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Year 2005, Volume: 20 Issue: 2 - Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 27 - 46, 25.07.2016


Bu çalışma, uygulamadaki en yeni risk ölçüm tekniği olan Riske Maruz Değer (VaR), şişman kuyruk özelliğine sahip portföy verileri için kullanıldığında pozitif bir sapma göstermektedir. Yöntemin nasıl kullanıldığını açıkça göstermek için, Amerikan Doları/Euro günlük fiyatları ve ISE-100 Endeksi finansal serilerden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada VaR yöntemine uygun bir alternatif olarak tutarlı bir risk ölçüm aracı olarak Beklenen Kayıp (ES) ve geleneksel VaR yöntemleri tanımlanmıştır. VaR ve ES yöntemlerinin özellikleri tartışılmakta ve söz konusu yöntemler kuyruk riski ( istatistiki dağılım yapısına bağlı risk), güçlü yönler ve zayıf yönlerin vurgulanması suretiyle karşılaştırılmaktadır. ES yönteminin kuyruk riski taşımaması ve VaR yöntemine göre tutarlı olması dolayısıyla daha uygulanabilir olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • ACERBI, Carlo ve Dirk TASCHE, “On the coherence of expected shortfall”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 26, 2002, http://www-
  • AKSEL, K. H. (2001), “Riske Maruz Değerin Özellikleri”, Active Dergisi, Mart - Nisan,15, ue&nARTICLE_id=426.
  • ARTZNER, P., F. DELBAEN, J. M. EBER ve D. HEATH (1999), “Coherent Measures of Risk,” Mathematical Finance, 9 (3), 203–228,
  • BECKER, R., W. ENDERS ve S. HURN, “A General Test For Time-dependence in Parameters”, The University of Alabama, Working Paper, (01/02/05).
  • BOLLERSLEV, T. (1986), “Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity”, Journal of Econometrics, 307–327.
  • COURVOISIER, N. ve R. SCHRANER (2005), “Composition Of Fund Of Hegde Funds: A Mean Cvar Allocation With An Option Based Constraint”, Master Thesis, University of Laussanne directed by Prof Neftci.
  • DING, Z., C.W.J. GRANGER ve R. F. ENGLE (1993), “A Long Memory Property Of Stock Market Returns and A New Model”, Journal of Empirical Finance, 1, 83-106.
  • FERMANIAN, J. ve O. SCAILLET (2005), “Sensitivity Analysis of VaR and Expected Shortfall For Portfolios Under Netting Agreements”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 927-958.
  • FINGER, C.C. (2005), “What is The Worst That Could Happen?”, RiskMetrics, Research Monthly, March,
  • FISHBURN, P. C. (1977), "Mean-Risk Analysis with Risk Associated with Below-Target Returns" American Economic Review, 67: 116-126.
  • FREY, R. ve J. A. MCNEIL (2002), “VaR and expected shortfall in portfolios of dependent credit risks: conceptual and practical insights”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 26, 1317-1334.
  • GIOT, P., ve S. LAURENT (2001), “Value-At-Risk For Long And Short Positions” , Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18(6), 641 – 663.
  • GUIDOLIN, M. ve T. ALLAN (2005), “Term Structure Of Risk Under Alternative Econometric Specifications”, Journal of Econometrics,
  • HARRELL, E. F. ve C. E. DAVIS ( 1982), “A New Distribution-Free Quantile Estimator”, Biometrika, 69(3), 635-640.
  • HEIKKINEN, V. P., ve KANTO, A. (2002), “Value-at-Risk estimation Using Non- Integer Degress of Freddom of Student’s Distribution, Journal of Risk, 4 (4), 77-84, http://www.imes. boj. .
  • INUİ K. ve M. KİJİMA, (2005), “On the Significance of Expected Shortfall As A Coherent Risk Measure”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 853-864 Journal of Risk, 2(3), 21-41.
  • KİTONA, A., INUİ K. ve KİJİMA M., (2003), “VaR is Subject To A Significant Positive Bias”, Statistics ve Stability Letters, Dec 5, 1-14.
  • Long-Term Capital Management and the Report of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, October 6, 1999.
  • NOYAK, S. Y. ve BEİRLANT J., (2006), “The magnitude of a market crash can be predicted”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 30(2), 453-462.
  • ÖNALAN, Ö., Finans Mühendisliğinde Matematiksel Modelleme, Avcıol Basım Yayın, 2004.
  • PANT, V. ve W. CHANG (2001), “An Empirical Comparison Of Methods For İncorporating Fat Tails İnto Var Models”. Journal of Risk, 3, 1-21.
  • PLATEN, E., ve G. STAH (2003), “A Structure for General and Specific Market Risk", Computational Statistics, 18, 355 – 373.
  • ROCKAFELLER, T., ve S. URYASEV, (2000) “Optimization of Conditional Value-at-Risk”,
  • SALTOĞLU, B., “Risk Yazılım Teknolojileri”, Risktürk Eğitim Notları, 25 Kasım 2004.
  • SHEATER, S. J. ve J. S. MARRON, (1990), “Kernel Quantile Estimator”, Journal of American Statistical Asociation, 85 (410), 410-416.
  • SHEPHARD, N. G. (1996), “Statistical Aspects of ARCH and Stochastic Volatility." In D. R. Cox, D. V. Hinkley, and O. E. Bardorff-Nielsen (eds.), Time Series Models in Econometrics, Finance, and Other Fields. London: Chapman and Hall. 1-67.
  • SZEGÖ, G. (2005), “Measures of risk”, European Journal of Operational Research, 163, 5-19.
  • TASCHE, D., (2002), “Expected Shortfall and beyond”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 519-1533.
  • TELATAR, E. ve BINAY S., (2002), “APARCH Modelling of the IMKB Index”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 3, 114-121.
  • YAMAİ Y. ve T. YOSHİBA (2005), “Value at risk versus expected shortfall: a practical perspective”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 29, 997-1015.
  • YOSHİBA, T. ve Y. YAMAİ, (2001), “On the Validity of Value at Risk: Comparative Analysis with Expected Shortfall”, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Discussion Paper, -E-4.
  • YOSHİBA, T. ve Y. YAMAİ (2002) “Comparative Analysis of Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk”, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, 181- 238.
Year 2005, Volume: 20 Issue: 2 - Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 27 - 46, 25.07.2016


This article shows that Value-at-Risk (VaR), the most popular risk measure in practice, has a considerable positive bias when used for a portfolio with fat-tail distribution. Numerical examples, i.e. USD/Euro daily prices and ISE-100 Index monthly returns, are given to demonstrate the use of our method. In the search for a suitable alternative to VaR, Expected Shortfall (ES) or conditional VaR has been characterized as the coherent risk measure to dominate VaR. We discuss properties of VaR and ES and compare them in terms of consistency with elimination of tail risk, strengths and weaknesses. We conclude that ES is more applicable than VaR since ES is free of tail risk and consistent under more lenient conditions than VaR is.


  • ACERBI, Carlo ve Dirk TASCHE, “On the coherence of expected shortfall”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 26, 2002, http://www-
  • AKSEL, K. H. (2001), “Riske Maruz Değerin Özellikleri”, Active Dergisi, Mart - Nisan,15, ue&nARTICLE_id=426.
  • ARTZNER, P., F. DELBAEN, J. M. EBER ve D. HEATH (1999), “Coherent Measures of Risk,” Mathematical Finance, 9 (3), 203–228,
  • BECKER, R., W. ENDERS ve S. HURN, “A General Test For Time-dependence in Parameters”, The University of Alabama, Working Paper, (01/02/05).
  • BOLLERSLEV, T. (1986), “Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity”, Journal of Econometrics, 307–327.
  • COURVOISIER, N. ve R. SCHRANER (2005), “Composition Of Fund Of Hegde Funds: A Mean Cvar Allocation With An Option Based Constraint”, Master Thesis, University of Laussanne directed by Prof Neftci.
  • DING, Z., C.W.J. GRANGER ve R. F. ENGLE (1993), “A Long Memory Property Of Stock Market Returns and A New Model”, Journal of Empirical Finance, 1, 83-106.
  • FERMANIAN, J. ve O. SCAILLET (2005), “Sensitivity Analysis of VaR and Expected Shortfall For Portfolios Under Netting Agreements”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 927-958.
  • FINGER, C.C. (2005), “What is The Worst That Could Happen?”, RiskMetrics, Research Monthly, March,
  • FISHBURN, P. C. (1977), "Mean-Risk Analysis with Risk Associated with Below-Target Returns" American Economic Review, 67: 116-126.
  • FREY, R. ve J. A. MCNEIL (2002), “VaR and expected shortfall in portfolios of dependent credit risks: conceptual and practical insights”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 26, 1317-1334.
  • GIOT, P., ve S. LAURENT (2001), “Value-At-Risk For Long And Short Positions” , Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18(6), 641 – 663.
  • GUIDOLIN, M. ve T. ALLAN (2005), “Term Structure Of Risk Under Alternative Econometric Specifications”, Journal of Econometrics,
  • HARRELL, E. F. ve C. E. DAVIS ( 1982), “A New Distribution-Free Quantile Estimator”, Biometrika, 69(3), 635-640.
  • HEIKKINEN, V. P., ve KANTO, A. (2002), “Value-at-Risk estimation Using Non- Integer Degress of Freddom of Student’s Distribution, Journal of Risk, 4 (4), 77-84, http://www.imes. boj. .
  • INUİ K. ve M. KİJİMA, (2005), “On the Significance of Expected Shortfall As A Coherent Risk Measure”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 853-864 Journal of Risk, 2(3), 21-41.
  • KİTONA, A., INUİ K. ve KİJİMA M., (2003), “VaR is Subject To A Significant Positive Bias”, Statistics ve Stability Letters, Dec 5, 1-14.
  • Long-Term Capital Management and the Report of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, October 6, 1999.
  • NOYAK, S. Y. ve BEİRLANT J., (2006), “The magnitude of a market crash can be predicted”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 30(2), 453-462.
  • ÖNALAN, Ö., Finans Mühendisliğinde Matematiksel Modelleme, Avcıol Basım Yayın, 2004.
  • PANT, V. ve W. CHANG (2001), “An Empirical Comparison Of Methods For İncorporating Fat Tails İnto Var Models”. Journal of Risk, 3, 1-21.
  • PLATEN, E., ve G. STAH (2003), “A Structure for General and Specific Market Risk", Computational Statistics, 18, 355 – 373.
  • ROCKAFELLER, T., ve S. URYASEV, (2000) “Optimization of Conditional Value-at-Risk”,
  • SALTOĞLU, B., “Risk Yazılım Teknolojileri”, Risktürk Eğitim Notları, 25 Kasım 2004.
  • SHEATER, S. J. ve J. S. MARRON, (1990), “Kernel Quantile Estimator”, Journal of American Statistical Asociation, 85 (410), 410-416.
  • SHEPHARD, N. G. (1996), “Statistical Aspects of ARCH and Stochastic Volatility." In D. R. Cox, D. V. Hinkley, and O. E. Bardorff-Nielsen (eds.), Time Series Models in Econometrics, Finance, and Other Fields. London: Chapman and Hall. 1-67.
  • SZEGÖ, G. (2005), “Measures of risk”, European Journal of Operational Research, 163, 5-19.
  • TASCHE, D., (2002), “Expected Shortfall and beyond”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 519-1533.
  • TELATAR, E. ve BINAY S., (2002), “APARCH Modelling of the IMKB Index”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 3, 114-121.
  • YAMAİ Y. ve T. YOSHİBA (2005), “Value at risk versus expected shortfall: a practical perspective”, Journal of Banking ve Finance, 29, 997-1015.
  • YOSHİBA, T. ve Y. YAMAİ, (2001), “On the Validity of Value at Risk: Comparative Analysis with Expected Shortfall”, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Discussion Paper, -E-4.
  • YOSHİBA, T. ve Y. YAMAİ (2002) “Comparative Analysis of Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk”, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, 181- 238.
There are 32 citations in total.


Other ID JA38JA53MA
Journal Section Articles

SEZER Bozkuş This is me

Publication Date July 25, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 20 Issue: 2 - Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Bozkuş, S. (2016). RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 27-46.
AMA Bozkuş S. RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. July 2016;20(2):27-46.
Chicago Bozkuş, SEZER. “RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) Ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 20, no. 2 (July 2016): 27-46.
EndNote Bozkuş S (July 1, 2016) RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 20 2 27–46.
IEEE S. Bozkuş, “RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 27–46, 2016.
ISNAD Bozkuş, SEZER. “RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) Ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 20/2 (July 2016), 27-46.
JAMA Bozkuş S. RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2016;20:27–46.
MLA Bozkuş, SEZER. “RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) Ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 2, 2016, pp. 27-46.
Vancouver Bozkuş S. RİSK ÖLÇÜMÜNDE ALTERNATİF YAKLAŞIMLAR: RİSKE MARUZ DEĞER (VaR) ve BEKLENEN KAYIP (ES) UYGULAMALARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2016;20(2):27-46.