Periferal Dev Hücreli Granülom: Olgu Sunumu
Year 2020,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 22 - 25, 30.04.2020
Hüseyin Gülcan
Mustafa Cenk Durmuşlar
Evşen Ertem
Periferal dev hücreli granülom (PDHG) ağız boşluğunda oldukça yaygın olarak görülen bir lezyondur ve gingivada tümör benzeri bir büyümeyle karakterizedir. Klinik olarak PDHG sert ya da yumuşak kıvamlı, saplı ya da sapsız olarak alveolar ya da gingival mukozada görülebilmektedir . Periost ve periodontal ligamentlerde meydana gelen lokal irritasyon ve kronik travma sonrasında meydana gelmektedir. Tedavi olarak basit eksizyon uygulanmaktadır. Rekürrens görülme oranı oldukça düşüktür (yaklaşık %10). Lezyonun nüks etmesinin sebebi lokal irritan faktörlerin tamamen elimine edilmemesidir.
72 yaşında kadın hasta üst çene posterior bölgede şişlikle kliniğimize başvurdu. Yapılan ağız içi muayenesinde maksilla sol posterior dişsiz bölgede mavi-mor renkli kitle tespit edildi. Radyografik muayenede ise az miktarda kemik rezorpsiyonu izlendi. Lokal anestezi altında biyopsi yapıldı. Ardından lezyon total eksize edildi.
Yapılan histopatolojik değerlendirmede periferal dev hücreli granülom tanısı kondu. Rutin takipte herhangi bir rekürrense rastlanmadı.
- 1) CHAPARRO-AVENDANO, A. V.; BERINI-AYTES, L.; GAY-ESCODA, C. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. A report of five cases and review of the literature. Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal, 2005, 10.1: 53-7; 48-52.
- 2) BONETTI, Franco, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma: evidence for osteoclastic differentiation. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, 1990, 70.4: 471-475.
- 3) ADLAKHA, V. K., et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 2010, 28.4: 293.
- 4) CHRCANOVIC, B. R.; GOMES, Carolina C.; GOMEZ, R. S. Peripheral giant cell granuloma associated with dental implants: a systematic review. Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2019, 120.5: 456-461.
- 5) GOTTSEGEN, Robert. Peripheral giant cell reparative granuloma following periodontal surgery. The Journal of Periodontology, 1962, 33.2: 190-194.
- 6) CHOI, Christopher, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma associated with hyperparathyroidism secondary to end-stage renal disease: a case report. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2008, 66.5: 1063-1066.
- 7) DAYAN, Dan; BUCHNER, Amos; SPIRER, Shoshana. Bone formation in peripheral giant cell granuloma. Journal of periodontology, 1990, 61.7: 444-446.
- 8) TANDON, Padam Narayan, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. Contemporary clinical dentistry, 2012, 3.Suppl1: S118.
- 9) HIRSHBERG, Abraham, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma associated with dental implants. Journal of periodontology, 2003, 74.9: 1381-1384.
- 10) CHAPARRO-AVENDANO, A. V.; BERINI-AYTES, L.; GAY-ESCODA, C. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. A report of five cases and review of the literature. Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal, 2005, 10.1: 53-7; 48-52.
Year 2020,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 22 - 25, 30.04.2020
Hüseyin Gülcan
Mustafa Cenk Durmuşlar
Evşen Ertem
- 1) CHAPARRO-AVENDANO, A. V.; BERINI-AYTES, L.; GAY-ESCODA, C. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. A report of five cases and review of the literature. Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal, 2005, 10.1: 53-7; 48-52.
- 2) BONETTI, Franco, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma: evidence for osteoclastic differentiation. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, 1990, 70.4: 471-475.
- 3) ADLAKHA, V. K., et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 2010, 28.4: 293.
- 4) CHRCANOVIC, B. R.; GOMES, Carolina C.; GOMEZ, R. S. Peripheral giant cell granuloma associated with dental implants: a systematic review. Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2019, 120.5: 456-461.
- 5) GOTTSEGEN, Robert. Peripheral giant cell reparative granuloma following periodontal surgery. The Journal of Periodontology, 1962, 33.2: 190-194.
- 6) CHOI, Christopher, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma associated with hyperparathyroidism secondary to end-stage renal disease: a case report. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2008, 66.5: 1063-1066.
- 7) DAYAN, Dan; BUCHNER, Amos; SPIRER, Shoshana. Bone formation in peripheral giant cell granuloma. Journal of periodontology, 1990, 61.7: 444-446.
- 8) TANDON, Padam Narayan, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. Contemporary clinical dentistry, 2012, 3.Suppl1: S118.
- 9) HIRSHBERG, Abraham, et al. Peripheral giant cell granuloma associated with dental implants. Journal of periodontology, 2003, 74.9: 1381-1384.
- 10) CHAPARRO-AVENDANO, A. V.; BERINI-AYTES, L.; GAY-ESCODA, C. Peripheral giant cell granuloma. A report of five cases and review of the literature. Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal, 2005, 10.1: 53-7; 48-52.