Research Article
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Year 2013, Issue: 032, 57 - 78, 31.12.2013


This study is based on a purple jade formed as an extensive contact metamorphic aureole at the border between the Late Mesozoic coherent metaclastic rocks of blueschist facies and the Early Cenozoic intrusive granodiorite stock. This purple-colored material is only found in this provenance in Turkey. Therefore, it is specially called “Turkish (and/or Anatolian) purple jade” on the worldwide gem market. Specific gravity value of the purple jade called as the gemstone, which mainly includes the minerals of jadeite, quartz, orthoclase, epidote, chloritoid and phlogopite, is found average value of 3.04. Dispersive confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy, as well as the other well-known analytical methods was used to characterize and identify in detail the Turkish purple jade samples. Finally, these parameters provide positive identification with the provenance (geographic origin) of the original Turkish purple jade.


  • [1] D. Crowhurst,“Jade is jade”, Colored Stone, 14, 112-113(2001).
  • [2] Easby, E. K., 1991. “Jade in South America and the Caribbean”, in R. Keverne (ed.) Jade New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 338-341.
  • [3] C.T. Prewitt ve C.W. Burnham, “The crystal structure of jadeite, NaAlSi2O6”, American Mineralogist, 51, 956-975(1966).
  • [4] M. Cameron ve J.J. Papike, “Structural and chemical variations in pyroxenes”, American Mineralogist, 66, 1-50(1981).
  • [5] N. Morimoto, “Nomenclature of pyroxenes”, American Mineralogist. 73, 1123-1133(1988).
  • [6] N. Morimoto, “Nomenclature of pyroxenes”. The Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 143-156(1989).
  • [7] W. Htein ve A.M. Naing, “Mineral and chemical compositions of jadeite jade of Myanmar”, Journal of Gemmology, 24, 269–276(1994).
  • [8] H. Harder, “Trace elements as colouring agents in jadeites”, The Journal of Gemmology, 24, 508-511(1995).
  • [9] C. Bishop, A. Woolley, I. Kinnes and R. Harrison, “Jadeite axes in Europe and the British Isles: An interim study”, Archaelogica Atlantica, 2, 1-8(1977).
  • [10] G.G. Biino ve R. Compagnoni, “Very-high pressure metamorphism of the Brossasco coronite metagranite, southern Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps”, Schweiz Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 72, 347-363(1992).
  • [11] I. Adamo, A. Pavese, L. Prosperi, V. Diella, D. Ajò, M. Dapiaggi, C. Mora, F. Manavella, F. Salusso ve V. Giuliano, “Characterization of omphacite jade from the Po Valley, Piedmont, Italy”, Journal of Gemmology, 30, 215-226, (2006).
  • [12] Harlow, G.E., Sorensen, S.S., Sisson, V.B., 2007. Jade. In: The Geology of Gem Deposits (ed., Lee A. Groat), Short Course Handbook Series 37, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Quebec, 207-254.
  • [13] M.I. Teixeira, A.P. Melo, G.M. Ferraz ve L.V.E. Caldas, “Application of jade samples for high dose dosimetry using the EPR technique”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 68, 582–585(2010).
  • [14] A.I. Okay, “Mineralogy, petrology and phase relations of glaucophane-lawsonite zone blueschists from the Tavşanlı region, northwest Turkey”, Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 72, 243-255(1980).
  • [15] A.I. Okay, “Distribution and characteristics of the northwest Turkish blueschists. In: A.H.F. Robertson and J.E. Dixon (eds.) The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 17, 455-466(1984).
  • [16] A.I. Okay, “Jadeite-K-feldspar rocks and jadeitites from northwest Turkey”, Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 835-843(1997).
  • [17] A.I. Okay, “Jadeite–chloritoid–glaucophane–lawsonite blueschists in northwest Turkey: unusually high P/T ratios in continental crust”, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 757-768(2002).
  • [18] A.I. Okay ve S.P. Kelley, “Tectonic setting, petrology and geochronology of jadeite +glaucophane and chloritoid +glaucophane schists from northwest Turkey”, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 12, 455–466(1994).
  • [19] A.I. Okay, N.B.W. Harris ve S. Kelley, “Blueschist exhumation along a Tethyan suture in northwest Turkey”, Tectonophysics, 285, 275–299(1998).
  • [20] M. Hatipoğlu, “Response to jadeite from Turkey”, Rocks & Minerals, 85, 301-301(2010).
  • [21] Y. Tuncer-Arslanlar, J. Garcia-Guinea, R. Kibar, A. Çetin, M. Ayvacıklı ve N. Can, “Luminescence behaviour and Raman characterization of jade from Turkey”, Applied Radiation Isotopes, 69, 1299-1306(2011).
  • [22] A.M.C. Şengör ve Y. Yılmaz, “Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach”, Techtonophsics, 75, 181-241(1981).
  • [23] E. Bingöl, M. Delaloye ve G. Ataman, “Granitic intrusions in western Anatolia: a contribution to the geodynamic study of this area”, Eclogae Geologica Helvatica, 75, 437-446(1982).
  • [24] O. Kaya, O. Özkoçak ve A. Lisenbee, “Jura öncesi bloklu tortul kayaların stratigrafisi, Bursa güneyi”, Bulletin of MTA (Turkey), 109, 22-32(1989).
  • [25] I.Ö Yılmaz, D. Altıner, U.K. Tekin, O. Tüysüz, F. Ocakoğlu ve S. Açıkalın, “Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) in the Sakarya Zone, northwestern Turkey: Sedimentological, cyclostratigraphic, and geochemicalrecords”, Cretaceous Record, 31, 207-226(2010).
  • [26] S. Sherlock, S.P. Kelley, S. Inger, N. Harris ve A.I. Okay, “40Ar-39Ar and Rb-Sr geochronology of highpressure metamorphism and exhumation history of the Tavşanlı Zone, NW Turkey”, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 137, 46–58(1999).
  • [27] Th. Zhao, X.W. Yan ve J. Cui, “The physical and chemical properties of synthetic and natural jadeite for jewellery”, Journal of Material Sciences, 29, 1514–1520(1994).
  • [28] F. Nestola, M. Tribaudino, T.B. Ballaran, C. Liebske ve M. Bruno, “The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite-hedenbergite and jadeite-aegirine joins”, American Mineralogist, 92, 1492-1501(2007).
  • [29] Gendron, G., Smith, D.C.,Gendron-Bdou, A. Discovery of Jadeite-Jade in Guatemala confirmed by nondestructive Raman microscopy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 29, 837–851, (2002).
  • [30] D. Bersani ve P.P. Lottici, “Application of Raman spectroscopy to gemology”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 397, 2631-2646, (2008).
  • [31] J.L. Fan, S.G. Guo ve X.L. Liu, “The Application of confocal micro-Raman spectrometer to nondestructive identification of filled gemstones”, Spectroscopy Letters, 42, 129-135, (2009).
  • [32] Colomban, P., Prinsloo, L., Optical spectroscopy of silicates and glasses. In; Yatwood, J, Douthwaite R, Duckett S. (eds) Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, RSC publishing, 40, 128-149, (2009).
  • [33] G. Rossi, D.C. Smith, L. Ungaretti ve M.C. Domeneghetti, “Crystal-chemistry and cation ordering in the system diopside-jadeite: a detailed study by crystal structure refinement”, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 83, 247-258, (1983).
  • [34] E. Brizi ve M. Mellini, “Kinetical modelling of exsolution textures in igneous pyroxenes”, Acta Vulcanologica, 2, 87-93(1992).
  • [35] G.R. Rossman, “Lavender jade: The optical spectrum of Fe3+ and Fe2+–Fe3+ inter-valence charge transfer in jadeite from Burma”, American Mineralogist, 59, 868–870(1974).
  • [36] K. Nassau ve J.E. Shigley, “A study of the general electric synthetic jadeite”, Gems & Gemology, 23, 27-35(1987).
  • [37] J.L. Fan, S.G. Guo ve X.L. Liu, “Application of Raman spectrometer (785 nm) to jadeite test” (in Chine with English abstract),, (2007).
  • [38] G. Blasse ve B.C. Grabmaier, “Luminescent Materials”, Springer–Verlag, 232, (1994).
  • [39] Gfroerer, T.H., Photoluminescence in analysis of surfaces and interfaces. In Encyclopaedia of Analytical Chemistry, R.A. Meyers (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 9209–9231, (2000).
  • [40] M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld ve G. Panczer, “Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, 1ed.”, Springer, Berlin, 456(2005).
  • [41] B. Handerson ve G.F.Imbusch, “Optical Spectroscopy”, Oxford University Press, 672(2006).
  • [42] B.J. Luff ve P.D. Townsend, “High sensitivity thermoluminescence spectrometer”, Measurement Science and Technology, 4, 65-71(1993).
  • [43] A.P. Melo, M.E.G. Valerio ve L.V.E. Caldas, “Thermoluminescence characteristics of mineral samples acquired as jade”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 218, 198- 201(2004).


Year 2013, Issue: 032, 57 - 78, 31.12.2013


Bu çalışma Harmancık-Bursa bölgesinde, Geç Mesozoyik yaşlı düzenli istifsel mavişist fasiyesinin metaklastik kayaları ile Erken Senozoyik yaşlı sokulum yapmış granodiyorit kütlesinin sınırındaki iri boyutlu kontak metamorfik hale (dilim) olarak oluşmuş mor jade üzerine yapılmıştır. Mor renkli bu malzeme Türkiye’de, sadece bu bölgede bulunur. Bu nedenle, dünya süstaşı pazarında özel olarak “Türk (ve/veya Anadolu) mor jadesi” olarak adlandırılır. Başlıca jadeit, kuvars, ortoz, epidot, kloritoid ve flogopit minerallerinden meydana geldiği belirlenen ve süstaşı niteliği taşıyan mor jadenin ortalama özgül ağırlık değeri 3.04 olarak bulunmuştur. Türk mor jade örnekleri, saçınımlı konfokal mikro-Raman spektroskopisi ve diğer iyi bilinen analitiksel metotlar kullanılarak karakterize edilmiş ve detaylı tanımlamak için incelenmişlerdir. Sonuç olarak, bu parametreler, orijinal Türk mor jadesinin coğrafik oluşum kökeniyle ilgili kesin veriler sağlamaktadır.


  • [1] D. Crowhurst,“Jade is jade”, Colored Stone, 14, 112-113(2001).
  • [2] Easby, E. K., 1991. “Jade in South America and the Caribbean”, in R. Keverne (ed.) Jade New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 338-341.
  • [3] C.T. Prewitt ve C.W. Burnham, “The crystal structure of jadeite, NaAlSi2O6”, American Mineralogist, 51, 956-975(1966).
  • [4] M. Cameron ve J.J. Papike, “Structural and chemical variations in pyroxenes”, American Mineralogist, 66, 1-50(1981).
  • [5] N. Morimoto, “Nomenclature of pyroxenes”, American Mineralogist. 73, 1123-1133(1988).
  • [6] N. Morimoto, “Nomenclature of pyroxenes”. The Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 143-156(1989).
  • [7] W. Htein ve A.M. Naing, “Mineral and chemical compositions of jadeite jade of Myanmar”, Journal of Gemmology, 24, 269–276(1994).
  • [8] H. Harder, “Trace elements as colouring agents in jadeites”, The Journal of Gemmology, 24, 508-511(1995).
  • [9] C. Bishop, A. Woolley, I. Kinnes and R. Harrison, “Jadeite axes in Europe and the British Isles: An interim study”, Archaelogica Atlantica, 2, 1-8(1977).
  • [10] G.G. Biino ve R. Compagnoni, “Very-high pressure metamorphism of the Brossasco coronite metagranite, southern Dora Maira Massif, Western Alps”, Schweiz Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 72, 347-363(1992).
  • [11] I. Adamo, A. Pavese, L. Prosperi, V. Diella, D. Ajò, M. Dapiaggi, C. Mora, F. Manavella, F. Salusso ve V. Giuliano, “Characterization of omphacite jade from the Po Valley, Piedmont, Italy”, Journal of Gemmology, 30, 215-226, (2006).
  • [12] Harlow, G.E., Sorensen, S.S., Sisson, V.B., 2007. Jade. In: The Geology of Gem Deposits (ed., Lee A. Groat), Short Course Handbook Series 37, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Quebec, 207-254.
  • [13] M.I. Teixeira, A.P. Melo, G.M. Ferraz ve L.V.E. Caldas, “Application of jade samples for high dose dosimetry using the EPR technique”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 68, 582–585(2010).
  • [14] A.I. Okay, “Mineralogy, petrology and phase relations of glaucophane-lawsonite zone blueschists from the Tavşanlı region, northwest Turkey”, Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 72, 243-255(1980).
  • [15] A.I. Okay, “Distribution and characteristics of the northwest Turkish blueschists. In: A.H.F. Robertson and J.E. Dixon (eds.) The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 17, 455-466(1984).
  • [16] A.I. Okay, “Jadeite-K-feldspar rocks and jadeitites from northwest Turkey”, Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 835-843(1997).
  • [17] A.I. Okay, “Jadeite–chloritoid–glaucophane–lawsonite blueschists in northwest Turkey: unusually high P/T ratios in continental crust”, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 757-768(2002).
  • [18] A.I. Okay ve S.P. Kelley, “Tectonic setting, petrology and geochronology of jadeite +glaucophane and chloritoid +glaucophane schists from northwest Turkey”, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 12, 455–466(1994).
  • [19] A.I. Okay, N.B.W. Harris ve S. Kelley, “Blueschist exhumation along a Tethyan suture in northwest Turkey”, Tectonophysics, 285, 275–299(1998).
  • [20] M. Hatipoğlu, “Response to jadeite from Turkey”, Rocks & Minerals, 85, 301-301(2010).
  • [21] Y. Tuncer-Arslanlar, J. Garcia-Guinea, R. Kibar, A. Çetin, M. Ayvacıklı ve N. Can, “Luminescence behaviour and Raman characterization of jade from Turkey”, Applied Radiation Isotopes, 69, 1299-1306(2011).
  • [22] A.M.C. Şengör ve Y. Yılmaz, “Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach”, Techtonophsics, 75, 181-241(1981).
  • [23] E. Bingöl, M. Delaloye ve G. Ataman, “Granitic intrusions in western Anatolia: a contribution to the geodynamic study of this area”, Eclogae Geologica Helvatica, 75, 437-446(1982).
  • [24] O. Kaya, O. Özkoçak ve A. Lisenbee, “Jura öncesi bloklu tortul kayaların stratigrafisi, Bursa güneyi”, Bulletin of MTA (Turkey), 109, 22-32(1989).
  • [25] I.Ö Yılmaz, D. Altıner, U.K. Tekin, O. Tüysüz, F. Ocakoğlu ve S. Açıkalın, “Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) in the Sakarya Zone, northwestern Turkey: Sedimentological, cyclostratigraphic, and geochemicalrecords”, Cretaceous Record, 31, 207-226(2010).
  • [26] S. Sherlock, S.P. Kelley, S. Inger, N. Harris ve A.I. Okay, “40Ar-39Ar and Rb-Sr geochronology of highpressure metamorphism and exhumation history of the Tavşanlı Zone, NW Turkey”, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 137, 46–58(1999).
  • [27] Th. Zhao, X.W. Yan ve J. Cui, “The physical and chemical properties of synthetic and natural jadeite for jewellery”, Journal of Material Sciences, 29, 1514–1520(1994).
  • [28] F. Nestola, M. Tribaudino, T.B. Ballaran, C. Liebske ve M. Bruno, “The crystal structures of pyroxenes along the jadeite-hedenbergite and jadeite-aegirine joins”, American Mineralogist, 92, 1492-1501(2007).
  • [29] Gendron, G., Smith, D.C.,Gendron-Bdou, A. Discovery of Jadeite-Jade in Guatemala confirmed by nondestructive Raman microscopy. Journal of Archaeological Science, 29, 837–851, (2002).
  • [30] D. Bersani ve P.P. Lottici, “Application of Raman spectroscopy to gemology”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 397, 2631-2646, (2008).
  • [31] J.L. Fan, S.G. Guo ve X.L. Liu, “The Application of confocal micro-Raman spectrometer to nondestructive identification of filled gemstones”, Spectroscopy Letters, 42, 129-135, (2009).
  • [32] Colomban, P., Prinsloo, L., Optical spectroscopy of silicates and glasses. In; Yatwood, J, Douthwaite R, Duckett S. (eds) Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, RSC publishing, 40, 128-149, (2009).
  • [33] G. Rossi, D.C. Smith, L. Ungaretti ve M.C. Domeneghetti, “Crystal-chemistry and cation ordering in the system diopside-jadeite: a detailed study by crystal structure refinement”, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 83, 247-258, (1983).
  • [34] E. Brizi ve M. Mellini, “Kinetical modelling of exsolution textures in igneous pyroxenes”, Acta Vulcanologica, 2, 87-93(1992).
  • [35] G.R. Rossman, “Lavender jade: The optical spectrum of Fe3+ and Fe2+–Fe3+ inter-valence charge transfer in jadeite from Burma”, American Mineralogist, 59, 868–870(1974).
  • [36] K. Nassau ve J.E. Shigley, “A study of the general electric synthetic jadeite”, Gems & Gemology, 23, 27-35(1987).
  • [37] J.L. Fan, S.G. Guo ve X.L. Liu, “Application of Raman spectrometer (785 nm) to jadeite test” (in Chine with English abstract),, (2007).
  • [38] G. Blasse ve B.C. Grabmaier, “Luminescent Materials”, Springer–Verlag, 232, (1994).
  • [39] Gfroerer, T.H., Photoluminescence in analysis of surfaces and interfaces. In Encyclopaedia of Analytical Chemistry, R.A. Meyers (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 9209–9231, (2000).
  • [40] M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld ve G. Panczer, “Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, 1ed.”, Springer, Berlin, 456(2005).
  • [41] B. Handerson ve G.F.Imbusch, “Optical Spectroscopy”, Oxford University Press, 672(2006).
  • [42] B.J. Luff ve P.D. Townsend, “High sensitivity thermoluminescence spectrometer”, Measurement Science and Technology, 4, 65-71(1993).
  • [43] A.P. Melo, M.E.G. Valerio ve L.V.E. Caldas, “Thermoluminescence characteristics of mineral samples acquired as jade”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 218, 198- 201(2004).
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Yasemin Başevirgen This is me

Murat Hatipoğlu This is me

Yaşar Kibici This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 032


APA Başevirgen, Y., Hatipoğlu, M., & Kibici, Y. (2013). TÜRKİYENİTİN (TÜRK MOR JADESİ) GEMOLOJİK VE MİNERALOJİK İNCELEMESİ VE OLUŞUM KÖKENİNİN BELİRLENMESİ. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(032), 57-78.

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