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Year 2023, Contemporary Issues in Maritime Industry, 20 - 42, 29.10.2023


Bu çalışmada, lisans düzeyinde STCW A-II/1 ve A-III/1 yeterliliğine sahip Türk zabitlerinin denizcilik sonrası kariyerleri araştırılmış ve yeni kariyer tercihleri incelenmiştir. Yüksek maaşlı bir meslek olması, Türk zabitlerinin denizcilik mesleğini tercih etmelerindeki başlıca nedenlerden biri olarak tespit edilmiştir. Türk denizcilerinin gemide çalışma süreleri incelenmiş ve bu sürelerin kısalığının dikkat çekici olduğu görülmüştür. Bu durum, aile gibi etkenler sebebiyle kariyer planlamasının düzgün yapılmadığını ve Filipinlilere oranla daha az deniz hizmeti yaptıklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru planlanmış kariyer yönetimi, hem kurumların amaçlarına hem de çalışanların beklentilerine hizmet etmektedir. Araştırmalar ayrıca sektör çalışanlarının önemli bir çoğunluğunun aynı sektörde deniz hizmetinden sonra ikinci bir kariyere sahip olmayı hedeflediğini göstermektedir. Türk zabitlerinin sektörün kara tarafında çalışmak istemesi denizcilik sektörü için oldukça dikkat çekici bir sonuçtur. Verilerin elde edilmesinde anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde SPSS 22 programında yer alan regresyon modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda Türk denizcilerinin büyük çoğunluğunun deniz hizmetlerinden sonra genel olarak denizcilik sektöründe çalıştığı gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Allen, P., Wardsworth, E. and Smith, A. (2008). Seafarers’ fatigue: a review of the recent literature. International Maritime Health 59(1-4), 81-92.
  • Amante, M.S. (2003). Philippine global seafarers: a profile. Seafarers International Research Centre Cardiff University 39-40.
  • Avis, T., Bor, R. and Eriksen, C. (2019). The impact of work on pilots’ personal relationships. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors 9(1).
  • Barnett, M., Gatfield, D., Overgaard, B., Pekcan, C. and Graveson, A. (2006). Barriers to progress or windows of opportunity? A study in career path mapping in the maritime industries. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 5(2):127-142.
  • Bergheim, K., Nielsen, M.B., Mearns, K. and Eid, J. (2015). The relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction, and safety perceptions in the maritime industry. Safety Science 74:27-36.
  • Bursalı, Y.M. and Kök, S.B. (2018). İnsan kaynaklarında değişimin yeni yönelimi: kariyer yönetimi. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 5(3):46-67.
  • Caesar, L.D., Cahoon, S. and Fei, J. (2015). Exploring the range of retention issues for seafarers in global shipping: opportunities for further research. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14(1):141-157.
  • Ćorović, B. (2013). Supply and demand analysis of educated seafarers. Annals of the Oradea University Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering ISSUE, 2.
  • Fageda, X. (2000). Load centres in the mediterranean port range. ports hub and ports gateway. 40th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "European Monetary Union and Regional Policy". Barcelona, Spain.
  • Fei, J. and Lu, J. (2015). Analysis of students’ perceptions of seafaring career in China based on artificial neural network and genetic programming. Maritime Policy & Management 42(2):111-126.
  • Fisek, G. (1992). Turk ailesinin dinamik ve yapisal ozellikleri uzerine dusunceler ve konuya iliskin bir on calisma (Aile Yazilari: Birey Kisilik ve Toplum). Basbakanlik Aile Arastirma Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Fiskin, R. and Zorba, Y. (2015). An analysis of the effects of major oil companies on crew selection criteria for tanker operating ship management companies. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 7(2):154-170.
  • GBS (2021). Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, “Gemiadamı Bilgi Sistemi: 2021.”, Accessed: 15.03.2021.
  • ICS (2015). Manpower report. https://www.ics-shipping.Org/docs/default-source/resources/safety-securityand-operations/manpower-report-2015-executive-summary.pdf, Accessed:20.06.2020
  • ILO (2006). Guidelines for implementing the occupational safety and health provisions of the maritime labour convention. /wcmsp5 /groups/public/---ed_dialogue/-- sector/documents/normativeinstrument/wcms_325319.pdf. Accessed: 23.03.2021.
  • Jackson, D.A. (2017). Using work-integrated learning to enhance career planning among business undergraduates. Australian Journal of Career Development 26(3):153-164.
  • Kantharia, R. (2017). 12 Main reasons seafarers quit sea jobs. Life at Sea
  • Knudsen, F. (2009). Paperwork at the service of safety? Workers’ reluctance against written procedures exemplified by the concept of ‘seamanship’. Safety Science 47(2):295-303.
  • Köseoğlu, B. (2010). Uzakyol güverte zabitlerinin kariyer planlama ölçütleri, dokuz eylül üniversitesi denizcilik fakültesi deniz ulaştırma işletme mühendisliği bölümü mezunları (1999-2008) üzerine bir analiz,” Ph. D. dissertation, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Lartey, F.M. (2021). Impact of career Planning, employee autonomy, and manager recognition on employee engagement. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies 9(02):135.
  • Lent, R. (2013). Career-life preparedness: Revisiting career planning and adjustment in the new workplace. The Career Development Quarterly 61(1):2–14. 0045.2013.00031.x
  • Levy, Y. (2007). Comparing dropouts and persistence in e-learning courses. Computers & Education, 48(2), 185-204.
  • Mitroussi, K. (2008). Employment of seafarers in the EU context: Challenges and opportunities. Marine Policy 32(6):1043-1049.
  • McLaughlin, H. (2015). Seafarers in the spotlight. Maritime Policy & Management 42(2):95-96.
  • Oldenburg, M., Hogan, B. and Jensen, H.J. (2013). Systematic review of maritime field studies about stress and strain in seafaring. International Archives of Occupational And Environmental Health 86(1):1-15.
  • Pauksztat, B. (2017). ‘Only work and sleep’: seafarers’ perceptions of job demands of short sea cargo shipping lines and their effects on work and life on board. Maritime Policy & Management 44(7):899-915.
  • Ruggunan, S. and Kanengoni, H. (2017). Pursuing a career at sea: an empirical profile of South African cadets and implications for career awareness. Maritime Policy & Management 44(3):289-303.
  • Singh, B. (2017). Why maritime jobs are not preferred anymore. Maritime Insight.
  • Sulpice, G. (2011). Study on EU seafarers employment. Final Report, European Commission.
  • Şakiroğlu, A. (2007). Uzakyol zabitlerinin kariyer planlama ölçütleri üzerine bir analiz, Ph. D. Dissertation Project, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Tezcan, Ö., Kan, E. and Atik, O. (2020). A Study on working and living conditions of turkish seafarers. Journal of ETA Maritime Science 8(1):22-37.
  • Thai, V.V. and Latta, T. (2010). Employment brand strategy for the shortage of seafarers. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2(4):411-428.
  • Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2003). Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life. Maritime Policy & Management 30(1):59-76.
  • UNCTAD (2020). Merchant fleet by country of beneficial ownership, 2020. Merchant Fleet by Country of Beneficial Ownership, Annual, 2014-2020. . Accessed: 23.03.2021.
  • USCG (2021). US department of homeland security united states coast guard, stcw regulation I/8. 0I_9.pdf Accessed: 05.04.2021.
  • Veronica, N., Purwanta, E. and Astuti, B. (2020). Design and development of a mobile learning for career planning in senior high school. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 9(1):908- 913.
  • Wang, T. and Shu, Y. (2021). Willingness of students majoring in the navigation to work as seafarers in China. Ocean & Coastal Management 211.
  • Yean, T.F. and Yahya, K.K. (2013). The influence of human resource management practices and career strategy on career satisfaction of insurance agents. International Journal of Business and Society 14(2):193.
  • Yuen, K.F., Loh, H.S., Zhou, Q. and Wong, Y.D. (2018). Determinants of job satisfaction and performance of seafarers. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 110:1-12.
  • Zaar, S. and Hammarstedt, K. (2012). Promotion campaigns in the maritime sector and the attitude of young people towards a career at sea. Master's thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Chalmers.
  • Zhao, M. and Amante, M.S. (2005). Chinese and Filipino seafarers: A race to the top or the bottom?. Modern Asian Studies 39(3):535-557.
  • Zikic, J. and Klehe, U. (2006). Job loss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career exploration and career planning in predicting reemployment quality. Journal of Vocational Behavior 69(3):391–409.


Year 2023, Contemporary Issues in Maritime Industry, 20 - 42, 29.10.2023


In this study, the post-maritime careers of Turkish officers who have STCW A-II/1 and A-III/1 qualification at the undergraduate level were investigated, and their new career preferences were examined. The high salary profession has been identified as one of the main reasons why Turkish officers prefer the maritime profession. Turkish seafarers’ working periods on the ship were examined, and the shortness of these durations was observed to be noteworthy. This situation shows that due to not properly career planning, it is seen that they do less sea service because of factors such as family etc. than Filipinos. Therefore, properly planned career management serves both the goals of the institutions and the expectations of the employees. Studies also have shown that a significant majority of the sector's employees aim to have a second career after sea service in the same sector. It is a very remarkable result for the maritime industry that Turkish officers want to work on shore base of the sector. The survey method was used to obtain the data. The regression model in SPSS 22 program was used in the analysis of the obtained data. As a result of this study, it has been observed that most of the Turkish seafarers generally work in the maritime sector after sea services.


  • Allen, P., Wardsworth, E. and Smith, A. (2008). Seafarers’ fatigue: a review of the recent literature. International Maritime Health 59(1-4), 81-92.
  • Amante, M.S. (2003). Philippine global seafarers: a profile. Seafarers International Research Centre Cardiff University 39-40.
  • Avis, T., Bor, R. and Eriksen, C. (2019). The impact of work on pilots’ personal relationships. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors 9(1).
  • Barnett, M., Gatfield, D., Overgaard, B., Pekcan, C. and Graveson, A. (2006). Barriers to progress or windows of opportunity? A study in career path mapping in the maritime industries. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 5(2):127-142.
  • Bergheim, K., Nielsen, M.B., Mearns, K. and Eid, J. (2015). The relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction, and safety perceptions in the maritime industry. Safety Science 74:27-36.
  • Bursalı, Y.M. and Kök, S.B. (2018). İnsan kaynaklarında değişimin yeni yönelimi: kariyer yönetimi. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 5(3):46-67.
  • Caesar, L.D., Cahoon, S. and Fei, J. (2015). Exploring the range of retention issues for seafarers in global shipping: opportunities for further research. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14(1):141-157.
  • Ćorović, B. (2013). Supply and demand analysis of educated seafarers. Annals of the Oradea University Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering ISSUE, 2.
  • Fageda, X. (2000). Load centres in the mediterranean port range. ports hub and ports gateway. 40th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "European Monetary Union and Regional Policy". Barcelona, Spain.
  • Fei, J. and Lu, J. (2015). Analysis of students’ perceptions of seafaring career in China based on artificial neural network and genetic programming. Maritime Policy & Management 42(2):111-126.
  • Fisek, G. (1992). Turk ailesinin dinamik ve yapisal ozellikleri uzerine dusunceler ve konuya iliskin bir on calisma (Aile Yazilari: Birey Kisilik ve Toplum). Basbakanlik Aile Arastirma Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Fiskin, R. and Zorba, Y. (2015). An analysis of the effects of major oil companies on crew selection criteria for tanker operating ship management companies. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 7(2):154-170.
  • GBS (2021). Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, “Gemiadamı Bilgi Sistemi: 2021.”, Accessed: 15.03.2021.
  • ICS (2015). Manpower report. https://www.ics-shipping.Org/docs/default-source/resources/safety-securityand-operations/manpower-report-2015-executive-summary.pdf, Accessed:20.06.2020
  • ILO (2006). Guidelines for implementing the occupational safety and health provisions of the maritime labour convention. /wcmsp5 /groups/public/---ed_dialogue/-- sector/documents/normativeinstrument/wcms_325319.pdf. Accessed: 23.03.2021.
  • Jackson, D.A. (2017). Using work-integrated learning to enhance career planning among business undergraduates. Australian Journal of Career Development 26(3):153-164.
  • Kantharia, R. (2017). 12 Main reasons seafarers quit sea jobs. Life at Sea
  • Knudsen, F. (2009). Paperwork at the service of safety? Workers’ reluctance against written procedures exemplified by the concept of ‘seamanship’. Safety Science 47(2):295-303.
  • Köseoğlu, B. (2010). Uzakyol güverte zabitlerinin kariyer planlama ölçütleri, dokuz eylül üniversitesi denizcilik fakültesi deniz ulaştırma işletme mühendisliği bölümü mezunları (1999-2008) üzerine bir analiz,” Ph. D. dissertation, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Lartey, F.M. (2021). Impact of career Planning, employee autonomy, and manager recognition on employee engagement. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies 9(02):135.
  • Lent, R. (2013). Career-life preparedness: Revisiting career planning and adjustment in the new workplace. The Career Development Quarterly 61(1):2–14. 0045.2013.00031.x
  • Levy, Y. (2007). Comparing dropouts and persistence in e-learning courses. Computers & Education, 48(2), 185-204.
  • Mitroussi, K. (2008). Employment of seafarers in the EU context: Challenges and opportunities. Marine Policy 32(6):1043-1049.
  • McLaughlin, H. (2015). Seafarers in the spotlight. Maritime Policy & Management 42(2):95-96.
  • Oldenburg, M., Hogan, B. and Jensen, H.J. (2013). Systematic review of maritime field studies about stress and strain in seafaring. International Archives of Occupational And Environmental Health 86(1):1-15.
  • Pauksztat, B. (2017). ‘Only work and sleep’: seafarers’ perceptions of job demands of short sea cargo shipping lines and their effects on work and life on board. Maritime Policy & Management 44(7):899-915.
  • Ruggunan, S. and Kanengoni, H. (2017). Pursuing a career at sea: an empirical profile of South African cadets and implications for career awareness. Maritime Policy & Management 44(3):289-303.
  • Singh, B. (2017). Why maritime jobs are not preferred anymore. Maritime Insight.
  • Sulpice, G. (2011). Study on EU seafarers employment. Final Report, European Commission.
  • Şakiroğlu, A. (2007). Uzakyol zabitlerinin kariyer planlama ölçütleri üzerine bir analiz, Ph. D. Dissertation Project, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Tezcan, Ö., Kan, E. and Atik, O. (2020). A Study on working and living conditions of turkish seafarers. Journal of ETA Maritime Science 8(1):22-37.
  • Thai, V.V. and Latta, T. (2010). Employment brand strategy for the shortage of seafarers. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2(4):411-428.
  • Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2003). Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life. Maritime Policy & Management 30(1):59-76.
  • UNCTAD (2020). Merchant fleet by country of beneficial ownership, 2020. Merchant Fleet by Country of Beneficial Ownership, Annual, 2014-2020. . Accessed: 23.03.2021.
  • USCG (2021). US department of homeland security united states coast guard, stcw regulation I/8. 0I_9.pdf Accessed: 05.04.2021.
  • Veronica, N., Purwanta, E. and Astuti, B. (2020). Design and development of a mobile learning for career planning in senior high school. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 9(1):908- 913.
  • Wang, T. and Shu, Y. (2021). Willingness of students majoring in the navigation to work as seafarers in China. Ocean & Coastal Management 211.
  • Yean, T.F. and Yahya, K.K. (2013). The influence of human resource management practices and career strategy on career satisfaction of insurance agents. International Journal of Business and Society 14(2):193.
  • Yuen, K.F., Loh, H.S., Zhou, Q. and Wong, Y.D. (2018). Determinants of job satisfaction and performance of seafarers. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 110:1-12.
  • Zaar, S. and Hammarstedt, K. (2012). Promotion campaigns in the maritime sector and the attitude of young people towards a career at sea. Master's thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Chalmers.
  • Zhao, M. and Amante, M.S. (2005). Chinese and Filipino seafarers: A race to the top or the bottom?. Modern Asian Studies 39(3):535-557.
  • Zikic, J. and Klehe, U. (2006). Job loss as a blessing in disguise: The role of career exploration and career planning in predicting reemployment quality. Journal of Vocational Behavior 69(3):391–409.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Sana 0000-0002-2222-4772

Ersan Başar 0000-0002-1458-4102

Songul Sarıalioğlu This is me 0000-0003-2337-6871

Publication Date October 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Contemporary Issues in Maritime Industry


APA Sana, F., Başar, E., & Sarıalioğlu, S. (2023). CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi20-42.
AMA Sana F, Başar E, Sarıalioğlu S. CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. Published online October 1, 2023:20-42. doi:10.18613/deudfd.1035569
Chicago Sana, Fatih, Ersan Başar, and Songul Sarıalioğlu. “CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, October (October 2023), 20-42.
EndNote Sana F, Başar E, Sarıalioğlu S (October 1, 2023) CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 20–42.
IEEE F. Sana, E. Başar, and S. Sarıalioğlu, “CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, pp. 20–42, October 2023, doi: 10.18613/deudfd.1035569.
ISNAD Sana, Fatih et al. “CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. October 2023. 20-42.
JAMA Sana F, Başar E, Sarıalioğlu S. CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2023;:20–42.
MLA Sana, Fatih et al. “CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 2023, pp. 20-42, doi:10.18613/deudfd.1035569.
Vancouver Sana F, Başar E, Sarıalioğlu S. CAREER PREFERENCE OF THE TURKISH OFFICERS AFTER SEA SERVICE. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2023:20-42.

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