Tedarikçi Seçim Problemi İçin Çözüm Önerisi: Global Kriter Yöntem Ve Tarım Makineleri Sektöründe Bir Uygulama
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 353 - 368, 20.04.2018
Nurullah Umarusman
Turgut Hacıvelioğulları
İşletmeler arası rekabet baskısı tedarik zinciri ve yönetimini işletmelerin strateji kurma ve iş başarılarında dikkate aldıkları önemli konulardan biri haline getirmiştir. Tedarikçi seçiminde birbiriyle çatışan birden fazla kriter sebebiyle, işletmelerin istekleri doğrultusunda en uygun tedarikçi veya tedarikçileri belirlemesi önemli bir problemdir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de Aksaray şehrindeTarım Makineleri sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir işletmeninin tedarikçi seçimi problem Çok Amaçlı Karar Verme süreci açısından ele alınmıştır. İşletmenin problemi ilk olarak Çok Amaçlı Doğrusal programlama modelinde düzenlenmiş ve problemin uzlaşık çözümü Global Kriter Yönteme göre yapılmıştır.
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- AMID, A., GHODSYPOUR, S.H., O’BRIEN, C. (2006), “Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Model for Supplier Selection in a Supply Chain”, Int. J. Production Economics, 104, 394–407.
- AMID, A., GHODSYPOUR, S.H., O’BRIEN, C. (2011),”A Weighted Max–Min Model for Fuzzy Multi-Objective Supplier Selection in a Supply Chain”, Int. J. Production Economics, 131, 139–145.
- ARIKAN, F. (2013), “A Fuzzy Solution Approach for Multi Objective Supplier Selection”, Expert Systems with Applications, 40, 947–952.
- BACHE, J., CARR, R., PARNABY, J., TOBIAS, A.M. (1987), “Supplier Development Systems”, International Journal of Technology Management, 2 (2), 219–228.
- BOYCHUK, L., OVCHINNIKOV, V. (1973), ”Principal Methods Of Solution of Multicriterial Optimization Problems”, Soviet Automatic Control, 6,1-4.
- CHEN, K.L., CHEN, K.S., LI, R.K. (2005), “Suppliers Capability and Price Analysis Chart”, International Journal of Production Economics, 98, 315–327.
- CHOUDHARY, D., SHANKAR, R. (2014), “A Goal Programming Model For Joint Decision Making of Inventory Lot-Size, Supplier Selection and Carrier Selection”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 71, 1–9.
- DEMPSEY, W. A. (1978), “Vendor Selection and the Buying Process”, Industrial Marketing Management, 7, 257–267.
- DICKSON, G.W. (1966), “An Analysis of Vendor Selection Systems and Decisions”, Journal of Purchasing, 2 (1), 5–17.
- DING, H., BENYOUCEF, L., XIE X. (2003), “A Simulation-Optimization Approach Using Genetic Search for Supplier Selection”, Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, USA, 1260-1267.
- GABALLA, A.A. (1974), “Minimum Cost Allocation of Tenders”, Operational Research Quarterly, 25 (3), 389–398.
- GHODSYPOUR, S.H., O’BRIEN, C. (1996), “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Using an Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Programming”, Int. J. Production Economics, 56-57, 199-212.
- GOVINDAN, K., DARBARI, J.D., AGARWAL, V., JHA, P.C. (2017), “Fuzzy Multi-Objective Approach For Optimal Selection of Suppliers and Transportation Decisions in an Eco-Efficient Closed Loop Supply Chain Network”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1598-1619.
- HO, W., XU, X. AND PRASANTA DEY K. (2010), “Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approaches For Supplier Evaluation and Selection: A Literature Review”, European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 16–24.
- HWANG, C. L., MASUD, A. S. (1979), Multiple Objective Decision Making-Methods and Applications: A State-of-The-Art Survey, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- JADIDI, O., CAVALIERI, S., ZOLFAGHARI, S. (2015), “An improved multi-choice goal programming approach for supplier selection problems”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 4213–4222.
- KILINÇCI, Ö AND ÖNAL, S.A. (2011), “Fuzzy AHP Approach for Supplier Selection in a Washing Machine Company”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 9656–9664.
- KUMAR, M., VRAT, P., SHANKA, R. (2004), “A Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach For Vendor Selection”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 46, 69–85.
- LAI Y-J., HWANG, C-L., (1994), Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making: Methods and Applications (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- LEE, .H.I., KANG, H.Y., CHANG, C.T. (2009), “Fuzzy Multiple Goal Programming Applied to TFT-LCD Supplier Selection by Downstream Manufacturers”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 6318–6325.
- LEE, S.H. (2017), “A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming Approach For Determination of Resilient Supply Portfolio Under Supply Failure Risks”, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 23, 211–220.
- MIZRAK ÖZFIRAT, P., ÖĞÜT, C. (2008), “An Applicatıon of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming in Supplier Selection Problem”, DEÜ Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 10 (1), 39-48.
- POWER, M.J., DESOUZA, K.C., BONIFAZI, P. (2006), The Outsourcing Handbook: How to Implement a Successful Outsourcing Process, Kogan Page Limited UK.
- ROA, C.P., KISER, G.E. (1980), “Educational Buyers Perceptions of Vendor Attributes”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 16, 25–30.
- SALUKVADZE, M. (1974), “On The Existence Of Solution in Problems of Optimization Under Vector Valued Criteria”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 12(2), 203-217.
- SHAW, K., SHANKA, R., SURENDRA YADAV, S., THAKUR LAKSMAN, S. (2012), “Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy Ahp and Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming for Developing Low Carbon Supply Chain”, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 8182–8192.
- SAWIK, T. (2010), “Single Vs. Multiple Objective Supplier Selection In A Make To Order Environment”, Omega, 38, 203-212.
- SHIRKOUHI, S.N., SHAKOURI, H., JAVADI, B., KERAMATI, A. (2013). “Supplier Selection And Order Allocation Problem Using A Two-Phase Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37, 9308–9323.
- Umarusman, N., Türkmen, A. (2013), “Building Optimum Production Settings Using De Novo Programming with Global Criterion Method”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 82, No 18, 12-15.
- WEBER, C. A., CURRENT, J. R., BENTON, W. C. (1991), “Vendor Selection Criteria and Methods”, European Journal of Operational Research, 50, 2-18.
- WEBER, C.A., CURRENT, J.R. (1993), “Theory and Methodology: A Multi-Objective Approach to Vendor Selection”, European Journal of Operational Research, 68, 173–184.
- WU, D.D., ZHANG, Y., WU, D., OLSON, D.L. (2010), “Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming For Supplier Selection And Risk Modelling: A Possibility Approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, 200, 774–787.
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Solution Proposal For Supplier Selection Problem: An Application In Agricultural Machinery SectorWith Global Criterion Method
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 353 - 368, 20.04.2018
Nurullah Umarusman
Turgut Hacıvelioğulları
The pressure arising from the competition among businesses has placed supply chain and supply chain management as a significant topics in terms of their strategy building and success. Due to one or many conflicting criteria in choosing suppliers, it is a great problem to select the most appropriate supplier or suppliers. This study deals with the supplier selection problem of a business in agricultural machinery sector in Aksaray, Turkey, from the standpoint of Multiple Objective Decision Making Process. The problem of the business is first defined according to Multiobjective Linear Programming, and the compromise solution of the problem was carried out based on Global Criterion Method.
- AGHAI, S., MOLLAVERDI, N., SABBAGH, M.S. (2014), “A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming Model For Supplier Selection with Volume Discount and Risk Criteria”, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 71, 1483–1492.
- AMID, A., GHODSYPOUR, S.H., O’BRIEN, C. (2006), “Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Model for Supplier Selection in a Supply Chain”, Int. J. Production Economics, 104, 394–407.
- AMID, A., GHODSYPOUR, S.H., O’BRIEN, C. (2011),”A Weighted Max–Min Model for Fuzzy Multi-Objective Supplier Selection in a Supply Chain”, Int. J. Production Economics, 131, 139–145.
- ARIKAN, F. (2013), “A Fuzzy Solution Approach for Multi Objective Supplier Selection”, Expert Systems with Applications, 40, 947–952.
- BACHE, J., CARR, R., PARNABY, J., TOBIAS, A.M. (1987), “Supplier Development Systems”, International Journal of Technology Management, 2 (2), 219–228.
- BOYCHUK, L., OVCHINNIKOV, V. (1973), ”Principal Methods Of Solution of Multicriterial Optimization Problems”, Soviet Automatic Control, 6,1-4.
- CHEN, K.L., CHEN, K.S., LI, R.K. (2005), “Suppliers Capability and Price Analysis Chart”, International Journal of Production Economics, 98, 315–327.
- CHOUDHARY, D., SHANKAR, R. (2014), “A Goal Programming Model For Joint Decision Making of Inventory Lot-Size, Supplier Selection and Carrier Selection”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 71, 1–9.
- DEMPSEY, W. A. (1978), “Vendor Selection and the Buying Process”, Industrial Marketing Management, 7, 257–267.
- DICKSON, G.W. (1966), “An Analysis of Vendor Selection Systems and Decisions”, Journal of Purchasing, 2 (1), 5–17.
- DING, H., BENYOUCEF, L., XIE X. (2003), “A Simulation-Optimization Approach Using Genetic Search for Supplier Selection”, Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, USA, 1260-1267.
- GABALLA, A.A. (1974), “Minimum Cost Allocation of Tenders”, Operational Research Quarterly, 25 (3), 389–398.
- GHODSYPOUR, S.H., O’BRIEN, C. (1996), “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Using an Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Programming”, Int. J. Production Economics, 56-57, 199-212.
- GOVINDAN, K., DARBARI, J.D., AGARWAL, V., JHA, P.C. (2017), “Fuzzy Multi-Objective Approach For Optimal Selection of Suppliers and Transportation Decisions in an Eco-Efficient Closed Loop Supply Chain Network”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1598-1619.
- HO, W., XU, X. AND PRASANTA DEY K. (2010), “Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approaches For Supplier Evaluation and Selection: A Literature Review”, European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 16–24.
- HWANG, C. L., MASUD, A. S. (1979), Multiple Objective Decision Making-Methods and Applications: A State-of-The-Art Survey, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- JADIDI, O., CAVALIERI, S., ZOLFAGHARI, S. (2015), “An improved multi-choice goal programming approach for supplier selection problems”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 4213–4222.
- KILINÇCI, Ö AND ÖNAL, S.A. (2011), “Fuzzy AHP Approach for Supplier Selection in a Washing Machine Company”, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 9656–9664.
- KUMAR, M., VRAT, P., SHANKA, R. (2004), “A Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach For Vendor Selection”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 46, 69–85.
- LAI Y-J., HWANG, C-L., (1994), Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making: Methods and Applications (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- LEE, .H.I., KANG, H.Y., CHANG, C.T. (2009), “Fuzzy Multiple Goal Programming Applied to TFT-LCD Supplier Selection by Downstream Manufacturers”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 6318–6325.
- LEE, S.H. (2017), “A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming Approach For Determination of Resilient Supply Portfolio Under Supply Failure Risks”, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 23, 211–220.
- MIZRAK ÖZFIRAT, P., ÖĞÜT, C. (2008), “An Applicatıon of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming in Supplier Selection Problem”, DEÜ Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 10 (1), 39-48.
- POWER, M.J., DESOUZA, K.C., BONIFAZI, P. (2006), The Outsourcing Handbook: How to Implement a Successful Outsourcing Process, Kogan Page Limited UK.
- ROA, C.P., KISER, G.E. (1980), “Educational Buyers Perceptions of Vendor Attributes”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 16, 25–30.
- SALUKVADZE, M. (1974), “On The Existence Of Solution in Problems of Optimization Under Vector Valued Criteria”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 12(2), 203-217.
- SHAW, K., SHANKA, R., SURENDRA YADAV, S., THAKUR LAKSMAN, S. (2012), “Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy Ahp and Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming for Developing Low Carbon Supply Chain”, Expert Systems with Applications 39, 8182–8192.
- SAWIK, T. (2010), “Single Vs. Multiple Objective Supplier Selection In A Make To Order Environment”, Omega, 38, 203-212.
- SHIRKOUHI, S.N., SHAKOURI, H., JAVADI, B., KERAMATI, A. (2013). “Supplier Selection And Order Allocation Problem Using A Two-Phase Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37, 9308–9323.
- Umarusman, N., Türkmen, A. (2013), “Building Optimum Production Settings Using De Novo Programming with Global Criterion Method”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 82, No 18, 12-15.
- WEBER, C. A., CURRENT, J. R., BENTON, W. C. (1991), “Vendor Selection Criteria and Methods”, European Journal of Operational Research, 50, 2-18.
- WEBER, C.A., CURRENT, J.R. (1993), “Theory and Methodology: A Multi-Objective Approach to Vendor Selection”, European Journal of Operational Research, 68, 173–184.
- WU, D.D., ZHANG, Y., WU, D., OLSON, D.L. (2010), “Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming For Supplier Selection And Risk Modelling: A Possibility Approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, 200, 774–787.
- ZELENY, M. (1982), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Mc Graw-Hill Book COMPANY, NEW YORK.
- ZIMMERMANN, H.J. (1978) Fuzzy programming and linear programming with several functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 45-55.