(2); Arvey, R. D., Carter, G.W. ve Buerkley, D. K., (1991), “Job satisfaction: Dispositional, situational influences”, International Journal of Industrial, Organizational Psychology, 6; 359-383.
Behn, R. D., (2002), The Psychological Barriers to Performance Management: or Why isn’t Everyone Jumping on The Performance-Management Bandwagon?”, Public Performance and Management Review, 26(1); 5-25.
Blood, M. R., (1971), “The Validity of Importance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59; 313-320.
Burris, V., (1983), “The Social, Political Consequences of Over Education”, American Sociological Review, 48; 454-467.
Butler, J. K., (1983), “Value Importance as A Moderator of the Value Fulfillment- Job Satisfaction Relationship: Group Differences”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68; 420-428.
Carson, K., R., Carson, C., Birkenmeier, R. B., ve Phillips, J., (1999), “Four Commitment Profiles and Their Relationships to Empowerment, Service Recovery and Work Attitudes”, Public Personnel Management, 28; 1–11.
Cranny, C.J., Smith, P.C. ve Stone, E.F., (1992), “Job Satisfaction: How People Feel About Their Jobs, How It Affects Their Performance”, New York: Lexington Books, An Imprint of Macmillan, Inc.
Donovan, R. M., (1999), “Performance Measurement: Connecting Strategy, Operations, Actions”, Performance Improvement, Reliable Plant, 7/2005.
Wilcox, M., Bugaj, M., (2004), “Evaluating Performance in Local Government: a comparison of Polish”, UK councils, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University UK MK 43 OAL, EGPA conference Slovenia.
Erdil, O., Kalkan, A., (2005, Kobilere Sağlanan Desteklerin Kobilerin Performanslarına Etkisi, 21(1/2), İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Yıl: 4 Sayı:7 Bahar 2005/1,103-122.
Evans, L., (1997), “Addressing Problems of Conceptualization, Construct Validity in Researching Teachers’ Job Satisfaction”, Educational Research, 39; 319–331.
Ewen, R. B., (1967), “Weighting Components of Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 51; 68-73.
Fairman, R.L., (1973), “An Empirical Investigation of the Herzberg Dual-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction”, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Florida State University.
Farrell, D. ve Stamm, C. L., (1988), “Meta-analysis of the Correlates of Employee Absence”, Human Relations, 41(3); 211-227.
Friedman, M., (1997), “A Guide to Developing, Using Performance Measures in Results-based
http://www.financeproject.org/Publications/measures.html, Erişim: 30.01.2007. Prepared for The Finance
Project, Ganzach, Y., (1998), “Intelligence, Job Satisfaction”, Academy of Management Journal, 41; 526-539.
Glenn, N. D.,ve Weaver, C. N., (1982), “Further Evidence on Education, Job Satisfaction”, Social Forces, 61; 46-55.
Gordon, M. E., ve Arvey, R. D., (1975), “The Relationship between Education, Satisfaction with Job Content”, Academy of Management Journal, 18; 175-180.
Gore, A., (1997), “Serving The American Public: Best Practices In Performance Measurement”,
Goris, J. R., Vaught, B. C., Pettit, J. D. JR., (2000), “Effects of Communication Direction on Job Performance, Satisfaction: A Moderated Regression Analysis”, Journal of Business Communication, 37; 348.
Guidelines for Performance Measurement, 6-30-96, U.S. Department Of Energy Office of Policy ve Office of Human Resources , Administration Washington, D.C. 20585, http://www.orau.gov/pbm/documents/g1201-5.pdf, Erişim: 02.06.2006
Heneman, H. G. I., Schwab, D. P., Fossum, J. A., ve Dyer, L. D., (1983), “Personnel/human Resource Management”, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
Ittner, C. D., ve Larcker, D. F., (1998a), “Are Non-Financial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance?: An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction”, Journal of Accounting Research, 36 (Supplement); 1-36.
Johnson, M. D., Anderson, E. W., Fornell, C., (1995), “Rational, Adaptive Performance Expectations in a Customer Satisfaction Framework”, Journal of Consumer Research, 21 (March); 128-40.
Judge, T. A., Parker, S., Colbert, A. E., Heller, D. ve Ilies, R., (2001), “Job Satisfaction: A Cross-cultural Review”, in N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil ve C. Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology, 2; 25–52, London: Sage.
Kabadayı, E. T., (2002), İşletmelerdeki Üretim Performans Ölçütlerinin Gelişimi, Özellikleri ve Sürekli İyileştirme İle İlişkisi, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 2002/6; 61-75.
Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P., (2001), “Transforming the Balanced Scorecard from Performance Measurement to Strategic Management: Part I”, Accounting Horizons, 15.
Kılınç, T., Akkavuk, E., (2001), “Takım Performansının Ölçümüne Metodolojik Bir Yaklaşım”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi (2); 103-120.
Krauth, E., Moonen, H., (2005), “Performance Measurement, Control in Logistics Service Providing”, Rotterdam School of Management, Department of Decision, Information Sciences Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 239-247.
Lawler, E. E., (1994), “Motivation in Work Organizations”, New York: Jossey- Bass.
Lee, S. F., Sai On Ko, A., (2000), “Building Balanced Scorecard with SWOT Analysis, Implementing “Sun Tzu’s The Art of Business Management Strategies” on QFD Methodology”, Managerial Auditing Journal, 15(1/2); 68 – 76.
Locke, E. A., (1976), “The Nature, Causes of Job Satisfaction”, (Asıl Kaynak: M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial, Organizational Psychology, 1297-1349, Chicago: Rand McNally).
London, M. ve H. Larsen, (1999), “Relationships between Feedback and Self- Development”, Group and Organization Management, 24(1); 5–27.
Markovits, Y., Davis, A. J., Dick, R. V., (2007), “Organizational Commitment Profiles, Job Satisfaction among Greek Private, Public Sector Employees”, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 7; 77.
Mikes, P. S. ve Hulin, C. L., (1968), “Use of Importance As Weighting Component of Job Satisfaction” Journal of Applied Psychology, 52; 394-398.
Mumford, E., (1972), “Job Satisfaction: A Study of Computer Specialists”, Computer Journal, 1985 28(2):97-104; doi:10.1093/comjnl/28.2.97.
National Performance Review, (1997), “Benchmarking Study Report, Serving The American Public: Best Practices In Performance Measurement”.
Oshagbemi, T., (1999), “Overall Job Satisfaction: How Good Are Single Versus Multiple-Item Measures?”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14; 388–403.
Üniversitesi, Özdamar, K., Odabaşi, Y., Hoşcan, Y., Bir, A. A., Kircaali-İftar, G., Özmen, A., Uzuner, Y., (2008), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştirma Yöntemleri-Örnekleme, T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayinlari, No: 1081.
Özdemir, S. M., (2002), “Bir İşletmede Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Kullanılarak Performans Değerleme Sistemi Tasarımı”, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Podsakoff, P. M. ve Williams. L.F., (1986), “The Relationship between Job Performances, Job Satisfaction”, (Asıl Kaynak: E. A. Locke –Ed-, “Generalizing from Laboratory to Field Settings: Research Findings from Industrial”, Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management, 207-254, Lexington: Lexington Books, D.C. Health, Company).
Ray, M., (1997), “Do We Practice Quality Principles in the Performance Measurement of Critical Success Factors ?”, Total Quality Management, 8(6); 4.
Rice, W. R., Gentile, D. A. ve McFarlin, D. B., (1991), “Facet Importance, Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 76; 31-39.
Rose, M., (2003), “Good Deal, Bad Deal? Job Satisfaction in Occupations”, Work Employment Society, 17; 503.
Sangmook, K., (2005), “Gender Differences in the Job Satisfaction of Public Employees: A Study of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea, Sex Roles”, 52(9/10).
Ssesanga, K. ve Garrett, R. M., (2005), “Job satisfaction of University academics: Perspectives from Uganda”, Higher Education, 50; 33–56.
Smith, P. C., Kendall, L. M. ve Hulin, C. L., (1969), “The Measurement of Satisfaction in Work, Retirement”, Chicago: R, McNaily, (Asıl Kaynak: J. P.
Spector, P. E., (1985), “Measurement of Human Service Staff Satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 13; 693–713.
Spector, P. E., (1997), “Job satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Cause, Consequences”,
Sage, International Transportation Committee, (2004), Transportation Performance Measures in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Transportation Performance Measures, http://international.fhwa.dot.gov/performance/04transperfmeasure.pdf, Erişim: 10.08.2008.
Transportation Research Board National Research Council, (1999), “A Hand book for Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality”, TCRP Report 47, National Academy Press, Washington.
Tsang, M. C., Rumberger, R. W., ve Levin, M., (1991), “The Impact of Surplus Schooling on Worker Productivity”, Industrial Relations, 209-228.
Tse, D. K., Wilton, P. C., (1988), “Models of Consumer Satisfaction Formation: An Extension”, Journal of Marketing Research, 25 (May); 204-12.
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Policy and Office of Human Resources Administration, “Guidelines for Performance Measurement”, 6-30-96, Washington, D.C. 02.06.2006.
Erişim: Vidal, M., (2007), “Lean Production, Worker Empowerment, and Job Satisfaction: A Qualitative Analysis and Critique”, Critical Sociology, 33; 247–278.
Wright, B. E., Davis, B. S., (2003), “Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector: The Role of the Work Environment”, the American Review of Public Administration, 33; 70.
Year 2011,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 85 - 106, 01.03.2011
Çalışmanın amacı kurumsal performans ve çalışan memnuniyeti arasındaki
ilişkilerin incelenmesidir. Bu nedenle çalışmada İzmir’de toplu taşıma kuruluşunun
çalışan memnuniyeti ölçümü gerçekleştirildi. Çalışanlar kamu ulaşım sektörününün
kurumsal performansını en iyi tanımlayabilen önemli elemanlarıdır. Bireysel seviyelerdeki
ölçümler örgütsel performansta oldukça güçlüdür. Dolayısıyla, kurumsal performans
üstüne yapılan çalışmalarda, bağlantılı olduğu için bireysel performans ölçülmektedir.
Devam eden çalışan araştırmaları veya düzenli aralıklarla tekrarlanan
araştırmalar, memnuniyet yönlerinin izlenmesi ve değişikliklerin etkisini belirlemek
/karşılaştırmak için hizmet sağlayıcılara yardım eder. Kurumun önemli yapı taşlarından
olan çalışan memnuniyeti ve çalışanların performans algılaması kriterlerinden, kurumsal
performansı etkileyen önemli özellikler tespit edilebilir.
Motivasyon yapılan işle özdeşleşme, kişisel gelişim, kişisel önemsenme, çalışanlar
arasındaki ilişki, kurumiçi çevresel etkinin çalışanların kurumsal performansına etki eden
en önemli faktörler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, çalışanların yaşı ile performans
algılama arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamakta ancak, eğitim seviyesi arttıkça kişisel
performans algılamasının da arttığı gözlenmiştir.
(2); Arvey, R. D., Carter, G.W. ve Buerkley, D. K., (1991), “Job satisfaction: Dispositional, situational influences”, International Journal of Industrial, Organizational Psychology, 6; 359-383.
Behn, R. D., (2002), The Psychological Barriers to Performance Management: or Why isn’t Everyone Jumping on The Performance-Management Bandwagon?”, Public Performance and Management Review, 26(1); 5-25.
Blood, M. R., (1971), “The Validity of Importance”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59; 313-320.
Burris, V., (1983), “The Social, Political Consequences of Over Education”, American Sociological Review, 48; 454-467.
Butler, J. K., (1983), “Value Importance as A Moderator of the Value Fulfillment- Job Satisfaction Relationship: Group Differences”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68; 420-428.
Carson, K., R., Carson, C., Birkenmeier, R. B., ve Phillips, J., (1999), “Four Commitment Profiles and Their Relationships to Empowerment, Service Recovery and Work Attitudes”, Public Personnel Management, 28; 1–11.
Cranny, C.J., Smith, P.C. ve Stone, E.F., (1992), “Job Satisfaction: How People Feel About Their Jobs, How It Affects Their Performance”, New York: Lexington Books, An Imprint of Macmillan, Inc.
Donovan, R. M., (1999), “Performance Measurement: Connecting Strategy, Operations, Actions”, Performance Improvement, Reliable Plant, 7/2005.
Wilcox, M., Bugaj, M., (2004), “Evaluating Performance in Local Government: a comparison of Polish”, UK councils, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University UK MK 43 OAL, EGPA conference Slovenia.
Erdil, O., Kalkan, A., (2005, Kobilere Sağlanan Desteklerin Kobilerin Performanslarına Etkisi, 21(1/2), İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Yıl: 4 Sayı:7 Bahar 2005/1,103-122.
Evans, L., (1997), “Addressing Problems of Conceptualization, Construct Validity in Researching Teachers’ Job Satisfaction”, Educational Research, 39; 319–331.
Ewen, R. B., (1967), “Weighting Components of Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 51; 68-73.
Fairman, R.L., (1973), “An Empirical Investigation of the Herzberg Dual-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction”, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Florida State University.
Farrell, D. ve Stamm, C. L., (1988), “Meta-analysis of the Correlates of Employee Absence”, Human Relations, 41(3); 211-227.
Friedman, M., (1997), “A Guide to Developing, Using Performance Measures in Results-based
http://www.financeproject.org/Publications/measures.html, Erişim: 30.01.2007. Prepared for The Finance
Project, Ganzach, Y., (1998), “Intelligence, Job Satisfaction”, Academy of Management Journal, 41; 526-539.
Glenn, N. D.,ve Weaver, C. N., (1982), “Further Evidence on Education, Job Satisfaction”, Social Forces, 61; 46-55.
Gordon, M. E., ve Arvey, R. D., (1975), “The Relationship between Education, Satisfaction with Job Content”, Academy of Management Journal, 18; 175-180.
Gore, A., (1997), “Serving The American Public: Best Practices In Performance Measurement”,
Goris, J. R., Vaught, B. C., Pettit, J. D. JR., (2000), “Effects of Communication Direction on Job Performance, Satisfaction: A Moderated Regression Analysis”, Journal of Business Communication, 37; 348.
Guidelines for Performance Measurement, 6-30-96, U.S. Department Of Energy Office of Policy ve Office of Human Resources , Administration Washington, D.C. 20585, http://www.orau.gov/pbm/documents/g1201-5.pdf, Erişim: 02.06.2006
Heneman, H. G. I., Schwab, D. P., Fossum, J. A., ve Dyer, L. D., (1983), “Personnel/human Resource Management”, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
Ittner, C. D., ve Larcker, D. F., (1998a), “Are Non-Financial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance?: An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction”, Journal of Accounting Research, 36 (Supplement); 1-36.
Johnson, M. D., Anderson, E. W., Fornell, C., (1995), “Rational, Adaptive Performance Expectations in a Customer Satisfaction Framework”, Journal of Consumer Research, 21 (March); 128-40.
Judge, T. A., Parker, S., Colbert, A. E., Heller, D. ve Ilies, R., (2001), “Job Satisfaction: A Cross-cultural Review”, in N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil ve C. Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology, 2; 25–52, London: Sage.
Kabadayı, E. T., (2002), İşletmelerdeki Üretim Performans Ölçütlerinin Gelişimi, Özellikleri ve Sürekli İyileştirme İle İlişkisi, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 2002/6; 61-75.
Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P., (2001), “Transforming the Balanced Scorecard from Performance Measurement to Strategic Management: Part I”, Accounting Horizons, 15.
Kılınç, T., Akkavuk, E., (2001), “Takım Performansının Ölçümüne Metodolojik Bir Yaklaşım”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi (2); 103-120.
Krauth, E., Moonen, H., (2005), “Performance Measurement, Control in Logistics Service Providing”, Rotterdam School of Management, Department of Decision, Information Sciences Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 239-247.
Lawler, E. E., (1994), “Motivation in Work Organizations”, New York: Jossey- Bass.
Lee, S. F., Sai On Ko, A., (2000), “Building Balanced Scorecard with SWOT Analysis, Implementing “Sun Tzu’s The Art of Business Management Strategies” on QFD Methodology”, Managerial Auditing Journal, 15(1/2); 68 – 76.
Locke, E. A., (1976), “The Nature, Causes of Job Satisfaction”, (Asıl Kaynak: M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial, Organizational Psychology, 1297-1349, Chicago: Rand McNally).
London, M. ve H. Larsen, (1999), “Relationships between Feedback and Self- Development”, Group and Organization Management, 24(1); 5–27.
Markovits, Y., Davis, A. J., Dick, R. V., (2007), “Organizational Commitment Profiles, Job Satisfaction among Greek Private, Public Sector Employees”, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 7; 77.
Mikes, P. S. ve Hulin, C. L., (1968), “Use of Importance As Weighting Component of Job Satisfaction” Journal of Applied Psychology, 52; 394-398.
Mumford, E., (1972), “Job Satisfaction: A Study of Computer Specialists”, Computer Journal, 1985 28(2):97-104; doi:10.1093/comjnl/28.2.97.
National Performance Review, (1997), “Benchmarking Study Report, Serving The American Public: Best Practices In Performance Measurement”.
Oshagbemi, T., (1999), “Overall Job Satisfaction: How Good Are Single Versus Multiple-Item Measures?”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14; 388–403.
Üniversitesi, Özdamar, K., Odabaşi, Y., Hoşcan, Y., Bir, A. A., Kircaali-İftar, G., Özmen, A., Uzuner, Y., (2008), Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştirma Yöntemleri-Örnekleme, T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayinlari, No: 1081.
Özdemir, S. M., (2002), “Bir İşletmede Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Kullanılarak Performans Değerleme Sistemi Tasarımı”, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Podsakoff, P. M. ve Williams. L.F., (1986), “The Relationship between Job Performances, Job Satisfaction”, (Asıl Kaynak: E. A. Locke –Ed-, “Generalizing from Laboratory to Field Settings: Research Findings from Industrial”, Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management, 207-254, Lexington: Lexington Books, D.C. Health, Company).
Ray, M., (1997), “Do We Practice Quality Principles in the Performance Measurement of Critical Success Factors ?”, Total Quality Management, 8(6); 4.
Rice, W. R., Gentile, D. A. ve McFarlin, D. B., (1991), “Facet Importance, Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 76; 31-39.
Rose, M., (2003), “Good Deal, Bad Deal? Job Satisfaction in Occupations”, Work Employment Society, 17; 503.
Sangmook, K., (2005), “Gender Differences in the Job Satisfaction of Public Employees: A Study of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea, Sex Roles”, 52(9/10).
Ssesanga, K. ve Garrett, R. M., (2005), “Job satisfaction of University academics: Perspectives from Uganda”, Higher Education, 50; 33–56.
Smith, P. C., Kendall, L. M. ve Hulin, C. L., (1969), “The Measurement of Satisfaction in Work, Retirement”, Chicago: R, McNaily, (Asıl Kaynak: J. P.
Spector, P. E., (1985), “Measurement of Human Service Staff Satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey”, American Journal of Community Psychology, 13; 693–713.
Spector, P. E., (1997), “Job satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Cause, Consequences”,
Sage, International Transportation Committee, (2004), Transportation Performance Measures in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Transportation Performance Measures, http://international.fhwa.dot.gov/performance/04transperfmeasure.pdf, Erişim: 10.08.2008.
Transportation Research Board National Research Council, (1999), “A Hand book for Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality”, TCRP Report 47, National Academy Press, Washington.
Tsang, M. C., Rumberger, R. W., ve Levin, M., (1991), “The Impact of Surplus Schooling on Worker Productivity”, Industrial Relations, 209-228.
Tse, D. K., Wilton, P. C., (1988), “Models of Consumer Satisfaction Formation: An Extension”, Journal of Marketing Research, 25 (May); 204-12.
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Policy and Office of Human Resources Administration, “Guidelines for Performance Measurement”, 6-30-96, Washington, D.C. 02.06.2006.
Erişim: Vidal, M., (2007), “Lean Production, Worker Empowerment, and Job Satisfaction: A Qualitative Analysis and Critique”, Critical Sociology, 33; 247–278.
Wright, B. E., Davis, B. S., (2003), “Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector: The Role of the Work Environment”, the American Review of Public Administration, 33; 70.
Yetmen, A. N., & Kişi, H. (2011). KENTSEL TOPLU TAŞIMACILIKTA KURUMSAL PERFORMANS ve ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİ: İZMİR’DE ESHOT ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1), 85-106.
Yetmen, Ayşin Nalan, and Hakkı Kişi. “KENTSEL TOPLU TAŞIMACILIKTA KURUMSAL PERFORMANS Ve ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİ: İZMİR’DE ESHOT ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 3, no. 1 (March 2011): 85-106.
Yetmen AN, Kişi H (March 1, 2011) KENTSEL TOPLU TAŞIMACILIKTA KURUMSAL PERFORMANS ve ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİ: İZMİR’DE ESHOT ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 3 1 85–106.
A. N. Yetmen and H. Kişi, “KENTSEL TOPLU TAŞIMACILIKTA KURUMSAL PERFORMANS ve ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİ: İZMİR’DE ESHOT ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 85–106, 2011.
Yetmen, Ayşin Nalan - Kişi, Hakkı. “KENTSEL TOPLU TAŞIMACILIKTA KURUMSAL PERFORMANS Ve ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİ: İZMİR’DE ESHOT ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 3/1 (March 2011), 85-106.
Yetmen, Ayşin Nalan and Hakkı Kişi. “KENTSEL TOPLU TAŞIMACILIKTA KURUMSAL PERFORMANS Ve ÇALIŞAN MEMNUNİYETİ: İZMİR’DE ESHOT ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, pp. 85-106.