Research Article
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Year 2011, Issue: 026, 1 - 6, 15.12.2011


In this study we examined the
allelophatic effects of five different concentrations (40, 80, 120, 160, 200
ppm) of citral allelochemical on wheat seed germination. It was seen that
citral has a negative effect on wheat germination. 
effect continues increasingly with the concentration increase. Germination rate
is %80 at the lowest concentration (40ppm) while it is 18% at 200 ppm.
This is why the use of only lower than 400 ppm
citral allelochemical concentration is thought to be appropriate for pest
control of wheat fields.


  • [1] E.L.Rice, Allelopathy-an update, The Botanical Review, 45, 15-109 (1979).
  • [2] M.G.Hale, and D.M Orcut, The Pyhsiology of planta under stres. Blacksburg.Virginia, USA, 206 p. (1987).
  • [3] S. J. H. Rizvi, and V.Rizvi, Allelopathy, Chapman and Hall, New York, USA, 480p.(1992).
  • [4] R. L Zimdahl, Fundamentals of weed scien, 135-287 pp; United Kingdom Edition Published by Academic Press Limited., London (1993).
  • [5] M. H. R Pramanik, , M. Nagai, T. Asao, and Y. Matsui, Effect of temperature and photo period on phytotoxic root exudates of cucumber ın hydroponic culture, J. Chem, Ecol., 26, 1953-1967. (2000).
  • [6] D. T. Wldy, J.S. Pate, and J.R. Bartle, Variations in composition and yield of oils from alley-farmed oil mallees (Eucalyptus spp.) at a range of contrasting sites in the Western Australian wheatbelt, Forest Ecology and Management, 134 (1-3) 205-217 pp.(2000).
  • [7] T.Güngör, and E. Şengezer, Esansiyel yağlar ve hayvanlar üzerindeki etkileri, Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 48 (2), 101-110ss. (2008).
  • [8] A Umay, Lavandula stoeches Melissa officinalis ve Tribulus terrestris bitkilerinin kimyasal içeriklerinin araştırılması, Çukurova Ünv. Yükek lisans Tezi.45s. (2007).
  • [9] S.P.S. Khanuja, A.K.Shasany, A. Pawar, R.K.Lal, M.P Darokar, A.A. Naqvi, S. Rajkumar, V. Sundaresan, N. Lal, and S. Kumar, Essantial oil constituents and RAPD markers to establish species relationship in Cymbopogon spreng. (Poaceae), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 33 (2), 171-186 (2005).
  • [10] M.R.G Carneiro, I. Felzenszwalb, and F.R.J. PaunGartten., Mutagenicity testing of (+-)-camphor, 1,8 cineole, citral, citronellal, (-)-menthol and terpineol with the Salmonella/microsome assay, Mutation Research, 416 (1-2) 129-136 (1998).
  • [11]
  • [12] S. Yentür, Tohum çimlenmesi, Doğa Temel bilimler 6, 175-186 ss.(1982).
  • [13] S. Karaaltın, L. İdikut ,Ö.S Uslu, ve A. Erol, Zakkum bitkisinin kök, gövde, yaprak ve tomurcuk ekstraktların fasülye ve buğday tohumlarının çimlenme ve fide gelişimi üzerine etkileri, Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 7 (1) 111-115 .(2004).
  • [14] S. Topal, Bazı allelokimyasal maddelerin Kütahya yöresinde yaygın yabancı otlar üzerine herbisit etkileri, Doktora Tezi, Gazi Ünv. Fen Bilimleri Enst. (2002).
  • [15] N. Dudai,, Essential oils as allelochemicals and their potential use as bioherbicides, J. Chem. Ecol., 25, 1079-1089 ss.(1999).
  • [16] N. Dudai, Biotransformation of constituents of essential oils by germinating wheat seed, Phytochemistry 55. 375-382 (2000).
  • [17] C.H.Liu, Repellent and insecticidal activities of essential oils from Artemisia princeps and Cinnamomum camphora and their effect on seed germination of wheat and broad bean, Bioresorce Technology, 97 (15), 1969-1973 (2006).


Year 2011, Issue: 026, 1 - 6, 15.12.2011


Çalışmamızda citral allelokimyasalının 40, 80, 120,
160, 200 ppm’lik 5 farklı konsantrasyonları buğday bitkisinin çimlenmesi
üzerine allelopatik etkileri araştırılmıştır. Citralin buğday çimlenmesini
olumsuz etkilediği görülmüştür. Olumsuz etkilenme, konsantrasyon arttığında artarak
devam etmiştir. Çimlenme yüzdesine bakıldığında en düşük konsantrasyon olan 40
ppm’de %80 olan oran, 200ppm’de yaklaşık %18’dir. Bu yüzden citral allelokimyasalının
buğday alanlarında pest kontrolü için ancak 40 ppm’den daha düşük
konsantrasyonlarının kullanılmasının uygun olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • [1] E.L.Rice, Allelopathy-an update, The Botanical Review, 45, 15-109 (1979).
  • [2] M.G.Hale, and D.M Orcut, The Pyhsiology of planta under stres. Blacksburg.Virginia, USA, 206 p. (1987).
  • [3] S. J. H. Rizvi, and V.Rizvi, Allelopathy, Chapman and Hall, New York, USA, 480p.(1992).
  • [4] R. L Zimdahl, Fundamentals of weed scien, 135-287 pp; United Kingdom Edition Published by Academic Press Limited., London (1993).
  • [5] M. H. R Pramanik, , M. Nagai, T. Asao, and Y. Matsui, Effect of temperature and photo period on phytotoxic root exudates of cucumber ın hydroponic culture, J. Chem, Ecol., 26, 1953-1967. (2000).
  • [6] D. T. Wldy, J.S. Pate, and J.R. Bartle, Variations in composition and yield of oils from alley-farmed oil mallees (Eucalyptus spp.) at a range of contrasting sites in the Western Australian wheatbelt, Forest Ecology and Management, 134 (1-3) 205-217 pp.(2000).
  • [7] T.Güngör, and E. Şengezer, Esansiyel yağlar ve hayvanlar üzerindeki etkileri, Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 48 (2), 101-110ss. (2008).
  • [8] A Umay, Lavandula stoeches Melissa officinalis ve Tribulus terrestris bitkilerinin kimyasal içeriklerinin araştırılması, Çukurova Ünv. Yükek lisans Tezi.45s. (2007).
  • [9] S.P.S. Khanuja, A.K.Shasany, A. Pawar, R.K.Lal, M.P Darokar, A.A. Naqvi, S. Rajkumar, V. Sundaresan, N. Lal, and S. Kumar, Essantial oil constituents and RAPD markers to establish species relationship in Cymbopogon spreng. (Poaceae), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 33 (2), 171-186 (2005).
  • [10] M.R.G Carneiro, I. Felzenszwalb, and F.R.J. PaunGartten., Mutagenicity testing of (+-)-camphor, 1,8 cineole, citral, citronellal, (-)-menthol and terpineol with the Salmonella/microsome assay, Mutation Research, 416 (1-2) 129-136 (1998).
  • [11]
  • [12] S. Yentür, Tohum çimlenmesi, Doğa Temel bilimler 6, 175-186 ss.(1982).
  • [13] S. Karaaltın, L. İdikut ,Ö.S Uslu, ve A. Erol, Zakkum bitkisinin kök, gövde, yaprak ve tomurcuk ekstraktların fasülye ve buğday tohumlarının çimlenme ve fide gelişimi üzerine etkileri, Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 7 (1) 111-115 .(2004).
  • [14] S. Topal, Bazı allelokimyasal maddelerin Kütahya yöresinde yaygın yabancı otlar üzerine herbisit etkileri, Doktora Tezi, Gazi Ünv. Fen Bilimleri Enst. (2002).
  • [15] N. Dudai,, Essential oils as allelochemicals and their potential use as bioherbicides, J. Chem. Ecol., 25, 1079-1089 ss.(1999).
  • [16] N. Dudai, Biotransformation of constituents of essential oils by germinating wheat seed, Phytochemistry 55. 375-382 (2000).
  • [17] C.H.Liu, Repellent and insecticidal activities of essential oils from Artemisia princeps and Cinnamomum camphora and their effect on seed germination of wheat and broad bean, Bioresorce Technology, 97 (15), 1969-1973 (2006).
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Dilek Acaroğlu This is me

Süleyman Topal

Publication Date December 15, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 026


APA Acaroğlu, D., & Topal, S. (2011). CITRAL ALLELOKİMYASININ BUĞDAYIN ÇİMLENMESİ ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(026), 1-6.

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