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Year 2009, Issue: 019, 47 - 58, 15.08.2009


this work, the effect of blast furnace slag (BFS) on the properties of blended
cement was investigated. The physical, chemical, mineralogical and mechanical
properties of ordinary portland cement (OPC) and blended cement containing BFS,
as well as the electrokinetic potantials (zeta potantial) of BFS-OPC particles
were examined. Cement pastes were prepared with OPC and BFS were made using XRD,
DTA-TG and FT-IR in order to determine their mineralogical composition and the
determination of the phases developed during the hydration. Furthermore by SEM
28-day microstructures of pastes were determined and mortars were examined
following strength tests. From the result of the study it is seen that while
the addition of BFS has increased the setting time, necessiated smaller amount
of water demand and Ca(OH)2 during the hydration. Moreover BFS has
shown different electrokinetic behaviours and s
compared to


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  • [6] Yazıcı H., “Yüksek fırın curufu katkılı harçların sülfat dayanıklılığının incelenmesi”, DEÜ Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 8 (1): 51-58 (2006).
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  • [8] Eren Ö., Yılmaz, Z., “Değişik sıcaklıklarda kür edilen salt Portland çimentolu, yüksek fırın cürufu veya uçucu kül katkılı betonlarda dayanım gelişimi1”, İMO Teknik Dergi, 23 (1): 3311-3322 (2004).
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  • [14] Gomes, C.E.M., Ferreira, O.P., “Analyses of microstructural proporties of va/veova copolymer modified cement pastes”, Polimeros: Ciencia E Tecnologia, 15 (3): 193-198, (2005).
  • [15] Gomes, C.E.M., Ferreira, O.P., Fernandes, M.R., “Influence of vinyl acetate-versatic vinylester copolymer on the microstructural characteristics of cement pastes”, Material Research, 8 (1): 51–56, (2005).
  • [16] Govin, A., Peschard, A., Guyonnet, R., “Modification of cement hydration at early ages by natural and heated wood”, Cement Concrete Composites, 28 (1): 12-20, (2006).
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  • [19] Yılmaz, B., Ertün, T., Uçar, A., Öteyaka, B., Önce, G., “A study on the effect of zeolites (clinoptilolite) on volcanic tuff blended cement paste and mortars”, Magazine of Concrete Research, , 61 (2): 133-142, (2009).
  • [20] Yoshioka, K., Tazawa, E., Kawai, K., Enohata, T., “Adsorption characteristics of superplasticizers on cement component minerals”, Cement and Concrete Research, 32 (10): 1507-1513, (2002).
  • [21] Nachbaur, L., Nkinamubanzi, P.C., Nonat, A., Mutin, J.C., “Electrokinetic Properties which Control the Coagulation of Silicate Cement Suspensions during Early Age Hydration”, Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 202 (2): 261-268, (1998).
  • [22] Zhang, T., Shang, S., Yin, F., Aishah, A., Salmiah, A., Ooi, T.L., “Adsorptive behavior of surfactants on surface of portland cement”, Cement and Concrete Research, 31 (7): 1009-1015, (2001).
  • [23] Pan, Z., Cheng, L., Lu, Y., Yang, N., “Hydration products of alkali-activated slag–red mud cementitious material”, Cement and Concrete Research, 32: 357–362, (2002).
  • [24] Prince, W., Espagnea, M., Aitcin, P.-C., “Etrenjit formation: A crucial step in cement superplasticizer compatibility”, Cement and Concrete Research, 33: 635–641, (2003).
  • [25] Skripkıunas, G., Sasnauskas, V. Dauksys, M., Palubinskaite, D., “Peculiarities of hydration of cement paste with addition of hydrosodalite”, Materials Science, 25 (3): 627-635, (2007).


Year 2009, Issue: 019, 47 - 58, 15.08.2009


çalışmada yüksek fırın cürufunun (YFC) katkılı çimento özelliklerine etkisi
araştırılmıştır. Portland çimentosu (PÇ) ve YFC katkılı çimentonun fiziksel,
kimyasal, mineralojik ve mekanik özelliklerinin yanı sıra YFC-PÇ taneciklerinin
elektrokinetik potansiyelleri (zeta potansiyel) belirlenmiştir. PÇ ve YFC
katkılı çimento hamurlarının hidratasyon sırasında minerolojik yapısını ve faz
gelişimini belirlemek için DTA-TG,
XRD ve
FT-IR analizleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca 28 günlük mikro yapıları SEM ile
belirlenmiş ve harç numuneleri, dayanım testleri yapılarak incelenmiştir. YFC’nin
priz süresini arttırırken, su ihtiyacını ve hidratasyon süresince açığa çıkan
Ca(OH)2 miktarını azalttığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca YFC, PÇ’ye
göre farklı elektrokinetik davranışlar ve yüzey özellikleri göstermiştir.



  • [1] Tokyay, M., Erdoğdu, K., “Cüruflar ve cüruflu çimentolar”, TÇMB/AR-GE/Y97.2, Ankara, (1997).
  • [2] Erdoğdu, Ş., Kurbetçi Ş., “Betonun performansına sağladıkları etkinlik açısından kimyasal ve mineral katkı maddeleri”, Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri, 426: 115-120 (2003).
  • [3] Yalçın H., Gürü M., “Çimento ve beton”, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, (2006).
  • [4] Yeğinobalı, A., “Çimentoda yeni standartlar ve mineral katkılar”, Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri, 426: 56-61 (2003).
  • [5] Erdoğan, T.Y., “Beton”, ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Yayıncılık ve İletişim AŞ., Ankara, (2003).
  • [6] Yazıcı H., “Yüksek fırın curufu katkılı harçların sülfat dayanıklılığının incelenmesi”, DEÜ Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 8 (1): 51-58 (2006).
  • [7] Özkan, Ö., “Yüksek fırın ve çelikhane cürufu katkılı çimentolarla üretilen harçların sülfat dayanımı”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23 (1): 1-8 (2008).
  • [8] Eren Ö., Yılmaz, Z., “Değişik sıcaklıklarda kür edilen salt Portland çimentolu, yüksek fırın cürufu veya uçucu kül katkılı betonlarda dayanım gelişimi1”, İMO Teknik Dergi, 23 (1): 3311-3322 (2004).
  • [9] Norman L. Weiss (Editor in Cihef), “Mineral processing handbook” 1, SME, New York, (1985).
  • [10] Puertas, F., Fernandez-Jimenez, A., Blanco-Varela, M.T., “Pore solution in alkali-activated slag cement pastes. Relation to the composition and structure of calcium silicate hydrate”, Cement And Concrete Research, 34 (1): 139-148, (2004).
  • [11] Varast, M.J., De Buergo, M.A., Fort, R., “Natural cement as the precursor of portland cement: methodology for its identification”, Cement And Concrete Research, 35: 2055-2065, (2005).
  • [12] Rytwo, G., Trop, D., Serban, C., “Adsorption of diquat, paraquat and methyl green on sepiolite: experimental results and model calculations”, Applied Clay Science, 20 (6): 273–282, (2002).
  • [13] Puertas, F., Fernandez-Jimenez, A., “Mineralogical and microstructural characterisation of alkali-activated fly ash/slag pastes”, Cement & Concrete Composites, 25: 287–292, (2003).
  • [14] Gomes, C.E.M., Ferreira, O.P., “Analyses of microstructural proporties of va/veova copolymer modified cement pastes”, Polimeros: Ciencia E Tecnologia, 15 (3): 193-198, (2005).
  • [15] Gomes, C.E.M., Ferreira, O.P., Fernandes, M.R., “Influence of vinyl acetate-versatic vinylester copolymer on the microstructural characteristics of cement pastes”, Material Research, 8 (1): 51–56, (2005).
  • [16] Govin, A., Peschard, A., Guyonnet, R., “Modification of cement hydration at early ages by natural and heated wood”, Cement Concrete Composites, 28 (1): 12-20, (2006).
  • [17] Neubauer, C.M., Yang, M. Jennings, H.M., “Interparticle potential and sedimentation behavior of cement suspensions: effects of admixtures”, Advanced Cement Based Materials, 8 (1): 17-27, (1998).
  • [18] Termkhajornkit, P., Nawa, T., “The fluidity of fly ash–cement paste containing naphthalene sulfonate superplasticizer”, Cement and Concrete Research, 34 (6): 1017-1024, (2004).
  • [19] Yılmaz, B., Ertün, T., Uçar, A., Öteyaka, B., Önce, G., “A study on the effect of zeolites (clinoptilolite) on volcanic tuff blended cement paste and mortars”, Magazine of Concrete Research, , 61 (2): 133-142, (2009).
  • [20] Yoshioka, K., Tazawa, E., Kawai, K., Enohata, T., “Adsorption characteristics of superplasticizers on cement component minerals”, Cement and Concrete Research, 32 (10): 1507-1513, (2002).
  • [21] Nachbaur, L., Nkinamubanzi, P.C., Nonat, A., Mutin, J.C., “Electrokinetic Properties which Control the Coagulation of Silicate Cement Suspensions during Early Age Hydration”, Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 202 (2): 261-268, (1998).
  • [22] Zhang, T., Shang, S., Yin, F., Aishah, A., Salmiah, A., Ooi, T.L., “Adsorptive behavior of surfactants on surface of portland cement”, Cement and Concrete Research, 31 (7): 1009-1015, (2001).
  • [23] Pan, Z., Cheng, L., Lu, Y., Yang, N., “Hydration products of alkali-activated slag–red mud cementitious material”, Cement and Concrete Research, 32: 357–362, (2002).
  • [24] Prince, W., Espagnea, M., Aitcin, P.-C., “Etrenjit formation: A crucial step in cement superplasticizer compatibility”, Cement and Concrete Research, 33: 635–641, (2003).
  • [25] Skripkıunas, G., Sasnauskas, V. Dauksys, M., Palubinskaite, D., “Peculiarities of hydration of cement paste with addition of hydrosodalite”, Materials Science, 25 (3): 627-635, (2007).
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Atilla Dorum This is me

Yılmaz Koçak

Bülent Yılmaz This is me

Ali Uçar This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 019


APA Dorum, A., Koçak, Y., Yılmaz, B., Uçar, A. (2009). YÜKSEK FIRIN CÜRUFUNUN ÇİMENTO YÜZEY ÖZELLİKLERİNE VE HİDRATASYONA ETKİLERİ. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(019), 47-58.

HAZİRAN 2020'den itibaren Journal of Scientific Reports-A adı altında ingilizce olarak yayın hayatına devam edecektir.