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Colour And Bleaching In Aesthetic Dentistry

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 03.02.2019


The appearance and color of the teeth is a common concern for patients in many populations. For this reason, tooth bleaching is one of the most important treatments in dentistry and every dentist becomes a duty to have the knowledge and the skill to manage tooth stains according to the patient's wishes. The purpose of this review article will help clinicians improve their understanding of kinds of bleaching, mechanism, methods, side effects of bleaching and also types of discoloration, color systems, measurement of tooth’s color. In addition to the roughness, microhardness, marginal leakage and bond strength on the composite restorations, the morphology, roughness, hardness, elastic modulus and chemical composition on enamel and dentin surface are discussed.


  • 1. Joiner A. The bleaching of teeth: a review of the literature. Journal of Dentistry 2006;34:412-419. 2. Joiner A. Tooth colour and whiteness: a review. Journal of Dentistry 2017;67:3-10. 3. Ozduman ZC, Celik C. Tooth discolorations and bleaching treatments. Yeditepe Dental Journal 2017;13(1):37-44. 4. Alqahtani M Q. Tooth bleaching procedures and their controversial effects: a literatüre review. The Saudi Dental Journal 2014;26:33-46. 5. Manuel ST, Abhishek P, Kundabala M. Etiology of tooth discoloration: a review. Nigerian Dent J 2010;18(2):56-63 6. Prathap S, Rajesh H, Boloor VA, Rao AS. Extrinsic stains and management: a new insight. J Acad Indus Res 2013;1(8):435 7. Suchetha A, Khawar S, Mundinamane DB, Apoorva SM, Bhat D, Govindappa L. All about dental stains: a review (part I). Annals of Dental Specialty 2016 Apr – Jun;4(2). 8. Patil AG, Hiremath V, Kumar RS, Sheetal A, Nagaral S. Bleaching of a nonvital anterior tooth to remove the intrinsic discoloration. J of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 2014;5(2). 9. Amaral TH, Guerra Cde S, Bombonato-Prado KF, 22. Garcia de Paula E Silva FW, de Queiroz AM. Tooth pigmentation caused by bilirubin: a case report and histological evaluation. Spec Care Dentist 2008;28(6):254-257. 10. Tredwin CJ, Scully C, Bagan-Sebastian JV. Drug-induced disorders of teeth. J Dent Res 2005 Jul;84(7):596-602. 11. Sherwood I. Fluorosis varied treatment options. J Conserv Dent. 2010 Jan-Mar; 13(1):47-53. 12. Mortazavi H, Baharvand M, Khodadoustan A. Colors in tooth discoloration: a new classification and literatüre review. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry Vol. 7 Issue 1. 13. Onal B, Recen D, Turkun ŞL. Shade selection in restorative dentistry. J Restorative Dent-Special Topics 2015;1(3). 14. Cho BH, Lim YK, Lee YK. Comporison of the color natural teeth measured by a colorimeter and shade vision system. J of Dental Materials 2007;23:1307-1312. 15. Tung FF, Goldstein GR, Jang S, Hittelman E. The repeatability of an intraoral dental colorimeter. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2002 Dec; 8(6). 16. Bilgiç O, Türker ŞB. Diş hekimliğin öğrencilerinin renk ölçüm başarılarının değerlendirilmesi. J of Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2015;25(2):199-204. 17. Chang JY, Chen WC, Huang TK, Wang JC, Fu PS, Chen JH, Hung CC. Evaluating the accuracy of tooth color measurement by combining the Munsell color system and dental colorimeter. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2012 Sep;28(9):490-4. 18. S.J. Chu, R.D. Trushkowsky, R.D. Paravina, Dental color matching instruments and systems: review of clinical and research aspects. J of Dentistry 2010;38: e2–e16. 19. Tam WK, Lee HJ. Dental shade matching using a digital camera. J of Dentistry 2012;40:e3-e10. 20. Joiner A, Hopkinson I, Deng Y, Westland S. A review of tooth colour and whiteness. Journal of Dentistry 2008;36:2-7. 21. Hugo B, Witzel T, Klaiber B. Comparison of in vivo visual and computer-aided tooth shade determination. J of Clin. Oral Investig 2005;9:244–250. 22. Pusateri SK, Brewer JD, Davis EL, Wee AG. Reliability and accuracy of four dental shade-matching devices. J of Prosthetic Dentistry 2009;110:193–199. 23. Khurana R, Tredwin CJ, Weisbloom M, Moles DR. A clinical evaluation of the individual repeatability of three commercially available colour measuring devices. J of Br. Dent. 2007;203:675–680. 24. Llena C, Lozano E, Amenguai J, Forner L. Reliability of two color selection devices in matching and measuring tooth color. J of Contemp. Dent. Pract. 2011;12:19–23. 25. Zenthöfer A, Cabrera T, Corcodel N, Rammelsberg R, Hassel AJ. Comparison of the easyshade compact and advance in vitro and in vivo. J of Clin. Oral Investig 2014;18:1473–1479. 26. Ardu S, Braut V, Di Bella E, Lefever D. Influence of background on natural tooth colour coordinates: an in vivo evaluation. Journal of Odontology 2014;102:267–271. 27. Ma JF, Du RX, Wang SQ, Li YM. Effects of background, direction and intensity of ambient light, measuring position and adjacent teeth on anterior tooth colour measurement in vitro. China Journal Dent Rest 2010;13(2):147-52. 28. Keyf F, Uzun G, Altunsoy S. Diş hekimliğinde renk seçimi. Hacettepe Diş Hek Fak Derg 2009; 33(4): 52-8. 29. Carey CM. Tooth whitening: what we now know. J Evid Based Dent Pract 2014 june;14:70-76. 30. Hayes PA, Full C, Pinkham J. The etiology and treatment of intrinsic discolorations. J Can Dent Assoc 1986; 52(3):217 -20. 31. Féliz-Matos L, Hernández LM, Abreu N. Dental bleaching techniques; hydrogen-carbamide peroxides and light sources for activation, an update, mini review article. The Open Dentistry Journal, 2014;8:264-268. 32. Haywood VB, Sword RJ. Tooth bleaching questions answered. British Dental Journal 2017 September; 223(5):8 33. KWON SR, WERTZ PW. Review of the mechanism of tooth whitening. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2015;27(5):240–257. 34. Carey CM. Tooth whitening: what we now know. Published in final edited form as: J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2014 June; 14 Suppl: 70–76. 35. Bharti R, Wadhwani K. Spectrophotometric evaluation of peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber from whitening strips and gel: an in vitro study. J Conserv Dent 2013;16:131-4. 36. Maryline M, Rene S. Vital tooth bleaching-biologic adverse effects a review. Quinten Publ 2008;39:645-59. 37. Berger, SB, Pavan S, Dos Santos PH, Giannini M, Bedran- Russo AK. Effect of bleaching on sound enamel and with early artificial caries lesions using confocal laser microscopy. Braz Dent J 2012;23:110–115. 38. Soares DG, Basso FG, Hebling J, de Souza Costa CA. Concentrations and application protocols for hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels: effects on pulp cell viability and whitening efficacy. J Dent 2014;42:185-98. 39. He LB, Shao MY, Tan K, Xu X, Li JY. The effects of light on bleaching and tooth sensitivity during in-of ce vital bleaching: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent 2012 Aug; 40(8): 644-653. 40. Buchalla W, Attin T. External bleaching therapy with activation by heat, light or laser: a systematic review. Dent Mater 2007 May;23(5):586-596. 41. Bernardon JK. Clinical performance of vital bleaching techniques. Oper Dent 2010 Jan;35(1):3-10. 42. Chen X, Chen Z, Lin Y, Shao J, Yin L. Effects of tooth whitening agents and acidic drink on the surface properties of dental enamel. Clin Oral Investig 2013; Available from: 43. Leonard Jr RH, Haywood VB, Caplan DJ, Tart ND. Nightguard vital bleaching of tetracycline-stained teeth: 90 Months post treatment. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2003;15(3):142-152. 44. Heymann H, Swift EJ, Ritter AV, Sturdevant CM. Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry. Elsevier/Mosby; 2013 45. Lima DANL, Silva ALF, Aguiar FHB, Liporoni PCS, Munin E, Ambrosano GMB et al. In vitro assessment of the effectiveness of whitening dentifrices for the removal of extrinsic tooth stains. Braz Oral Res 2008;22(2):106-11. 46. Donly KJ, Segura A, Henson T, Barker ML, Gerlach RW. Randomized controlled trial of professional at-home tooth whitening in teenagers. Gen Dent 2007;55(7):669-74. 47. Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F. Nonvital tooth bleaching: a review of the literature and clinical procedures. J of Endodontics 2008 Apr;34(4):394-407. 48. Wiegand A, Drebenstedt S, Roos M, et al. 12-month color stability of enamel, dentine, and enamel-dentine samples after bleaching. Clin Oral Investig 2008;12:303–10. 49. KWON SR, WERTZ PW. Review of the mechanism of tooth whitening. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2015;27(5):240-257. 50. Ferrarazi M, Huck C, Machado M. A vital tooth bleaching technique with a compound light system led. J Oral Laser Applic 2003; 3:167-72. 51. Dominguez A, Garcia J, Costela A, Conez C. Influence of the light source and bleaching gel on the tooth whitening process. Health Wellness Reso Cent 2011; 29: 53-7. 52. Torres CR, Souza Cs, Borges AB, Huhtala MF, Caneppele TM. Influence of concentration and activation on hydrogen peroxide diffusion through dental tissues in vitro. Sci World J 2013;2013. 53. Klaric E, Rakic M, Sever I, Tarle Z. Temperature rise during ex-perimental light-activated bleaching. Lasers Med Sci. 2013 Jun; 19. Available from: 54. Hahn P, Schondelmaier N, Wolkewitz M, Altenburger MJ, Polydorou O. Efficacy of tooth bleaching with and without light activation and its effect on the pulp temperature: an in vitro study. J of Odontology 2013 Jan;101(1):67-74. 55. Ulu O. Diş renkleşmelerinin beyazlatılması, rengin korunması ve kalıcılığının in vitro yöntemle belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2011. 56. Young N, Fairley P, Mohan V, Jumeaux C. A study of hydrogen peroxide chemistry and photochemistry in tea stain solution with relevance to clinical tooth whitening. J Dent 2012;40:e11–e6. 57. Xu B, Li Q, Wang Y. Effects of pH values of hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents on enamel surface properties. Operat Dent 2011; 36(5):554–562. 58. Brooks RE, Moore SB. Alkaline hydrogen peroxide bleaching of cellulose. Cellulose 2000;7(3):263–286. 59. Torres CR, Crastechini E, Feitosa FA, et al. Influence of pH on the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide whitening. Operat Dent 2014;39 (6):E261–E268. 60. Majeed A, Farooq I, Grobler SR, Rossouw RJ. Tooth bleaching: a review of the efficacy and adverse effects of various tooth whitening products. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2015, Vol. 25(12):891-896. 61. Goldberg M, Grootveld M, Lynch E. Undesirable and adverse effects of tooth-whitening products: a review. Clin Oral Invest (2010) 14:1–10. 62. Wattanapayungkul P, Yap AU, Chooi KW, Lee MF, Selamat RS, Zhou RD. The effect of home bleaching agents on the surface roughness of tooth-colored restoratives with time. Oper. Dent 2004;29(4):398-403 63. Canay Ş, Çehreli MC. The effect of current bleaching agents on the color of light-polymerized composites in vitro. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89(5):474– 478. 64. Rosentritt M, Lang R, Plein T, Behr M, Handel G. Discoloration of restorative materials after bleaching application. QuintessenceInt 2005;36(1):33-39. 65. Crim, G.A. Post-operative bleaching: effect on microleakage. Am. J. Dent. 1992;5:109–112. 66. White, DJ, Du schner H, Pioch T. Effect of bleaching treatments on microleakage of class I restorations. J of Clin Dent 2008;19:33–36. 67. Polydorou O, Beiter J, Ko nig A, Hellwig E, Kummerer K. Effect of bleaching on the elution of monomers from modern dental composite materials. Dent Mater. 2009;25:254–260. 68. Kaya AD,Türkün M. Reversal of Dentin Bonding to Bleached Teeth. Operative Dentistry 2003 November;28(6):825-829. 69. Türkün M, Çelik EU, Kaya AD, Arici M. Can the hydrogel form of sodium ascorbate be used to reverse compromised bond strength after bleaching. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2009 January;11(1):35-40. 70. Abouassi T, Wolkewitz M, Hahn P. Effect of carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide on enamel surface: an in vitro study. Clin Oral Investig 2011;15:673–680. 71. Azrak B, Callaway A, Kurth P, Willershausen B. Influence of bleaching agents on surface roughness of sound or eroded dental enamel specimens. J of Esthet Restor Dent 2010;22:391–399. 72. Cadenaro M, Navarra CO, Mazzoni A, et al. An in vivo study of the effect of a 38 percent hydrogen peroxide in office whitening agent on enamel. J of Am. Dent. Assoc. 2010;144:449–454. 73. Sa Y, Sun L, Wang Z, et al. Effects of two in-office bleaching agents with different pH on the structure of human enamel: an in situ and in vitro study. Oper. Dent. 2013;38:100–1. 74. Smidt A, Feuerstein O, Topel M. Mechanical, morphologic, and chemical effects of carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on human enamel in situ. Quintessence Int 2011;42:407–412. 75. Sun L, Liang S, Sa Y, et al. Surface alteration of human tooth enamel subjected to acidic and neutral 30% hydrogen peroxide. J. Dent. 2011;39:686–692. 76. Sasaki RT, Florio FM, Basting RT. Effect of 10% sodium ascorbate and 10% alphatocopherol in different formulations on the shear bond strength of enamel and dentin submitted to a home-use bleaching treatment. Oper. Dent. 2009;34:746–752. 77. Azer SS, Machado C, Sanchez E, Rashid R. Effect of home bleaching systems on enamel nanohardness and elastic modulus. J. Dent. 2009;37:185–190. 78. Araujo Fde O, Baratieri LN, Araujo E. In situ study of in office bleaching procedures using light sources on human enamel microhardness. Oper. Dent. 2010;35:139–146. 79. Al-Salehi SK, Wood DJ, Hatton PV. The effect of 24 h non-stop hydrogen peroxide concentration on bovine enamel and dentine mineral content and microhardness. J. Dent. 2007;35:845–850. 80. Cakir FY, Korkmaz Y, Firat E, Oztas SS, Gurgan S.. Chemical analysis of enamel and dentin following the application of three different at home bleaching systems. Oper. Dent. 2011;36:529– 536. 81. Tezel H, Ertas OS, Ozata F, Dalgar H, Korkut ZO. Effect of bleaching agents on calcium loss from the enamel surface. Quintessence Int 2007;38:339–347. 82. Efeoglu N, Wood D, Efeoglu C. Microcomputerised tomography evaluation of 10% carbamide peroxide applied to enamel. J. Dent. 2005;33:561–567. 83. Lee KH, Kim HI, Kim KH, Kwon YH. Mineral loss from bovine enamel by a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution. J Oral Rehabil 2006;33:229–233. 84. Faraoni-Romano JJ, Da Silveira AG, Turssi CP, Serra MC. Bleaching agents with varying concentrations of carbamide and/or hydrogen peroxides: effect on dental microhardness and roughness. J. Esthet. Restor. Dent. 2008;20:395 – 402. 85. Tam LE, Lim M, Khanna S. Effect of direct peroxide bleach application to bovine dentin on flexural strength and modulus in vitro. J. Dent. 2005;33:451–458. 86. Tam LE, Kuo VY, Noroozi A. Effect of prolonged direct and indirect peroxide bleaching on fracture toughness of human dentin. J. Esthet. Restor. Dent. 2007;19:100–109. 87. Basting RT, Rodrigues Jr AL, Serra MC. The effects of seven carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on enamel microhardness over time. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 2003;134:1335–1342.

Estetik Diş Hekimliğinde Renk Ve Beyazlatma

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 03.02.2019


Birçok popülasyonda dişlerin görünümü ve rengi hastalar için ortak bir endişedir. Bu nedenle, diş beyazlatma diş hekimliğinde en önemli tedavilerden biridir. Her diş hekimi hastanın isteklerine göre diş lekelerini yönetebilecek bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmalıdır. Bu makale, beyazlatma çeşitleri, mekanizmaları, yöntemleri, beyazlatmanın yan etkileri ve aynı zamanda dişlerdeki renk değişiklikleri, renk sistemleri, diş rengi ölçüm yöntemleri konularında güncel bilgiler içermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Diş yapısındaki pürüzlülüğün, mikro sertliğin, marjinal sızıntı ve bağlanma kuvvetinin yanı sıra kompozit restorasyonlarda pürüzlülük, sertlik, elastik modül ve mine-dentin yüzeyindeki değişiklikler tartışılmıştır.


  • 1. Joiner A. The bleaching of teeth: a review of the literature. Journal of Dentistry 2006;34:412-419. 2. Joiner A. Tooth colour and whiteness: a review. Journal of Dentistry 2017;67:3-10. 3. Ozduman ZC, Celik C. Tooth discolorations and bleaching treatments. Yeditepe Dental Journal 2017;13(1):37-44. 4. Alqahtani M Q. Tooth bleaching procedures and their controversial effects: a literatüre review. The Saudi Dental Journal 2014;26:33-46. 5. Manuel ST, Abhishek P, Kundabala M. Etiology of tooth discoloration: a review. Nigerian Dent J 2010;18(2):56-63 6. Prathap S, Rajesh H, Boloor VA, Rao AS. Extrinsic stains and management: a new insight. J Acad Indus Res 2013;1(8):435 7. Suchetha A, Khawar S, Mundinamane DB, Apoorva SM, Bhat D, Govindappa L. All about dental stains: a review (part I). Annals of Dental Specialty 2016 Apr – Jun;4(2). 8. Patil AG, Hiremath V, Kumar RS, Sheetal A, Nagaral S. Bleaching of a nonvital anterior tooth to remove the intrinsic discoloration. J of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 2014;5(2). 9. Amaral TH, Guerra Cde S, Bombonato-Prado KF, 22. Garcia de Paula E Silva FW, de Queiroz AM. Tooth pigmentation caused by bilirubin: a case report and histological evaluation. Spec Care Dentist 2008;28(6):254-257. 10. Tredwin CJ, Scully C, Bagan-Sebastian JV. Drug-induced disorders of teeth. J Dent Res 2005 Jul;84(7):596-602. 11. Sherwood I. Fluorosis varied treatment options. J Conserv Dent. 2010 Jan-Mar; 13(1):47-53. 12. Mortazavi H, Baharvand M, Khodadoustan A. Colors in tooth discoloration: a new classification and literatüre review. International Journal of Clinical Dentistry Vol. 7 Issue 1. 13. Onal B, Recen D, Turkun ŞL. Shade selection in restorative dentistry. J Restorative Dent-Special Topics 2015;1(3). 14. Cho BH, Lim YK, Lee YK. Comporison of the color natural teeth measured by a colorimeter and shade vision system. J of Dental Materials 2007;23:1307-1312. 15. Tung FF, Goldstein GR, Jang S, Hittelman E. The repeatability of an intraoral dental colorimeter. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2002 Dec; 8(6). 16. Bilgiç O, Türker ŞB. Diş hekimliğin öğrencilerinin renk ölçüm başarılarının değerlendirilmesi. J of Dent Fac Atatürk Uni 2015;25(2):199-204. 17. Chang JY, Chen WC, Huang TK, Wang JC, Fu PS, Chen JH, Hung CC. Evaluating the accuracy of tooth color measurement by combining the Munsell color system and dental colorimeter. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2012 Sep;28(9):490-4. 18. S.J. Chu, R.D. Trushkowsky, R.D. Paravina, Dental color matching instruments and systems: review of clinical and research aspects. J of Dentistry 2010;38: e2–e16. 19. Tam WK, Lee HJ. Dental shade matching using a digital camera. J of Dentistry 2012;40:e3-e10. 20. Joiner A, Hopkinson I, Deng Y, Westland S. A review of tooth colour and whiteness. Journal of Dentistry 2008;36:2-7. 21. Hugo B, Witzel T, Klaiber B. Comparison of in vivo visual and computer-aided tooth shade determination. J of Clin. Oral Investig 2005;9:244–250. 22. Pusateri SK, Brewer JD, Davis EL, Wee AG. Reliability and accuracy of four dental shade-matching devices. J of Prosthetic Dentistry 2009;110:193–199. 23. Khurana R, Tredwin CJ, Weisbloom M, Moles DR. A clinical evaluation of the individual repeatability of three commercially available colour measuring devices. J of Br. Dent. 2007;203:675–680. 24. Llena C, Lozano E, Amenguai J, Forner L. Reliability of two color selection devices in matching and measuring tooth color. J of Contemp. Dent. Pract. 2011;12:19–23. 25. Zenthöfer A, Cabrera T, Corcodel N, Rammelsberg R, Hassel AJ. Comparison of the easyshade compact and advance in vitro and in vivo. J of Clin. Oral Investig 2014;18:1473–1479. 26. Ardu S, Braut V, Di Bella E, Lefever D. Influence of background on natural tooth colour coordinates: an in vivo evaluation. Journal of Odontology 2014;102:267–271. 27. Ma JF, Du RX, Wang SQ, Li YM. Effects of background, direction and intensity of ambient light, measuring position and adjacent teeth on anterior tooth colour measurement in vitro. China Journal Dent Rest 2010;13(2):147-52. 28. Keyf F, Uzun G, Altunsoy S. Diş hekimliğinde renk seçimi. Hacettepe Diş Hek Fak Derg 2009; 33(4): 52-8. 29. Carey CM. Tooth whitening: what we now know. J Evid Based Dent Pract 2014 june;14:70-76. 30. Hayes PA, Full C, Pinkham J. The etiology and treatment of intrinsic discolorations. J Can Dent Assoc 1986; 52(3):217 -20. 31. Féliz-Matos L, Hernández LM, Abreu N. Dental bleaching techniques; hydrogen-carbamide peroxides and light sources for activation, an update, mini review article. The Open Dentistry Journal, 2014;8:264-268. 32. Haywood VB, Sword RJ. Tooth bleaching questions answered. British Dental Journal 2017 September; 223(5):8 33. KWON SR, WERTZ PW. Review of the mechanism of tooth whitening. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2015;27(5):240–257. 34. Carey CM. Tooth whitening: what we now know. Published in final edited form as: J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2014 June; 14 Suppl: 70–76. 35. Bharti R, Wadhwani K. Spectrophotometric evaluation of peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber from whitening strips and gel: an in vitro study. J Conserv Dent 2013;16:131-4. 36. Maryline M, Rene S. Vital tooth bleaching-biologic adverse effects a review. Quinten Publ 2008;39:645-59. 37. Berger, SB, Pavan S, Dos Santos PH, Giannini M, Bedran- Russo AK. Effect of bleaching on sound enamel and with early artificial caries lesions using confocal laser microscopy. Braz Dent J 2012;23:110–115. 38. Soares DG, Basso FG, Hebling J, de Souza Costa CA. Concentrations and application protocols for hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels: effects on pulp cell viability and whitening efficacy. J Dent 2014;42:185-98. 39. He LB, Shao MY, Tan K, Xu X, Li JY. The effects of light on bleaching and tooth sensitivity during in-of ce vital bleaching: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Dent 2012 Aug; 40(8): 644-653. 40. Buchalla W, Attin T. External bleaching therapy with activation by heat, light or laser: a systematic review. Dent Mater 2007 May;23(5):586-596. 41. Bernardon JK. Clinical performance of vital bleaching techniques. Oper Dent 2010 Jan;35(1):3-10. 42. Chen X, Chen Z, Lin Y, Shao J, Yin L. Effects of tooth whitening agents and acidic drink on the surface properties of dental enamel. Clin Oral Investig 2013; Available from: 43. Leonard Jr RH, Haywood VB, Caplan DJ, Tart ND. Nightguard vital bleaching of tetracycline-stained teeth: 90 Months post treatment. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2003;15(3):142-152. 44. Heymann H, Swift EJ, Ritter AV, Sturdevant CM. Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry. Elsevier/Mosby; 2013 45. Lima DANL, Silva ALF, Aguiar FHB, Liporoni PCS, Munin E, Ambrosano GMB et al. In vitro assessment of the effectiveness of whitening dentifrices for the removal of extrinsic tooth stains. Braz Oral Res 2008;22(2):106-11. 46. Donly KJ, Segura A, Henson T, Barker ML, Gerlach RW. Randomized controlled trial of professional at-home tooth whitening in teenagers. Gen Dent 2007;55(7):669-74. 47. Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F. Nonvital tooth bleaching: a review of the literature and clinical procedures. J of Endodontics 2008 Apr;34(4):394-407. 48. Wiegand A, Drebenstedt S, Roos M, et al. 12-month color stability of enamel, dentine, and enamel-dentine samples after bleaching. Clin Oral Investig 2008;12:303–10. 49. KWON SR, WERTZ PW. Review of the mechanism of tooth whitening. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2015;27(5):240-257. 50. Ferrarazi M, Huck C, Machado M. A vital tooth bleaching technique with a compound light system led. J Oral Laser Applic 2003; 3:167-72. 51. Dominguez A, Garcia J, Costela A, Conez C. Influence of the light source and bleaching gel on the tooth whitening process. Health Wellness Reso Cent 2011; 29: 53-7. 52. Torres CR, Souza Cs, Borges AB, Huhtala MF, Caneppele TM. Influence of concentration and activation on hydrogen peroxide diffusion through dental tissues in vitro. Sci World J 2013;2013. 53. Klaric E, Rakic M, Sever I, Tarle Z. Temperature rise during ex-perimental light-activated bleaching. Lasers Med Sci. 2013 Jun; 19. Available from: 54. Hahn P, Schondelmaier N, Wolkewitz M, Altenburger MJ, Polydorou O. Efficacy of tooth bleaching with and without light activation and its effect on the pulp temperature: an in vitro study. J of Odontology 2013 Jan;101(1):67-74. 55. Ulu O. Diş renkleşmelerinin beyazlatılması, rengin korunması ve kalıcılığının in vitro yöntemle belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2011. 56. Young N, Fairley P, Mohan V, Jumeaux C. A study of hydrogen peroxide chemistry and photochemistry in tea stain solution with relevance to clinical tooth whitening. J Dent 2012;40:e11–e6. 57. Xu B, Li Q, Wang Y. Effects of pH values of hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents on enamel surface properties. Operat Dent 2011; 36(5):554–562. 58. Brooks RE, Moore SB. Alkaline hydrogen peroxide bleaching of cellulose. Cellulose 2000;7(3):263–286. 59. Torres CR, Crastechini E, Feitosa FA, et al. Influence of pH on the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide whitening. Operat Dent 2014;39 (6):E261–E268. 60. Majeed A, Farooq I, Grobler SR, Rossouw RJ. Tooth bleaching: a review of the efficacy and adverse effects of various tooth whitening products. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2015, Vol. 25(12):891-896. 61. Goldberg M, Grootveld M, Lynch E. Undesirable and adverse effects of tooth-whitening products: a review. Clin Oral Invest (2010) 14:1–10. 62. Wattanapayungkul P, Yap AU, Chooi KW, Lee MF, Selamat RS, Zhou RD. The effect of home bleaching agents on the surface roughness of tooth-colored restoratives with time. Oper. Dent 2004;29(4):398-403 63. Canay Ş, Çehreli MC. The effect of current bleaching agents on the color of light-polymerized composites in vitro. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89(5):474– 478. 64. Rosentritt M, Lang R, Plein T, Behr M, Handel G. Discoloration of restorative materials after bleaching application. QuintessenceInt 2005;36(1):33-39. 65. Crim, G.A. Post-operative bleaching: effect on microleakage. Am. J. Dent. 1992;5:109–112. 66. White, DJ, Du schner H, Pioch T. Effect of bleaching treatments on microleakage of class I restorations. J of Clin Dent 2008;19:33–36. 67. Polydorou O, Beiter J, Ko nig A, Hellwig E, Kummerer K. Effect of bleaching on the elution of monomers from modern dental composite materials. Dent Mater. 2009;25:254–260. 68. Kaya AD,Türkün M. Reversal of Dentin Bonding to Bleached Teeth. Operative Dentistry 2003 November;28(6):825-829. 69. 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There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Restorative Dentistry

Oya Şeker 0000-0001-9621-1811

Hazal Sarı This is me 0000-0003-1046-1065

Publication Date February 3, 2019
Submission Date February 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


Vancouver Şeker O, Sarı H. Estetik Diş Hekimliğinde Renk Ve Beyazlatma. Dent & Med J - R. 2019;1(1):1-20.

"The truest guide for everything in the world, for civilization, for life, for success, is science. Seeking a guide outside of science and science is heedlessness, ignorance, and deviating from the right path. It is only necessary to understand the development of science and science in every minute we live and to follow the progress in time. To attempt to apply the rules of science and science a thousand, two thousand, and thousands of years ago, today, after so many thousand years, is, of course, not to be in science and science."