Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 201 - 218, 25.12.2020


Gemi, birçok sebeple diğer iş alanlarından çok farklı çalışma alanıdır. Yaşam ve çalışma alanlarının aynı olması, mesai sonrası gidip rahatlayacak bir yerin eksikliği, aile ve arkadaşlardan uzak olma ve yüksek bir hiyerarşik düzene sahip organizasyon yapısı gemiyi diğer çalışma alanlarından farklı kılmaktadır. Gemiler, uyumlu çalışmanın sadece iş performansı değil, can ve mal güvenliğini de yakından ilgilendirdiği çalışma alanlarıdır. Ancak, çatışmaya gebe olan bu şartlar mevcut iken, bir iş yeri olarak gemi ve gemiadamları arasında çıkan çatışmaların sebepleri bu literatürde henüz incelenmemiştir. Bu sebeple, çalışmada, gemilerde çatışma oluşmasına mahal veren faktörlerin tespiti amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaç için aktif olarak gemide görev alan zabitlerle yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar uygulanarak iş yerindeki çatışmaların sebepleri tespit edilmiştir. Zabitler ile yapılan 18 mülakatta, toplam 29 çatışma sebebi tespit edilmiş olup, bu sebeplerden öne çıkanlar “kültür-etnik köken-din”, “hiyerarşi”, “yemek”, ve “çalışma saatleri” olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, sadece özel çalışma koşulları olan gemi gibi bir çalışma ortamında doğabilecek çeşitli çatışma sebepleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu tespitler gemilerde yaşanan çatışmaların daha iyi anlaşılması, çözülmesi ve önlenmesi gibi hususlarda yardımcı olabilecek olmanın yanı sıra, iş yeri çatışmaları literatürü için de önemli bir katkı sağlamaktadır.


  • Akova, O. & Akın, G. (2015). Çatışma Yönetimi, Yönetsel ve Örgütsel Etkinliği Geliştirme Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Adra Yayıncılık, 516-549.
  • Allen, P., Wardsworth, E. & Smith, A. (2007). The prevention and management of seafarers’ fatigue: A review. International Maritime Health, 58 (1-4), 167-177.
  • Assael, H. (1969). Constructive role of interorganizational conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 573-582.
  • Ayoko, O.B. & Pekerti, A.A. (2008). The mediating and moderating effects of conflict and communication openness on workplace trust. International Journal of Conflict Management 19 (4), 297-318.
  • Babalola, M.T., Stouten, J., Euwema, M.C. & Ovadje, F. (2018). The relation between ethical leadership and workplace conflicts: The mediating role of employee resolution efficacy. Journal of Management, 44 (5), 2037-2063.
  • Barki, H. & Hartwick, J. (2001). Interpersonal conflict and its management in information system development. Mis Quarterly, 195- 228.
  • Barnard, J. (1997). The workplace environment: what do technical workers want?. Industrial Management, 39 (5), 14-16.
  • Bauer, P.J. (2008). The maritime labour convention: An adequate guarantee of seafarer rights or an impediment to true reforms?. Chicago Journal of International Law, 8 (2), 643-660.
  • Belcher, P., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Zhao, M. & Veiga, J. (2003). Women seafarers: global employment policies and practices. International Labour Organization.
  • Borg, W.R. & Gall, M.D. (1983). Educational Research: An Introduction. Longman, New York.
  • Bugher, W. (1980). Polling Attitudes of Community on Education Manual (PACE), Phi Delta Kappan, Bloomington, Indiana.
  • Carotenuto, A., Molino, I., Fasanaro, A.M. & Amenta, F. (2012). Psychological stress in seafarers: A review. International Maritime Health, 63 (4), 188-194.
  • Dijkstra, M., Beersma, B. & Van Leeuwen, J. (2014). Gossiping as a response to conflict with the boss: alternative conflict management behavior?. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25 (4), 431- 454.
  • Doucet, O., Poitras, J. & Chênevert, D. (2009). The impacts of leadership on workplace conflicts. International Journal of Conflict Management, 20 (4), 340-354.
  • Elo, A.L. (1985). Health and stress of seafarers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 427-432.
  • Falk, A., Fehr, E. & Fischbacher, U. (2003). Reasons for conflict: lessons from bargaining experiments. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159 (1), 171-187.
  • Fortado, B. (2001). The metamorphosis of workplace conflict. Human Relations, 54(9), 1189-1221.
  • Galtung, J. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict Development and Civilization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Gordon, J.R. (1991), A Diagnostic Approach to Organisational Behavior. 3rd ed., Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA.
  • Hansen, H. L., Tüchsen, F. & Hannerz, H. (2005). Hospitalisations among seafarers on merchant ships. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 62 (3), 145-150.
  • Harrell, M.C. & Bradley, M.A. (2009). Data collection methods. Semi- structured interviews and focus groups. Rand National Defense Research Institute, Santa Monica.
  • Iversen, R.T. (2012). The mental health of seafarers. International Maritime Health, 63(2), 78-89.
  • Kisamore, J.L., Jawahar, I.M., Liguori, E.W., Mharapara, T.L. & Stone, T.H. (2010). Conflict and abusive workplace behaviors. Career Development International, 15 (6), 583-600.
  • Koçel, T. (2001). İşletme Yöneticiliği, Beta, İstanbul.
  • Lipsky, D.B., Avgar, A.C. and Lamare, J.R. (2016). Introduction: New research on managing and resolving workplace conflict: Setting the stage. Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 22, ix-xxxiii.
  • Longhurst, R. (2003). Semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Key Methods in Geography, 3 (2), 143-156.
  • Nielsen, D. & Roberts, S. (1999). Fatalities among the world’s merchant seafarers (1990–1994). Marine Policy, 23 (1), 71-80.
  • Parker, T.W., Hubinger, L.M., Green, S., Sargent, L. & Boyd, B. (1997). A survey of the health stress and fatigue of Australian seafarers. Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Australian Government
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.
  • Pondy, L. (1967). Organizational conflict: concepts and models. Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(2), 296-320.
  • Pruden, H.O. (1969). Interorganizational conflict, linkage, and exchange: A study of industrial salesmen. Academy of Management Journal, 12(3), 339-350.
  • Putnam, L.L. and Poole, M.S. (1987). Conflict and Negotiation. In F. M. Jablin, L. L. Putnam, K. H. Roberts, & L. W. Porter (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Communication: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, pp. 549-599. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Rahim, M., Buntzman, G. and White, D. (1999), An empirical study of the stages of moral development and conflict management styles. The International Journal of Conflict Management, 10 (2), 154-71.
  • Renwick, P.A. (1975). Perception and management of superior- subordinate conflict. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13 (3), 444-456.
  • Roberts, S.E. & Marlow, P.B. (2005). Traumatic work related mortality among seafarers employed in British merchant shipping, 1976– 2002. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 62 (3), 172-180.
  • Schieman, S., & Reid, S. (2008). Job authority and interpersonal conflict in the workplace. Work and Occupations, 35 (3), 296-326.
  • Seval, H. (2006). Çatışmanın etkileri ve yönetimi. Manas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(15), 245-254.
  • Smith, A.P. (2007). Adequate crewing and seafarers' fatigue: the international perspective. Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology, Cardiff University.
  • Spector, P. E., & Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of four self-report measures of job stressors and strain: interpersonal conflict at work scale, organizational constraints scale, quantitative workload inventory, and physical symptoms inventory. Journal of occupational health psychology, 3(4), 356.
  • Sonnentag, S., Unger, D. and Nägel, I.J. (2013). Workplace conflict and employee well‐being: The moderating role of detachment from work during off‐job time. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24 (2), 166-183.
  • Suliman, A.M. and Abdulla, M.H. (2005). Towards a high‐performance workplace: managing corporate climate and conflict. Management Decision, 43 (5), 720-733.
  • Tajfel, H. (1982). Social psychology of intergroup relations. Annual Review of Psychology, 33(1), 1-39.
  • Thomas, K.W. (1992a). Conflict and Negotiation Processes in Organizations. In M.D. Dunnette & L.M. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed., pp. 651-717. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Thomas, K.W. (1992b). Conflict and conflict management: Reflections and update. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 265-274.
  • Thomas, M. (2004). ‘Get yourself a proper job girlie!’: recruitment, retention and women seafarers. Maritime Policy & Management, 31 (4), 309-318.
  • Thomas, M., Sampson, H. & Zhao, M. (2003). Finding a balance: Companies, seafarers and family life. Maritime Policy & Management, 30 (1), 59-76.
  • Upchurch, M. & Grassman, R. (2016). Striking with social media: The contested (online) terrain of workplace conflict. Organization, 23 (5), 639-656.
  • Van Gramberg, B. & Teicher, J. (2006). Managing neutrality and impartiality in workplace conflict resolution: The dilemma of the HR manager. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 44 (2), 197-210.
  • Varhama, L. M. & Björkqvist, K. (2004). Conflicts, workplace bullying and burnout problems among municipal employees. Psychological Reports, 94(3), 1116-1124.
  • Wadsworth, E.J., Allen, P.H., Wellens, B.T., McNamara, R.L. & Smith, A.P. (2006). Patterns of fatigue among seafarers during a tour of duty. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 49 (10), 836-844.
  • Wall, J.A. Jr. & Callister, R.R. (1995). Conflict and its management. Journal of Management, 21, 515-558.
  • Zweibel, E.B., Goldstein, R., Manwaring, J.A. & Marks, M.B. (2008). What sticks: How medical residents and academic health care faculty transfer conflict resolution training from the workshop to the workplace. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 25 (3), 321-350.


Year 2020, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 201 - 218, 25.12.2020


“The ship” is a very unorthodox workplace due to numerous differences. The work and living spaces are one and the same, there is no place to go to relax when the work is over, family and friends are out of reach, and the organizational structure is almost military-like, with a high level of hierarchy. Ships are workplaces where working in harmony does not only affect the work performance, but the safety of life and goods on board, and the ship as well. However, despite these conditions that are the backdrop of conflict, the ship as a workplace and the reasons for conflict that arise among seafarers are yet to be studied in this literature. Due to these reasons, this study aims to identify the reasons for conflict in seafarers’ workplace. For this aim, a semi-structured interview was carried out with officers who are actively working on board ships. A total of 18 interviews had been carried out, and in those interviews, total of 29 reasons for conflict have emerged. “culture-ethnicity-religion”, “hierarchy”, “food” and “working hours” were found to be the reasons that are on the forefront. Findings of the study show that there are various reasons for conflict that can only be seen in a unique workplace such as a ship. Identification of these reasons will help better understand the conflict situations on board ships as well as contribute to the workplace conflict literature.


  • Akova, O. & Akın, G. (2015). Çatışma Yönetimi, Yönetsel ve Örgütsel Etkinliği Geliştirme Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Adra Yayıncılık, 516-549.
  • Allen, P., Wardsworth, E. & Smith, A. (2007). The prevention and management of seafarers’ fatigue: A review. International Maritime Health, 58 (1-4), 167-177.
  • Assael, H. (1969). Constructive role of interorganizational conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 573-582.
  • Ayoko, O.B. & Pekerti, A.A. (2008). The mediating and moderating effects of conflict and communication openness on workplace trust. International Journal of Conflict Management 19 (4), 297-318.
  • Babalola, M.T., Stouten, J., Euwema, M.C. & Ovadje, F. (2018). The relation between ethical leadership and workplace conflicts: The mediating role of employee resolution efficacy. Journal of Management, 44 (5), 2037-2063.
  • Barki, H. & Hartwick, J. (2001). Interpersonal conflict and its management in information system development. Mis Quarterly, 195- 228.
  • Barnard, J. (1997). The workplace environment: what do technical workers want?. Industrial Management, 39 (5), 14-16.
  • Bauer, P.J. (2008). The maritime labour convention: An adequate guarantee of seafarer rights or an impediment to true reforms?. Chicago Journal of International Law, 8 (2), 643-660.
  • Belcher, P., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Zhao, M. & Veiga, J. (2003). Women seafarers: global employment policies and practices. International Labour Organization.
  • Borg, W.R. & Gall, M.D. (1983). Educational Research: An Introduction. Longman, New York.
  • Bugher, W. (1980). Polling Attitudes of Community on Education Manual (PACE), Phi Delta Kappan, Bloomington, Indiana.
  • Carotenuto, A., Molino, I., Fasanaro, A.M. & Amenta, F. (2012). Psychological stress in seafarers: A review. International Maritime Health, 63 (4), 188-194.
  • Dijkstra, M., Beersma, B. & Van Leeuwen, J. (2014). Gossiping as a response to conflict with the boss: alternative conflict management behavior?. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25 (4), 431- 454.
  • Doucet, O., Poitras, J. & Chênevert, D. (2009). The impacts of leadership on workplace conflicts. International Journal of Conflict Management, 20 (4), 340-354.
  • Elo, A.L. (1985). Health and stress of seafarers. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 427-432.
  • Falk, A., Fehr, E. & Fischbacher, U. (2003). Reasons for conflict: lessons from bargaining experiments. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159 (1), 171-187.
  • Fortado, B. (2001). The metamorphosis of workplace conflict. Human Relations, 54(9), 1189-1221.
  • Galtung, J. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict Development and Civilization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Gordon, J.R. (1991), A Diagnostic Approach to Organisational Behavior. 3rd ed., Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA.
  • Hansen, H. L., Tüchsen, F. & Hannerz, H. (2005). Hospitalisations among seafarers on merchant ships. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 62 (3), 145-150.
  • Harrell, M.C. & Bradley, M.A. (2009). Data collection methods. Semi- structured interviews and focus groups. Rand National Defense Research Institute, Santa Monica.
  • Iversen, R.T. (2012). The mental health of seafarers. International Maritime Health, 63(2), 78-89.
  • Kisamore, J.L., Jawahar, I.M., Liguori, E.W., Mharapara, T.L. & Stone, T.H. (2010). Conflict and abusive workplace behaviors. Career Development International, 15 (6), 583-600.
  • Koçel, T. (2001). İşletme Yöneticiliği, Beta, İstanbul.
  • Lipsky, D.B., Avgar, A.C. and Lamare, J.R. (2016). Introduction: New research on managing and resolving workplace conflict: Setting the stage. Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 22, ix-xxxiii.
  • Longhurst, R. (2003). Semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Key Methods in Geography, 3 (2), 143-156.
  • Nielsen, D. & Roberts, S. (1999). Fatalities among the world’s merchant seafarers (1990–1994). Marine Policy, 23 (1), 71-80.
  • Parker, T.W., Hubinger, L.M., Green, S., Sargent, L. & Boyd, B. (1997). A survey of the health stress and fatigue of Australian seafarers. Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Australian Government
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. Sage publications.
  • Pondy, L. (1967). Organizational conflict: concepts and models. Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(2), 296-320.
  • Pruden, H.O. (1969). Interorganizational conflict, linkage, and exchange: A study of industrial salesmen. Academy of Management Journal, 12(3), 339-350.
  • Putnam, L.L. and Poole, M.S. (1987). Conflict and Negotiation. In F. M. Jablin, L. L. Putnam, K. H. Roberts, & L. W. Porter (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Communication: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, pp. 549-599. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Rahim, M., Buntzman, G. and White, D. (1999), An empirical study of the stages of moral development and conflict management styles. The International Journal of Conflict Management, 10 (2), 154-71.
  • Renwick, P.A. (1975). Perception and management of superior- subordinate conflict. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13 (3), 444-456.
  • Roberts, S.E. & Marlow, P.B. (2005). Traumatic work related mortality among seafarers employed in British merchant shipping, 1976– 2002. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 62 (3), 172-180.
  • Schieman, S., & Reid, S. (2008). Job authority and interpersonal conflict in the workplace. Work and Occupations, 35 (3), 296-326.
  • Seval, H. (2006). Çatışmanın etkileri ve yönetimi. Manas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(15), 245-254.
  • Smith, A.P. (2007). Adequate crewing and seafarers' fatigue: the international perspective. Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology, Cardiff University.
  • Spector, P. E., & Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of four self-report measures of job stressors and strain: interpersonal conflict at work scale, organizational constraints scale, quantitative workload inventory, and physical symptoms inventory. Journal of occupational health psychology, 3(4), 356.
  • Sonnentag, S., Unger, D. and Nägel, I.J. (2013). Workplace conflict and employee well‐being: The moderating role of detachment from work during off‐job time. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24 (2), 166-183.
  • Suliman, A.M. and Abdulla, M.H. (2005). Towards a high‐performance workplace: managing corporate climate and conflict. Management Decision, 43 (5), 720-733.
  • Tajfel, H. (1982). Social psychology of intergroup relations. Annual Review of Psychology, 33(1), 1-39.
  • Thomas, K.W. (1992a). Conflict and Negotiation Processes in Organizations. In M.D. Dunnette & L.M. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed., pp. 651-717. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Thomas, K.W. (1992b). Conflict and conflict management: Reflections and update. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 265-274.
  • Thomas, M. (2004). ‘Get yourself a proper job girlie!’: recruitment, retention and women seafarers. Maritime Policy & Management, 31 (4), 309-318.
  • Thomas, M., Sampson, H. & Zhao, M. (2003). Finding a balance: Companies, seafarers and family life. Maritime Policy & Management, 30 (1), 59-76.
  • Upchurch, M. & Grassman, R. (2016). Striking with social media: The contested (online) terrain of workplace conflict. Organization, 23 (5), 639-656.
  • Van Gramberg, B. & Teicher, J. (2006). Managing neutrality and impartiality in workplace conflict resolution: The dilemma of the HR manager. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 44 (2), 197-210.
  • Varhama, L. M. & Björkqvist, K. (2004). Conflicts, workplace bullying and burnout problems among municipal employees. Psychological Reports, 94(3), 1116-1124.
  • Wadsworth, E.J., Allen, P.H., Wellens, B.T., McNamara, R.L. & Smith, A.P. (2006). Patterns of fatigue among seafarers during a tour of duty. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 49 (10), 836-844.
  • Wall, J.A. Jr. & Callister, R.R. (1995). Conflict and its management. Journal of Management, 21, 515-558.
  • Zweibel, E.B., Goldstein, R., Manwaring, J.A. & Marks, M.B. (2008). What sticks: How medical residents and academic health care faculty transfer conflict resolution training from the workshop to the workplace. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 25 (3), 321-350.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Egemen Ertürk This is me 0000-0002-4442-6674

Publication Date December 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Ertürk, E. (2020). GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 201-218.
AMA Ertürk E. GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2020;12(2):201-218. doi:10.18613/deudfd.837277
Chicago Ertürk, Egemen. “GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 12, no. 2 (December 2020): 201-18.
EndNote Ertürk E (December 1, 2020) GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 12 2 201–218.
IEEE E. Ertürk, “GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 201–218, 2020, doi: 10.18613/deudfd.837277.
ISNAD Ertürk, Egemen. “GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 12/2 (December 2020), 201-218.
JAMA Ertürk E. GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;12:201–218.
MLA Ertürk, Egemen. “GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, 2020, pp. 201-18, doi:10.18613/deudfd.837277.
Vancouver Ertürk E. GEMİADAMLARININ ÇALIŞMA ALANLARINDA ÇATIŞMA SEBEPLERİ ÜZERİNE NİTEL BİR ÇALIŞMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;12(2):201-18.

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