Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 34 - 38, 21.11.2022


Amaç: Dental restoratifler arasında önemli yeri olan cam iyonomer simanlarının sertleşme süresi, simanın erken dönemde neme karşı hassasiyeti ve çalışma koşulları göz önüne alındığında büyük önem arz etmektedir. Restoratif materyallerde ön ısıtma işlemi ile sertleşme sürelerinde farklılıklar oluşabilmektedir. Bu nedenle; çalışmanın amacı, dört farklı sıcaklıkta (4 °C,23 °C,39 °C,55 °C) hazırlanan cam iyonomer simanların sertleşme sürelerinin karşılaştırılmalı olarak değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada dört farklı sıcaklıkta hazırlanmış olan (4 °C, 23 °C, 39 °C, 55 °C) radyoopak cam iyonomer simandan (R&D Series Nova Glass-L, Imicryl, Konya, Turkey) hazırlanan diskler değerlendirilerek sertleşme süreleri karşılaştırıldı. Buzdolabında bekletilerek, oda ısısında bekletilerek ve 39 ºC ve 55 ºC sıcaklığa getirmek için ise kompozit ısıtma cihazı (Micerium, S.p.a., Avegno GE, Italya) kullanılarak ön ısı değerlerine ulaştırılan cam iyonomer siman bir cam tabakaya (100 mmx100 mmx4 mm) yerleştirilerek karıştırıldı. 10 mm çapında ve 2 mm kalınlığında silikon disklere yerleştirildi. Sertleşme süresini ölçmek için Vicat penetrasyon testi kullanıldı. Elde edilen veriler One Way ANOVA ve t testi ile analiz edilerek istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Cam iyonomer simanın dört farklı sıcaklık derecesinde sertleşme süreleri arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı fark gözlendi. (p<0.05). 4 °C den 55 °C sıcaklık değerine kadar ısının artırılmasıyla sertleşme süresi azaldığı izlendi. En uzun sertleşme süresi 4 °C sıcaklıkta görülürken en kısa sertleşme süresi 39 °C sıcaklıkta gözlendi.
Sonuç: Cam iyonomer simana ön ısıtma işlemi ile sertleşme sürelerinde farklılıklar gözlenebilmektedir. Klinik kullanımda ihtiyaç duyulan süreye göre sertleşme süresini kısaltmak ya da arttırmak mümkündür.

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  • Referans1. Young DA, Nový BB, Zeller GG, Hale R, Hart TC, Truelove E. The American Dental Association Caries Classification System for clinical practice: a report of the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs. J Am Dent Assoc. 2015; 146(2): 79-86.
  • Referans2. Chen F, Wang D. Novel technologies for the prevention and treatment of dental caries: a patent survey. Expert Opin Ther Pat. 2010; 20(5): 681-694.
  • Referans3. Hume WR, Mount GJ. In vitro studies on the potential for pulpal cytotoxicity of glass-ionomer cements. J Dent Res 1988; 67: 915–8.
  • Referans4. Lacefield WR, Reindl MC, Retief DH. Tensile bond strength of a glass-ionomer cement. J Prosthet Dent 1985; 53: 194–8.
  • Referans5. Wiegand A, BuchallaW, Attin T. Review on fluoridereleasing restorative materials—fluoride release and uptake characteristics, antibacterial activity and influence on caries formation. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 343–62.
  • Referans6. Nicholson JW. Glass-ionomers in medicine and dentistry. Proc Inst Mech Eng 1998; 212: 121–6
  • Referans7. McCabe JF. Applied Dental Materials, 9th Edition. New Jersey, Wiley Blackwell, 2008: 285-6.
  • Referans8. Gorseta K, Glavina D, Skrinjaric I. Influence of ultrasonic excitation and heat application on the microleakage of glass ionomer cements. Aust Dent J. 2012; 57(4): 453-457.
  • Referans9. Gorseta K, Glavina D. Thermo-cured glass ionomer cements in restorative dentistry. J Istanb Univ Fac Dent. 2017; 51(3 Suppl 1): 122-127.
  • Referans10. Gavic L, Gorseta K, Glavina D, Czarnecka B, Nicholson JW. Heat transfer properties and thermal cure of glass-ionomer dental cements. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2015; 26(10): 249
  • Referans11. Lopes LCP, Terada RSS, Tsuzuki FM, Giannini M, Hirata R. Heating and preheating of dental restorative materials-a systematic review. Clin Oral Investig. 2020; 24(12): 4225-35.
  • Referans12. Berg JH, Croll TP. Glass ionomer restorative cement systems: an update. Pediatr Dent. 2015; 37(2): 116-124.
  • Referans13. Edelstein B, Vargas CM, Candelaria D, Vemuri M. Experience and policy implications of children presenting with dental emergencies to US pediatric dentistry training programs. Pediatr Dent. 2006; 28(5): 431-7.
  • Referans14. Yamakami SA, Ubaldini ALM, Sato F, Medina Neto A, Pascotto RC, Baesso ML. Study of the chemical interaction between a high-viscosity glass ionomer cement and dentin. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018; 26:e20170384.
  • Referans15. Dionysopoulos D, Tolidis K, Gerasimou P, Sfeikos T. Effect of Three Clinical Curing Treatments on Fluoride Release and Surface Hardness of Glass-Ionomer Cements. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017; 37: 197-203.
  • Referans16. O'Brien T, Shoja-Assadi F, Lea SC, Burke FJ, Palin WM. Extrinsic energy sources affect hardness through depth during set of a glass-ionomer cement. J Dent. 2010; 38(6): 490-495.
  • Referans17. Bausch JR, de Lange C, Davidson CL. The influence of temperature on some physical properties of dental composites. J Oral Rehabil. 1981; 8(4): 309-317.
  • Referans18. Donnermeyer D, Urban K, Bürklein S, Schäfer E. Physico-chemical investigation of endodontic sealers exposed to simulated intracanal heat application: epoxy resins and zinc oxide-eugenols. Int Endod J. 2020; 53(5): 690-697.
  • Referans19. Donnermeyer D, Ibing M, Bürklein S, Weber I, Reitze MP, Schäfer E. Physico-Chemical Investigation of Endodontic Sealers Exposed to Simulated Intracanal Heat Application: Hydraulic Calcium Silicate-Based Sealers. Materials (Basel). 2021; 14(4): 728.
  • Referans20. Awliya WY. The influence of temperature on the efficacy of polymerization of composite resin. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2007; 8(6): 9-16.
  • Referans21. Lopes L, Terada R, de Castro-Hoshino LV, et al. In Vitro Evaluation of the Stabilization Time of Chemical Bonds During Setting Reaction and Microhardness of Preheated Glass-Ionomer Cements. Oper Dent. 2021; 46(2): 208-218.
  • Referans22. Gorseta K, Skrinjarić T, Glavina D. The effect of heating and ultrasound on the shear bond strength of glass ionomer cement. Coll Antropol. 2012; 36(4): 1307-12.
  • Referans23. Khoroushi M, Karvandi TM, Sadeghi R. Effect of prewarming and/or delayed light activation on resin-modified glass ionomer bond strength to tooth structures. Oper Dent. 2012; 37(1): 54-62.
  • Referans24. Sharifi R, Araghid A, Ghanem S, Fatahi A. Effect of temperature on the setting time of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). J Med Life. 2015; 8: 88-91.
  • Referans25. Lang T, Staufer S, Jennes B, Gaengler P. Clinical validation of robot simulation of toothbrushing--comparative plaque removal efficacy. BMC Oral Health. 2014; 14: 82.
  • Referans26. Lu H, Roeder LB, Lei L, Powers JM. Effect of surface roughness on stain resistance of dental resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2005; 17(2): 102-109.
  • Referans27. McCabe JF, Walls AWG. Applied Dental Materials. 9th edition. Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 2008, pp. 303.
  • Referans28. Saygılı G, Şahmalı S, Demirel F. Changes in the mechanical properties of tooth-colored direct restorative materials in relation to time. Polym Adv Technol. 2003; 14(9): 616-22.
  • Referans29. Algera TJ, Kleverlaan CJ, Prahl-Andersen B, Feilzer AJ. The influence of environmental conditions on the material properties of setting glass-ionomer cements. Dent Mater. 2006; 22(9): 852-856.
  • Referans30. Çeti̇nkaya İ, Bodrumlu E. Üç farklı sıcaklıktaki iki farklı kök kanal patının akıcılık özelliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hekim Fak Derg. 2019; 29(1): 7-11.
  • Referans31. de Oliveira BMB, Agostini IE, Baesso ML, et al. Influence of external energy sources on the dynamic setting process of glass-ionomer cements. Dent Mater. 2019; 35(3): 450-456.
  • Referans32. Önal B, Restoratif Dişhekimliğinde Maddeler ve Uygulamaları, Birinci baskı, Ege Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Yayınları İzmir, 2004 p.111- 14,128-29


Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 34 - 38, 21.11.2022


Aim: The setting time of glass ionomer cement is important in terms of the sensitivity of the cement to moisture and working conditions in the early period. In restorative materials, there may be differences in the setting times with the preheating process. Therefore, the aim of the study is to compare the setting times of glass ionomer cements prepared at four different temperatures (4 °C, 23 °C, 39 °C, and 55 °C).
Methods: In this study, discs prepared from radiopaque glass ionomer cement preheated at four different temperatures (4 °C, 23 °C, 39 °C, 55 °C) were evaluated and their setting times were compared. Glass ionomer cement, which was reached to preheat values by keeping it in the refrigerator, keeping it at room temperature, and using a composite heating device to bring it to 39 ºC and 55 ºC, was placed on a glass layer and mixed. It was placed on 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thick silicone discs. Vicat penetration test was used to measure the setting time. The obtained data were analyzed statistically by using One Way ANOVA and t-test.
Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the setting times of the glass ionomer cement at four different temperatures (p<0.05). It was observed that the setting time decreased with increasing temperature from 4 °C to 55 °C.
Conclusion: Differences in setting times can be observed with the preheating of glass ionomer cement. It is possible to decrease or increase the setting time according to the time needed in clinical usage.

Project Number



  • Referans1. Young DA, Nový BB, Zeller GG, Hale R, Hart TC, Truelove E. The American Dental Association Caries Classification System for clinical practice: a report of the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs. J Am Dent Assoc. 2015; 146(2): 79-86.
  • Referans2. Chen F, Wang D. Novel technologies for the prevention and treatment of dental caries: a patent survey. Expert Opin Ther Pat. 2010; 20(5): 681-694.
  • Referans3. Hume WR, Mount GJ. In vitro studies on the potential for pulpal cytotoxicity of glass-ionomer cements. J Dent Res 1988; 67: 915–8.
  • Referans4. Lacefield WR, Reindl MC, Retief DH. Tensile bond strength of a glass-ionomer cement. J Prosthet Dent 1985; 53: 194–8.
  • Referans5. Wiegand A, BuchallaW, Attin T. Review on fluoridereleasing restorative materials—fluoride release and uptake characteristics, antibacterial activity and influence on caries formation. Dent Mater 2007; 23: 343–62.
  • Referans6. Nicholson JW. Glass-ionomers in medicine and dentistry. Proc Inst Mech Eng 1998; 212: 121–6
  • Referans7. McCabe JF. Applied Dental Materials, 9th Edition. New Jersey, Wiley Blackwell, 2008: 285-6.
  • Referans8. Gorseta K, Glavina D, Skrinjaric I. Influence of ultrasonic excitation and heat application on the microleakage of glass ionomer cements. Aust Dent J. 2012; 57(4): 453-457.
  • Referans9. Gorseta K, Glavina D. Thermo-cured glass ionomer cements in restorative dentistry. J Istanb Univ Fac Dent. 2017; 51(3 Suppl 1): 122-127.
  • Referans10. Gavic L, Gorseta K, Glavina D, Czarnecka B, Nicholson JW. Heat transfer properties and thermal cure of glass-ionomer dental cements. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2015; 26(10): 249
  • Referans11. Lopes LCP, Terada RSS, Tsuzuki FM, Giannini M, Hirata R. Heating and preheating of dental restorative materials-a systematic review. Clin Oral Investig. 2020; 24(12): 4225-35.
  • Referans12. Berg JH, Croll TP. Glass ionomer restorative cement systems: an update. Pediatr Dent. 2015; 37(2): 116-124.
  • Referans13. Edelstein B, Vargas CM, Candelaria D, Vemuri M. Experience and policy implications of children presenting with dental emergencies to US pediatric dentistry training programs. Pediatr Dent. 2006; 28(5): 431-7.
  • Referans14. Yamakami SA, Ubaldini ALM, Sato F, Medina Neto A, Pascotto RC, Baesso ML. Study of the chemical interaction between a high-viscosity glass ionomer cement and dentin. J Appl Oral Sci. 2018; 26:e20170384.
  • Referans15. Dionysopoulos D, Tolidis K, Gerasimou P, Sfeikos T. Effect of Three Clinical Curing Treatments on Fluoride Release and Surface Hardness of Glass-Ionomer Cements. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017; 37: 197-203.
  • Referans16. O'Brien T, Shoja-Assadi F, Lea SC, Burke FJ, Palin WM. Extrinsic energy sources affect hardness through depth during set of a glass-ionomer cement. J Dent. 2010; 38(6): 490-495.
  • Referans17. Bausch JR, de Lange C, Davidson CL. The influence of temperature on some physical properties of dental composites. J Oral Rehabil. 1981; 8(4): 309-317.
  • Referans18. Donnermeyer D, Urban K, Bürklein S, Schäfer E. Physico-chemical investigation of endodontic sealers exposed to simulated intracanal heat application: epoxy resins and zinc oxide-eugenols. Int Endod J. 2020; 53(5): 690-697.
  • Referans19. Donnermeyer D, Ibing M, Bürklein S, Weber I, Reitze MP, Schäfer E. Physico-Chemical Investigation of Endodontic Sealers Exposed to Simulated Intracanal Heat Application: Hydraulic Calcium Silicate-Based Sealers. Materials (Basel). 2021; 14(4): 728.
  • Referans20. Awliya WY. The influence of temperature on the efficacy of polymerization of composite resin. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2007; 8(6): 9-16.
  • Referans21. Lopes L, Terada R, de Castro-Hoshino LV, et al. In Vitro Evaluation of the Stabilization Time of Chemical Bonds During Setting Reaction and Microhardness of Preheated Glass-Ionomer Cements. Oper Dent. 2021; 46(2): 208-218.
  • Referans22. Gorseta K, Skrinjarić T, Glavina D. The effect of heating and ultrasound on the shear bond strength of glass ionomer cement. Coll Antropol. 2012; 36(4): 1307-12.
  • Referans23. Khoroushi M, Karvandi TM, Sadeghi R. Effect of prewarming and/or delayed light activation on resin-modified glass ionomer bond strength to tooth structures. Oper Dent. 2012; 37(1): 54-62.
  • Referans24. Sharifi R, Araghid A, Ghanem S, Fatahi A. Effect of temperature on the setting time of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). J Med Life. 2015; 8: 88-91.
  • Referans25. Lang T, Staufer S, Jennes B, Gaengler P. Clinical validation of robot simulation of toothbrushing--comparative plaque removal efficacy. BMC Oral Health. 2014; 14: 82.
  • Referans26. Lu H, Roeder LB, Lei L, Powers JM. Effect of surface roughness on stain resistance of dental resin composites. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2005; 17(2): 102-109.
  • Referans27. McCabe JF, Walls AWG. Applied Dental Materials. 9th edition. Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 2008, pp. 303.
  • Referans28. Saygılı G, Şahmalı S, Demirel F. Changes in the mechanical properties of tooth-colored direct restorative materials in relation to time. Polym Adv Technol. 2003; 14(9): 616-22.
  • Referans29. Algera TJ, Kleverlaan CJ, Prahl-Andersen B, Feilzer AJ. The influence of environmental conditions on the material properties of setting glass-ionomer cements. Dent Mater. 2006; 22(9): 852-856.
  • Referans30. Çeti̇nkaya İ, Bodrumlu E. Üç farklı sıcaklıktaki iki farklı kök kanal patının akıcılık özelliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hekim Fak Derg. 2019; 29(1): 7-11.
  • Referans31. de Oliveira BMB, Agostini IE, Baesso ML, et al. Influence of external energy sources on the dynamic setting process of glass-ionomer cements. Dent Mater. 2019; 35(3): 450-456.
  • Referans32. Önal B, Restoratif Dişhekimliğinde Maddeler ve Uygulamaları, Birinci baskı, Ege Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Yayınları İzmir, 2004 p.111- 14,128-29
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Ebru Hazar Bodrumlu 0000-0002-3474-5583

Gözde Arslan This is me 0000-0001-6790-3982

Project Number -
Publication Date November 21, 2022
Acceptance Date October 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Hazar Bodrumlu, E., & Arslan, G. (2022). ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), 8(2), 34-38.
Chicago Hazar Bodrumlu, Ebru, and Gözde Arslan. “ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 8, no. 2 (November 2022): 34-38.
EndNote Hazar Bodrumlu E, Arslan G (November 1, 2022) ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 8 2 34–38.
IEEE E. Hazar Bodrumlu and G. Arslan, “ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ”, J Int Dent Sci, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 34–38, 2022.
ISNAD Hazar Bodrumlu, Ebru - Arslan, Gözde. “ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 8/2 (November 2022), 34-38.
MLA Hazar Bodrumlu, Ebru and Gözde Arslan. “ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), vol. 8, no. 2, 2022, pp. 34-38.
Vancouver Hazar Bodrumlu E, Arslan G. ÖN ISITMA İŞLEMİNİN CAM İYONOMER SİMANIN SERTLEŞME SÜRESİNE ETKİSİ. J Int Dent Sci. 2022;8(2):34-8.

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