Year 2020,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 259 - 284, 25.12.2020
Yiğit Gülmez
Mustafa Nuran
The study aims to investigate the effects of operational parameters such as nozzle opening pressure and fuel injection timing on exhaust emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine fuelled with distilled marine fuels. Tests were performed on a single cylinder, 13 kW, natural aspirated, direct injection and air cooled diesel engine at 1600 RPM constant engine speed. The tests were conducted for three different nozzle opening pressures (20, 22 and 24 MPa) and 3 different nozzle opening pressures (25° bTDC, 20° bTDC and 15° bTDC). The experiments were repeated at least three times to increase the reliability of the results. The results of the study show that increasing nozzle opening pressure increases the BTE and NOx emissions whereas decreases CO emissions, specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature. Advancing fuel injection timing reduces the CO emissions but increases NOx emissions. The paper provides detailed test results, explanations and discussion.
Supporting Institution
Dokuz Eylül University Scientific Research Coordination Unit
Project Number
- Agarwal, A. K., Srivastava, D. K., Dhar, A., Maurya, R. K., Shukla, P. C. and Singh, A. P. (2013). Effect of fuel injection timing and pressure on combustion, emissions and performance characteristics of a single cylinder diesel engine. Fuel, 111: 374-383.
- Agarwal, A. K., Dhar, A. Gupta, J. G., Kim, W. I., Choi, K., Lee, C. S. and Park, S. (2014). Effect of fuel injection pressure and injection timing of Karanja biodiesel blends on fuel spray, engine performance, emissions and combustion characteristics. Energy Conversion and Management, 91: 302-314.
- Anbarasu, A. and Karthikeyan A. (2017). Effect of injection pressure on the performance and emission characteristics of CI engine using canola emulsion fuel. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 38(3): 314-319.
- Crist, P. (2009). Greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential from international shipping. In: Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum Discussion Paper No 2009/11, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- Cristea, A., Hummels, D., Puzzello, L. and Avetisyan, M. (2013). Trade and the greenhouse gas emissions from international freight transport, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 65(1): 153-173.
- Çelikten, İ. (2003). An experimental investigation of the effect of the injection pressure on engine performance and exhaust emission in indirect injection diesel engines. Applied Thermal Engineering, 23(16): 2051-2060.
- Deep, A., Sandhu, S.S. and Chander, S.S. (2017). Experimental investigations on the influence of fuel injection timing and pressure on single cylinder C.I. engine fuelled with 20% blend of castor biodiesel in diesel. Fuel, 210: 15-22.
- Endresen, Ø., Sørgård, E., Sundet, J. K., Dalsøren, S. B., Isaksen, I. S., Berglen, T. F., and Gravir, G. (2003). Emission from international sea transportation and environmental impact. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D17).
- How, H.G., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A. and Teoh, Y.H. (2018). Influence of injection timing and split injection strategies on performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel blended fuels. Fuel, 213: 106-114.
- Içingür, Y. and Altıparmak, D. (2003). Effect of fuel cetane number and injection pressure on a DI Diesel engine performance and emissions. Energy Conversion and Management, 44(3):389-397.
- ICS. (2014). Shipping, World Trade and the Reduction of CO2 Emissions. https://www.ics-shipping.org/docs/default-source/resources/policy-tools/shipping-world-trade-and-the-reduction-of-co2-emissionsEE36BCFD2279.pdf?sfvrsn=20. Access Date: 15.01.2020.
- IEA. (2019). Key World Energy Statistics. https://www.iea.org/reports/key-world-energy-statistics-2019. Access Date: 15.08.2020.
- Janardhan, N., Krishna, M.V.S.M., Reddy, C. K. and Prasad, N. D. (2014). Effect of injection timing on exhaust emissions and combustion characteristics of direct injection diesel engine with high grade insulated combustion chamber. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering Management 3 (12): 213-221.
- Kozak, M. and Merkisz, J. (2005). The mechanics of fuel sulphur influence on exhaust emissions from diesel engines. Komisji Motoryzacjii Energetyki Rolnictwa, 5: 96-106
- Kumar, P., Fernandes, P. and Raju K. (2017). A Study on Effect of Injection Pressure on the Performance and Emission of CI Engine with B20 and B30 Blends of Mahua Methyl Ester. Energy and Power, 7(4):105-110.
- Labecki, L. and Ganippa, L.C. (2012) Effects of injection parameters and EGR on combustion and emission characteristics of rapeseed oil and its blends in diesel engines. Fuel, 98: 15-28.
- Lai, K., Venus Yun, Y.H., Wong, W.Y. and Cheng, T.C.E. (2011). Green shipping practices in the shipping industry: Conceptualization, adoption, and implications. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 55(6):631-638.
Lam, J.S.L. and Lai, K. (2015). Developing environmental sustainability by ANP-QFD approach: the case of shipping operations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 105, 275-284.
- Liu, J., Yao, A, and Yao, C. (2015). Effects of diesel injection pressure on the performance and emissions of a HD commonrail diesel engine fuelled with diesel/methanol dual fuel. Fuel, 140:192-200.
- Mersin, K., Bayırhan İ. and Gazioğlu, C. (2019). Review of CO2 emission and reducing methods in maritime transportation. Thermal Sciences, 23, 372-380.
- Mohan, B., Yang, W., Raman, V., Sivasankaralingam, V. and Chou S.K. (2014). Optimization of biodiesel fuelled engine to meet emission standards through varying nozzle opening pressure and static injection timing, Applied Energy,130: 450-457.
- Puhan, S.; Jegan, R.; Balasubbramanian, K. and Nagarajan, G. (2009). Effect of injection pressure on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of high linolenic linseed oil methyl ester in a DI diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 34 (5).
- Raheman, H. and Ghadge, S.V. (2008). Performance of diesel engine with biodiesel at varying compression ratio and ignition timing. Fuel, 87: 2659-2666.
- Rostami, M, Ghobadian, S., Kiani B. (2014). Effect of the Injection Timing on the Performance of a Diesel Engine Using Diesel-Biodiesel Blends. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 10: 1945-1958.
- Sayin, C., Ilhan, M., Canakci, M. and Gumus, M. (2009). Effect of injection timing on the exhaust emissions of a diesel engine using diesel-methanol blends. Renewable Energy, 34(5): 1261-1269.
- Shell. (2008). Shell Energy Scenarios to 2050, Technical Report. http://www.shell.com/scenarios, Access Date:15.01.2020.
Shi, Y. (2016). Are greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping a type of marine pollution? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113(1-2), 187-192.
- UNCTAD. (2019). Review of Maritime Transport 2019. https://unctad.org/webflyer/review-maritime-transport-2019. Access Date: 15.11.2020.
- US EIA. (2016). U.S. Energy Information Administration International Energy Outlook 2016, https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/pdf/0484(2016).pdf, Access Date: 15.01.2020.
- World Energy Council. (2016). World Energy Council World Energy Scenarios 2016, https://www.worldenergy.org/assets/downloads/World-Energy-Scenarios-2016_Summary-Report.pdf, Access Date: 15.01.2020.
- Zeldovich, Y.B. (1946). The oxidation of nitrogen in combustion and explosions. Acta Physicochemica USSR 21:577-628.
Year 2020,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 259 - 284, 25.12.2020
Yiğit Gülmez
Mustafa Nuran
Bu çalışma yakıt olarak deniz yakıtları kullanılan bir dizel motorda enjektör açılma basıncı ve yakıt püskürtme zamanlamasının motor performansı ve egzoz salımları üzerindeki etkilerini gözlemlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan ölçümler 13 kW güce sahip, tek silindirli, doğal emişli, direkt püskürtmeli ve hava soğutmalı bir dizel motorda 1600 RPM sabit motor devrinde yapılmıştır. Deneyler üç farklı enjektör açılma basıncı (20, 22 ve 24 MPa) ve üç farklı püskürtme zamanlaması (ÜÖN öncesi 25°, ÜÖN öncesi 20° ve ÜÖN öncesi 15°) değerlerinin kullanılmasıyla yapılmıştır. Tüm ölçümler sonuçların güvenilirliğini arttırmak üzere en az üç defa tekrar edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, enjektör açılma basıncındaki artışın fren termal verimi ve azot oksit salımlarını arttırdığını ancak karbonmonoksit salımları, egzoz gaz sıcaklığı ve özgül yakıt sarfiyatını arttırdığı görülmüştür. Yakıt püskürtme zamanlamasının erkene alınmasının ise karbonmonoksit salımlarının düşmesini sağladığı ancak azot oksit salımlarının artışına sebep olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma deneylerle ilgili detaylı sonuçları, açıklamaları ve konu ile ilgili tartışma kısımlarını içermektedir.
Project Number
- Agarwal, A. K., Srivastava, D. K., Dhar, A., Maurya, R. K., Shukla, P. C. and Singh, A. P. (2013). Effect of fuel injection timing and pressure on combustion, emissions and performance characteristics of a single cylinder diesel engine. Fuel, 111: 374-383.
- Agarwal, A. K., Dhar, A. Gupta, J. G., Kim, W. I., Choi, K., Lee, C. S. and Park, S. (2014). Effect of fuel injection pressure and injection timing of Karanja biodiesel blends on fuel spray, engine performance, emissions and combustion characteristics. Energy Conversion and Management, 91: 302-314.
- Anbarasu, A. and Karthikeyan A. (2017). Effect of injection pressure on the performance and emission characteristics of CI engine using canola emulsion fuel. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 38(3): 314-319.
- Crist, P. (2009). Greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential from international shipping. In: Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum Discussion Paper No 2009/11, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- Cristea, A., Hummels, D., Puzzello, L. and Avetisyan, M. (2013). Trade and the greenhouse gas emissions from international freight transport, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 65(1): 153-173.
- Çelikten, İ. (2003). An experimental investigation of the effect of the injection pressure on engine performance and exhaust emission in indirect injection diesel engines. Applied Thermal Engineering, 23(16): 2051-2060.
- Deep, A., Sandhu, S.S. and Chander, S.S. (2017). Experimental investigations on the influence of fuel injection timing and pressure on single cylinder C.I. engine fuelled with 20% blend of castor biodiesel in diesel. Fuel, 210: 15-22.
- Endresen, Ø., Sørgård, E., Sundet, J. K., Dalsøren, S. B., Isaksen, I. S., Berglen, T. F., and Gravir, G. (2003). Emission from international sea transportation and environmental impact. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D17).
- How, H.G., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A. and Teoh, Y.H. (2018). Influence of injection timing and split injection strategies on performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel blended fuels. Fuel, 213: 106-114.
- Içingür, Y. and Altıparmak, D. (2003). Effect of fuel cetane number and injection pressure on a DI Diesel engine performance and emissions. Energy Conversion and Management, 44(3):389-397.
- ICS. (2014). Shipping, World Trade and the Reduction of CO2 Emissions. https://www.ics-shipping.org/docs/default-source/resources/policy-tools/shipping-world-trade-and-the-reduction-of-co2-emissionsEE36BCFD2279.pdf?sfvrsn=20. Access Date: 15.01.2020.
- IEA. (2019). Key World Energy Statistics. https://www.iea.org/reports/key-world-energy-statistics-2019. Access Date: 15.08.2020.
- Janardhan, N., Krishna, M.V.S.M., Reddy, C. K. and Prasad, N. D. (2014). Effect of injection timing on exhaust emissions and combustion characteristics of direct injection diesel engine with high grade insulated combustion chamber. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering Management 3 (12): 213-221.
- Kozak, M. and Merkisz, J. (2005). The mechanics of fuel sulphur influence on exhaust emissions from diesel engines. Komisji Motoryzacjii Energetyki Rolnictwa, 5: 96-106
- Kumar, P., Fernandes, P. and Raju K. (2017). A Study on Effect of Injection Pressure on the Performance and Emission of CI Engine with B20 and B30 Blends of Mahua Methyl Ester. Energy and Power, 7(4):105-110.
- Labecki, L. and Ganippa, L.C. (2012) Effects of injection parameters and EGR on combustion and emission characteristics of rapeseed oil and its blends in diesel engines. Fuel, 98: 15-28.
- Lai, K., Venus Yun, Y.H., Wong, W.Y. and Cheng, T.C.E. (2011). Green shipping practices in the shipping industry: Conceptualization, adoption, and implications. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 55(6):631-638.
Lam, J.S.L. and Lai, K. (2015). Developing environmental sustainability by ANP-QFD approach: the case of shipping operations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 105, 275-284.
- Liu, J., Yao, A, and Yao, C. (2015). Effects of diesel injection pressure on the performance and emissions of a HD commonrail diesel engine fuelled with diesel/methanol dual fuel. Fuel, 140:192-200.
- Mersin, K., Bayırhan İ. and Gazioğlu, C. (2019). Review of CO2 emission and reducing methods in maritime transportation. Thermal Sciences, 23, 372-380.
- Mohan, B., Yang, W., Raman, V., Sivasankaralingam, V. and Chou S.K. (2014). Optimization of biodiesel fuelled engine to meet emission standards through varying nozzle opening pressure and static injection timing, Applied Energy,130: 450-457.
- Puhan, S.; Jegan, R.; Balasubbramanian, K. and Nagarajan, G. (2009). Effect of injection pressure on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of high linolenic linseed oil methyl ester in a DI diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 34 (5).
- Raheman, H. and Ghadge, S.V. (2008). Performance of diesel engine with biodiesel at varying compression ratio and ignition timing. Fuel, 87: 2659-2666.
- Rostami, M, Ghobadian, S., Kiani B. (2014). Effect of the Injection Timing on the Performance of a Diesel Engine Using Diesel-Biodiesel Blends. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 10: 1945-1958.
- Sayin, C., Ilhan, M., Canakci, M. and Gumus, M. (2009). Effect of injection timing on the exhaust emissions of a diesel engine using diesel-methanol blends. Renewable Energy, 34(5): 1261-1269.
- Shell. (2008). Shell Energy Scenarios to 2050, Technical Report. http://www.shell.com/scenarios, Access Date:15.01.2020.
Shi, Y. (2016). Are greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping a type of marine pollution? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113(1-2), 187-192.
- UNCTAD. (2019). Review of Maritime Transport 2019. https://unctad.org/webflyer/review-maritime-transport-2019. Access Date: 15.11.2020.
- US EIA. (2016). U.S. Energy Information Administration International Energy Outlook 2016, https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/pdf/0484(2016).pdf, Access Date: 15.01.2020.
- World Energy Council. (2016). World Energy Council World Energy Scenarios 2016, https://www.worldenergy.org/assets/downloads/World-Energy-Scenarios-2016_Summary-Report.pdf, Access Date: 15.01.2020.
- Zeldovich, Y.B. (1946). The oxidation of nitrogen in combustion and explosions. Acta Physicochemica USSR 21:577-628.