Writing Rules

Author Guidelines

Papers written in Turkish, English or French can all be sent to the Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal.  

Manuscripts that have not appeared elsewhere, and have not be submitted for publication elsewhere can be sent.  

Manuscripts should not exceed 7500 words and 25 pages excluding the abstract and references. Abstracts are limited to 100 words. For manuscripts written in Turkish, abstracts should be in Turkish and in English. For manuscripts written in other languages, abstracts should be written in original language and in Turkish. Manuscripts must include the key words and JEL classifications.

Manuscripts should be arranged in accordance with the following style guidelines:

  • The manuscript must not include clues regarding the authors’ names and affiliations, and statements concerning the authors.
  • Title of the article should be written in 14 points, centered, capital letters for initials and small for the others.
  • If there are acknowledgements –for example, if the paper has been presented in any conferences before- , this must be stated in the first page as a footnote.  
  • Title of the abstracts should be written in bold and centered, abstracts should be written in 10 points, italic and justified.
  • Turkish title of the abstracts should be written 14 punto, English title of the abstracts should be written 12 punto and the name of authors should be written 12 punto. 
  • Keywords and JEL classification codes should be written in 10 points and in italics.
  • Page format should be A4 sized, with spaces of 5 cm on the top, 4 cm on the right, the left and the bottom.
  • The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman 11 Points, normal and justified.
  • Indent should be 0.5 cm.
  • The line spacing should be 1.5.
  • The space among the paragraphs should be 6 nk.
  • To emphasize a certain word, phrase or sentence in the text, italics should be used.

  • All pages have to include page numbers.  

  • Metric system must be used to separate the sections of the paper. Titles and subtitles should be short and understandable. Titles must be numbered including introduction and conclusion.
  • The main titles must be written in 11 points, bold and capital letters. The other titles must be written in 11 points, bold and their initials must be written in capital letters.
  • Tables and diagrams should be named and numbered and they should be centered. Titles of the tables must be written above the related tables and justified.
  • All graphics, maps and photos excluding the tables should be named as figure. Figures should be titled and numbered and written in centered. Titles of the figures must be below the related figures and justified.  
  • Sources of the figures or tables must be stated as in-text citation below the figure or table. 
  • Formulas and equations should be written by using equation editor. Equations should begin from the paragraph line. All equations must be numbered. Row numbers should be written in parentheses and placed in the right-hand side of the line.
  • Sources and references must be written in the text in parentheses, not in footnotes. Acknowledgements should be stated in footnotes. While stating sources and references in the text this order must be followed: Surname(s) of the author(s), year, and pages (if necessary). The followings may represent different examples for citations:  

If one author; (Acar, 2000: 86).

If two authors; (Akalın and Aktuğlu, 1992: 80-85).

If more than two authors; (Ünlen et al., 1979: 33-35).

If you cite to the same author(s)’s papers published in the same year; (Sönmez, 1980a: 15-20; 1980b: 18-40).

Sources which are cited in the text must be placed in “References”. The author must control the consistency between citations and “References”.  

The references should be written in single line spacing and arranged in alphabetical order by authors' last names. The names and surnames of the authors must be written openly. All surnames must be written in capital letters. Names of the journals must not be abreviated in references. The references must be written in single line spacing. References should be cited as follows:


One author

ACAR, S. (2000), Uluslararası Reel Ticaret: Teori, Politika, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları, İzmir.

Two or more than two authors

RUSSELL, R.S., TAYLOR, B.W. (2011), Operations Managament, John Wiley & Sons Inc, USA.


One author

LEWIS, M.A. (2000),Lean Production and Sustainable Competitive Advantage”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(8), 959-978.

Two or more than two authors

PARTOVI, F. Y., CORREDOIRA, R. A. (2002), “Quality Function Deployment for The Good of Soccer”, European Journal of Operational Research, 137(3), 642-656.

Conference Proceedings

One author

KUO, T.C. (2003), “Green Product Development in Quality Function Deployment by Using Fuzzy Logic Analysis”, 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment,USA 88-93.

Two or more than two authors

KUTAY, N., TÜKENMEZ, M., AKKAYA, G. C. (2005), “Creative Accounting: In the View of Ethics Past Experiences and Future Perspectives”, AACF 2nd Annual International Accounting Conference, İstanbul, 10-12.

Translation of a Book

LONG, D. (2012), Uluslararası Lojistik Küresel Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, (Trans. M. Tanyaş, M. Düzgün), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.

Chapter in a Book

YÜKSEL, H. (2013), “Application of Theory of Constraints’ Thinking Processes in a Reverse Logistics Process”, Reverse Supply Chains Issues and Analysis, (Ed. S.M.Gupta), Taylor & Francis Group CRC Press, USA, 22-26.

Internet Sources

If the quotation is made from a work of an author, citations should be made by the same way described earlier for the written sources; author(S)’s surname(s), name(s) and year of the publication or date of access should be made such as the following example in the references.

In the text: (Hellvin, 1996)

In the references: HELLVIN, Lisbeth. (1996); “Vertical Intra-Industry Trade between China and OECD Countries”, OECD Development Centre Technical Papers, 14, www.oecd.org/pdf/M00006000/M00006065.pdf, (19.12.2001)

If the quotation is made directly from a web page, web address and the date of access (in parentheses) should be stated in the text according to the following examples.

In the text: (sayistay.gov.tr, 2013)

In the references: http://www.sayistay.gov.tr/yayin/elek/elekicerik/oecd.htm, (02.05.2013)

The rules for scientific research and writing should be followed for the other issues not stated here.

It is the author(s)’s responsibility not to comply with the standards mentioned in this annoumcement. In such a case the Editorial Board is entitled not to publish the paper regardless of the referee report.