
  • Referans20 Nishiyama Y, Langan P, Chanzy H. 2002. Crystal Structure and Hydrogen-Bonding System in Cellulose Iβ from Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Fiber Diffraction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124(31): 9074–9082
  • Referans21 Scheller HV, Ulvskov P. 2010. Hemicelluloses. Annual Review of Plant biology. 61: 263-289
  • Referans22 Toivonen PMA, Brummell DA. 2008. Biochemical bases of appearance and texture changes in fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. Postharvest Biololgy and Technology. 48: 1-14
  • Referans23 Vicente AR, Ortugno C, Powel AL, Greve LC, Labavitch J. 2007a. Temporal sequence of cell wall disassembly events in developing fruits. 1. Analysis of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 55: 4119–4124
  • Referans24 Vicente AR, Powel, A, Greve LC, Labavitch JM. 2007c. Cell Wall disassembly events in boysenberry (Rubus idaeus L.×Rubus ursinus Cham.& Schldl.) fruit development. Functional Plant Biology. 34: 614–623
  • Referans25 Huber DJ. 1984. Strawberry fruit softening: the potential roles of polyuronides and hemicelluloses. Journal of Food Science. 49 : 1310–1315
  • Referans26 Wade NL, Kavanagh EE, Hockley DG, Brady CJ. 1992. Relationship between softening and the polyuronides in ripening banana fruit. journal of the science of Food Agriculture 60: 61-68
  • Referans27 Wen B, Ström A, Tasker A, Tucker GA. 2012. Effect of silencing the two major tomato fruit pectin methylesterase isoforms on cell wall pectin metabolism. Plant Biology. 15(6): 1025-1032
  • Referans28 The Tomato Genome Consortium. 2012. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. 485: 635–641
  • Referans29 Tieman DM, Harriman RW, Ramamohan G, Handa AK. 1992. An Antisense Pectin Methylesterase Gene Alters Pectin Chemistry and Soluble Solids in Tomato Fruit. The Plant Cell. 4: 667-679
  • Referans30 Phan TD, Bo W, West G, Lycett GW, Tucker GA. 2007. Silencing of the Major Salt-Dependent Isoform of Pectinesterase in Tomato Alters Fruit Softening. Plant Physiology. 144(4): 1960-1967
  • Referans31 Hall LN, Tucker GA. Smith CJS, Watson C, Seymour GB, Bundick Y, Boniwell JM, Fletcher JD, Ray JA, Schuch W, Bird CR, Grierson D. 1993. Antisense inhibition of pectin esterase gene expression in transgenic tomatoes. The Plant Journal. 1: 121–129
  • Referans32 Tieman DM, Handa AK, 1994. Reduction in pectin methylesterase activity modifies tissue integrity and cation levels in ripening tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit. Plant Physiology. 106: 429-436
  • Referans33 Hobson GE, Grierson D. 1993. Tomato, Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening, London, Chapman & Hall, 405-442p
  • Referans34 Eriksson EM, Bovy A, Manning K, Harriso L, Andrews J, Silva JD, Tucker GA, Seymour GB. 2004. Effect of the Colorless non-ripening Mutation on Cell Wall Biochemistry and Gene Expression during Tomato Fruit Development and Ripening. Plant Physiology. 136: 4184-4197
  • Referans35 Smith JCS, Watson CF, Ray J, Bird CR, Morris PC, Schuch W, Grierson D. 1988. Antisense RNA inhibition of polygalacturonase gene expression in transgenic tomatoes. Nature. 334:724-726
  • Referans36 Ghiani A, Onelli E, Ain, R, Cocucci M, Citterio S. 2011. A comparative study of melting and non-melting flesh peach cultivars reveals that during fruit ripening endo-polygalacturonase (endo-PG) is mainly involved in pericarp textural changes, not in firmness reduction. Journal of Experimental Biology. 11: 4043-4054
  • Referans37 García-Gago JA, Pose S, Muñoz-Blanco J, Quesada MA, Mercado JA. 2009. The polygalacturonase FaPG1 gene plays a key role in strawberry fruit softening. Plant Signaling Behavior. 4(8): 766–768
  • Referans38 Carey AT, Smith DL, Harrison E, Bird CR, Gross KC, Seymour GB, Tucker GA. 2001. Down-regulation of a ripening-related beta-galactosidase gene (TBG1) in transgenic tomato fruits. Journal of Experimental Botany. 52(357): 663-668
  • Referans39 Smith DL, Abbott JA, Gross KC. 2002. Down-regulation of tomato beta-galactosidase 4 results in decreased fruit softening. Plant Physiology. 129(4): 1755-1762
  • Referans40 Moctezuma E, Smith DL, GrossKC. 2003. Antisense suppression of a β-galactosidase gene (TBG6) in tomato increases fruit cracking. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54: 2025-2033
  • Referans41 Paniagua C, Blanco-Portales R, Barceló-Muñoz M, García-Gago JA, Waldron KW, Quesada MA, Muñoz-Blanco J, Mercado JA. 2016. Antisense down-regulation of the strawberry β-galactosidase gene FaβGal4 increases cell wall galactose levels and reduces fruit softening. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67 (3): 619-631
  • Referans42 Gwanpua SG, Buggenhout SV, Verlinden BE, Christiaens S, Shpigelman A, Vicent V, Kermani ZJ, Nicolai BM, Hendricx M, Geeraerd A. 2014. Pectin modifications and the role of pectin-degrading enzymes during postharvest softening of Jonagold apples. Food Chemistry. 158: 283-291
  • Referans43 Song L, Wang Z, Wang Z, Meng G, Zhai R, Cai M, Ma F, Xu L.2016. Screening of cell wall-related genes that are expressed differentially during ripening of pears with different softening characteristics. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 115: 1-8
  • Referans44 Marín‐Rodríguez CM, Orchard J, Seymour GB. 2002. Pectate lyases, cell wall degradation and fruit softening. Journal of Experimental Botany. 53 (377): 2115-2119
  • Referans45 Domingo C, Roberts K, Stacey NJ, Connerton I, Teran Ruiz F, McCann MC. 1998. A pectate lyase from Zinnia elegans is auxin inducible. The Plant Journal. 13(1): 17-28
  • Referans46 Jiménez-Bermúdez S, Redondo-Nevado J, Muñoz-Blanco J, Caballero JL, López-Aranda JM,Valpuest, V, Pliego-Alfaro F, Quesada MA,Mercado JA. 2002. Manipulation of Strawberry Fruit Softening by Antisense Expression of a Pectate Lyase Gene. Plant Physiology. 128: 751-759
  • Referans47 Payasi A, Sanwal GG. 2003. Pectate lyase activity during ripening of banana fruit. Phytochemistry. 63(3): 243-248
  • Referans48 Uluisik S, Chapman NH, Smith R, Poole M, Adams G, Gills RB, Besong T, Sheldon J, Stiegelmeyer S, Perez L,Samsulrizal N, Wan, D, Fisk ID, Yang N, Baxter J, Rickett D, Fray R, Blanco-Ulate B, Powell AL, Harding SE, Craigon J, Rose JKC, Fich EA, Sun L, Domozych DS, Fraser PD, Tucker GA, Grierson D, Seymour GB. 2016. Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening. Nature Biotechnology. 34: 950–952
  • Referans49 Lashbrook CC, Gonzalez BC, Bennett AB. 1994. Two divergent endo-beta-1,4-glucanase genes exhibit overlapping expression in ripening fruit and abscising flowers. Plant Cell. 10: 1485-1493
  • Referans50 Brummell DA, Harpster MH, Civello PM, Palys JM, Bennett AB, Dunsmuir P. 1999. Modification of expansin protein abundance in tomato fruit alters softening and cell wall polymer metabolism during ripening. The Plant Cell. 11(11): 2203–2216
  • Referans51 Woolley LC, James DJ, Manning K. 2001. Purification and properties of an endo-beta-1,4-glucanase from strawberry and down-regulation of the corresponding gene, cel1. Planta. 1: 11-21
  • Referans52 Palomer X, Llop-Tous I, Vendrel, M, Krens FA, Schaart JG, Boone MJ, van der Valk H, Salentijn EMJ. 2006. Antisense down-regulation of strawberry endo-β-(1,4)-glucanase genes does not prevent fruit softening during ripening. Plant Science. 171: 640-646
  • Referans53 Ishimaru M, Kobayashi S. 2002. Expression of a xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase gene is closely related to grape berry softening. Plant Science. 162: 621-628
  • Referans54 Asada K, Ohba T, Takahashi S, Kato I. 1999. Alteration of Fruit Characteristics in Transgenic Tomatoes with Modified Gene Expression of Endo-xyloglucan Transferase. Hortical Science. 34: 533
  • Referans55 Desilva J, Arrowsmith D, Hellyer A, Whiteman S, Robinson S. 1994. Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase and plant growth. Journal of Experimental Botany. 45: 1693-1701
  • Referans56 Brummell DA, Harpster MH. 2001. Cell wall metabolism in fruit softening and quality and its manipulation in transgenic plants. Plant Molecular Biology. 1: 311-340
  • Referans57 Malinovsky FG, Fangel JU, Willats WG. 2014. The role of the cell wall in plant immunity. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5: 1-12
  • Referans58 Rose JKC, Bennet AB. 1999. Cooperative disassembly of the cellulose–xyloglucan network of plant cell walls: parallels between cell expansion and fruit ripening. Trends in Plant Science. 5:176-183
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Selman Uluışık

Publication Date December 26, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Uluışık, S. (2018). Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 11(1), 49-55.
AMA Uluışık S. Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar. Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg. December 2018;11(1):49-55.
Chicago Uluışık, Selman. “Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar”. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 11, no. 1 (December 2018): 49-55.
EndNote Uluışık S (December 1, 2018) Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 11 1 49–55.
IEEE S. Uluışık, “Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar”, Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 49–55, 2018.
ISNAD Uluışık, Selman. “Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar”. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 11/1 (December 2018), 49-55.
JAMA Uluışık S. Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar. Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg. 2018;11:49–55.
MLA Uluışık, Selman. “Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar”. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, vol. 11, no. 1, 2018, pp. 49-55.
Vancouver Uluışık S. Olgunlaşan Meyvede Dokuyu Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar. Turk.Bilimsel Derleme Derg. 2018;11(1):49-55.