Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 29 - 33, 21.11.2022


İmplant üstü hibrit protezler, interark mesafenin fazla olduğu ya da dudak desteğinin yetersiz olduğu durumlarda, hem tam dişsizlikte hem de kısmi dişsizlikte hareketli protezlerin alternatifi olarak hastalara uygulanabilmektedir. Bu sayede hareketli protezlerin stabilizasyon ve retansiyon problemleri de elimine edilmiş olmaktadır. Bu olgu sunumunda tam ve kısmi dişsizliklerin implant üstü vidalı hibrit protezler ile rehabilitasyonu anlatılmıştır.
Birinci olguda üst çenede 7 adet implant ve alt çenede all on four tekniği ile uygulanan 4 adet implant üzerine vidalı hibrit protez uygulanmıştır. İkinci olguda maksiller tam dişsizliği bulunan kadın hastaya, maksillaya 6 implant üstü sabit hibrit protez, alt çeneye ise mevcut dişler prepare edilerek tam ark sabit restorasyon yapılmıştır.
Kontrol seanslarında klinik ve radyografik muayene sonrası hastaların protezlerden memnun kaldığı ve protezlerin idamesinde bir problem olmadığı görülmüştür.


  • 1.Misch CE. Dental implant prosthetics. St Louis: Elsevier Mosby;. 2005: 224-49.
  • 2. Akça K. Mandibuler Kennedy I ve II vakalarında uygulanan implant destekli sabit protezlerde kemiğin farklı bukko-lingual açılanmasından kaynaklanan streslerin üç boyutlu sonlu elemanlar stres analiz yöntemi ile arastırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi,Doktora tezi, Ankara. 1998.
  • 3. Walton JN, Gardner FM, Agar JR. A survey of crown and fixed partial denture failures: length of service and reasons for replacement. J Prosthet Dent, 1986, 56: 416-21.
  • 4. Verzijden CW, Creugers NH, Van't Hof MA. A metaanalysis of two different trials on posterior resinbonded bridges. J Dent, 1994, 22: 29-32.
  • 5. Shugars DA, Bader JD, White BA, Scurria MS, Hayden WJ, Jr., Garcia RI. Survival rates of teeth adjacent to treated and untreated posterior bounded edentulous spaces. J Am Dent Assoc, 1998, 129: 1089-95.
  • 6. Tonetti MS. Determination of the success and failure of root-form osseointegrated dental implants. Adv Dent Res 1999; 13: 173-80.
  • 7. Türkaslan S, Baykul T, Özarslan MM, Fındık Y. ITI İmplantları İle Tedavi Edilen Hastaların Klinik Değerlendirilmesi. Türk Diş Hek Derg 2009;74: 18- 21.
  • 8. Misch CE. Contemporary Implant Dentistry. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier;. 2008. p. 99 100.
  • 9. Patras M, Martin W. Simplified custom impression post for implant-supported restorations. J Prosthet Dent 2016; 115(5): 55
  • 10. Bural C, Geçkili O. Hybrid Dentures. Turkiye Klinikleri J Prosthodont-Special Topics 2015;1:45- 52.
  • 11. Meijer HJ, Raghoebar GM, Van 't Hof MA. Comparison of implant-retained mandibular overdentures and conventional complete dentures: a 10-year prospective study of clinical aspects and patient satisfaction. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18: 879-85.
  • 12. Ekelund JA, Lindquist LW, Carlsson GE, Jemt T. Implant treatment in the edentulous mandible: a prospective study on Branemark system implants over more than 20 years. Int J Prosthodont 2003; 16: 602-8.
  • 13. Aparicio C, Perales P, Rangert B. Tilted implants as an alternative to maxillary sinus grafting: a clinical, radiologic, and periotest study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2001; 3: 39-49.
  • 14. Jemt T, Petersson A. Precision of CNC-milled titanium frameworks for implant treatment in the edentulousjaw. Int J Prosthodont 1999; 12: 209-215.
  • 15. Ortorp A, Jemt T. Clinical experience of CNC milled titanium frameworks supported by implants in the edentulousjaw: a 3-year interim report. Clin implant Dent Relat Res 2002; 4: 104-109.
  • 16. Drago CJ, del Castillo RA. Treatment of edentulous and partially edentulous patients with CAD-CAM frameworks: a pilot case study. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2006; 18: 665-671.
  • 17. Rubenstein JE. Stereo laser-welded titanium implant frameworks: clinical and laboratory procedures with a summary of 1-year clinical trials. J Prosthet Dent 1995: 74(3); 284-293.
  • 18. Al-Fadda SA, Zarb GA, Finer Y. A comparison of the accuracy of fit of 2 methods for fabricating implant-prosthodontic frameworks. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 20(2): 125-131.
  • 19. Kwon T, Bain PA, Levin L. Systematic review of short- (5-10 years) and long-term (10 years or more) survival and success of full-arch fixed dental hybrid prostheses and supporting implants. J Dent 2014;42:1228-41.
  • 20. Papaspyridakos P, Chen CJ, Chuang SK, Weber HP, Gallucci GO. A systematic review of biologic and technical complications with fixed implant rehabilitations for edentulous patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:102-10.


Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 29 - 33, 21.11.2022


Hybrid prostheses on implants can be applied to patients as an alternative to removable prostheses in both complete and partial edentulism, in cases where the interarch distance is large or the lip support is insufficient. In this way, stabilization and retention problems of removable prostheses are also eliminated. The aim of this case report is to rehabilitate edentulous patients with implant-mounted screw hybrid prostheses and edentulous fixed prostheses.
In the first case, a female patient with maxillary and mandibular complete edentulism was applied all-on-four on 7 implants in the upper jaw and 4 implants in the lower jaw. In the second case, a female patient with maxillary complete edentulism was treated with a fixed hybrid prosthesis with 6 implants on the maxilla and a full arch fixed restoration was performed on the mandible by preparing the existing teeth.
After clinical and radiographic examination in the control sessions, it was observed that the patients were satisfied with the prosthesis and there was no problem in the maintenance of the prosthesis.


  • 1.Misch CE. Dental implant prosthetics. St Louis: Elsevier Mosby;. 2005: 224-49.
  • 2. Akça K. Mandibuler Kennedy I ve II vakalarında uygulanan implant destekli sabit protezlerde kemiğin farklı bukko-lingual açılanmasından kaynaklanan streslerin üç boyutlu sonlu elemanlar stres analiz yöntemi ile arastırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi,Doktora tezi, Ankara. 1998.
  • 3. Walton JN, Gardner FM, Agar JR. A survey of crown and fixed partial denture failures: length of service and reasons for replacement. J Prosthet Dent, 1986, 56: 416-21.
  • 4. Verzijden CW, Creugers NH, Van't Hof MA. A metaanalysis of two different trials on posterior resinbonded bridges. J Dent, 1994, 22: 29-32.
  • 5. Shugars DA, Bader JD, White BA, Scurria MS, Hayden WJ, Jr., Garcia RI. Survival rates of teeth adjacent to treated and untreated posterior bounded edentulous spaces. J Am Dent Assoc, 1998, 129: 1089-95.
  • 6. Tonetti MS. Determination of the success and failure of root-form osseointegrated dental implants. Adv Dent Res 1999; 13: 173-80.
  • 7. Türkaslan S, Baykul T, Özarslan MM, Fındık Y. ITI İmplantları İle Tedavi Edilen Hastaların Klinik Değerlendirilmesi. Türk Diş Hek Derg 2009;74: 18- 21.
  • 8. Misch CE. Contemporary Implant Dentistry. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier;. 2008. p. 99 100.
  • 9. Patras M, Martin W. Simplified custom impression post for implant-supported restorations. J Prosthet Dent 2016; 115(5): 55
  • 10. Bural C, Geçkili O. Hybrid Dentures. Turkiye Klinikleri J Prosthodont-Special Topics 2015;1:45- 52.
  • 11. Meijer HJ, Raghoebar GM, Van 't Hof MA. Comparison of implant-retained mandibular overdentures and conventional complete dentures: a 10-year prospective study of clinical aspects and patient satisfaction. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18: 879-85.
  • 12. Ekelund JA, Lindquist LW, Carlsson GE, Jemt T. Implant treatment in the edentulous mandible: a prospective study on Branemark system implants over more than 20 years. Int J Prosthodont 2003; 16: 602-8.
  • 13. Aparicio C, Perales P, Rangert B. Tilted implants as an alternative to maxillary sinus grafting: a clinical, radiologic, and periotest study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2001; 3: 39-49.
  • 14. Jemt T, Petersson A. Precision of CNC-milled titanium frameworks for implant treatment in the edentulousjaw. Int J Prosthodont 1999; 12: 209-215.
  • 15. Ortorp A, Jemt T. Clinical experience of CNC milled titanium frameworks supported by implants in the edentulousjaw: a 3-year interim report. Clin implant Dent Relat Res 2002; 4: 104-109.
  • 16. Drago CJ, del Castillo RA. Treatment of edentulous and partially edentulous patients with CAD-CAM frameworks: a pilot case study. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2006; 18: 665-671.
  • 17. Rubenstein JE. Stereo laser-welded titanium implant frameworks: clinical and laboratory procedures with a summary of 1-year clinical trials. J Prosthet Dent 1995: 74(3); 284-293.
  • 18. Al-Fadda SA, Zarb GA, Finer Y. A comparison of the accuracy of fit of 2 methods for fabricating implant-prosthodontic frameworks. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 20(2): 125-131.
  • 19. Kwon T, Bain PA, Levin L. Systematic review of short- (5-10 years) and long-term (10 years or more) survival and success of full-arch fixed dental hybrid prostheses and supporting implants. J Dent 2014;42:1228-41.
  • 20. Papaspyridakos P, Chen CJ, Chuang SK, Weber HP, Gallucci GO. A systematic review of biologic and technical complications with fixed implant rehabilitations for edentulous patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:102-10.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Report

Ayşegül Köroğlu 0000-0002-0288-6357

Seda Cengiz 0000-0002-8681-0164

Özge Sucu 0000-0002-6903-0887

Şükriye Ece Geduk 0000-0003-2569-8428

Publication Date November 21, 2022
Acceptance Date May 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Köroğlu, A., Cengiz, S., Sucu, Ö., Geduk, Ş. E. (2022). TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), 8(1), 29-33.
Chicago Köroğlu, Ayşegül, Seda Cengiz, Özge Sucu, and Şükriye Ece Geduk. “TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 8, no. 1 (November 2022): 29-33.
EndNote Köroğlu A, Cengiz S, Sucu Ö, Geduk ŞE (November 1, 2022) TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 8 1 29–33.
IEEE A. Köroğlu, S. Cengiz, Ö. Sucu, and Ş. E. Geduk, “TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU”, J Int Dent Sci, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 29–33, 2022.
ISNAD Köroğlu, Ayşegül et al. “TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 8/1 (November 2022), 29-33.
MLA Köroğlu, Ayşegül et al. “TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), vol. 8, no. 1, 2022, pp. 29-33.
Vancouver Köroğlu A, Cengiz S, Sucu Ö, Geduk ŞE. TAM DİŞSİZLİĞİN MODİFİYE HİBRİT PROTEZLER İLE RESTORASYONU: OLGU SUNUMU. J Int Dent Sci. 2022;8(1):29-33.

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